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Everything posted by king_450

  1. Thanks Faysal_yare, by the way may i ask? you said you r shooting to become a surgeon, what field? , and since you located in Mn ,are you going to University of Minnesota, i hear it is one of the best medic shcools, so let me hear you back bro. thanks and good luck
  2. Dear Mr Hirsi, well let me try if this Helps, i came across this site while i was abroad and i learned a lot from it, even though it seems controversial but it sheds some light about "Ethnicity of Our ppl" i hope. here it is bro and i hope it helps a little.
  3. Dear Mr Hirsi, well let me try if this Helps, i came across this site while i was abroad and i learned a lot from it, even though it seems controversial but it sheds some light about "Ethnicity of Our ppl" i hope. here it is bro and i hope it helps a little.
  4. Here is where i jump in the Beautiful Thread, Asra Well said i do Blv totally " That one being in Love" you know it is facinating , we generally use it(love), something quite different from real love. It is conditional love -- giving in order to get. It is kind of a bargain,and sort of you know a trade arrangement. This is often fairly obvious in romantic relationships in which each partner is giving with the expectation that it will be returned in the specific form that is desired. However after reading this thread its entirety i came to the conclusion that we somehow lost track of the issue(love).,but on the level from which we as a human being function mos of the time, we rarely choose Peace over Conflict .
  5. Originated :OG_Girl sorry king , i admit i started some thing i couldn't finish it coz u know what? I am ain't good for kissing A$$ did i miss something, OG_Girl , sis this is only ,top paying jobs, take it ezy walaal. ty
  6. dhaqan this...Dhaqan that.... horta dhaqanka la sheego see u egyahay? by flying still, oh no you didn't , r u serious, you have no clue what dhaqan is? no way sis tell me again!
  7. Damn i will start, i am down to the middle Number Five(5), Pediatricians, general My god after all that is it. Need to Revisit my Study. What is yours?
  8. Which one are you shooting at? The Actual Top 10 1. Surgeons $65.89/hr $137,050/yr 2. Obstetricians and gynecologists $64.15/hr $133,430/yr 3. Anesthesiologists $63.31/hr $131,680/yr 4. Internists, general $61.03/hr $126,940/yr 5. Pediatricians, general $56.03/hr $116,550/yr 6. Psychiatrists $54.60/hr $113,570/yr 7. Family and general practitioners $52.89/hr $110,020/yr 8. Dentists $53.28/hr $110,820/yr 9. Chief Executives $51.77/hr $107,670/yr 10. Airline pilots, copilots and flight engineers (N/A) $99,400/yr And Here are the Next Highest Paying Jobs in the US 11. Podiatrists $45.43/hr $94,500/yr 12. Lawyers $44.19/hr $91,920/yr 13. Optometrists $42.35/hr $88,100/yr 14. Computer and information systems managers $40.33/hr $83,890/yr 15. Physicists $40.26/hr $83,750/yr 16. Air traffic controllers $40.07/hr $83,350/yr 17. Petroleum Engineers $39.33/hr $81,800/yr 18. Nuclear Engineers $38.56/hr $80,200/yr 19. Judges, magistrate judges, and magistrates $38.24/hr $79,540/yr 20. Marketing Managers $37.70/hr $78,410/yr
  9. Paltalk Bro , i am down with you, for your observation, but my God did u say nothing wrong with the picture, check it again, and incase you missed again check the lenses, man They are not Open, the so called leader of the free world, don't even know to take off the cover from the binocular, he must be watching a dark hole or nothing.
  10. Shaka Zulu, my dear brother, blv me everything is ok and thank you for your great observation bro,and yes indeed invitation will be home delivered, LOL. thank you , thank you.
  11. Jasmine sister plz don't throw me over the cliff, i need all the help you can, so be nice to me sis lol. and perhaps who knows. Thinks are unconditionally working well. i have ultimate respect for the sister plz no exageration heeeee. thank you all. Nune i appreciate for your kind words, i need ppl like you to help me out, so thank you so very much once again and keep posted.
  12. So far i only got few , but ty still need more of your input. Hey flying-still, lol@ you what a culture broh,suppose to do. anyway it is all good. opinion macarena is good. i think i am just getting into different flava that is all. Nin-yaaban bro good to c again , Somali is good i listen too, but i need now spanish muisca. hey nin-yaaban, bro come one of these days "DHHS" for your lunch time.
  13. Flying-still, me "Xaasid" nah never, just am trying to be as much honest as i can be, did u hear "honest takes Guts". like i said in due time course, everything will be deliciously taken care. but ty for your input. Love you all.
  14. well atleast i am very excited that we are not in the hands of Bush's, cz with him being the sole leader, we will have been a lot worser then it seems. Tell me this are you really in Safe Hands for bush being our prez? if you answer yes , then check this site out and tell me what you see.?
  15. Paltalk, for sure in due time i shall reply sister X7, in prober manner and order. Your advise though well taken, and thank you so very much.
  16. Thx for both Bambina and X7. Hey X7, i c u r in launch too ,ty so very much
  17. Lol@ flying-still. I appreicate for pointing out that , hey by the way i noticed somewhere you are a fan of keith sweat so am i , so let me share with you this , my favoirite of all time for keith sweat, check it out Flying -still. Untill today i think this song still HOT!
  18. Yep i heard it , and it was martar for the kid to go away with his parent, who isn't. But a son who has luv to his dad.
  19. During my stay in Aussie i met a Spanish American Student, he convinced me to listen Spanish Musics,which i did, and here are some of clips i would like to share with ya'all. if you have spanish collection ,plz help me" post the site" for me. I appreciate i am falling in luv with spanish musics, for real once you open the site choose the album "In New Age" Amor de guitar"and check the track list if you have any songs like that plz post for me i appreicate for it. "][/email]
  20. Maasha allah me stalking, no way hossay, i will never do that, never ,ever ,will. lol, stalking is a set of many behaviors ,which i don't have i,e(telephone harassment, sending unwanted gifts, pursuing, . The focus on stalking in this issue does not apply for me positively it demystify the phenomenon itself which offers a degree of understanding and control for the observer.Peace and Love.
  21. hey sister X7, i see you are being watched lol. ABCEFGHIJ ?my opinion do a thread ppl like brother Nin-yaaban, and the likes.So you don't have to step a big toe. LOL Peace and Love
  22. Wow What is up can some one opinionate,why not chill and have fun ,this is just a thread,some one likes what one says others don't. I don't see why we just follow and comment every little thread as a negative. I see sometimes ppl say what i wrote is not well said, but that is just an opinion,y'all get along well.
  23. Thanks Nin-Yaaban,yes i don't come as often as i used to,but i try to check in and c what is going around. Hey that is a very good story, by the way bro, no school for me untill January of 2004. But i am with as an intern to the Dept of Health and Human Service, downtown washington ,dc. if you get time check me out sometimes for lunch break.
  25. the only sentiment that i have with Dhaqan is mentioning it over and over , so Nin-yaaban as long as you giving us ur wisdom ,i should follow this thread, no place to be hided.Keep coming with new invention, i bet like i said several times,why do i have a feeling b/w you and sorry sister opinion, am i right here. LOL