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Everything posted by king_450
Proudsista , i thought i told you,anyway yes am around untill the opening of the school.Glad to be in here. and by the way yes my intention was to make sure you don't get lost in Dc, whenever you check in.
To view Point at any of the Blue Sites on the map http://sc94.ameslab.gov/TOUR/tour.html
How Men in General avoid and figure out what went wrong in their relationship and to avoid making the same costly mistakes in the future, why being dumped & Forget Whatever She Told You ?
Me 2 is it too late for the invitation, or do i have a chance?
I will be happy to see, some one who says, i am a Somali/Canadian or Somali/Arab , Somali/American.Somali/Aussie, etc rather then one who say i am Canadian, American , Aussie, or etc, so as long as i see Somali upfront i am down with it,good luck whatever holiday you are celebrating,.
to those of you who are arguing out of the bloom, here is a story you might need to read. There once was a King who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. 1-One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror, for peaceful towering mountains were all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw this picture thought it was a perfect picture of peace. 2-The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky from which rain fell, and in which lightening played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all. But when the King looked, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest. Guess what was choosen The King chose the second picture as the winner. "Because," explained the King, "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble,or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. Thatis the real meaning of peace." So why not feel at your inner soul, then you all at peace, and ease.
amazing to see a sister blashes out brothers, imagine if your great mom, or dad insisted that they will not marry unless the partner had what is called now days, a Degrees. You will not have been here writing such words, by the way a good man is not always one who has degree, and if i may ask what city are u in , where u have a lot of drop outs, name the city plz, so i might move in. lol
I had enough of Somaliland stories, it is about time , the rest of Somalia being noticed. So You yes you start the topic!
Where else Washingotn,DC Monumnet.
Wow Clown's Birthday, Happy 45th Birthday Clown Hope u around another 45yrs. Just kidding happy big one bro
First I have no Smypathy for those ppl who end up killing themselves. Most people who are suicidal are also depressed. The two prime reasons that a person becomes depressed, are a loss of control, over their life situation and of their emotions, and secondly a loss of a positive sense of their future (loss of hope). Then to be effective in reversing this depressed state,most of those ppl end up suicidal urges inorder to regain control. Many people have suicidal thoughts at some time during their lives.Whatever the cause, we are all at risk of having strong suicidal urges when it seems as though the future has become hopeless. Suicide is not a solution, Suicide is an end of life.
X7 Pic mine so i can go to Disney!
X7, Simply Get Mine
Dear Sister , one thing that bothers me a lot is the think called B/F , G/F. Do you know in reality It is un-Islamic for the engaged couple to meet each other and also go out together. Imagine that engaged ppl can't even do things that the so called B/F, G/f are doing. So use your judgement i know ladies all of you are smart enough.
Wonderfull Topic, I have heard all my live about Veil how important it is and will be. Like the sister in this Posting said it is required by Allah For Women to Wear Veil. The Noble Qur'an declares: "Oh Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women so as not to be annoyed." (Ahzaab 59) so as you can see it is not a matter of choice it is required by God. No one can dispute that a woman's primary focus of beauty is her face. Therefore, if Allah Ta'ala places so much of emphasis on hiding the beauty of a woman's body, it's only logical that the centre of greater attraction - the face - should without a doubt also be covered. Because so much of identification is assembled by the face, least to mention the beauty of women, Muslim women are required to hide away their beauty. The veil forms part of their concealment. Women throughout the world spend millions of Dollars on facial beauty. Companies manufacturing 'beauty' products make a colossal figure in sales. It would be nothing short saying that the products used on the face far exceed other products. This in itself proves that humans are particularly possessive of their looks - facial expression. People especially women take great pride and time in making up their faces.
