O.k peoples....
One of those Good days(must've been my favorite day)...I was chatting(cyberly of course)..With this Nice Gentleman....He sounded so sweet..Understanding,open minded,intelligent...and somehow the Typical Faaraxlicious in some way .and the first thought that came to my mind was "Damn I Wanna marry This guy"...To make the story short we exchanged E-mails and it went from there and on.And then he sent me Hi picture....So CUTe .and then he asked me for my pic...I told him "How about if we meet"...and he was like..."Cool with me"....so he setted up a date and we both agreed...He had no idea what i would look like so i told him i was going to wear an orange Hat....So i sent this 70 year old woman(O.k i paid an old black lady who happens to be my neighbor) So what happened was he kept looking for a Younger Female...But the poor guy had a heart attack when Ms Smith(the Old ladY) went up to him and said that she was here for the date...Hehehehe....He called off the date and told MS Smith there was a big misunderstandinG.. ...IIneweyz....I called Him and told Him "Hey you forgot it was April fools Day"....and it was Too... .....Hehehehehe....
The good part is...he forgave me and we are the bestest Friends!!