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Everything posted by king_450

  1. quote from spadez You can hardly take care of your own population, how will you take care of another? Spadez, tell me this what country are you in now, and how did you get there, imagine they (whichever) country your are,says we will not accept Spadez becuase he is not a refugee from our own ppl? word!
  2. I don't see anything wrong ,when one is deported to their origins,if Somaliland is safe and prosperious,then i blv every Lander should go back ,if you are not doing anything worth while in Western society, or making a decent contribution to the society you are in,that also goes to Puntlanders etc and any other landers want be.
  3. At the end of this thread,whenever that might be y'all will find out who makes sense or not!
  4. Quote from non other than Rudy! hey dont get me wrong!lol... but i was kinda excepting lil shout out 4rom admins! lol.. what! dey 2 busy!!!lol.. i guess they r really to busy!lolololol.. Well Rudy,you almost have 2 pages of wishes, and what we get from you in return complaining,lol. Admin didn't give me a shout?. Hey we are the stronger party here ,the true Nomads,so be happy.
  5. Most of you are Jealous! She is Beautiful, young,Healthy,Married,and etc so give her a break ,if you don't have any decent thing to say about her.You know i love any somalis who strive for their embetterment,so be happy and let it go the past.
  6. Howdy Basra, wlc i see you have already met the Critc!
  7. Gurad, i have enjoyed reading your posts , i am a slecetive reader, so for you telling us it is time to depart seems to me " unjustified" perhaps could be, but if we by nature just quit becuase of few who alway like to intimidate others,then no one will succeed in life generally.If it really bugged you so much by the name calling then let the Admin know, i hate to join the band wagon who adore every admin,which i am not but it is wise in this point to try and see the outcome of it, but in my view i think you are a valuable memeber of this site , and reconsider , i usually don't give a damn who leaves or not, but in your case gurad , i enjoyed very much all your posts, so do the right thing and see if it will tempt you to stay. If not good luck and happy journey, we all will leave one way or other.Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
  8. Noh, no way Rudy, congratulation man. Wlc to the Couples circle,!Now Rudy you must fast forward all your thinking.
  9. My advise sis, 2morrow when you go back to work, see if you can find loopholes, for these ppl to earn more money ,per say $100's dollars more. If you can't deal with Somalis as you mentioned , ask to be assigned different ppl. By the way what state you work, i am guessing you are Ohio or Mn, am i right? if then sister you should be happy to be working, because the only reason they hired you ,could be because they need a somali translaters,and the same ppl you are complaining about are the ones who are putting your food on the table. Help where Help is due! This is where i get off this thread, good luck Raxma.
  10. Rahma, i be glad to but you can do the research as much as i can. If you hear all the following companies. 1-Microsoft 2-IBM 3-Boeng 4-GE and many more get their money making ,from an assistance of our tax dollars. go check out , even today they depend on our tax money, imagine that. here is an article that every well off American learns how to cheat our tax dollars and get rich. STUDY RELEASE September 26, 1995 Archer Daniels Midland nation's biggest welfare recipient , study says At a time when Congress is rightfully removing millions of able-bodied citizens from social welfare rolls, there is no excuse for allowing America's biggest welfare recipient -- Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) -- a continuing place at the trough, according to James Bovard, author of "Archer Daniels Midland: A Case Study in Corporate Welfare" (Policy Analysis no. 241). Bovard, author of Shakedown: How the Government Screws You from A to Z (Viking, 1995), concludes that *at least 43 percent of ADM's annual profits are from markets that would be virtually nonexistent without government subsidies or protection; *every $1 of profits earned by ADM's sale of ethanol costs taxpayers $30; *every $1 of profits earned by ADM's corn sweetener operation costs consumers $10; *the grain export subsidies that line ADM's pockets in the name of fighting poverty in the Third World have actually devastated the economies of the recipient nations and further impoverished the poor while ADM and its political friends "look the other way;" and *the full array of ethanol subsidies, sugar protection policies, grain export subsidies, and domestic agricultural assistance programs championed by ADM in the halls of Congress and in television commercials every Sunday morning has cost the U.S. economy at least $40 billion over the last 15 years. As Congress reconsiders all of the programs that artificially sustain ADM, Republicans have a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate that business welfare programs are no more sacrosanct than social welfare. James Bovard also examines the political dynamics of ADM's campaign to be the taxpayer-funded "supermarket to the world" and details the incredible breadth and history of ADM's vote-buying operations in both political parties. Neither Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle nor Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole, for example, have escaped ADM's political net. The full text of this study is available at the Cato Institute
  11. Rahma, you fooled me by coming in your thread,well where can i start, i think you have not seen yet the tip of the ice, the true collectors of the wellfare giveaways, are not the "Refugees" or "Middle Income ppl", but The well off PPL in America,that is right , the Big corporations get more of handouts then any other Individual, so plz next time get little bit of research done,because you are misleading ,when you don't touch the whole but nothing about the whole truth of "Wellfare give-away". It is the BIGGIES who score the card,and suck our Sweat!
