Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. always 2 ppl in here are fighting.. ppl pls stop loving each other.. anaga af carabiga naga daaya nooh..
  2. waad ku mahad santahay qoraalkaaga wiilo..
  3. the questions are exagerated a bit... and is generalizing all of us..
  4. he is definately not wadaad.. if he is doing that.. he is using the title to gain benefits..
  5. This and more should be done for your parents.. no matter what u do for your mom, that 9 months she carried out weighs anything and everything u do..
  6. I can't believed ppl are actually talking about qac qaac like he is not here.. waaw.. Hey gnp thanks for agreeing with me.. but who said i need babies from u... e-dude.. maybe u want babies from her.. qac qaac is not desperate for a sol girl.. oooooops did i say that out loud..
  7. and the useless fighting continues..
  8. labadiina hadda is jaceshihiin, meelahaas isla taka naga daaya waalida pls..
  9. R u still spreading your shiate views bro.. don't u give up.. u r a dangerous person.. sayfullah al-masluul.. what is your intension.. u want me to believe u, and say abu bakr and umar cheated the khalifah from ali.. come on bro.. u know i would never believe that lie on those 2 great saxabas.. just jooji waxa aad wado..
  10. That's how u know their religion is lacking something... they have to take advantage of the poor ppl. or after a catastrophe to spread their religion coz they know no normal person would expect their lies about Jesus.. I would love Somalia to stay as muslims, and we need no help from a missionary..
  11. Anal sex also leads into a healthy issue for the female.. that's the place for (feces) and not for reproductive action... and in the long run it leads to a woman having problems with their feces.. sorry for blunt language but the trueth gotta be told... anal sex is haram 1. coz allah said so 2. leads to sodamize action khaniis nimo 3. Health of the women.. in later years.. could 3 reasons.. i could come up with now.. the rest u could ask the sheikhs or ur local doctors.. for what could come from this..
  12. Everything in this thread is turned out fight between sol women vs sol men... what the hell.. no one is smarter than anyone else.. all same.. u r not a leader for all women race, and u r not a leader for all men race.. so don't waste your breath.. and show mercy to each other.. u guys should compliment each other, not argue with each other..
  13. waraa adi cashar dheeridaa bisinka iyo macbuudka.
  14. action jackson good question, why not berbera hergaisa iyo burca.. lander ka jawaab duqa.. FF speaking in somali.. wax yoho caloosha kuusan, oo ilkaha dhaa dheer loool.. ar yaa waaye kaas FF...
  15. i heard this story b4... but now that u gave the true story is great...
  16. dhagax tuur... ama xaawo taako... but my favourite is ahmed gurrey... ilaahey hakuu fududeeyo finding some one from his family...
  17. that's what i don't understand too.. what is the competition between the wife and the mother in law..
  18. Tell her u married.. if she is willing to be 2nd wife... that's ok.. but u don't want 2nd wife too.. so sorry sis tough luck..
  19. lol nomadic princess u might be right... as a matter of fact i think u r right..
  20. Qac Qaac

    Oddly Enough

    waraa adi wax walba literly maa u qaadane.. waxaa laga wadaa maah maahda hadduu fulay chance kaa helo waa kuu dhamaatay nooh. haddaa u kuftid, ama kaa gaarsiiyo, ama 5 sxb yadiis ee joogaan meesha.. get it.. now.. mise miskaxda in lagaa tuujiyo baad rabtaa
  21. I 2nd to Nuune... it is man made disease..