Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. I agree with u, this taash white stuff that women wear, and men wearing toxedo, is not our thing.. we gotta be original ppl, atleast come up with ur thing, if u r not religous atleast wear your hido iyo dhaqan.. and don't exchange rings after the wedding that's not our thing too..
  2. mombasa queen what does o well mean, did u give up on og moti... sheekadiisa kugu ma socoto miyaa.
  3. I don't know, for most of the men here, but as for me, i would go and marry from out side these western countries, not because i have low esteam, but because i am looking for a strong woman, who has karti, who still believes the values from our mother generation, any girl who think she is more educated then her mother, is doomed to me.. it is a personal choice. so what's the problem... Modesty good choice, even guys back home, are better than western somali men,
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if the english language doesn't have a word for Dumaal.. since westerners don't care about keeping the family together anyways..
  5. Qac Qaac


    Oooh, you scared me for minute that I thought you saying Amiin to "ajnabi" come and kill us in order to unite us and instead killing each other to call others to kill us OG girl, ilaahey wax hana fahansiiyo. haniif, Canadians and Belguims both of them did it on us.. two different times, at a two different places in somalia..
  6. Qac qaac Qofka hadley majiro Labeys ok, waxa aan ka hadleyno waa "Sabarka" oo kaliye haddii Af-Somaliga kuugu yar yahay ii sheeg. Caajib badanaa yaaqe dadkaan. yeah waaba iga yaabiseen, that was what i was expecting.. good job wiilo..
  7. lol @ male chauvinist.. loooool.. waraa Syria, iyo Kenya, iyo even Somalia aad, meesha aad kheerka kuu yaal.. iskaga tag murankaan, iyo is qabsi qabsigaan.
  8. Qac Qaac


    ajnabi makes much worse, and somalies always unite against ajnabi or foreigners... Totti ilaahey haku fahansiiyo..
  9. I agree with yacquub, caveman u have lots to explain.. when that army comes and sees this.. u can't blame the girls though, they live in these countries, got used to this live style, watch movies, and society that would change your mind... but is true, we need partners, not compitators..
  10. women should be good. all guys should be bad..
  11. ingriiska madoowga wuu igu yar yahay, loooooool.. qof waalan..
  12. Qac Qaac


    we could do whatever we want to each other.. but when foreigners get involved damn, it leaves a mark... I am not saying the killing of each other is good, but anyways it is among us.. but cadaan comes and just does to u, and gets away with it. it should not happen.
  13. am i hearing labadiina don't mind, in la idinku labeeyo, cajiib iga dheh, that's a first on sol..
  14. habraha hanjafada ka gooyo bismillah. ar taas ne maxay aheed..
  15. intaa wax garbage nagu qortaan, aad rabtaan in aan idiin qosolno miyaa.. Mombasa queen.. did u ever heard about sublimentary messages..
  16. Juxa loool.. Il capo, nin yoho sheekadaada hit ay noqotay, nin waalan.. waraa balaayo intaa nagu soo tuurtid aad leedahay sorry.. sorry ragga makala saarto.. Juxa, me oday, ilka la', bidaar leh, calool kuusan, do u believe that loooool. haa ha dhihin yaah, haddii kale buujimo runtii..
  17. Qac Qaac


    we remember and we don't forget.. waxaan hana tusin, dhiig kar hanagu ridin. ar cadaankaan yaa noogu keena xarunteena.. i can't believe they did in somalia and got away with it..
  18. Qac Qaac


    in case u didn't understand what i am trying to say.. i'll rebeat it again for u... Kmart sucks, needs jason kid to throw alley oops for him, he can't make his own, he got no post up moves, nothing, all his points from 2 hand vicous dunks that's all.. so called expert mr. jaylaani, u don't see the mavs going far in the play off, but some how u see the T-wolves going somewhere far... other Kg, t-wolves suck brothers, sorry to dissapoint u, but 2 old men like sam and sprewell u r not gonna go anywhere with it... play maker, charles barkley said utah is better than t-wolves, and gues what and i agree.. pls just talk about kg, and forget about the wolves... gold child i saw the fight it was crazy.. ben wallace, artest is crazy, stephen jackson, jermain o'neal, they all gone, jamal tinsley has heart... i like it... but what's gonna happen to indiana team... i think, artest would be suspended for the rest of the season... jermain o'neal like 7 games, jackson like 15 games. and 7 games for tinsley..
  19. wiilo adigana furuq iyo fiifoow iyo fooluladii haku dhacdo aamiin dheh.. Jalaqsan daaco quran haddu ku hayo misqusha aad noo is soo mataji, anaga hanagu daacsan..
  20. Il capo, educational dabates maxay yihiin, haddii muran lagu kala faa iidaysan... u tell me.
  21. haa jalaqsan aa jilaafo u dhigta nimanka... dabar iyo siriq na way u sii dhigtaa just incase uu ka fakado jilaafada.. wiilona waataas hee way baqday, ani duq aa noqday ee ku jirtaa. Wiilo laakiin kan jaceelka jilibka kuugu dhigay jilaafo ahaan yaa waaye, jacaylbaro miyaa asagaa waxaas khatar ku ahee..
  22. Thanks for not leaving me out.. I guess.
  23. u want the boy to be boyish all the time, ama nin naageed akhas.. leave him be a man, let him get into couple of fights be strong... but FF.. leave the kid alone.. oday bax raadso.. it is so innocent kulahaa, that's what all the criminals say..