The galloping Ms Edna and her disparaging of Somalia.
king_450 replied to miles-militis's topic in Politics
I don't know where to start and how to reply this issue, but let me try it. From the early 1980s to the early 1990s, Somali society underwent a profound crisis--of identity, purpose, and direction- -that threatened its very existence. As a result of its humiliating 1977-78 defeat in the Ogaden War with Ethiopia, the revolutionary regime began to founder Defeat , Confronted by armed opposition at home and diplomatic isolation abroad, the regime turned inward. Former Dictator, an expert in the art of dividing and ruling since his early days as an intelligence officer under the Italian fascists, skillfully harnessed the limited resources of the state. His aim was to pit clan against clan and to inflame clan passions in order to divert public attention from his increasingly vulnerable regime. Are you following me so far. A civil war began in the early 1980s i beleive with an armed uprising against the regime by ********** clans (******* ) in southern Somalia under the banner of the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF). Armed resistance spread to the ***** clans in the north. The regime's efforts to suppress ***** resistance resulted in May 1988 in the virtual destruction of the urban centers of the north, most notably Hargeysa, until then the second largest city in the country, and Burao, a provincial capital. This action was followed in mid-1989 by a massive uprising by the ****** clans in Mogadishu and adjacent regions under the leadership of the clanbased United Somali Congress (USC). In the escalating waves of government repression and resulting popular resistance that followed, Somali society exploded into violence and anarchy, and Siad Barre and his remaining supporters were forced to flee in early 1991. Instead of peace, Somalia experienced a power struggle among various clan- and region-based organizations: the Somali National Movement (SNM, ***** -affiliated); the SSDF (********** ); the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM, Ogaden); Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA, *********); and the Somali Democratic Movement (SDM, *********). Lineages and sublineages, fighting over the spoils of state, turned on one another in an orgy of internecine killings The state collapsed and Somali society splintered into its component clans. The collapse resulted from certain features of Somali lineage segmentation. Somali clan organization is an unstable, fragile system, characterized at all levels by shifting allegiances. This segmentation goes down to the household level with the children of a man's two wives sometimes turning on one another on the basis of maternal lines. Power is exercised through temporary coalitions and ephemeral alliances between lineages. A given alliance fragments into competitive units as soon as the situation that necessitated it ceases to exist. In urban settings, for example, where relatively large economic and political stakes are contested, the whole population may be polarized into two opposing camps of clan alliances. To varying degrees, the poles of power in the politics of independent Somalia generally have tended to form around the ******* clanfamily and a confederacy of the ****** and the ***** clanfamilies . Two features of lineage segmentation require further comment. First, the system lacks a concept of individual culpability. When a man commits a homicide, for example, the guilt does not remain with him solely as an individual murderer as in most Western societies; the crime is attributed to all of the murderer's kin, who become guilty in the eyes of the aggrieved party by reason of their blood connection with the perpetrator. Members of the aggrieved group then seek revenge, not just on the perpetrator, but on any member of his lineage they might chance upon. In the Somali lineage system, one literally may get away with murder because the actual killer may escape while an innocent kinsman of his may be killed. Second, the system is vulnerable to external manipulation by, for example, a head of state such as Siad Barre, who used the resources of the state to reward and punish entire clans collectively. This was the fate of the ***** and ********** clans, which suffered grievous persecutions under Siad Barre's regime. It has been reported that the meaning of segmentation is captured in an Arab beduin saying: My full brother and I against my half-brother, my brother and I against my father, my father's household against my uncle's household, our two households (my uncle's and mine) against the rest of the immediate kin, the immediate kin against nonimmediate members of my clan, my clan against other clans, and, finally, my nation and I against the world. In a system of lineage segmentation, one does not have a permanent enemy or a permanent friend--only a permanent context. Depending on the context, a man, a group of men, or even a state may be one's friends or foes. This fact partially explains why opposition Somalis did not hesitate to cross over to Ethiopia, the supposed quintessential foe of Somalis. Ethiopia was being treated by the Somali opposition as another clan for purposes of temporary alliance in the interminable shifting coalitions of Somali pastoral clan politics. For that purpose only i hate to see any somalis no matter if you call yourself somaliland or non-somalilander,lineage segemntaion of the Somalis. Although exacerbated by Siad Barre's exploitation of interclan rivalries, institutional instability is actually woven into the fabric of Somali society. The collapse of the Siad Barre regime in early 1991 led to interclan civil war that was continuing in 1992.And now we have a somalilander Who crosses over the true enemy of Somalia over all ,shame on us and whoever support on her mission. Be an Independent part of Somalia but don't tell me going over to the enemey terretory and blash out the rest of Somalia just to gain recognition, and that is my take for this issue, if i was a part of the somaliland ppl i will ask her resgination, or maybe she likes to sleep over with the Enemy. [ June 26, 2003, 12:59 AM: Message edited by: Admin ] -
