Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. diomand aa ka dheelaa ku tiri.. mayee ana lu' lu' aan ka dheelaa.. hakaa saarto.
  2. iskuul inta aad dhameenesid, age ka soo kuma taraa raxayo...
  3. Qac Qaac

    W O M E N?

    lol @ adiga maalaguu soo qamiirin jiray. loooool. waraa nin waalan aad tahay...
  4. Usher!!! No wonder why jamaicans are getting married to somali girls nowadayd, they are the next best thing, since we can't find usher, and celebrity..
  5. Qac Qaac


    is there a discrimination thing going on.. for the somali writers stay in that place... like when they told the african americans to sit at the back of the buses... so let me see, I am somalia, but my first language is english.. english is more appealing to me.. ilaahow hana cameen.
  6. Qac Qaac


    so take away Wade from the heat, and u have nothing right...
  7. Qac Qaac


    oh yes packers beat that viking team.. great... playmaker.. jacksonville ain't an easy victory buddy..
  8. Qac Qaac

    W O M E N?

    don't tell me surweel aad ku xiran jirtay, somalia laguma tuuryeen miyaa... ani waan ku shiidi lahaa looool...
  9. oh, the homeland security of the feminist group... how much do we love them...
  10. waraa nuune isku day ninyaho.. saa ufasiray makula sax santahay...
  11. ciid is on sunday for us... why break it with saudi when u live in north america.. i am surprised... but ilaahey hanaga aqbalo soonkeena iyo salaadaheena..
  12. Qac Qaac


    u might be right on that... but come on bro his talent wise he is up there with the best... what seperated him from the superstars of the nba is his lack of passion for the game. him standing around and not knowing what to do... is more mental then anything else... but bro we are not talking about individual players, we are talking about as a team... knicks vs. raptors.. don't change the subject into who u think is better, who cares.. at the end of the long talk what matters is that t.o. is 4-0 and knicks are 2-3... and they'll loose the next 3...
  13. Qac Qaac

    W O M E N?

    wiilo meeqo maalmood aa guriga lagugu xabisay.. meeqo shan shan maalmood aa lagu celiyay... muufada tinaarka akteeda aa laguu istaagi jiray haye loooool. iyo deedka marka aad xaaqeeso lol.
  14. lulla don't u think is kind of hard to meet.. with all the different countries.. we live.. but anways thanks for the kind words..
  15. Moti atleast u r concern about them.. there lots of muslims who don't even care... insh'allah walaalo waan soo duceen.. masaakiintaasna ilaahey dhibaatada haka saaro.. America, the most powerful country in the world fighting with only one city in the destroyed country of Iraq..
  16. malabka marka waa raaxada aduunka, oo ku hilmaam siinaysa dhibaatada aan ku jirno, ama na sugeesa.. maska ma qiyaamahaa marka... dooliga wax jarayana marka waa shaydaanka.. ma saxay... golden girl
  17. wise wadaad cajiib....I wish... Nuune iyo tuujiye, give her the permission, go ahead start Juxa.. we await..
  18. Qac Qaac


    give up on the knicks.. raptors always won that game in seattle... and u guys beat the lonely clippers... becareful what u wish for... those 2 days u mentioned u might lose.. we are not gonna be kacky will give u guys a chance maybe to consider that u guys could win...
  19. Qac Qaac


    Sorry bro.. but as long as the 3 texas teams in the west.. specially spurs and mavs.. minni is going no where... kg could win anythng he like.. but not champion, coz of tim duncin,
  20. Silance the thing is that u tried ur best... if someone takes it.. u won, if no one takes it, u still win... so good effort bro.. we need more of u here..