  12. Suju, well what can i say, i know i don't know you, but just reading some of these threads,my take is"Be nice and make ppl happy" "RESIGN" from the Moderator position,starting after you finish reading my post. Alas!! plz no warning , this is a joke!
  13. Qac Qac, i thought i was alone in this department, but not any more. I can't watch anymore East Ball Games,since i am in the East Coast, i switched watching "Water Baloons" and you know those 900 channels.Lol.
  14. Miskiin Macruuf, 10x for sharing these pics, for those of us who has not seen in first hand what happened,but i know some of those who committed these crimes are among us, laughing and eating with us, if you know them plz report them. After seeing these pics i came to the conclusion that every somali who has witnessed these crimes, need a "Therapy" i think the whole nation needs a "Therapy
  15. Rahima , very simple i hear more horrible stories from Mogadishu then in any other part of Somalia! if it is wrong then tell us. Kidnapping,Killing of doctors or aid workers,no other place we hear so much violence then in Mogadishu,not did i ever mention sister any sort of Tribe name,but if you are saying the name Mogadishu itself is an association of tribical Symbol then i better refrain it, i didn't knew it! That Mogadishu has become a Tribal Name!
  16. Opinionated, my answer is "Y E S" unless you have a different agenda, we don't think all the time to be "L A I D", !!!!
  17. Jaamac B, forgive me i didn't mean in any way,form or shape to minimize,what you have described for me, but i didn't knew all the facts you are right, brother i don't know if it is good or bad for me to say that i have never experienced ,the horrible attrocity that happened both in the south and north, i wasn't there but i am asking a lot of questions, i have seen lately several Videos ,i mean a live videos that was taken when, sorry to name this man i know he is dead, Aided and his gangs were drinving some other gangs out of mogadishu, and in the videoes they have captured two teenagers, i will say about 17-18 yrs of age if not less,and Aided was ordering his gangs to slash their throat and shoot them, so i am offended when you mention the word"butcher" because i blv , and i have been saying every time , that the only way we somalis can become clean is, if we do the right thing, and to prosecute and excute any one who have committed ,killings, rape,looting,and even supported no matter what tribe they belong.If we don't do that sooner then we will never rest in peace! so yes bring any one who have participated at any crime ,yesterday or today!
  18. Delpiero, this is what i found out about the Number 40th. For Islam, the number 40 occupies an important place: the 40 companions, the 40 perfect; the universe is supported by 40 pillars; the 40 supports of the dome of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem; And at the Means-Age the Muslems were made depilate the armpits every 40 days over a 23 year period after Muhammad's initial encounter with Gabriel in a cave when he was 40 years old
  19. I really hate this, Mr Socrates, was trying to do just good by offering a Lift,and what did he get back ,socratism ,lol ,the brother is a somali guy, come on ladies don't ever equate somali men to any men.Unless you can prove Mr socrates means harm which in this case he is not.Here is my advise to Mr socrates next time you see a somali lady standing by and being insulted pass by her side and pretend you didn't see anything see ladies now what you are causing!but again keep offering the sisters your lift, not all ladies are alike.You are a good man and 10x for sharing .
