Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Hasna enjoy it.... I hate those Yankees.. the evil empire lol i like that... that's how i picture them too.
  2. Salafi Online... r u a Yankee fan?... it was fixed bro, if something was fixed yankees would done it long time ago. they are the cheapest team alive ever... Wiilo I guess u ate ur words... Red soxs won 4 in a row. with a style.. history is there to be broken, and tonite sister it was broken, yankees could cry in their offseason and could think about who else can the buy.. while the red sox are playing in the world series.. Wiilo nothing personal the better team won... no team in the history of sport ever came back from 0-3, red sox set this new came back, for all 4 major sports in north america, Nfl, Nhl, Nba, and Mlb...
  3. why would u marry someone who has been around?.. oh ok he repented i got it... mombasa queen... all i am saying is, now the person well, there are good ppl in this world, who never did such act, u can't tell me all of them done the deed.. so u should find the question, in another way.. taking them to testing could lead to untrustfull ness in the relationship, are u 2 always gonna go to test everything u guys say to each other.. because once u go to test, the trust is broken.. but if u want to go ahead with it, go ahead... ilahey garabkaaga hagalo.. p.s. i agree u being careful, but find otherway..
  4. ar ma ogeen in aad magacayga saas u jecleed.. i am impressed.. wiilo wir wirleey. waraeey war ku go' wiil jeclaa wiilo fiilo kugu dhacday ma dhahaa. wiilo il daran wiilo wiish isaar wiilo wiifley wir iga dheh. washeensi maku daraa mise waa ka dhaafaa.
  5. ar iskay_baro ilaahey si fiican hana isku sii baro. gabar khayr qabo aa tahay, odayga waad uhadashay, si fiican, adoo kale meesha waalaga waayay ayaamahaan.. maxaa dhacay.. mahad sanid, kiitos.
  6. Qac Qaac


    There was never rivary between Minisota and Green bay.. minni just became good, where green bay is known a title town... a small business team that does good job.. maybe there are a rivary between Packers and Bears.. but vikings.. vikings who.. thank god u guys have Randy moss, and Garnett, or else know one would ever heard about Minnisota... oh yeah and that wwe governor u guys had.. Packers are 2-4 now.. with only Bret Favr and Ahman Green, the rest of the team sucks.. specially on the Defensive side of things.. but hey is never too late for complete turn around..
  7. Lazygirl i was gonna answer u.. but no need to answer back to some one who is not my level.. marka iska daba soco waxaa aa dhahaba, cudur protecting women aa kugu dhacay, wiilo na uma maleenayo in ay rabto helpkaaga.. Wiilo what's going now.. Sweep 100%... r u kidding.. all i have to say to you is David Ortiz 2 games in a row he burned u guys.... as to answer about u dissing canadians... sister i don't know how u r with the business side of sports.. u would realize canada have more better things to worry about like health care then to fund a baseball team, whe we live we value life, america values businesses, sports, and don't care about the poor.. expos are sold coz they can't compete with teams like yankees, as a matter of fact no one could compete with yankees, the owner u guys have buys competition that's not sport.. that's called buying it.. and he still lost to teams like Marlins and Angels he must hate himself.. your team is funded by Manhatten ppl, hope u know who lives there, Jews and famous ppl.. yankees is their team and no matter what they would love to see them win, even if they have to ruin all baseball.. in the future if yankees keep buying players.. no one would play baseball it would be a lock out. i wouldn't be surprised if this winter the yankees go after ichiro and Randy Johnson, they cheap they buy everythig anyways.. sports is better when ppl compete.. Wiilo.
  8. I am a big fan of Kwami Nkrumah too Viking what a man.. if we only had ppl like that now adays... punch of greedy guys everywhere, ex-militio of something, ruined all africa..
  9. jacaylbaro u never get it don't u.. u r scaring these girls to death.. that's why they don't wanna believe it.. but adiga waad ka daba wadaa, gabdhaha ka wareegso duqa.. nin danba maba lahadlayaan hadda ka dib.
  10. Lust and love are 2 different things... is one degree higher than attraction is a wishful thing, u wanna be around that person u r attracted to in sexual way that's lust... love on the other hand, compines lots of things, and lust maybe in it, that's why ppl can't comprehend love, is too broad, it is made of too many things coming together at one time.. mercy, kindness, attraction, lust, want, need, desire. all of them together and many more make up love.
  11. jazakallah khayraa. thanks, mahad sanid. merci. kiitoos, isdaraasifya, gracia, gracias. shukran.. this is the best thing so far.. two bad it only drawed 2 ppl..
  12. adna waa lagu cafiyay, laakiin farxad darteed lugta lee ha iska jabin..ok.
  13. rudy iyo wiilo waa isku fiicantihiin isku sii wadaa, ha joojinina.. Garab sanbuus baroo may wiilo kuu biloowday.
  14. ar anigana igu qora listiga... qosolka qalbiga uu uroonyahay baan maqlay.. nuune iqor..
  15. get a cd.. and listen to it.. if u can at work.. islam way i always listen to...
  16. That's why u marry some one known... some one from good family.. some one u know his or her friends.. some one that u might possibly know what they did since their childhood.. research..ask around... no need for test..
  17. ali & fatima Jamaal & Jamiila Fuad & fauziya fatxi & fatxiya faysal & faiza ahmed & ayaan Nuur & nuura Nasir & nasra.. Abdi & ibaado
  18. what's the point of being proud of something u didn't choose.. u saw urself in Africa or in Somalia.. u didn't choose it. so what's the point.. but i am proud of the old somalians, and the old africa, i am not proud of the africa after colonial era... Og girl, and mutakalim how come i am not surprised...
  19. article belivie haddaa ku jirtid, miskiin aa iska tahay.
  20. Qac Qaac


    wiilo i never heard that book.. can u elaborate on that..
  21. labadiina up and down.. iyaah, jaceel iga dheh.
  22. Qac Qaac


    Stoic that is a tough question.. hope some one answeres.. coz i don't know... salafi online.. he knows african history.. i don't know about african american history if he knows..
  23. ee hala joojiyo soo mala isku ogeen.. maxaa dhacay?