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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by Rhazes: As a muslim (this might come as a suprise to the miserable miscreants who would sooner excommunicate me from Islam), I think these kind of questions do not always lead to a denouncment of religon, rather it creates a refined, reformed interpretation of religion that does not clash with our modern sensibilities. And God knows too many interpretations of Islam are at loggerheads with rudimentary ethics and human ideals. Dear Raamsade, It is all too predictable that after hitting the wall with your blatantly atheist persona and fixation with all things that prove that there is no God, you will reappear as Rhazes, wearing the visage of a muslim brother who is only interested in broadening the horizon of Islamic interpretation. You were more dignified, if boring, in your true colours. No one is going to take you as a Muslim here, despite your attempt to pre-empt doubts about your belief with foresighted mischief of calling people, who are likely to question your stand, as miscerants. Who do you think you are dealing with? kids?
  2. YOU CANNOT PUT A FOX TO BE THE GUARD OF A SHEEP COOP,IF YOU WANT TO HAVE ANY SHEEP LEFT.!! SIILAANYO AND Dr.GABOOSE, And all other expected up coming Goverment members. Conducting a dangerous, Failure to maintain law and order while they are in a power before, failure to protect the rights of somaliland poeple,Deceiving the poeple and own opinion by uttering gross lies, Ignoring the over whelming public opinion of the Somaliland population against the power abuse and corruption.if you look back old days Muse Biihi was a minister,Siilanyo was a minister not one time, Gaboose was a minister,Mahamed hashi was a minister. You cannot put a fox to be the guard of a cheep coop,if you want to have any chicken left! The evils that men do will forever live after them! Who killed his military leader ? how did Siilanyo run into wealth ? Siilanyo crime of annulling the 1995 confilect,is even enough to disqualify him from ever standing for any political office in the country.Not only did he throw the country into a political uncertainty,he also brought about the criminal regime of Siad bare when he refuse to support Abdirahman Tuur's goverment. Siilaanyo should wake up daily and ask for forgiveness for all his evil deeds.He was responsible for all lost lives and shattered hopes that resulted from the civil war nullification. I register my voice to say, hell no, to Siilaanyo and his aspiration to rule Somaliland! As we all know the man has too many rotten stinking skeletons to be a leader. Lisen and look those who are close associates of Siilaanyo are not his true friends.A true friend is one who tells you the honest truth, when the rest of the world tells you what you want to hear.A true friend is one that will never let a friend's name be soil in a stain of shame due to lying. http://www.somalilandpatriots.com/news-10174-0
  3. Big hips 'impair' women's memory, a study finds Being pear-shaped may hamper brain function, the researchers believe A woman's body shape may influence how good her memory is, according to US researchers. Although carrying excess weight anywhere appears to impair older women's brains, carrying it on the hips may make matters worse, they say. The Northwestern Medicine team found "apple-shaped" women fared better than "pears" on cognitive tests. But depositing fat around the waist increases the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease, experts warn. They said the findings, in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, highlighted the importance of maintaining a healthy weight for both body and mind. Some of the health risks associated with obesity, such as vascular disease and inflammation, may explain why people who are overweight appear to be at higher risk of dementia. However, the latest study suggests a bit of extra fat around the waist may actually protect brain functioning. Spare tyre The researchers believe belly fat makes more of the female hormone oestrogen that naturally dips after the menopause. Oestrogen is thought to help protect the brain from cognitive decline. The study involved 8,745 post-menopausal women aged 65 to 79. These women were asked to complete a memory test that doctors use to judge brain function. They were also weighed and measured, then scored on an obesity scale known as Body Mass Index or BMI. Over two-thirds of the women were overweight or obese. The researchers found that for every one point increase in a woman's BMI, her memory score dropped by one point. And pear-shaped women - those with smaller waists but bigger hips - scored particularly poorly. The researchers say this is likely to be related to the type of fat deposited around the hips versus the waist. Scientists already know different kinds of fat release different hormones and have varying effects on insulin resistance, lipids and blood pressure. Lead researcher Dr Diana Kerwin said: "We need to find out if one kind of fat is more detrimental than the other, and how it affects brain function. "The fat may contribute to the formation of plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease or a restricted blood flow to the brain." Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said: "The pear-shape is incredibly common, and while this study doesn't explain fully the link between body shape and brain function, it surely makes the case for watching the scales. "There is little we can do about our natural body shape, but a lot we can do about our weight. "With so much evidence of the dangers of obesity, we could all do well to consider sensible lifestyle changes to keep our weight in check." Source: BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-10614837 ---------------------------- Ileen waa waxa haweenka Somalida isugu wareernay!
  4. Walaahi ma hubo aniga iyo yarka meesha lahaa mid sheegay, laakin it is likely inaan ka sheekeeyey. The problem is the mosque is only few meters away from the music shop and we all knew each other very well. Laakin bari danbe ayaan ogaanay in gabadh macmacaanle cashier ka ah inuu wadaadku jeclaa, oo meeshaas ayuu inta badan shaah ka cabi jiray. Fozia ayaa la odhan jiray inanta. Mid maalin gabadha la kaftamay ayuu wadaadku wacdiyey uu ku yidhi waa xaaran in gabadh aan kuu mehersanayn aad la qosol qososho. Kii ayaa daba dhigtay oo soo ogaaday waxa jira!
