Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Wiilo tuujiyoow hadda u baahantahay sheego. hadda qac nimo ubaahantahayna sheego.. laakiin daba galka jooji.
  2. and here we go again.. iskey is difaac hee markale.. guys CK way dhimatay, iyada iyo kisskeedaba ramadaanka inta waa laga band gareeyay.
  3. Nuune u called him already Orgi loooool. my name is qac qaac and wlc sis/bro.
  4. Talk about jahiliya stuff.. this place is becoming very predictable.. gender war.. boys lagooyay damn, ilaahey ha ufududeeyo dhibaatadooda. for the fgm of the women well that is jaahiliya stuff, and it should be stopped.. p.s. this social science students argue about everything... i guess that's what they study...
  5. Qac Qaac


    Persia modern day Iran.. battle of Yarmuuk. and lots of non believers were killed by the muslims.. noticably Khalid bin Waleed and Qac Qaac bin amr al-tameemi, Sacad bin Waqas was the Amiir... Am I right? chocolaato.. coz there was lots of battle were muslims won, and most of the arab countries became muslim by sord, specially in sham...
  6. kaalay adi wax qoraa maa tahay Wiilo.. mise gabyaa, maxaa marba xaraf aa iska daba qabsanee, abwaan iga dheh.. Juxa mac sonkor, shaqada hala guu sii siyaadiyo aamiin dheh.. tuujiye, sheekadaa marka aan akhriyay ilin baa igu soo istaagtay, sanbuus yar cunay.. kaalay sanbuus iyo ramadaan ma isla socdaan horta waaba la yaabee. bur saliid iyo bur shiil shiil ku dara nooh.
  7. Qac Qaac


    cut the talk short.. we'll see when the games begin.. Nove 2nd.. same day as the election day.
  8. U can't even say i am american, is that how bad it is. u have to add something geo american lool good one.. adduunka waalaga nacay raggaas looooool. as for canada.. what can i say, we didn't go to war.. against Iraq...
  9. Hasna, Kerry won't win... is U.S. lots of dumb ppl in that country... so gues who they'll vote for..
  10. rokko, good question?.. although game of baseball is only played in america and some caribean countries...... since U.S. is involved and they dominate the world.. they figured they are the world.. and called it the world series..
  11. Qac Qaac


    6ers would win the atlantic devision.. ahaha lool u kidding me... let me show u how many teams are in there 76ers celtics raptors nets knicks anyone could win that devision... i think the raptors, celtics, and knicks all have a good chance to win... I love the starting 5 of t.o. over any of the other starters of the atlantic devision.. but can t.o. stay healthy... only healthiness is on their way of being the champs for that devision... 1. pistons 2. pacers 3. heat coz of shaq 4. (6ers,raptors, knicks) 5. cavs...
  12. wiilo warkaas mala hubaa, waxaa umaleenayay in aad xertiisa aad ka mid tahay...adigana.. ma Raula ugu ween xertiisa..
  13. Fatal woman, caloosha lee habee nooh, maxaa kalaa rabtaa lool.
  14. aroos maa soo dhoow.. iskay ku sii adkeeso booskaaga i like it.. somaalinimada ee ka mid tahay. madax adeega iyo muranka,, femme fatale am i correct.. Besbaaso i am not afraid of woman like that, but i wouldn't live with them.. no headeches for me.
  15. iyaah xanaaq iyo jaceel perfect couples... so who would play xanaaq role..
  16. ar qac baro maxaa laga rabaa, Raula maxaas jira, minaankaaga bariis maa laga cuni karaa... Nuune signaturekaaga, indho xanuun iyo carabka uu murqo naga gashay.. Tuujiye adi gabdhihii dhan way kaa ashahaateen, Juxa, Raula, Wiilo, dhib badanidaa bisinkee. Raula looool tilmaamta Tuujiye waad la heshay... isha iyaa ka tuurtay.
  17. Qac Qaac


    sxb pistions would destroy the heat, like they did last year, and with the lakers..
  18. raula lol, i am not a collage fan. i am into professional sports.. like Nhl, nba, mlb, and nfl.. eel capo ok, man, u r a soccer fan, a mean football fan, u from England is all good bro.. but don't ruine it for baseball fans...
  19. Qac Qaac

    W O M E N?

    OG moti, maxkamad maa lagu saaray. lol.
  20. Qac Qaac


    mucaad not mucaab, is typo.
  21. Qac Qaac


    u mean dhaxalka?... let me take a guess.. corrected if it is wrong.. Mucaab bin Jabal.
  22. waraa u serious, wiilka ceebtiisa astur nooh... waxaas na waxay ka mid tahay, xaq darooyinka soomaaliya, iyo sida dadka weak ah loo sii ceen jiray, no help for them what so ever, if u r dhagool, they call u dhagood. duhurkii wixii lagu gu arko, casarkii waalagugu ceen. ar soomaaliya danbi badneedaa. punch of ppl with no heart or emotions, naxariis la aan darteed wadanka roob la aan aa ka dhacday...
  23. None... Don't wanna get involved with Muslim (corrupted) governments..