Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. simply the best ana waan ku daba dhaan dhaajiyay, laakiin on this one underdog aan la socdaa..
  2. ps: bye the way guys, waligiin gabar iina wax isku aheyn ma bixissay, nin ma siisey, gabaati maka qaadatay, yarad iyo sooriyad waxaas dhan, I did that this week, gabar ayaan bixiyey arooskeedana waa dhawyahay, mar dhaw aa la bajinaa bacawda uurta kuusan. waraa caadi matihid, waala bujinaa mar dhoow kulahaa, looooooool... wiilo kan iska jir wax bujiska uu ku dheereeyaa.. laakiin duqa see ubixin karta gabar aad wax isku aheen, islamically..
  3. wiilo is a guy girl.. magaca aaba ka fahmi kartaa.. no phone talking, and watches with u the nfl at 1pm sundays right looool.. just missing the pob corn and pepsi.. not beer istaghfurullah.. Nuune sir aad ka shiftay, simply the best butac boombalo miyaa oh noooo... richard simmons aan u yeeraynaa.. FF, ee shaki maakaaga jira in aad gabar tahay, trust me maxaa waaye, mise waxbaa isku ogtahay miyaa.
  4. wiilo loooooool.. jiq miyaa khayr.. what in the world did u just say..
  5. Qac Qaac


    sorry capital it is the central division... pistons, pacers and cavs.. heat struggle with the lonely raps damn... u expect them to win the east.. raps beat t-wolves i told u guys, that team with spree and sam is going no where..
  6. ar manaqaan ash siifa noo sheeg, jawaabtaan way nagu dheeraatay.. ash shiifa iyaah, golden girl ma nacday.. dahabkii maakaa dhamaaday..
  7. iyaah, meeshaan maxaa match love mee noqotay.. assignment yada waxaad la hilmaamdeen because of j baro iyo all ubahne abaaba.. sheekada meesha ka sii wada akhyaarta...
  8. since that book is read only by girls.. i wonder if alchemist is a girly girly book.. what kind of book is it..
  9. j baro iga raali ahoow haddaan kaa hor orday.. is jut i like u 2 to be private with ur messages. there are lots of ppl here who are under aged.. or some ppl just don't have the half of the exprience u 2 possess... marka naga qaleeya nooh.. Duqa runtii wax cusub ma jiraan, caashaq wax la dhaho majirto, laakiin al xamdulillaah casha la'aan ma igu dhicin, ee marka thanks for salaanta wacan oo qiimaha badan aad ii soo tuurtay...
  10. loool @ alle ubahne.. by the way i voted for u for the best nick name used in sol.. lol @ sigaar iska dhaaf lol @ sigaar iguma jiro, ma indha beeshay..
  11. Who ever thinks they are more educated they are here to read something useful.. something they could gain some knowledge from.. pls ppl go read a book.. haddii kale stop lying to yourself.. u r not here to learn anything from it.. this is just a light reading, and it is for entertainment, u only come here ur dead times, to see what is going on in sol.. and i am not gonna listen u r here so u benefit.. cut the crap..
  12. QQ - u will be suprised about the divorce rates within our ppl.....I honestly do believe that the religion is the problem solver.....sadly many don't think that way QQ. I also think the same... i agree with u... solution islam.. show patience
  13. simply ninac miyaa rabtaa in laguu soo iibiyo..
  14. caqli tv iga dheh.. africa dhan gaajo iyo dil iyo baahi kaliya maa loo heestaa...
  15. checkmate bisinka iyo macbuudka.. what were u thinking about?
  16. uncles are somali male..
  17. wali bilaa luuq aa tihiin miyaa.. marka ma idiin ijaarnaa mid anaga yaakhay, waa maxay sheekadu..
  18. I would give sexy personality to Juxa, wiilo, and simply the best.. i don't know about sexy..
  19. u can't blame it all to one side... both have their mistakes... I agree with Try me.. and with simply the best.. our religion is fading away.. men don't do their things. women compete in the name of free education.. hell broke loose.. solution back to islam.. I wonder what is the divorce rate of the somalies..
  20. waraa 2004 soon 2005 in 15days or so.. aa ladhahaa dadka dhan jil jleec waaye... nin iyo naag ba kareem aa la is mariyaa.. ee meesaahada ka qeeb gal, duqa..
  21. it looks like, halkaan in ay wax igu dhaafin..
  22. Somalia xamar, kismaayo, yaaq bari weene, libooye somaliya.. Kenya neirobi, and Garissa Syria damascus Turkey ankara Russia st.peterburg Moscow Finland Helsinki, vanta, espo Turku Canada ottawa, t.o. montreal..