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Everything posted by Taliban

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: the man has played a key role in the new Somali armed forces. That's not true. Credit is due to the Ethiopian occupiers who trained them.
  2. Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist: You obviously didn't understand my previous posts. Either that or your neglecting it by circling back to your hatred against the TFG. Indeed, I dislike the TFG because it's based on secularism and its makeup are moderate Muslims. Moderate Muslims collaborate with foreigners to invade and occupy Muslim countries. They also work for the interests of the West, against the interests of their country and citizens. So, I don't see what's there to like about the clan foreign government.
  3. Originally posted by *Aisha*: 2 – That they are naajis (impure), even their hair. This is the view of al-Shaafa’i and is one of the two views narrated from Ahmad. The vast majority of Somalis follow the Shaafi'i school of jurisprudence.
  4. Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist: There is this city in Yemen, which has an excellent madrasah, I forgot the name of it now but the scholars there are the real, learned ones Im talking about. We are talking about TFG real, learned muslim scholars, not Yemen.
  5. Originally posted by Taako Man: Afwerki was in support of Aweys and the ICU. Is there a double standard? So, because of Afwerki's support, Aweys and the ICU are moderate Muslims?
  6. Originally posted by Taako Man: Indhacadde memorized the qur'aan in less then 2 months? That is amazing. We aren't talking about memorizing the entire Qur'an in two months (though it could be possible), nor about Indhacadde. We are talking about the Islamic rehabilitation vs. the secular rehabilitation with regard to the militiamen. BTW, since you have evaded the question, and since you support Zenawi (non-Muslim leader) helping the clan president (Muslim leader) in killing innocent Somalis, you can only be a moderate Muslim.
  7. Originally posted by Taako Man: 1. Meet a wadaad 2. Put cimaamaad on your head and your now a wadaad. Not so. It involves rigorous rehabilitation and followup. For example, the person being rehabilitated is required to memorize the Qur'an, with frequent tests checking the parts of the Qur'an he memorized.
  8. I believe it's time nomads become beeraleey or semi-beeraleey.
  9. Originally posted by Taako Man: Remember the ICU militias were militiamen just like these guys, who looted raped and maimed civilians. They were given one month of training and bada bing bada boom they were wadaads when they put the cimaamaad on. However, Islamic rehabilitation differs from secular rehabilitation.
  10. Originally posted by Taako Man: I am not a moderate muslim an extreme muslim a taliban, I am not anything but simple, a MUSLIM. OK. A question which could determine whether you're moderate or extremist; do you support a non-Muslim president helping a Muslim president in killing his own people?
  11. Originally posted by Taako Man: These guys are former militiamen. Some have been fighting for the last 10-15 years. They are men who know one thing and that war. They've rehabilitated over the last two months and hopefully they get ongoing training as they go. You can't rehabilitate one in two months for what one was doing for 10-15 years. And as I have said, they lack courage because they are moderate Muslims. They will be around doing inefficient tasks as long as the occupiers are there. If they are the same militiamen who have been killing, raping, looting and taxing innocent Somalis for the past 15 years-- then good luck to the clan government.
  12. Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist: I think both you Tone and your 'mufti' Taliban are the ones who need to sit down with the real, learned muslim scholars and listen to how they dissect the ICU and support the TFG. Two examples of real, learned muslim scholars?
  13. Originally posted by Taako Man: 4,000 Somali troops complete military training However, they lack the courage to sacrifice themselves for the occupiers or the clan government. This shall be clear when they march to the frontlines.
  14. Originally posted by -Lily-: doesn't being Proud in essence mean focusing on the good things? Proud has nothing to do with focusing on the good things. It's optimism that's about focusing on the good things. Being proud is about pride, egoism, looking down at others and their achievements, discrimination, racism, iwm. What makes particular Somalis to look down at Somalis they consider low caste or inferior? Pride that they are superior, of better stock, better physical features, nobler lineage or genealogy, iwm.
  15. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: ..taas kaa saari maysee...Do tell my friend where in the quran or in any hadeeth was qouted Dogs are nijaas? You're a Muslim, yet you don't know where in the Deen it says dogs are nijaas? What else you don't know? Do you know arkaanul Islaam? Do you know how to pray salaatul Eid? What's your excuse for not knowing? You're an adult, therefore, you have no excuse for not seeking knowledge of your Deen.
  16. Originally posted by mystic: You must be the so called Moderate Muslims. Because they work for the interests of the West, they are dubbed moderate Muslims. If you work against the interests of the West, you're dubbed extremist Muslim.
  17. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: Exactly what do you mean they are nijaas? Exactness.
  18. Originally posted by abu ansaar17: But they were not expecting the americans to do what they did. Good analysis. The ICU should have known the Americans would be directly involved in assisting Ethiopia. That's the only mistake the ICU made. And the remedy would have been to engage in insurgency/guerrilla attacks from the onset of the conflict. The bottom line, this is a lesson that has been well absorbed.
  19. Originally posted by Taako Man: The UN has a vested interest in seeing Somalia succeed. Incorrect. From the day it was chased out of Somalia in the 90's until a few months ago, the UN had no vested interest in seeing Somalia succeed. In fact, it had a vested interest in seeing Somalia fail. It's now supposed to show interest because the ICU was able to find a local solution for Somalia. Mark my word; no foreign solution can be a viable solution for Somalia.
  20. Originally posted by Taako Man: But you probably believe it is a tool of America. Only collaborators believe otherwise.
  21. The UN is irrelevant and has no credibility whatsoever. Wasn't it the UN that alleged 720 ICU warriors helped Hezbollah in winning its last war against Israel?
  22. Originally posted by Taako Man: If he wants peace he can have it. Somalis want the freedom fighters to free Somalia from the occupation, and capture the collaborators so to be tried at a treason tribunal.
  23. The audio by mujahid Ceyrow: http://www.xornimo.com/Audio/aadanceyrow%207-03-07.ram
  24. Originally posted by General Duke: The man is a hero for he fought for his country & government Incorrect. The traitor fought for the occupying forces against the freedom fighters.