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Everything posted by Taliban

  1. Moraalka Mujaahidiinta Soomaaliyeed oo aad u sareeya Markii ugu horeysey oo Qaadisiya la xiriiirtey shaqsiyaad ka mida Mujaahidiinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku hawlan sidii ay uga xoreyn lahaayeen Soomaaliya cadowga Tigreega ah ee ku soo duuley, ayaa noo sheegey in niyada walaalaha mujaahidiintu Soomaaliyeed ay sareyso isla markaana wax niyad jab ama quusa aysan jirin wuxuuna ugu bishaareeyey Muslimiinta aduunka meelkasta oo ay joogaan in guushu ay san fogayn, maxaa yeeley ayuu yiri “ cadowgii guunka ahaa ee dadka Soomaaliyeed nabada ka heli weydey mudo 16 sano ah ayaa maanta ugu soo dhacay dabinkii loogu talo galey, sidaa darteed aanan wax wal wal ah jirin”. Wuxuu kaloo yiri asagoo tusaale u soo qaadanaya Mareykanka jabka uu kala kulmey ciraaq “ quwadii aduunka ugu xooga waynayd uguna isla wayni iyo kibir badnayd ayaa saad aragteen loo galay ee xagey joogaa Tigree indho xiran? Sunnada Rabaaniga ah ayaa ay ka mid tahay ayuu yiri in koox laga awood roon yahay ay dagaal uga adkaato mid ka xoog badan". burhaan Axmed Qaadisiya.com Nairobi - Kenya http://qaadisiya.com/news_page.php?articleid=14
  2. Hoggaamiye kooxeedyada kala ah Qanyare iyo Cabdiwaal oo shuruud ku xiray wareejinta Hubkooda. Muqdisho, 03-January-07 ( Qaadisiya.com) Shir Jaraa’id oo kala gooni gooni ah oo Maanta ay ku kala qabteen Xarumaha ay Muqdisho ka degan yihiin labada Hoggaamiye kooxeed ee kala ah Maxamed Qanyare Afrax iyo Cabdi Nuurre Siyaad (C/waal) ayaa waxa ay shuruudo ku xireen Dowladda Federaalka haddiiba ay dhacdo in hubkooda ay wareejiyaan. Maxamed qanyare ayaa sheegay in hub wareejinta uu u baahan yahay qorsheyaal fara badan isla markaana aysan suurta gal aheyn in Hubka hadal lagu kala wareejiyo. Waxa uu sheegay qanyare in haddii hubka la wareejinayo loo baahan yahay in lasiiyo ragga hubka heysta Damaanad buuxda oo ay kamid tahay in hub dambe aanan dalka lagu arki doonin iyo sidoo kale in hubkooda loo qiimeeyo maadaama dowlad ay la wareegeyso. Dhinaca kale C/waal oo kamid ahaa Hoggaamiye kooxeedyadii kusoo caanbaxay Isbaheysigii Sheydaaniga ee Muqdisho horey looga sifeeyay ayaa isna Maanta Muqdisho ka sheegay in hadalka Cali Maxamed Geeddi uu yahay hadal uu afkiisa ka yiri isla markaana aysan jirin wax warqad qoraal ah oo lasoo gaarsiiyay ragga hubka waaweyn leh. Waxa uu ku tilmaamay Cabdi waal Hadalka Geeddi in uu yahay mid u muuqda nin ka hadlay Fikraddiisa isagoo intaasi raaciyay in aysan soconeynin, waxaana durba soo baxeysa in xujooyin ay keeneen hoggaamiye kooxeedyadii hubka waaweyn heystay kahor inta aanan shacabka lasoo gaarin. Si kastaba ha ahaatee Qorshaha Dowladda ee ay ku dooneyso hub ka dhigista ayaa ah in hadhow ay awood u lahaato in ay xilka ka qaado cidda ay doonto oo ay ku kala soocdaan aqoon maadaama hoggaamiye kooxeedyadu intooda badan aanan aqoon sare laheyn oo ay wax wanaagsan tahay haddii ay Far Soomaali qori karaan. Hoggaamiye kooxeedyada ayaa hadeerba looga baahan yahay kahor inta aysan hubkooda wareejin in ay ku wareejiyaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed si uu u noqdo hubkaasi kii Dalka Soomaaliya looga xureyn lahaa Gumeysiga Cusub oo Dhowaan Bustiisa la xiimin Doono Inshaa Allaah. http://qaadisiya.com/news_page.php?articleid=11
