Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. tuujiye lol.. dooro qal lol wiilo u seem to be down really, it sads me to see u like this.. cheer up sis. this team yankees beat your minisota Twins so is pay back to them why u care... i know u would love the cardinals to win that would be a little reinforcement for u...
  2. shokolaato loool. that was funny.. too much drama i agree, and it is anti islamic.. as sissade said.
  3. taas way igu cusubtahay....Iskay
  4. Hell contains HE!!!! and Heaven contains HE!!! thank god we are not all evil. FF what is ur point then..Huh?
  5. Qac Qaac


    My question is... since no one is asking... Who could tell me, the sahabi(companion's name. He was the right hand man for Khalid bin waleed sort of.. he took part of many battles. he had a famous horse... he had a deep voice... who could tell me his name?...
  6. I second that Tuujiye.. where is CK..
  7. Kool kat well said sister.. that was what i was saying all this time.. but u know most of the ppl here see with one eye, and if that eye focusses on something, it is really hard to tell that there is something better on the other side, unless u turn that whole person... Lazygirl i wanna see what kind of relationship u get.. test him every 6 months... u should have a house near cleanic then.. where u could take ur blood every 6 months.. and as kook kat said, can u bring me that husband of yours that would say yes to this hell relationship.
  8. Iskey_baro.. horta i have to say, since shaati badalka u were not the same... ever!!! as for me... Boyfriend girlfriend.. i don't even believe it.. and as u saying u all have one.. i hope u r talking the ladies here, coz for the guys atleast i got no girlfriend think going on, specially in Ramadaan. bisinka.. maxaas ku daaray yaakhay.. to go back to the topic.. if i was that man, u tested this way... that was the last time u see me. i would dump u on the spot.. as soon as u tell me, or i find out what u did.. coz obviously u don't trust me... and is no point of my trying to get your trust... Gabdhaha way badan yihiin now adays... marka walaashiis, i would advice, first of to loose your boyfriend.. or get married as soon as u can. seconly if u r serious about this relationship, don't do things like this that would jeopardize your relationship... waan ka baxay.
  9. Lazygirl whatever makes u happy sister wiilo sorry. but yankees are carbage... Raula i am impressed with your knowledge of the red sox... but how u think they would do against... albert pujols scot rollings jim edmonds reggie sounders and edgar renteria... P.I. i don't think the curse is over yet.. the red sox have to win the world series... then the curse will be lifted off their shoulders.. IL Capo.. all the other topics in here... are all about soccer, the only one about baseball, u can't let it go. you envy it.. come on man..
  10. Qac Qaac


    Oh i heard about this black sahabiyah woman.. mash'allah what a woman.. she is..
  11. Viking that is horrifying bisinka... legend of zoo thanks for clarifying.
  12. wiilo i think st.louis would win the champion.. but come on, give the red sox their credit.. they beat that evil empire of yankees, did u see how the news papers rip the yankees on thrusday morning looooooooool. i like it.
  13. Qac Qaac


    ok show me the rivary.. i know they both play in the same devision and must play each other 2wice each year... but their rivary is nothing compare to the bears vs. packers... now that is history... as for vikings.. they are late commers.. and might wanna have a new history against green bay...
  14. Iskay_baro filinka hindiga aa dawaneesid jooji.. maxaa waaye sheekadaan, Hollywood ending..
  15. yeah Da.. we should change the world to Herstory instead of History.. women to Womyn fireman to fire fighters.. and many more.. examples out there..
  16. Tamaam dhinaca gabdhaha maa ka socotaa mise dhinaca wiilasha.. Jacaylbaro ok waatahay, adiga iyo iyaga waan isku kiin sii daayay, ee bax is rifa..
  17. ar tan Q badanaa, balaayo ku qaloocisay. wiilo wis wisleey wiilo war badanaa, ma tarantaraha baa kala go'ay wiilo intii wir aa lagu dhihin. wiilo wakhti badni in aad heeso waa loo jeedaaya ee waa maxay warkaan ujeedadiisa.. wiilooy wir wirka joojiye wiilooy waran kugu ma dhacee wiilo wasakhleey wiilo wash antonian.. wiilo wiil la *** rir wiilo wiifoow saaranoo wiil rifeesa wiilo weersho
  18. Qac Qaac


    tough question Raula...
  19. wasn't there hadith that says if u see the prophet in a dream, u must be one of the good ppl, or u'll be entering jannah.. anyways i don't wanna give u the wrong idea.. but i would say sister look for that hadith, coz the prophet's picture in a dream, is always real and is him, coz the satan can't take the prophet's form.. anyways ask the knowledgable ppl.. i would say, u r a lucky person to see him, mash'allah what a nite site i would imagine.. i wish one day i would get the oppertunaty to see our beloved Prophet scw..
  20. Ar Idinkaa? haddii xadiis la idinku dul akhriyo, haddii xadiis yada la soo badiyo oo labo iyo 3dex la idin ku dul akhriyo wali waa sii wadeesiin.. haddii kitaabka jaamaca ah dhan la idinku dul akhriyo xattaa ma joo jinaysiin, ar taraawiix tugada hadalkaan soo gaabiyaa... ani hadalka Golden girl, aa wadnaha i fadhiistay.. aysh calayk, dahab gabar..
  21. what a jerk?.... was that outloud. Mombase Queen... Ok. if u decide to take the test go ahead, i won't stop u. I just don't think, it is a good idea... I know the world is innocent anymore... but still u have no right of suspecting everone u see... but u might be right.. no believes values, and manners anymore. Besbaaso I like the way u wrote my name, but is not qac x 2. is one qac and one qaac... add them and u get qac qaac.. hope u got the difference.. so u saying u can't know a person fully, he or she might does something when u r not looking, or u r not there.. if u believe this the u just like mombasa queen go ahead with the test.. ilaahey khayr hakaaga dhigo.. but u 2 are right ppl lie nowadays.. a lot.. so how would u know... well my frist advice is horta, ka badasha meelaha aa ka qaraabataan, if u r usually looking for 60% good guy, then yeah u should doubt the other 40% what he done. but make ur aim higher go to 90% ball park.. the really good guys... these guys are always boring.. most of the time.. because good is boring nowadays...