Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. and that is when u not harsh.. marka aad harsh aa tahay ha na soo marin bisinka.. disown them kulahaa, maxaa mala deerin..
  2. I think, they would think of us, dad meeshaan ku dhaadhaamay...
  3. dhikh dhikh dhikh dhikh.... ar iga daaya bas.. waan fuuray..
  4. ar nuune sadex wax lee soo qortay, aa markaas lagu jiiday ilaayo jidka sodonka + 1.. ar nuune maxaa balaayo ku heesataa... waraa 2. maxaa tiri.. waan bislaaday ee icun, nin yaho bilaa caleek fasir.. jilci more..
  5. what sin did the falluja ppl have done.. to get this... that's what i am thinking about..
  6. Qac Qaac


    If this team was in here, and this team was there.. bro u using IF this and IF that.. come on bro.. hypothetical is not needed, need facts..
  7. a lot of love going on... Rahima, it was critcism.. for the better, not shots taken at them..
  8. and why is this so ceeb? how in god's name were you created?? u certainly didnt appear from the sky, and ur child will ask "mommy, daddy, where did i come from,how did i get here?" "you came from mommy's stomach" only works for so long... I guess, this kind of mentality are from the new generations..
  9. lol @ ant meat.. it is so small i imagined..
  10. lol @ raami, sxb guurso all of them nin yoho.. u r free, wayna kuu banaantahay... gabadhii qeelisa it means she is a potential.. nin wax garad aad tahay...
  11. Qac Qaac


    su'aasha waan aqaan, laakiin magac yada waan soo qaban la'ahay... sheekaadaan marar badan kollayba waan maqlay...laakiin hilmaam..
  12. waad kuwada mahad santihiin noo yaasha badan aad iigu fasirteen erayga bajaq......inkastoonba waxba ka faa'ideysanin Ouch! odayaashaan sharafta leh, tafsiirkooda dhan, oo ay wakhti badan gasheen dhan, wax maka faa iidaysanweysay... Ouch!! bajaq si fiican ay jilciyeen, micnaheeda way yaqaanaan raggaan, siiba Nuune.. leef leef yaano shiid shiid qasac looooooool.. dad waalan..
  13. They both are cowardly act, but c'mon being murdered there is no coming back from that, you are putting your pride over life it self, thats selfish Nyce.. that was the point i was trying to make all the time... Murdered u not here, u gone.. to akhira..
  14. xayawaanka geel uma eka nin yoho... but the other one. waxaan umaleen in ay tahay ari badan oo daaqaya..
  15. Qac Qaac


    dont take away anything from the Pheonix, Raptors, and Utah. they all seem good... but maybe the loosing streak of Kings, and Grizzlies are more shocking after what they did last year... Orlando loosing to Charlette is another surprise..
  16. Qac Qaac


    Wiilo not yet known... if we go by number.. how many wins they have.. then it is patriots, steelers, and eagles... for now.. we still have long way to go to see, who is gonna do it, or who is gonna choke like yankees lool..
  17. Qac Qaac


    Good heavens, since no one is answering it. I assume no one knows the answer.. here it is. 5 times the name Muhammad is mentioned in the Quran, now u know..
  18. so u saying if someone gets raped, it was better for that person to die.. give up all life.. can't bare herself.. not worth of living anymore..
  19. Guys wiilo & nuune, Huuno yaa ladhahaa..
  20. Qac Qac, a graduate is more than I can say for u dude What is that supposed to mean...
  21. Qac Qaac


    Golden child, r u wishing the raptors to do bad now.. r u wishing for injuries.. bro u know it 2 the only thing kept the raptors making the playoff last 2 years were injuries..and now they look like cohesive team with no injuries.. knicks loooool, give up on them bro, 2 point guards would take u no where..
  22. bajaq waa eray loo isticmaalo gabdhaha bissil ee curdunka ah bacaroorta ah kala xiran kor iyo hoos is heesata aan wali kala daadan amaba aan laga dhax dussin wali, ayaamahan xata kuwa laga dhax dussay ama lagu dhex mirqey xataa waxa dhahnaa bajaq to make them modern and up-to-date. Nuune seriously caadi matihid.. ar explanationkaaga waan ka helay.. laakiin waxaa ii jilcisaa laga dusay iyo mirqey yaa waaye kuwaas.. ii jilci macalinkaa... Wiilo yaan kugu diray.. who tell me, iisheeg.