  3. Dowladda Federaalka oo ku hungowday Qorshihii Uruurinta Hubka iyadoo Maanta ay tahay maalintii labaad ayaanan weli waxba lakeenin Xarumihii Hub uruurinta. Muqdisho, 03-January-07 ( Qaadisiya.com) Dowladda Federaalka oo isku dayaysa in Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay cadowgeeda uga dhigto kuwo gacma maran ayaa horey ugu baaqay in Hubka yaalla Magaalada Muqdisho la iskugu geeyo Xarumaha kala ah Villa Baydhabo iyo Dekeddii hore, waxaana ay bilaabaneysay Shalay oo taariikhdu ay aheyd 02/01/2007, waxaana halkaasi diyaar ku ahaa Ciidamo Xabashi ah. Hadaba Ciidamada Xabashida iyo calooshood u shaqeysteyaasha Soomaaliyeed ayaa sidii ay u sugayeen in Hubka loo keeno ay qoraxdii ku dhacday. Waxaana sidoo kale Maanta oo ah maalintii labaad lagu arkayay halkaasi sida Wariyeyaasha Muqdisho kusugan ay kusoo waramayaan in la geeyay qoryo yar yar ah oo aanan ka badneyn illaa 5-qori oo nuuca AK47-ka loo yaqaano inkastoo ay jirto warar sheegaya in Dowladda Federaalka khudheeda ay soo dhigtay si Warbaahinta loogu qaldo. Dowladda Federaalka ayaa ah qorshaha ay wado ee Hub kadhigista ay kusheegtay mid aanan soconeynin maadaama Shacabku aysan heysanin isku kalsooni sida tii ay sababta u ahaayeen Golaha Maxaakimta oo dalka isaga baxay si aanan shacabkooda loo xasuuqin. Dhawr iyo sideetan sano ka hor Mujaahidkii Sayid Maxamed oo ka hadlaya dhacdo tan oo kale ah kaddib markii la jebiyay daraawiishtii loona adeegsaday diyaaradihii dagaalka ee Ingiriiska ayaa waxaa ka mid aha gabaygiisa:- Marka hore dabkuu idinka dhigi dumar sidiisiiye Marka xiga daabaqaadda ayuu idin dareensiine Marka xiga dushuu idinka raran sida dameerha’e Waqtigaa uu Sayidku ka hadlayay arrinkaa qaar ka mida dadka soomaaliyeed oo aan dareensanayn dhibaatada uu ka digayo ayaa dib ka ogaaday dhibaatada gumaysigu leeyahay gaar ahaan marka uu hubka kaa dhigo. Hadaba Shacabka ayaa waxaa la gudboon in aysan is qaawinin si hadhow ay uga badbaadaan khayaanada ay u maleegayaan Tikreegu shacabka Soomaaliyeed, si hadhowna ay sabab ugu noqdaan in ay badbaadiyaan Mas’uuliyiinta Soomaaliyeed ee iminka la marin habaabiyay marka la isku dayo in loo galo sida Saddaam Xuseen Iminka loo galay. http://qaadisiya.com/news_page.php?articleid=9
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: Why would they blame them ? Myabe they lost and thus one has to blame a stronger power. Your definition of losing or winning a war is flawed. As I have stated before, losing or winning a war occurs when two forces of equal or comparable strengths fight. In the sport of boxing, there are clearly defined weight classes. A fight between a heavyweight class and a featherweight class isn't a fight; there cannot be a win or loss in such a fight. Clearly, the war between the ICU and the TFG with its allies (Ethiopia, the US, EU, AU, iwm) isn't a war where losing or winning it is applicable. In such a war, a setback occurs.
  5. Taliban


