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Everything posted by SoMa_InC

  1. ^^^lol Armz My fellow Brixton Kid welcome aboard. So where is the 23 from, is that the half price age? Cmon now this aint the Home Office, rearrange those numbers and hit the nail on the head, after all its just a number. Go on change it to 32.
  2. ^^^I totally agree with that. Rooney and Becks had a fight, i'm late with the news, what happened Soma? Sxb its a long story. To cut it short, you know how Becks acts like, a mentor for the England Team. After the first half, he started instructing Rooney on how to behave himself as he was having a bad time with the line man. Rooney wasn't having any of this so-called commands and hence a beef started in the dressing room. As reported by the Media, Mr Sven was stunned and his Assistant McClaren intervened and calmed both players.
  3. Has anybody seen/heard about Bob lately? Is he not replying coz his Arsenal side is under-performing? I hope he is doing fine and in good health.
  4. A Chelsea supporter complaining about long balls? Oh dear! How did Chelsea beat Bayern Munich last year? Who are the champions of route 1 football? People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones sxb! Water under the bridge... That made me laugh. I say No Comment!!
  5. Thats the reason why I watch Wimbledon.
  6. ^^^Modesty so you are footy fan, I am glad to hear that. So which team do you support?
  7. ^^^Nuune Wednesday aint that far. Revenge is sweet when it is served cold.
  8. ^^^^Absolute waste of time in deed! Gediid, I was just messing about.
  9. "O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become pious". (Holy Qur'an, 2:183)
  10. instead they Put Alan smith who is a lazy fella, True indeed! Lazy aint even the word! Soma-Inc, sxb, u r a giant Chelsicvovich kalashnicov fan What was that? Chelsicvovich? I know kalashnicov is a type of gun but are you suggesting that Chelsea has the got right weapons to gun down every team?
  11. Sxb I dont think the British Media is responsible for his actions. Remember this guy had a partner and he cheated on her. The FA Boss who quit his job also had a fling with the Faria Alam, who Sven Erikson has an affair with at the same time. And to make the matter worse, when everything has been settled (where Faria and the FA Boss lost their job)the media found out that he has been again cheating on his wife/partner with Faria. I think Sven is responsible for his actions. By holding a position like that, he should think twice. Their is a Conspiracy that the Brits think that they can win the world cup in Germany and they want an English man to win it for them. Remember last week's headlines where Becks and Rooney had a fight and the media reported that Sven was stunned and couln't do anything and they highlighted that it was the assistant manager, McClaren who settled the mess that has been created. I think Sven should be allowed to take England to the world cup and be given all the authority to choose players that he likes but I think his days are numbered and time is running out for him...
  12. Thanks Aeronwen, much appreciated. I am really delighted to have been appointed as a moderator. SOL is an outstanding and exceptional website and inshallah with Allah’s help, I’ll maintain its high standards and great values. Congrats to rest of the New Moderators. Hehe... is this a set up by the adminstration to keep me a life long member of SOL, now that they made a family member a moderator.Soma-Inc, i hate you boy, ever since in high school you been choosen to be a leader always.What will i tell the rest of the family now that am a grown up man and still can't be a leader.Is this a goodluck or some vodoo you got working here men? Now am pissed off..let me exit quietely.. Lol. I know you are proud of me!
  13. lol@Russia Mafia. Ngonge those words would come and hunt you down and inshallah i'll shall quote you by then.
  14. ^^^^Do you think Erikson should be sacked? Do think he is the right person for the job?
  15. I thought the football league already started...Chelsea has won all their four games and they will play Charlton Athletics on Saturday. The best game of the weekend is the Man utd vs Liverpool game....
  16. SoMa_InC

    The Ashes

    Damn! All of that effort and energy just for that little trophy size of the palm. I'd rather watch my champions league. I second that....
  17. ^^^^187 Sxb do you have something against Drogba and Chelsea? Let the team breath man! lol
  18. Soma, they are playing in spain. HAHAHAHA lol. Sxb Liverpool is a Spanish team playing in the English premier league. Their Manager is Spanish (I rate him though) and he turned the whole team to Spaniards. Ngonge....Excellent website! Arsenal were lucky last night.....
  19. Soma_Inc , I am very sure Liverpool will get three points in Anfield on our next BETIZ game, that is 6, and with andlerlacht we gona get 6 points from there, that is 12, and with you chelsickvovich, it is hard to predict, but I believe we will beat you one game and drew with u the next game, now that is 16, enough to get to the second round, no doubt, Nuune you seem over confident sxb! Those words would come and hunt you down! I'm hoping for a good result on sunday against the Mancs. Northener, Sxb I hate Man Utd but on Sunday I am on their side. Go Man Utd...Send the spanish team back to Spain..
  20. ^^^lol. Sxb how is it down there? I had that Arabs can play a decent football but lack the finishing, is that true?
  21. We have a different understanding of football sxb. That game was quite had five great goals, a lot skill was on display (both offensively and defensively), the speed of the players was electrifying and Cameroon scored some spectaluar goals; Viking sxb seriously that game was far away from lively. No skills whatsoever! The ball was never on the groud floor, always in the air, may be that is a skill. The goals were fine in an African standard football but the game was not what I expected. My expectations were high and they disappointed me. but you must have missed all that as you were only concerned about Drogba. Thats deep now!!
  22. ^^^^Sxb wlc aboard. Its good to see a fellow Chelsea fan in SOL. I am really glad to see a Chelsea fan on board. I really cant wait for the 28th, Revenge is sweet..... Damn Real Madrid got trashed by Lyon....I want them out in the group stages. Arsenal always get easy group and they always disappoint their fans as usual! peace.
  23. Good to see yall back man. Viking Sxb, I watched that Cameroon vs Ivory Coast game, Damn it was the most boring, non entertaining game I watched. No wonder no African team makes it big in the World Cup. The last 5-10 minutes was better than the whole match, when Cameroon attacked and were lucky to score. Damn the only good thing about the game were the two goals that were scored by non other than Chelsea striker, Drogba. Good finish in deed. Why do you lot want France out? I am sure its gonna be a good game to watch. Raffa Hope you are enjoying your holidays. 187 man you never give up. You seem to be a passionate Arsenal defender, always on the defensive. lol.
  24. 187 Good to see you back sxb. How you doing? I've been checking out the sports section for ages and no one seems to come there anymore so I decided to pursue other " interests". Are you thinking of what I am thinking of? What sought of ''interests'' might that be? But u keep playing dirty(just like chelsea) Give me a break brother, who plays dirty- Chelsea or Arsenal? Cmon now, which players dive? How many Red cards were issued with Arsenal players since A. Wenger joined them as a Manager, The FA lost count...The list goes on sxb...Arsenal are dirty team...Now tell me, how many times was Patrick Viera red-carded, your so-called most influential and prominent player. Sir Alex Ferg, one of football's successful manager, was once quoted refering Arsenal to a Rugby team. Dirty team in deed. I am waiting for your reply when you get a backup from Mr Bob. Am sure he agrees with me that his team is dirty, officially dirty..
  25. Liverpool were stu*pid to sell Baros and I am glad they lost the battle to bring Owen to Anfield. Damn, I cant believe they paid that sum of money (was it 6mils) for Peter Crouch. I think he is a good player but not a player that can be a substitute for Baros! Even though I dont rate Owen as class striker, he is the type of player that can score 20 or more goals a season. Cant wait to see his partnership with Alan Shearer.