  20. Rahima, lol you made me laugh at you! did you mean to say ,"my people in Mogadishu"? and somehow tongue twisted.
  21. Even though this topic seems a Repeat, but i found out, very intersting to see how somalis Vote!or will be Voting if ever we decide to elect someone! So Nomads figure it out like i did somehow ,how these Nomads will vote. 1-Hassan Jama; You confuse me , you want to vote a)MHC b)MSB C)MFA , SO PLEASE MAKE UP UR MIND ! 2-MISKIIN -MACRUUF., You also want vote a)MCX B)AC C)CASH D)CC E)CS F)IJ G)MR H)MRAJIS. HMM NO I AM MORE CONFUSED 3-LIbax, sanka,)M.Jama. libax i consider ur vote goes to MJama,then 4-Abu-Amaar,you alligned yourself with Miskin _macruuf, but your vote goes to a)A ciise 5-Suladaanka, you did not commit ur vote, so i gather you are leaning toward "any Somalilander" right? No vote for you. 6-Spadez,your vote goes to a)MIEgal 7-Sahal. your vote goes to a)AA Shirmake 8-Jaamac-Bootan, your vote goes to a)CXX b)General MAMuse, by the way , did MN granted his Assylum? Jamac Bro holla back 9-Rudy, bro i never understood you, you never make any vote ,you never say your thoughts,but we will keep you, lol. or state your vote. Rudy No vote. 10-Gedid, statue ,like you , i was hoping to see your Vote, but didn't, what is your vote? 11-Hassan Jama, your vote goes to a)Barre b)Cigal c)Aideed. Another confusion. 12-Xidig, no vote for you 13-Lander, i am forcing your vote as the following any one against Puntland,lol is your vote? a)Aideed? or else 14-geel jire, your vote goes to a)A Cade 15-Nasir, yvg2 a)Egal 15-Ayoub-sheikh , no vote for you.sorry 16-Wind talker,YVG2 a)CCato 17-King450. well for me there are a lot of somalis who i consider to be gr8 somalis ,well respected by their peers, young and old,blue,green,yellow, balck, white,jareer,no jareer,northern, southern,westen, eastern,mai mai. call yourself whatever you want, but for me there are only two person, i do respect more, and think they have done gr8 for the somalis, i wish i could have seen these gr8 2 leaders, and here is my vote , drum plz. A_Doctor Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, former Somali Prime Mins, and President,May God bless his soul. B-Prez, Aden Ade, former somali Prez, a man of integerity , above the frail of Tribalism, hatred and always tried hard for the well being of all"All" Somalis. Here is my vote. so by looking our Nomad Vote, can we equate our vote to a vote of Tribalism.In my opinion yes and no.We are mixed and we all looking to put forward our likes,and give no considreatin to the rest of the gr8 Somalis. Nomads by just looking how you vote i can guess, if you can be considered a gr8 somali or backward individuals.
  22. I disagree, Ballerz, this tasteless crime should not have to happen to any Gender, whether it is a man or women , no one. And what are we learing from such incidents, that Muqdisho is a Savage City, with bunch of Looters, Rapers and Hatemongers.When will it end?.
  23. By Abu-Ammar Morgan in Mogadishu, not a big deal he is a Somali and its a Somali city IN FACT its the capital. Whats the difference between Morgan and Ghani [who lives in Mog] and Abdiqasin who is presidnet of parts of Mog? the difference is nothing Once again you are right man, i totally concur your point, i didn't know who is Morgan then after finding out about the man, i was told that he used to be a body guard to former dictator, and belong to one of the somali clans, then i realized ,the sole purpose of this thread was to tell us here nomads, about Clan based Society , if it is not , then what is the purpose of this thread.Can't any somali go to any city?
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