    Originally posted by Captain Xalane: Aah,now u are making a mockery out of ya self. I am not sure about that; it's up to the audience. You need to update your information; most (if not all) of those patterns you have listed are the old patterns; there are new (current) patterns. Your claim that Somalis, Americans and Italians wear the same (battle) uniforms still needs corroboration. BTW, it's telo mimetico; "telo."
  6. Good analysis by Samatalis Haille. However, experience and past events have shown realist analyses are most often ignored, and only the projections of so-called neocons materialize.
  7. Taliban


    Originally posted by Captain Xalane: The tele mimetico pattern.Commonly used by the somalian commandos officers. Six colored deset BDU pattern.Widely used by our troops. Woodland pattern,main standardly used uniform. P.s.The olive drab pattern is the pattern thats widely used in puntland and their images are already in this thread.formerly,our tankers used them widely. Indeed they are all a fiction of my imagination! It's a good progress on your part to separate "Telemimetico", so it can be intelligible. However, you are still wrong; it's not "tele mimetico." The term "tele" has nothing to do with a pattern; it's a prefix meaning "distant", a short for television, telephone or other electronic systems that receive signal over a distance. The pictures you have posted prove nothing; it doesn't prove your claim that Somalis, Americans and Italians wear the same (battle) uniforms. You have failed over and over to substantiate your absurd claim. FYI, the Italians use "Beach Assault" and "Desert Spray" camouflage patterns. The Americans use "MARPAT" (Marines), "ACU" (Army), "ABU" (Air) and "NWU" (Navy).
  8. What about Bashir Goth? Did you forget his many comments (in SOL) and articles (Washington Post, iwm) especially the last ones where he applauded the Ethiopian invasion?
  9. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Terrorists Doorknobs Secessionists Xaar Gaalraacyo Gaallovers Dhabadhirif Xabashilovers Defeated lot What's wrong with using "Xabashilovers"? I am asking the question, because I see nothing derogatory about it. It's a fact there are many Somalis (especially TFG members and their supporters) who love the Xabashi. And what do you mean by "Dhabadhirif"? Is that how you say it in af-Maay?
  10. Taliban


    Originally posted by Captain Xalane: The Telemimetico pattern is produced by the italians and we got it from them.The woodland pattern,we got them from the americans,and so as the six colored desert pattern and so as the olive patterns and so as the other surpluses we got from the mentioned nations. AFAIK, Telemimetico (no such thing called Telemimetico), woodland, six colored, olive, iwm are figments of your imagination. For a simple reason; you can't corroborate it. And no, Tripod doesn't qualify, for anyone can register a free homepage from there, post anything and claim it's a fact or the truth.
  11. MUSLINOW RUN SHEEG MUSLINOWNA RUN U QAADO ,,,, is all what i can say
  12. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: somae of you people should stop with the business of discussions and debate and join that of prophesizing. I see you are giving those "somae of" us an order. As you have already concluded, those "somae of" us are terrorists; what are you waiting for? Isn't your duty to report us to the DHS?
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: No government on Earth has given its land to another government. The statement itself is a desperate one. You're in error. The TFG is a transitional government that cannot protect itself; it relies on Ethiopia. It was given a lease of life by Ethiopia. Since the TFG authorized Ethiopia to invade Somalia, it can also authorize to give Somalia's land to Ethiopia. Why not? Because it's a nationalist transitional government? Since when did a nationalist transitional government authorize its nemesis to invade its own country?
  14. Taliban


