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Everything posted by Yusufaddie

  1. I had to delete my reply Ayoub after re-reading your reply. and now i must say may allah bless you for your onern for the khilafah system- As you said ethios will still TRY. shaitan perhaps blocked the word try the first time i read your reply so i'm sorry for being agitated the first time. now just as you said if we let them, and under the khilafah system this would be against the foreign policy. personally i see the ogaden beoming a wilayyah after 3 years of the establishment of Darus Salaam. I Implore all Somali's who believe in allah and his Rasuul and the last day to assist with this duty of ours. the re-establishment of the khilafah. all that is needed now is tehnial personal to run various ministries and projects.
  2. Salaam, the problem is not the warlords or ethiopia rather it is that mentality that plagues the minds of believers. Remember when Muusa A.S had the toothache? and allah told him to chew on a type of root? the pain went away. next time he got a toothache he thought he could do it himself and chewed the root, but nothing happened. this is present in the whole ummah now where muslims feel they will live how they think, embarking on systems and ideologies foreign to islam saying that they are bettering the muslims? Sine the fall of the Khilafah in 24th march 1924 Muslims have lost all honour in the world, imagine only 79 years ago muslims were the most respected and honoured people, however just as the governments now are doing the ottoman empire adopted kufr ideologies into their onstitution whih ultimately made way to the collapse of the oldest and longest lived politial system "al Khilafah". so my der respeted bretheren and sistren, " they will not trully believe until they make you Muhammad judge in their affairs" and " If you rule and judge by other whih Allah has sent verily you are unbelievers" return to the khilafah form of governane and somalia shall be united and respected and perhaps the citadel of Islam inshaa- Allah.
  3. where does somalia's players live?
  4. need some pictures of Hobyo, Xaradhere, Wisil ang colguula also qaydaerry
  5. okay bro's now here is the tricky part... If your are doing all these things and your wife is pleased with you and you know deep down she loves you but yet she does not please you now what do you do?
  6. well in lieu of the islamic dinar and dirham how do you pay zakaah. and also are you saying that there are no muslim communities in the world?
  7. what do you say or do to show your lovfe to your wife? i don't think for men we have the capability or let me say we don't have the same view of what love is when compared to women. you ever noticed how they just want to her baby "i love you" wouldn't we prefer a good back rub instead? so what do you do?
  8. I uderstand where you oming from ameenah but i tend to agree with jamaal, it is more like yapping instead of talking because when i want to talk she is tired but when she wants to talk and i'm tired it's an issue. I know this girl that works with me and she is telling me that she loves this other guy besides her boyfriend beause he listens to her. I told her that is really dumb. but she feels it is love beause he listens to her. sisters if we listen to you all, trust me that ain't love. Whci brings me to another topi whih i will post differently.
  9. who was the rep.? and who is addow?
  10. if FIFA does that don't you think England and France would be like ....?
  11. How much of us knows about islamic Economics. how much of us knows how to pay zakaah and how much of us pay zakaah? Sh. Abdul Qadir as-Sufi is perhaps one of the most formidable fore-runners who is trying to re-establish the islamic economic system. Many times Allah mentions zakaah with salaah, iqaamatus salaah wa 'u tuzakah. What do you all know about islamic economics?
  12. Wallahi it is not best to get defensive as in such a state we often times misout on acquiring something. I was speaking about your conclusion. you presented evidences that it was not haraam however you conluded that the pratice was disgusting and you went further to classify anyone who does such, as abnormal,uncommitted and indescent. All i am saying is that if it is not haraam do not allow your culture to form an opinion in which many muslims will be affected by. And further more when was this survey conducted to conclude that it was not the normal choice of committed muslims? i don't remember partaking in such an event. Moral: don't bring culture in Islam "Enter it Whole heartedly" Originally posted by Innocent: In conclusion, it has become clear now that oral sex is not prohibited, but it is not the normal choice for committed Muslims and Muslimahs. That's, despite that oral sex is not Haram, it is completely disgusting and does not conform to the pure taste and decency of a Muslim personality. Allah Almighty knows best. Hope that helps!
  13. That Guy Freddie Adu man, well i'm speechless. the guy is only 13 and already he has international clubs raving over him? you guys think he would ever play for Ghana?
  14. salaam,i believe you should edit your closing innocent. reason being that you elaborated and presented your proof that oral sex is not haraam however you have not presented your proof that it was indecent? unless your culture is a soure for islamic fiqh then leave your closing as it is, if not, change it or delete it as it is quite contrary to the initial part of your post.
  15. In reply to someone's closing let us not onform to the styles of the west well i agree, definately let us not conform to the styles of the west by saying oral sex is disgusting. Trust me when i was a kaafir i would say the same thing. Kaafir men are uncircumised, cheesy and pissy all the time or at least when the don't have a bath, and from experience i can understand why the west "Kuffar" would say it is disgusting. not to mention, they don't shave their pubic area nor make istinga. so please do not conform to the west.
