Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. good waa maku dhahaa, hadalkaaba igu celisay..
  2. Qac Qaac


    6ers or the raptors would come out of the atlantic devision.. Knicks... are u kidding me. 2 point guards, u 2 small.. how u gonna stop labron james, vc, pp, ai. come on man.. Jaylani, the rockets would contend for champion.. and they might destroy ur t-wolves bro.. u might be right about what u said about t-mac.. but rockets are too good. bro..
  3. Qac Qaac


    Eagles barely won man.... against great DDDDD they strugle homeboy.. so i can't give them respect... i have to see them in the superbowl then i will... Capital Z... are u saying Pats could only win in Foxboro.. do u think, this is the fenway park.. loool. waraa am i qac.. or am i seeing doubles..
  4. Qac Qaac


    very special what u mean by that... Abdirahman bin Auf didn't kill him, although he narrated the story.. i thought it was Abdullahi bin Mascuud.. maybe u tell us.. sis. we don't know.
  5. ok wiilo i won't ask. wah, wareer badanidaa.
  6. lol @ little girl loooooool Queen u 2 have problem with tuujiye..
  7. Qac Qaac


    is Nusaybah bint ka'ab.. what a woman..i hope u sister learn more about this companion of the prophet scw... so raula u mentioned her name, so i gave u the answer... wiilo to answer ur question.. Abu Jahl was kafir guy who bothered our prophet scw... and was killed by 2 kids of the ansaar saxaaba, the ppl of madina... and got his head cutten off by abdullahi bin mascuud. am i right?
  8. shiikhoow anaga noo jilci.. although i know and understand most of them... but i don't use them.. i use iyaga oo la soojilciyay.. for carabka..
  9. Qac Qaac


    waraa look what i wrote above u, read it carefully u'll see that i am saying, indiana would be better than the heat. but the heat will be above them in standing..
  10. Qac Qaac


    new england lost looooool... and face the same team next week... vikings are not real team, depend on only one guy.. he is out, they out..
  11. Besbaaso i wish ramadaan continued to the next month.. i am actually sad about ur news.. famme fatale and wiilo.. faraha iga qaada ok. i am not annoyed, ee waxaa la yaabsanahay dadkaan wali ku soo taagan in ay wax test gareeyaan cajiib. saxuur haddaa ii heesaan i don't mind... Famme Fatale.. if i come to u as a patient, i bet we would change spots, and anaa ku daaween lahaa, and listen to all your problems. u and ur psychlogy ba kursiga aan seexin lahaa. kadib aa quraafaad kugu akhrin lahaa, intaa ku dhaho indhaha isku qabso.. as for wiilo, yaa waylak.. besbaaso, busbaaska ka yaree saxuurta pls.. kool kat, qosol weenidaa, intaaba lagaa maqli karaa.
  12. Besbaaso would u dance with every guy.. in the xaflad or the party.. bisinka.
  13. i think we should educate the kids, and the adults that think they know everything about sex education and the fiqh of islam... together... it won't be enough just to have a workshop on it.. bring the fiqh in it.. and they it would be good. as for those teens who are sexually active get them married.. damn it..
  14. where in the world did u live adi wiilo? u think araksan is wiil name.. cudur wiil aa kugu dhacay adi.. Araksan soo dhawoow, maxaa araktaa abaydiis, how is Germany.. where u live, Berlin or Born or Frankfort.. xagee yaaqey.. Nuune aan soo diraynaaye.
  15. that's why u get kicked around all the time adi.. as na gets wlc sign..
  16. igu dar anigana na lool @ beer.
  17. waraa illaayo hadda ma fahmin, imtixaankaan, Nuune, ani waxaan helay since aaba fahmin, less than 0... -1, laakiin i know for sure i beat u... -3 aa carraroosa adi..
  18. ani miskiin faraha iga qaad.
  19. Qac Qaac


    who was the only women defending the prophet scw.. in Uxud.. I need that saxaabiyat name... and i would encourage the girls here to learn this great sahabiyah of the prophet scw... what is her name? she had 2 of her sons, and her husband fighting with her too, she cut her hand.. am i making it easty... what a woman... waxaas aa lagaa dhahaa woman iyo kartina xagaas bay ku baaba'day.
  20. labadiina isku bilaaba nooh, maxaa waaye kor maristaan... so we agree wiilo xooga, quruxda dhinac ee ka martay.. and she goes by, personality.. lol.
  21. Qac Qaac


    Wiilo guess what again.. the Giants are killing the vikings 27-0 last time i checked that's pathetic... and your eagles the best offense, the best raciever are barely holding to their lead, 2 field goals no touch down what so ever.. ceeeb badanaa.. Ravens DDDDDD..
  22. bas waaye u 3 are the finalists... loooool so funny sii wada.. afka idin wada qalal yay ma dhahaa. mise waan ka daayaa.
  23. Qac Qaac


    although my name is not viking.. but i would answer it anyways... legend here it is.. in order.. 1. abu bakr 2. omar bin khattab 3. Othman bin Affan 4. Ali bin abi Talib 5. Talhah bin Ubaydillah 6. Abu Ubayda ibn Jarrah 7. sacad bin zaid 8. abdirahman bin auf 9. sacad bin abi waqqaas. 10. Zubair bin Awwaam.