Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Kiitos simply the best for starting Russian is drasvich = how are u dis fidanya = bye is basiiba = thanks xaleb pronouced khaleb= breat, furun, rooti
  2. I was away for a few days and i come back i see the same thing.. Jaceelbaro and wiilo still together planning for wedding by now i guess... and now if that wasn't enough... we have alle ubahne and simple the best.. into that list too.. What's going on? the next time i come back it would be, the whole places with couples..
  3. Qac Qaac


    That's why knicks are persuing him all the time right Golden child...
  4. lol @ simply the best.. x quist ok have it your way.. joke.. ok..
  5. ee they have to settle down nooh, action jackson.. so they have to come down. that is a ok thing to do.. to come down to reality at 24 or 25.. haddii kale 35-40 ee single nimo ku gaarayaan..
  6. at 5 she is ok... but at 21.. and u still wanna fit in the society that, is not ok...
  7. Action Jackson loooooooooool.. everyone here is useless right..
  8. Qac Qaac


    nice post... wiilo ilaahey ha unaxariisto hooyadaa aamiin... Mothers are what is saving somali ppl. all over the world, in somalia, and in any other countries...
  9. Goorma waaye arooska yaakhay... ani ilaayo intee baa idiin sheegaayay in ay meeshaan wax ka soo socdaan... I agree with nune, xalaal waaye ee qal..
  10. Tam Tam...don't make me regret my new persona... ...its all very innocent and islamified relationship.... waaw how disrespectful.. but i'll be the better man... Tamina i never hated x quizit, i just hated the feminist woman that captured our sister xquisit's mind.. that's all. p.s. i am only meeting girls, that we are related to each other, non related girls are not on the list anyways.. Tamina.. as for any sol dude who wants to meet for god's sake...
  11. nervous aaba igu dhacay..
  12. Qac Qaac


    lazy girl the name is qac qaac not qux qax, balaayo kula qux qaxleedey yaa ku dhihinee... u all tough and grown up, that u can't even see the difference between ninka ku agtaagan iyo kan kaa soo horjeeda.. Defence time it is i guess.. Capital
  13. ilaahoow yaan dumar aan aqoon gaarigayka ku qaadin, ma taxiile maan ahay... waaba is mic naynayaan ka waran, way ku fiicantahay kii idiin offer gareeyay ride ka in ay waxaan ku dhacaan..
  14. aniga how many times, aan dhahay luuq raad sada labadaan way iga diidiin, laakiin hadda waa loo jeedaa sheekadooda banaanka ee taal..
  15. I think, the story would be different if it happens to u.. but now of course the answer is hell no. kick her out, and actually congratulate the man who cheated with her, for giving u free dom from her.. thank u.. and out..
  16. sabaaxad + tae kwondo + boxing.. that is sick..
  17. I thought all the good somali men went to syria, or back home to get married..
  18. I would pick none, kill all 3 of them at the same time.. or give me all 3 of them.. i am gonna pick one from another..
  19. americans come to canada in june to skate.. i had syrian man, asking me, if somalia was located right next to saudi arabia.. so i won't be surprised... p.s. is it me, or do somali ppl know every country in the world, where it located, and the capital city of that country, and the flag of that country..
  20. Qac Qaac


    Ar lazy girl, ma saan baa kuu danbeesay, qac oo miskiin ah aad iska bursan jirtay, hadda waalagu helay, mac sonkor looooooool.. Golden child, u barely beat the hawks damn.. raps beat miami heat.. add the heat into the list... spurs, heat, pistons, rockets, jazz, blazers, i am not adding the knicks into this list, coz i feel anyboy could beat them.. only contenders i talk about looooool... so golden child, when knicks. could come back from 19 pts down to spurs and win, and beat jazz in delta center, and miami in american west.. then talk to me..
  21. good question u should ask brother Nur..
  22. Charisma u r right, but in the islamic section of sol.. is not big, because i think, ppl post long articles, ppl don't read long articles they have no time for it, they use sol for fun, and don't want something long.. so i think we should post stuff that benefit the ppl, make the articles short.. stop copying and pasting long articles, summarize what the article said, and post it, in a thought provoking way.. also if i go back to, why the youth don't like to be called religous, well coz we made the practice of islam rituals, we took out sprit side of it. it just became somethig dry, u can't attract youth like that, u don't expect a youth person who has lots of energy, who wants to have fun to come to the mosque, for a culture purposes, or that is what we used to do in our back home that won't work.. u have to tell him or her why they have to go to the mosque, why they do these rituals, what is the benefit from, what is waiting for us, after this life.. all those have to be taken in to consideration, i think..
  23. if the two ppl are on the same age, then there will be lots of arguments, fightings, qeelo dhibaato, challange. no respect... if one is older prefarably the man, then the family could have peace.. as charisma said, nin kaa ween wuu ku dhaqan karaa, nin ku la eg, aduuba help kaa rabaa, xagaas na muranbaa ka dhalan kara..
  24. abaa bah, meeshaan waala isku baxay.
  25. loooool @ besbaaso, all i said was wiilo and jacaylbaro ought to find a room, waxooda xrated ee aheed nooh looooooool.. waraa Tuujiye, dakharka hadda ka shakeeyo here, gabdhaha aa rabtaa in aad igu sii dirtid haye, hadhoowna aad idhahdid, most hated man in here, dulli fooqal dulli.. ar adminka sorry it slipped out..