Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Lucky star u might be right... but still would u rank rape more severe then killing...
  2. Waraa Nuune i am impressed that u know u heard of baseball in Ireland and u know the yankees too. waraa dish maa soo xadday nin yoho... i know u hate it... Wiilo ee maxaa adi, murunkii maa soo celinee, bas waayahay u r a yankee fan... although i am amazed of how some one could be a yankee fan, my opinion..
  3. spend 10000 in your wedding looooool. I agree with Kool Kat here.. very small one..
  4. let's not mix stuff here.. the hadith is to educate both men and women, what to do, when they are junub, never does it talks about this is what sex is all about, and that bla bla, waxaas waa shuqul gaaleed, in our religion it always gives room to manoover. also how would u think of, ur parents after they tell you about or educate u about s e x.. how would u picture them.. so for the sake of the ppl who shy, it is better that u tell the kid, the haram and the halal part of it.. and the consequences if u have s e x with out marriage, but anymore informations about this.. is extra. extra.. and not usefull, and disgustingly ceeb.. waan ka baxay.
  5. old men are the best for young confused graduate girls!!! wiilo adi odayaasha xatta dhinac ee kaa marayaan, good luck sis lol.
  6. malaa'ik iyo nuur aa isku maqli jiray.. waa maxay dark la sheegayo. amee shaydaan aragtay... waraa dayuus is a pimp... this guy is raper.. I think, killing is bigger sin, then raping, coz the person is no longer here living in this world.. while from raping u could recover from it.. so i disagree Moti..
  7. Qac Qaac


    since my question wasn't answered and skiped, i would ask again... How many times in the quran does the prophet's name (muhammad) mentioned? i need a number..
  8. so u saying wiilo is bajaq...
  9. How can someone be a yankee fan... specially when they ruined the whole baseball.. how can u even say a word when u choked, and couldn't win one game.. come back from 0-3 never happend in modern days in sports... it happen to yankees.. how can some one be a yankee fan after 911.. damn. bro.. wlc.. but yankees stink with their big pay rol
  10. 70% of the canadian population are male.. where do u live bro.. is that a u.s. propaganda.. women ane men who are better drivers.. well i would say women since they drive on 50miles per hour..
  11. be under her.. what in the world.. Bajaq wixii jil jilicsan aa la dhahaa nooh, ee see Jalaqsan utahay bajaq, hadday tahay bajaq, then she can't be jalaqsan. wax bajaq ah oo jalaqsan waligaa ma aragtay.. wiilo adiga miyaa qof sawirada soo xadda.. tuug la qabtay talo malaha.
  12. ok huuno, sorry anaa qabo marka afuufoow Nuune adna asbuucaan aa hargeesa iiga daba timid hayye.. waraa qarxiska jooji, dad aan u been guuraayaaye... jalaqsan ok mucaarad matihid, burcad baad tahay. ok... that's better... lool@ wiilo afuufoow maa kugu dhacay, war dee dadkeena from Hargeesa magaranayaan afuufoow waa maxay bahalka, ma wax la cunaa..
  13. and have ur first kid when u r 50... ar dadkaan oo wada calaacal ku jira, waaba yaabay old thing iga dheh, ani naxdin.. waxaaba rabay in aan isku qeebiyo 10camal... nuune meesha ka kac nin yoho. waad ujeeda waxa lawada leeyahay, darbi qoriska ka celi gabdhaha u dadaal.
  14. waaw jalaqsan and i was waiting feer iyo haraati iyo is jiid jiid nooh... thanks lee dhahday.. isma lurto, qiic maxaad ka wadaa, qaacis aa lagugu bilaabi haddaa joojin qarxiska... madax adeeg list 1. jalaqsan 2. wiilo 3. maybe ani.
  15. let's not generalize all the brothers.. and i doubt that ur generation of men are those that sit in the coffee shops.. so pls let's help each other, we are brothers and sisters, no need for gender war between the families.. with all those educated women, i am still waiting a woman is scholar in deen..
  16. Rahima no matter what the parent say or does.. the children would still exprience it for themselves.. and when that happens ppl act different ways.. I didn't make a sever sin sis.. i just said it is ceeb in our culture to talk about certain stuff and this is one of them... if u r saying u would do it. and u would educate them about sex, in the name of hiv and std go ahead. but sis they already seen it from tvs, and heard about it everytime in schools, or from friends... anyways who is the kid that would listen to his parents talk about s e x with him... waa isku yax yixi.. yaakhay.. anyways all the power to u.. go ahead and talk to them about this stuff...
  17. some things never change.. DA on Tuujiye's throat.. hunting him, every little word he says... Besbaaso thank u sis.....@ qacx2 why do u assume that i don't dress modestly?.....infact i do...and it disappoints me...that u r so narrow minded..... marka hore say acuudi billah, marka kale tell me when i said to u, u don't dress modestly marka sedaxaad if u r open minded good for u.. waxay kuu tarto wax ha iga siin... wide minded..
  18. Some alien.. i have a friend there... goes to Concordia... I came many times b4 too.. so most likely i'll be in the down town area.. although st.cathrine street not good for muslims.. but gotta shop there nevertheless...
  19. Nune bajaq miyaa loooool... Hey that can't be true.. what in the world?.. Shabella xagee ka soo aruurisaa sawiradaan adi.
  20. Qac Qaac


    Mobb deep that's some sick dunk bro.. u still in shock.. happened 3 or 4 yrs ago.. and still it is sick.. damn.
  21. it is good thing that our women become educated.. but i sincerely hope they learn something that would benefit them, and their society, and back home somalia..... even though is one of the sign of qiyamah, when the women come out in front, and dominate men like they are now.. in almost most of the fields.. also when u see muslim women giving dacwah more then the men.. I personally don't mind... i wish though, they were close to the islamic studies more..
  22. I wanna say the day u girls here become mothers and talk to your doughters about s e x... is ceeb to me because of my culture... Raxima.. walaashiis religionka teeda waxba kama qabo.. laakiin just sit there talk about pure non sense with ur kid, in the name of educating them, i am against..if u teaching ur kids why this act is haram, the problems that come after it, the tricks satan use before.. and the fiqh part, what to do when u junub and etc.. those i am not against...