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A newlywed couple returned to their apartment after being on their honeymoon. "Care to go upstairs and do it?" the husband asked. "Shh!" said the bride "All the neighbors will know what we're about to do. These walls are paper thin. In the future, we'll have to ask each other in code. For example, how about asking, 'Have you left the washing machine door open' instead?" So, the following night, the husband asks, "I don't suppose you left the washing machine door open, did you?" "No, I definitely shut it," replied the wife who rolled over and fell asleep. When she woke up however, she was feeling a little frisky herself and she nudged her husband and said, "I think I did leave the washing machine door open after all. Would you like to do some washing?" "No, thanks," said the husband. "It was only a small load so I did it by hand."
DAMN, Yo this city is iLL, Can't compare this My Borring as City Seatl, I came visit there las summer, jams every weend, hyped like motha****. I'ma come again fo'sho.
yo i just came from your site oh man i didn't know somalians can flow like that...there are a lot of somali rappers out there for you so i think you should collaborate with Chaze from toronto or Section Sixer from the forums..then you will have a chance to make big one day...
yo i just came from your site oh man i didn't know somalians can flow like that...there are a lot of somali rappers out there for you so i think you should collaborate with Chaze from toronto or Section Sixer from the forums..then you will have a chance to make big one day...
yo i just came from your site oh man i didn't know somalians can flow like that...there are a lot of somali rappers out there for you so i think you should collaborate with Chaze from toronto or Section Sixer from the forums..then you will have a chance to make big one day...
yo i just came from your site oh man i didn't know somalians can flow like that...there are a lot of somali rappers out there for you so i think you should collaborate with Chaze from toronto or Section Sixer from the forums..then you will have a chance to make big one day...
I just had to vote,,, For the illest nugga i seen. Seen...
Galab sugele oo jooga guriga baa telefoonka soodhacay, wuu qabtay, wuxuu ahaa, Doctor kasoo wacaayo isbitalaalka, meesha emergenciga, doctorka wuxuu yiri, xaaskaagi baa gaari la'gudoomey, waxaana kuu haayaa war xun iyo war fiican, warka xun waxaweeye, xaaskaaga xibnaheedi dareen maleh waxeyna ahaan in waligeed cuntada gacan lagu siiyo, musqusha lageeyo sariirta lasaaro,"Sugule,yaaban, waa maxat warka fiican?, doctorka'>Waa kuugu ciyaaraayey,...Wey dhimatay...... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>How about this one<<<<<<<<<<<< Check this one .. Two guys are stranded in the desert dying of thirst. As they're walking along they see a little shack. They run up to it and knock on the door. This big, fat, hairy, smelly, ugly, lady answers. The first man tells the lady about their situation and begs her for a drink. The women says, "Sure, if you f-ck me." The first man replies, "I would rather die in this desert, then sleep with your fat smelly azz." The second man wants to live and agree's to do the deed. The second man and the women enter the shack, leaving the first man outside. The women says, "f-ck me then!" The man agrees to do it only if she will close her eyes. He looks around the shack and sees a table full of corn on the cob. He picks one up, f-cks her with it and throws it out the window. The women opens her eyes and asks for it again. The man agrees and repeats the deed. The women is finally satisfied and agrees to give the gentlman and his friend some water. The man calls his friend in and informs him that the women is going to give them some water. The friend replies, "F-ck the water, I want some more of that buttered corn."
Charlie's an embalmer, and one day he says to his boss, "There's a problem with Mrs. Whittaker." The boss says, "What's that?" Charlie says, "I was getting her cleaned up when I noticed a jumbo shrimp sticking out of her" The boss says, "That's impossible. Show me." They go to the table where she's lying, Charlie flips back the sheet, points, and says, "See? There's a jumbo shrimp sticking out of her" The boss takes a closer look and says, "You jerk, that's not a piece of shrimp. That's her clit." Charlie says, "Her clit? Well, it sure tasted like shrimp." Hahahaha >>>>>>>>>>>>>>You didn't like that one<<<<<<<< CHECK THIS... A guy says to his wife, "I'm in the mood for some 69." She says, "It's that time of the month, but if you don't care, I don't care." They go into the bedroom, and are 69'ing like mad dogs when the doorbell rings. She says, "Answer the door." He says, "But my face is a mess." She says, "It's just the postman. Answer the door, and if he says anything, just tell him you were eating a jam sandwich." He opens the door and says, "I'm sorry about my mouth, I was eating a jam sandwich." The mailman says, "I wasn't looking at the jam on your mouth...I was looking at the peanut butter on your forehead." Ha>ahahah >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>How about this one<<<<<<<<<<,,, Bob goes into the public restroom and sees this guy standing next to the urinal. The guy has no arms. As Bob's standing there, taking care of business, he wonders to himself how the poor wretch is going to take a leak. Bob finishes and starts to leave when the man asks Bob to help him out. Being a kind soul, Bob says, "Ah, OK, sure, I'll help you." The man asks, "Can you unzip my zipper?" Bob says, "OK." Then the man says, "Can you pull it out for me?" Bob replies, "Uh, yeah, OK." Bob pulls it out and it has all kinds of mold and red bumps, with hair clumps, rashes, moles, scabs, scars, and reeks something awful. Then the guy asks Bob to point it for him, and Bob points for him. Bob then shakes it, puts it back in and zips it up. The guy tells Bob, "Thanks, man, I really appreciate it." Bob says, "No problem, but what the hell's wrong with your penis?" The guy pulls his arms out of his shirt and says, "I don't know, but I ain't touching it. >>>>>>If you don't like my jokes<<<<<<<<< I warned you...Say i didn't
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