  16. Salaam, subhanallah i can't believe that it took me this long to see this post and reply. I believe the saying of Allah " This day have i completed my favour upon you and has made Islam as your way of life" Thus i find it atroious for any muslim to even mention a statement like" Demoray ould work in a muslim land" in fat suh a statement is haraam for if such a statement was true then Allah would have said it instead of the statement above. What many muslims, partiularly those who are born into muslim homes, don't realize is that demoray is not just about freedom that is a very tiny aspect of "democracy" infact democracy is about the majority rules. Lemme put this simple if let's say Saudi declares itself demorati would it be wrong to for gay men to say they want equal rights? in a democray no, they do have equal rights. however many muslims would say NO!!!! don't you think the gay person would thn ask where is the freedom? the so called democratic countries are testimony to this where Britain just last year declared and imposed on her overseas territories that it is lawful for homosexual activities between 2 consenting adults. My island vehemently opposed as well as another island and it was still imposed just because the majority voted yes in parliment. as Allah " They (Kafiroon) will not stop until you become like them" and unless adopting their democracy is not becoming like them then i say democray all the way or unless Allah's words are not true or He forgt to reveal something in the quran and we know better than him then i Say Democracy all the way.
  17. Well as everyone knows i'm not somali so i can answer questions 1 & 4: The islamic view is clear from a hadithi qudsi whereAllah says " From everything that is Halaal, Divorce is most hated" also in hadith Shaytan rejoiced when a jinn reported that he has caused a man to split with his wife. Divorce is of 2 types 1: Talaaq 2: Bayn Talaaq 1:Talaaq- According to the Usuul of Imam Abu Hanifa R , this talaaq occurs when one makes a statement or a gesture that expresses seperation, not divorce eg. a man refusing sexual intercourse because he does not want to be close/next to her or by him makiing the statement "I Divorce thee" or a similar staement. in this case of talaaq the idaah would start for 3 menstural cycles where upon the divorce would be complete. the divorce period would cease if the couple has any intimate contact (Some scholars are of the opinion that even if the man lusts at the woman then the iddah is off). Rememeber however if this talaaq happens once it can only happen two more times whereupon on the third time it becomes a bayn talaaq. 3: Bayn talaaq- This is where a couple has made talaaq three times regardless of the time interval or when a statement is made which gives absolute divorce such as "you are like my mother to me" this statement implies that under any circumstance your wife is haraam hence it is a clear or bayn divorce. We can see however the hikmah in the 1st talaaq. it allows us to reconcile, as islam is a life of peace and reconciliation. Frankly i believe that the only reason why a couple should divorce is if one of the party denounces islam. infidelity can be reconciled however kaffara cannot unless the person repents. 2: psycho effect on the kids: This is a bit broad because kids are very differnet to each other mentally especially at young ages, however with a family where the man has mutiple wives i don't see the "family" being an issue. Please note that the woman has rights to the kids up to when the child is somewhat independant,(roughly around 7 ) however if she has committed a gross act then the mother only has rights up until the ending of the weening. If the mother has not commited kaffara then the child when attaining the status of balligh then he/she can decide which parent they want to stay with. other than that the father has absolute rights to the kids. So in summary, in the proper islamic home where the man has more than one wife i don't think the psycho effect will be hard on the kids.
  18. Where's the marriage forum?
  19. My wife would always say" babes lets talk" when there is nothing to talk about, and if you talk witht thme they think you really care about them, what's up with that sistaz? why u all do that?
  20. When was the last FIFA Contacts with somalia? and who in somalia was the rep.?
  21. salaam this topic got real long man. anyway i would like to add: 1: If we are not to listen to some sheikhs and read other books, who actually wrote the books? 2: Please let us not be like the jews who made hallal haram and vice versa. 3: when i hear you all saying that thact is degrading, disgusting etc. rememeber that this is based on your culture or experiences so be very careful in passing a hukm or law under islam. THAT IS HARAAM. making a fatwa without knowledge and based on personl opinion.
  22. I want a stable region but not under external kuffar forces or the warlords. Somalia would be better torn apart than unified under any of the two. The absolute only way for a united Somalia is under Islam with project such as ours, a united somalia void of islam is not a united somalia. Please not that when i say void of islam i mean the system of administration.
  23. Salaam when i was studying i remember asking my shiekh that same question and he said that it was not forbidden, the only thing is that one must not swallow the fluids. I would like to add, thewre are many scholars who pass fatwa because of their culture, thus we have a whole set of innovations in the deen. Muslim sis made it clear, "what is halaal is clear and what is haram is clear." and it is clear the only thing haram about sex is 1: Beastality 2: Homosexuality 3: Sexual intercourse during haidh or nifaas 4: Anal intercourse. and 5: Any contact whether by touch, sound, smell, hearing, tasting, between any two unmarried persons. Hence Oral Sex between a married couple doest not fit in any of the categories.