Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Besbaaso afraid for her... ppl acting saints because it is ramadaan, and have Eid party right after ramadaan finish it.. what a ppl...
  2. Qac Qaac


    Sorry me don't like Yankees and Lakers.. Like Red Sox, and Pistons..
  3. If this only among us Muslims is ok, we could talk about our dirty loundary here... but to talk like this in front of non muslims would be bad.. though i understand where u coming from Tamina..
  4. taas waxay cadaynaysaa in soomaaliya laga aamin saneen wax la yiraah do psychology.. ama cuqdad nafsi...
  5. sharafta ha iga qaadin, ee aniga kuma ceen. waxa aan ku iri waa wax la eg inta aa iga tiri kaliya, laakiin hadaa cay ahaan u qaadatay, raali ahoow.
  6. Qac Qaac

    W O M E N?

    in ur darkest dreams u wish..... misguided.... That is so girly.. although i don't like feminist girls.. but we shouldn't be treating all our women the same.. i know those feminist girls kill their name.. but we gotta be fair guys come on..
  7. saaxiibay adaa bilaabay, ee calool xanuunka jooji, kuna noqo waxa aad iga qortay fiirina..
  8. Ar oprah naagaha in ay haleeso ee meesha u fadhisaa Juxa taas example ha isticmaalin walaashiis... Juxa and Tuujiye, luuqa isla aada hadalkiina wuu batay... wiilo adi go figure badanidaa, madaxa aaba na wareerisay..
  9. xoogsade qac daan aad sheegayso waa maxay.. qac maa noqotay... wah.
  10. Famme Fatale is that a prison.. or a relationship acuudu billahi..
  11. Qac Qaac


    the lakers have better chance of making the playoff then. Nets. girl get updated, no Kenyon Martin, and Jason Kidd will be away for half of the season.. how they gonna make the playoff tell me.. lakers atleast have kobe, odom, butler and more players, they could sneak in..
  12. Qac Qaac


    khutbatu wadaac the last sermon.. in Hajj kacbah.. the place... your first question i didn't understand.. so clarified for us..
  13. Femme Fatale.. maah maahdaas midkale aa raacday... goes like this.. "meel haddii lagaa faanin, waala is faaniyaa" ma maqashay that one..
  14. Qac Qaac

    W O M E N?

    Nuune too late feminist dalaq already.. Iskay_baro ma biloowday adigana cudurka.
  15. ar tan Caramel Kisses aa nagu wareeriseen meel haka dhacdo haday rabto, hal goor lee na mootiya, iyada maalin walba tacsi maa loo dhigaa loooool.
  16. Qac Qaac


    I said deep voice sis, not nice voice.. i would say the answer anyways.. so some one else could ask a question.. the answer is... the companion's name is... QAC QAAC BIN AMR AL-TAMEEMI OR QA' QA' BIN AMR AL TAMEEMI so those of u who make fun of the name.. stop it, coz it is a companion's real name..
  17. iskey_baro is 18... your business waaye, ee orod meel daran kala dhac loool.
  18. Qac Qaac


    Wiilo Nets are not that good this year, they will be bad team.. lazygirl the atlantic devision is up for graps anyone could win it, those teams are evenly equal.. Dallas i like them with steve nash and newitzky now they seperated i dont like it..
  19. Qac Qaac


    no chocolaato and shoobaro.. he is a business man.. nope.
  20. Wiilo yes there always next year..
  21. Qac Qaac


    guys i know it is early for nba season to start... we still have 12 days left... but i dont't want anyone to cheat, to get a feel for the teams then they could pick... i want u guys to pick now... which team do u think would win the nba championship this year.... my pick would be Detroit or Spurs?.. Houston next year after this one.. after t-mac and yao get used to each other...