Xalimo7 I Appreciate You! Thank you for being of service to me. I appreciate you, and what you do. I don't always have time to stop and express it, so I decided to write this.It seems i am so busy and ofter don't appreciate all you do for me. I don't want to be like that. I know it is often difficult to express, and keep a good attitude. But keep on -- for there are some of us who do appreciate it. Thank you again! I know someone else who appreciates you -- love you , Well i am out of breath thank you , thank you for your dedicated code of honor, i accept your sister hood, and you are still invited any day anytime sis. Bye You are my Choice 2 walaal macaan
Dear Nomad/Nomadette, my intention hee is not to raise whether someone can marry or can't different race or gender, but why when some of our Culturally inclined sisters, get married to a different u know being, change their name, for instance imagine your sister's name is Xalimo Ali Ali and you came back to see her all of sudden her name is Xalima Richard Kupchick imagine that, , so yes any men or women can marry whoever they fell into it, but why change ur name? why? don't comprehend it
Recently i have been in Australia and what i have encountered out there amazed me much.Culturally, The pride and honour of Somali families is considered to rest mainly on women. If a girl is well brought up and maintains her dignity, she reflects well on her family, and conversely, if she behaves poorly she brings them shame. A girl's behaviour is therefore considered very important and Somali families may be seen as strict by any other societies standard. Having said that Somali women have never used their husband's surname after marriage because of their culture. Instead, they carry their father's surname forever. The children from a Somali marriage will always carry their father's surname. This has been the Somali tradition for generations. But i came to Australia and i have met several somali women who married to non-somali men, and oh boy they are using their husband's last name, why is the change ladies?
If i were you i would not even have responded that tapoo projection, but did it well, no matter where you from or where u r going, it is in our best interest as in general to have a lot of somali doctors, should i mention who i am when i finish my degree, not , cz it is useless.
yes indeed, it is sad but it is one we must accept it, student loan( you are n loan ) but look at the bright side, if you work hard you should be able to fullfill all, life is a two way street, don't give up, finish ur study and the rest will take itself, to be honest i am scary too by the time i finish my studies, i will owe roughly $125,000 us dollars, and i don't know how i will pay it back, but you know i am not even worrying about it now, but as time comes along i will charge that to the consuremes to pay it for me, walla that is how i am going to pay back , every dollar i will charge 2 dollars for my sevices, how else, good luck
here is my take on this harmless topic " I used to have no idea if a woman was ready to be kissed. I could be sitting there talking to her I thinking to myself "Wow, her lips really look nice..." but I didn't know what to do next. This would often leave me kissless, and many times kissless for good, as I didn't get another chance. Here's what I do now: If I've been talking to a girl, and I want to know if she's ready to be kissed, I'll reach over and touch her hair while we're talking and make a comment about it. I'll say "Your hair looks so soft" and just touch the tips of it. If she smiles and likes this, I'll reach back over and start stroking it again, but this time I also glance down at her lips and back up to her eyes a couple of times. If she lets me keep touching her hair, I know that she's ready to be kissed. By using “The Kiss Test” I've been kind and complimentary, but by being very SUBTLE about it, I haven't given her anything she can object to. I now have a way of knowing if she's ready to be kissed that NEVER gets me rejected—and I know within 5 minutes what it used to take me hours or days to figure out... so Nomad to seduce a women really this is what you need to work on it, I believe that women are most attracted to these six thing: 1) Means (Wealth, possessions, gifts to them or providing for them) 2) Power (Influence, Leadership, provide safety) 3) Fame 4) Looks (Including height) 5) Exclusivity (Royalty, already married, hard to get, affiliation) 6) Personality (Humor, creativity, romance, intelligence, mystique Get it, i hope that helps to all.
Very upsetting ,and intriguing at the same time. Sure, sometimes love can inspire us to take risks — and that can be a good thing. Just not in this case. And I think you know that. I’m the first to admit that the heart wants what it wants, and it can sure want some awfully stupid things. But I also believe in the power of choice. You may be drawn to illusion, but you can choose not to get involved. I do not know if it is true what you telling u or not, but if it is then , dear nomad what ! If there was a two-car pileup on the highway, would you drive your car over and crash it into the heap? Because, I gotta say, that’s pretty much what you’re getting yourself into another woman. good luck, and plz update us.
For my short period in this sit,i have seen more of sisters posts then men posts, is it becuase in general women are talktive then men, or are they more observant then we are in every subject?
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