    Originally posted by General Duke: It matters not, my opinion is just that, an opinion. To the other General Dukes, your opinion matters not. Indeed, yours is a mere personal opinion that might have little to do with the reality. Just like the other General Dukes' opinions.
  15. Taliban


    Originally posted by General Duke: Col Afgaduud as been there from the beginning he was one of the first comanders to move from Puntland in support of the TFG that was more than 1.5 years. In other words, the lion's share of credit goes to Afgaduud for chasing out the "gansgters." However, the other General Dukes would strongly beg to differ.
  16. Taliban


    Originally posted by General Duke: he chased out those gansgters you used to support.. What about Hiraale, Maxamed Dheere, Qaybdiid, iwm? No credit for them for chasing out the "gansgters"? I am sure there are other General Dukes from Hiraale, Maxamed Dheere, Qaybdiid, iwm clans who regard their heroes a respected figure or the most respected figure. In fact, I have seen those General Dukes in other forums.
  17. Taliban


    Originally posted by Captain Xalane: Taliban,whats the aim of the uniform?For decorational purpose?U are wrong,the BDU's are for camauflage.The challenge is rather simple,go and hire one of somalia's ''military parades'' and check it out urself.I gave ya one pic already,why would somalians and americans or even italians wear the same uniform?Think about it. I have given you a simple challenge (produce a link or two) to backup your absurd claim; you miserably failed. You ask me a question (whats the aim of the uniform?) and answer it with another question (For decorational purpose?); what kind of absurdity is that? If you claim you can predict, can know in advance what I am about to write or say, then I challenge you to predict how many occupiers will be killed within a week (Jan 3 - Jan 9) in Iraq. What kind of irrelevant suggestion is that I go and hire one of somalia's ''military parades''? You post a picture from Tripod (free homepage), and you want me to take it at face value? One last challenge; you claim Somali, American and Italian wear the same (battle) uniform; produce a link or two (a respected link, not Tripod) substantiating your claim.
  18. Taliban


    Originally posted by Captain Xalane: The soldier behind the indian ocean and the soldier across the Atlantic wear the same battle dress uniforms in relation to where they are fighting at.Do u see any ethiopian badge on his BDU? Again, you are completely wrong. No two enemies dress the same battle uniforms; it's absurd and logical fallacy to claim that. For a number of reasons, the most important; to differentiate from each other. If you insist on your absurd claim, I challenge you to produce a link or two substantiating your claim that soldiers of Somalia and Ethiopia wear the same battle uniforms.
  19. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Are you serious duqa? I am talking about his beards, not his deeds as a Muslim. This is how he looked before:
  20. Taliban


    Originally posted by General Duke: But kindly stop insulting Col Afgaduud the man is a respected figure. I beg to differ. No Somali official can be a respected figure if he fights side by side with Ethiopians against Somalis. That kind of Somali can only be a traitor.
  21. Taliban


    Originally posted by General Duke: Taliban you are confusing the issue, the uniform. That one was from the Puntland armed forces of 2002. How do you explain Hiraale's uniform?
  22. Taliban


    Originally posted by General Duke: As for Col Aabdirizaq Afgaduud, this man is a legen, he is well known figure, he was a comander in Puntland for a number of years and now has been lead the successful campaign against the clan courts. You can't so quick judge the campaign as "successful"; you have to give it time because a campaign's success is determined by its aftermath. Besides, Afguduud didn't lead the "successful" campaign alone or without the support of foreign MIGs, tanks, iwm.
  23. Taliban


    Originally posted by Khalaf: is this same Ciro the gunner? This Ciro can't be a fighter; can only be a civilian. Check and scan the picture posted by Duke: If you look carefully at the picture, you see Ciro gets squeezed by the fat guy on his right and the koofiyo buluug wannabe soldier on his left. Ciro's right hand is almost paralyzed, and his face shows one who is agonizing from pain. Certainly, no gunner or fighter will allow himself in such position; only a timid civilian will. Yep.