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Posts posted by WingA

  1. back in London, Woolwich to be exact from 97-01 there was alot of fighting and trust me it was alot.. i dont know if u can call it gang but we had to defend ourselfs from the black, whites and other coz we were getting bullied and beat up so we had to defend ourselfs and it worked.. we beat up anyone who tried anything.. we would go out every friday and saturday night looking to smash them up for months of bullying and abuse.. this happened until we finally grew up and moved on with our lives but the younger generation is doing the total opposite.. they look for fights to get a name and be famous in there area or something and a few of them have gone to jail for stabbing, robbing and drug-dealing..


    now, i get the feeling they are living of the respect we earned for the community in a wrong way.. last summer b4 i went to somalia, there was so much drama and the police didnt help either..


    i wonder what the future holds for my young brothers and sister.. the "hip-hop, rap" thing is going to far into our culture if it exists..



  2. here are a few definitions,


    The kind of guy who paints his nails, wears flip-flops, owns a lot of shoes, takes an hour to do their hair etc. but is not really gay.

    Of or pertaining to a straight, urban male who is eager to embrace and even show off his feminine side, especially when it comes to expensive haircuts, designer suits, and $40 face cream.

    An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle

  3. Dear Liverpool Fans,


    Boycott ur manger quick time and show ur feelings in every single way you can coz you aint gonna do anymore damage in the history books with him around..



  4. 31 TO 40 POINTS: Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful &practical. They see you as clever,gifted, or talented, but modest.

    Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever



    woow.. that was scary!! it was SPOT ON!!




    looks-like we got the same personality..

  5. disillusioned-N-despondent,


    you know what?? i remember now but not too clearly and i must of forgot to get ur nickname.. but that night was a good night and i hope we can do it all again some day..


    and i would love to watch CL final with the sports crew..



  6. aight, let me see


    da boyz


    1. Northerner

    2. Gedid

    3. Lakkad - 719

    4. Nunne

    5. Benayal


    da Ladyz


    1. Yasmine

    2. Caramel-Kisses

    3. *Pessimistic-Sue*

    4. disillusioned-N-despondent



    thats it and i hope to meet them.



  7. this is one of my fav songs so guess away ppl..



    Girl I know this might seem strange

    But let me know if I'm out of order

    For stepping to you this way

    See I've been watching you for a while

    And I just gotta let you know

    That I'm really feeling your style

    Cause I have to know your name

    And leave you with my number

    And I hope that you would call me someday

    If you want you can give me yours too

    And if you don't I ain't mad at'cha

    We can still be cool cause


    I'm not trying to pressure you

    Just can't stop thinkin' 'bout you

    You ain't even really gotta be my girlfriend

    I just wanna know your name

    And maybe some time

    We can hook up, hang out, just chill



    all soul.. ;)

  8. woow..


    that was a very interesting video and i recommend others to watch it..


    there are a few questions left to ask but who should answer them??



  9. it doesnt matter what she's done in her past or what her liftstyle is, no-body can judge her or talk bad about her walaayaal.. shes somali and a muslim so show her some respect..


    she was lucky not have been seriously hurt and i think allah is looking out for her and i suggest whoever spoke bad of her to fix up..