  5. Maye jacaylbaa hayey wadaadka! Wuu i qabsaday bari danbe intuu sheekada dad ka maqlay!
  6. Miyaan kuu sheegay inaan bari mid music shop leh saaxiib la ahaa oo aan ag fadhiyi jiray markay dadku cajaladaha duubanayaan ama iibsanayaan. Naftaa qosol kaa baxaysa. Here comes a young girl, markaasay intay sugto ilaa dadku kala yaraanayaan, she says " walaal ma haysaa heestii "gantaal baa igu gudbane.." Mid kale (nin) yaa iman oo dhihi, " waxaad ii duubtaa bogsadee aduu hawl nabsi kugula baydhee.." Gabadh yar weyn ayaa soo gali oo iibsan " aduunyada dusheedana istareex ku nooloow, aniga ayaankeey" You know, with every person's choice you could read through their current situation and priorities. Laakin aniga my best expereince wuxuu ahaa nin xeroow ah oo masaajidka xafaada 3aad ka eedaami jiray ayaa saacad danbe soo galay meeshi isagoo isqarinaya. Wuxuu yidhi walaaloow, waxaad ii duubtaa, "digri iyo quraan iyo eedaanka diidee..."(yacni naftaydu)
  7. war heestaa magaran'e bal ila soo hadal oo codkaaga igu maqashii. Sidii nin xassan la yidhaa oo bari Addis Ababa aan music shop cajalad kala iibinayey, oo hees American ah oo uu jeclaa garan waayey magaceeda, ka dibna afka uga heesay. He kept on telling the guy in the shop, "I want...someone dhan.dhan.dhan.dhan.what a buuuuuuuubaa! bam bam! bam bam!" Heestii waa la garan waayey maalinkaas but the axmaar guy kept on laughing all the time and offered to give him a free Cassette. Waa danbe ayaan fahannay wuxuu raadinayey inay aheyd: "Someone taught me how to dance last night, what a looker he was!" wax noocaas ah! Heesta intuu maqlay ayuu yidhi "waata!waata! heestaan jeeday!"
  8. Keynaanka soo caanbaxee, calanka kor u qaaday Cuqddaddii ka saar caruurihii, ceeb la fooraraye Hadda kuraydaydii cid kasta waxay ku leeyihiin "you know Keynaan?...ya, that is our cousin."
  9. correlation does not entail causality. But I can see what you are trying to say.
  10. Gheele, adiguna waa xiligaad madaxa qalfoofka ah meesha soo dhigi jirtay? war ma ninkan dhuumanaaye dhabarku muuqdaad, yaad leedhay he could have this iyo that. Waa Raamsade oon biyo ismarin.
  11. War dee waa Raamsade oo in badan ayuu inala joogay meesha. Intii yarayd ee 'there is no God aheyd' markii laga caajisay ayuu magacii soo badashay, but he is still going to the same subject. You will see, waa ma gudbe, waligii intaa ma dhaafo. Arki maysid isagoo cilmi kale sheegaya. If God exists, where is he? etc etc ayaa lagu takhasuusay.
  12. Waa sax oo sheekooyinkii fartuun waan wadaynaaye, adigu laakin ma waxaad cilmi inaad leedahay ku aamintahay just for being an atheist. Badal oday la odhan jiray oo lo'leey ahaa ayaa waa hore yidhi "salaad maxaa iga dan ah iyo subax ismaydh maydhka", laakin apart from that wax cilmi ah oo kale oo uu aduun ku soo kordhiyey mahayno. All I am trying to say is that I have seen how you bully anybody who challenges atheists as 'unintelligent rabble'. And it follows that you think you are intelligent because you understood that there is no God. I don't think that alone makes you what you claim to be. And you are yet to produce anything that I could deem sophesticated and out of the mainstream thinking, other than a dose of anti-religion utterances that you imbibed from texts here and there.
  13. He sounds a bit more profound than Peacenow. He must be Raamsade.
  14. Rhazes, a.k.a Raamsade adeeroow adigaa Super-intelligent ah and on account of that, have discovered what the rabble could not discover about God ee laakiin dadka cayda ka daa. Who are you calling rabble? War isla yaab, waxba ma tihide, miskiin wareersan baad tahaye.
  15. Malika, I don't think it is about bitterness with faarax, but lack of faarax could be an issue for her. If there was Faarax in her life, she would perhaps have been too preoccupied with him, markaa ilaahay mayna isa soo gaadheenba.
  16. She reminds me of a discussion between some elderly axmaaro men sometime ago. One of them talked about how women are refusing to be under men and they are insisting that they be equal to men. The other one asked, what is their problem? said the other one, " they are saying the time when men used to be on TOP, and women used to be below is over". "So, are they saying they want to sleep side by side with us?" asked one of them. The other man said " what is their problem? let them go on TOP. I for one, have no problem with that. It is less hustle that way!" smiling.
