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Posts posted by WingA

  1. Winger I hear what u are saying...


    BUT, at the same time, couldn't u also say the sporty kids' parents should also invest in their school's education more? encourage them to get higher grades instead of just relying on sports as back?

    of course, sports is very physical and injuries are always a possability.. so, you need to educate your kids and tell him sports is not as important as school/college coz what you learn through school/college will forever stay with you and then you can have more options to choose from if they dont make it..



    Simple speak;The main beneficiery of these scholarships are athletic young gifted black men and women who ,despite not getting good grades,(BTW, not because they are not bright,but due to the white mans' in -ability or unwillingness to balance the American shool ssytem,)These gifted and athletic young men and women have extra ordinary athletic skills,and wit that enables them to help there respective families,larger community,and to some extent the black community.

    so, they fail or give low marks top athletes in the school/college?? i dont see the logic in that.. why would they do that?? am sure the student would of spoke out about it and stopped it if was happening..



  2. ^^ bruv, come on!!


    Luck? what luck?? we won the treble fair and sq.. i like it when them arsenal fans talk about United's luck in winning the treble.. maybe you should the CL for the 1st time then move your ambitions higher ;)


    state your case for United luck in the treble season bruv..



  3. This is not new, i've come across a few somali girls with black men but if thats what they want and they are "happy" then let them be coz they gonna find out for themselves if they are trully happy anyway..


    There was this one time in Greenwich, me and some friends went to watch a film and this funny farah followed us to the cinema. we was outside when we spotted this somali girl with a black man and we told the farah coz he was unaware of them things. he was like shes not somali and the couple went into Nando's. so we told him to go in and ask her if she's somali and he was blinded by he's proud for somali women he went in for 1 min and came back looking down on the floor gutted and hurt. we asked wat she said and she told him "walaal, haay ee qaaxriin" in english "brother, dont embarrass me"...


    One other girl was with her man and pregnant.. we was shocked but dats how they want to live there lifes.

  4. listen, its a fact!! some of us done feel comfortable writing or reading af somali and when i see small writings in af somali i can just about read it.. i've done okay in the past and i was never taught it.. call me Fish n Chips but i do alot better in english..



  5. am looking forward to my first in London for 4 years.. wow, i havent stayed in london for summer for that long!! and i might take weekend trips to europe.. we'll see.. look out for ma location..



  6. since being in the States, i've watched some good programs on t.v. but lastnight i was The Shield and i have never seen anything like it on t.v before.. am talking the last scene where the black cops trys to make peace with a squad member (white) in hes house and the white cops said a racist comment and boy do they fight!! i mean, this looked so real!! the sad thing is the cop's wife hit the black dude with an iron.. man, t.v here is nutts..lool..


    did you watch it??

  7. let me share my sports acts..


    1- Location- London, England


    2- Fave sports- footy aka soccer


    3- Fave team(s)- United, Milan, Real n Barca, England, Brazil.. L.A Lakers..


    4- How often do u do sport - none since me injury.


    5- Occupation - I.T


    6- Other interests - so much to write..


    7- other sports - NBA, Tennis and Olympics.. F1 and Rally Championships



    8- what sport do u hate playin and why? - Rugby!! too ruff!! plus, am too tall..lool..



  8. we all know its a problem and the amount of money being spent on it is a joke but thats the world we live in..


    1. You cant fully ban qaad bro, it just wont happen overnight..


    2. Let the government take control of what comes in.


    3. Promote other activities for the ppl, employment or not..


    i hear dat the internet and chating is doing well in hargeisa, more and more ppl chatting instead of chewing.. the country needs to be stable first and then plan something..



  9. if i had a closet full of graments, and shoes.. man, i love it and one i might take an hour to get ready coz i wanna look and feel best way i can.. designer or not..


    when i see ppl talk homeo-sexuality, i laugh coz its not about that..


    what can i say?? some ppl have it and some dont.. STYLE ;)



  10. Originally posted by Athena:

    I actually wanted to start this topic Winger
    . Basically a metrosexual man is a man who grooms himself well...nails, hair, feet and fashion. He has the style and the moves... n we like that... none of that rough and minimum maintenance crap.. its da 21th century, about time men got with the program.

    i feel ya sis, i love to look after myself and look good.. appearence is important.. but i guess we all different and i was rised to look good.. am not talking about gays ppl so lets get that out of the way..


    am here in states and i see the way men are dressed and they need help..lool.. whats wrong with class or style??

