Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. I was thinking of Queen Marry nooh.. Jalaqsan, soonka hadda ma heesee adi.. ar yaa tan ookale arkay..
  2. looo jalaqsan... me no voting for 2 cadaan gaalo haye..
  3. ar dhaga xeeya and dila balaayada iyada iyo wixii la mid ah... loooool. guys this kind of ppl are good for islam.. they would make more ppl muslim by their hate.. Raula waad hadashay walaashiis, well said.. I agree with u.
  4. well we canadians watch u guys do ur own thing, and corrupt the world more... take our lead.. and become social demograt..
  5. jalaqsan kulahaa, abaydiis jalaqsani waa laga ilbaxay ayaamahaan waxaa la rabaa murqo goo gosan.. sidii dictionary camal.. kaalay labadiinaba wiilasha aa dili jirteen miyaa, ar iga tak.. hadda ka hor wiil aa muufada kaa dafay markaas aa waraf kadaba geesay since then hoppy ee ba kuu noqotay in wiilasha hilfaha aad u qaadit haye... wiilo adna mayeerisitid.. ar iga taga hani ha iwaalina.. gabdho wax shiidaya xagee lageen, jalaqsan ciid waligaa masiisay wiil.. wiilo adiga waxaa u egtahay gabar wiil u eg.. jalaqsan kaas aad booc boocsan jirtay ani ma ihi.. ani haddaa hal tilaabo iga soo daba qaadit, hal cadlaha aan kaa labaxaa runtii.. imataqaanid.. dadka jidka kale ee iga maraan. lol.
  6. Qac Qaac


    if somethng, the rockets took 3 steps forward... what r u guys talking about... and no tim duncin is gonna win the mvp... if he stays healthy..
  7. Qac Qaac


    vote for kerry.. although they both are the same... vote for the less evil guy...
  8. Qac Qaac


    thank u.. my question... How many times the prophet's name is mentioned in the Quran? and who is the only saxabi or the companion of the prophet, mentioned in the quran?.. easy ones for ahlul quraan..
  9. no thanks!! dad waalan lama sheekee san karo.. wax kaa fiyoow aa la sheekeestaa..noo
  10. Gaalada nooh, hadaba yaa wax bara muslim world.. sorry couldn't resist...
  11. Idinka wixiina life chat miyaa, this is live haye.. sii wada hee..
  12. wiilo maku adkeesatay... I love my somali ppl, madax adeegtinimo darteen ee qar haddaa ooga dhacayaan..
  13. Qac Qaac


    I am sure Dalxah bin Cubaydillah was the other guy, he was the guy who was the last left with the prophet... sacad was the arrow guy, and there was a time he himself wasn't there, and Dalxah took more than 80hits oo iskugu jira seef, dhagax buris, falaar mindi, anything, when abu bakr and abu ubaydah came back, the prophet scw told them to take care of talxah and he has fallen to a well or whole.. he got his jannah because of this action.. maybe u r talking about another side of the story.. anyways who is the other saxabi tell me. i thought it was Dalxah for sure...
  14. u so nice.. how was the midterm.. feedback pls..
  15. Araksan adolf hitler sounds good to me.. Tuujiye.. or Araksan Heinze or Araksan steinberg.. Aragsan spielberg... any one of those names would suit u..
  16. hey guys leave the girl alone.. she wants to dance with her man.. is that a sin.. oooooh it might be.. remember we are in ramadaan thing lool.. have fun... iskay-baro, adi difaac sidii aa uxiratay labo asbuuc ka hor, wali waa ku jirtaa, maxaa dhacay yaakhay..
  17. Sax, we neglect the religion.. so we pay the consequences... simple as that..
  18. this just adds to our crimes in Somalia.. when do they stop? There are ways islamically to be dealt with fornicators and adulters and we should fallow it. the rules are the to be practiced.
  19. Qac Qaac

    W O M E N?

    when bacteria changes residance looool. that was funny.. Nafta that was nice saying. Jacaylbaro jaceelka waad heen la'dahay haye, Nafta makula dul dhacday, well good choice coz gabadhaas atleast naf ee ku galinee... kaalay horta shiikh inta ma noojooga oo wax meherinkara.. ilaahoow tuujiye haka dhigin shiikhaas, kaas qudbo siro iyo arimo kale uu la imaan lahaa.. hadduu rabo temple uu geen lahaa gabadha... asaga iyo nuune... Besbaaso, ramadaan kaliya ma caabudno ilaahey,
  20. As I said b4 u 2 find a room... stop killing every topic.. like legend said.. luuqa isla aada.. anaga wararacdiina way na dhibtay, ask legend..he'll tell u
  21. qacqac i got none to tell you waryaa. Queen Marry I mean Mombasa Queen, why.... don't let garab tuujiye get the better of u, don't show him anything, ka sii waal lee..
  22. shoobaro looooool.. ar wiilo advice xumidaa, u 2 make out kulahaa... i think, make up aa ka waday.. i won't let u hang like shoobaro.. Besbaaso that was nice, the way u answered him.. busbaas aa ku sayrisay... ina bakhti lagde.. ma wax uu lagdo miyuu waayay bisinka.. p.s. shoobaro lool, wait ciid kulaahaa, advicekaan aaba ka sii daray kii wiilo..
  23. ar adi wali ma is yareenoosaa... bas yaakhay naga dhaaf pls.. eebiteey kulahaa.. yaa ku cabee waraa.
  24. Qac Qaac


    Wiilo they are Talhah bin Abuydillah, and Sacad bin abi waqaas.. Ali wasn't there at that time.. although he was in the battle... the first 2 to come back to them.. were Abu bakr.. and Abu ubaydah ibn Jarrah.. is that correct..