  17. Xaaji chief, adigu maad dhinac uun isugu biirtid. Maxaa waxan oo multiplication ah kugu wata?
  18. Archedemos, faraha ka qaad oo iskadaa gabadha (if it is not yourself that you are talking about). Xor weeye, meesheey doonto haka dhacdo.
  19. Originally posted by NGONGE: A&T wants music, dancing and no hand cutting. But stops short from leaving the whole game altogether. Waryaa Ngonge, why do you drag me to this issue. I am a Muslim man and I don't have any doubts. Yes I like Music (not dancing), and yes I oppose cutting hands. And yes, I can see why Mullah's are to blame for this girl's problem.
  20. Originally posted by Cowke: Copying my earlier thread. Pathetic It is pathetic shilling. Cowke wixiisa maxaa ku daba dhigay?
  21. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Salaad ha ku daalin oo gaajona ha isku dilin... Heeso iyo waxaas waa iska macaasi, Hadaan salaadayda iyo soonkaygana iska wato, cidna aana wax u dhimin habeenkiina Gurigayga Guitar xun aan 'safiyaay waxaad tahay...' iskaga garaacdo, ma macsiyaa?
  22. Muu ka daayo Faroole. Maxaa waalay, soow Sheikh Sharif uma qorayo Museveni on behalf of Somalia. This is one of those times you realise Faroole's inetntions are not different than that of Somaliland leaders but he is just not honest enough to say so. I have heard him talking about Federalism and why it is not possible that a strong central goverment will rule Somalia again, and his reasoning was top top drawer drivel. Very non-sensical. Wuxuu ku leeyahay xamr oo danbe oo hantida qaranka la geeyaa suurta gal ma aha, sababtoo ah qabiilka leh ayaa hadhow siduu raba ka yeeli [yacni wixii dhacay 1990 ayaa dhici doona). He is wrong. He should have talked about the type of national government that will be formed, the check-and balances that will be there, equaity in power distributions, and gurantees for democratic processes. If he was arguing against centralisation of national resource in one center and the deprivation that causes to regions, he didn't make the right arguments. Wax ay iska cadahay inuu leeyhay rer walba meeshiisa ha dhiso unbuu ku hadlay. Odaygu qabyaaladayste WEYN (capital letter) weeye! Hadana, Museveni ayuu wareerinayaa oo ku wareeri doona madaxwwaynayashan ciida ka badan ee Somalia waraaqaha uga soo qoraya. I am assuming Silaanyo will do the same, of course. It will help the 'aqoonsi' cause.
  23. Adeer, diinta Alshabab wado waxba yayna iga siin. Anigu in islaanimo lagu dhaqmo waan rabaa, laakin waa in casriga lagu dabaqaa oo aan macangag la noqon. Ma soconayso qofka hadda yidhaa yayna haweenku shaqeeynin. Ma soconayso TV yaan la daawanin, iyo internet yaan la akhrisan. Ma soconayso entertainment (heeso iyo riwaayado) yaan nafta lagu maaweelin. Intaasba iyadoo la sameeyo oo hadana muslim la yahay ayey aabayeesheen iyo hooyooyinkeen na dhaleen! Ma gaaleey ahaayeen? Adeer, islaanka aduunka ku nool billion wuu dhaafay, waxay qabaan unbaanu la qabi. In dhowr malyan oo Somali ah'i ay ka gaar noqoto oo dal iyo dawlad seeg noqoto caqli ma aha. Waa runtaa oo anigu Maxaakiimtii (by the way back then Alshabab ma muuqan) waxaan ku raacsana inay soo celiyaan dawladnimada Soomaliyeed iyo inay ka nadiif ahaayeen qabiil. Laakin inay dadka gacmaha ka gooyaan iyo inay haween dhagax la dhacaan marna kuma raacsaneyn. Adigu waxaad dooni igu sheeg laakin anigu nin muslim ah oo salaad iyo soon dhaafin ayaan aheyn, wixii macsiyo ah ee la xaaraantimeeyayna shaqo kuma lihi. Laakin qaabka shareecada ay Alshabab u macnayso (ama ha saxnaadaan ama ha qaldanaadaane) waan ka soo hor jeedaa, waxaana u arkaa inay tahay arin aan soconayn. If that trend of saying 'we cannot adapt to changing situations in the world' continues, it will result in less and less people believing and practising islam and Islam will become like other religions (catholic and other branchs of Christianity), oo dad kooban uun masaajida la fadhiyaan.
  24. Mid baaba sidaa yidhi markuu ninkan oo waxaa sheegi arkay. War noo fur gabadha diinta aabahaa waxaa ku sameeyee maskax-faluuqa qaba, anagaa hada meherine, ayuu ku yidhi! War adigu waad haysaaye, kii xumaa ee BOB ahaa ayaan la baryayaa'e bal wax la hadal.