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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Alshababaaab ayaan taageersanahay iyo qabyaalad ma aqaan kala daa horta. Alshabaabtu soowta dadka laga tirada badan yahay uun xukunka alle ku fulisa maaha? Intaas ka imo. Waxaan ka hadlay waad garab martay. Family planning hadda dadka muslimka ah ee West'ga jooga ma practice gareeya mise ma practise gareeyo? Hadii jawaabtu tahay haa (dhamaan saaxiibadaydii wadaadada ahaa 2 ama 3 ciyaal ah wax dhaafay mahayo for over a decade), waxaad ii sheegtaa meeshay diintu ku sheegtay? Markaa, dadka arintaa sameeyey ma gaalo ayaa? Haddaad taa ka gudubto waxaadan iska indhatiri karin arimo badan oo u baahan in interpretation waafaqsan xaalada maanta ay am jiraan ama ay iman doonaan. Markaa arimahaa ha la update gareeyo xukun alle ayaa la diiday ma aha. Of course, as an Alshabab sympathiser, meel gaaban oo cidhiidhi ah inaad igu xujeyn waan garan karaa. Ninkan aqliga badan ee Rhazes ah laakin isagu ujeedo aan aheyn in dadka diinta haysta uu duro ma leh si uu waxoogaa mental satisfaction u helo. Cilmi lakala faa'iidaysto inuuna hayn wuu arkaa ee waa aan idin caayee i dhagaysta. Ma diidani inuu sidaa yeelo (oo meesha yuuna wax ku qorin ma lihi) laakin wixii igala quman waan ugu jawaabi. Isagii ayaa intaa u dulqaadan la' oo harangue ayaa la igu sameeyey'da haya.
  2. It is not Maaddeey and Rhazes issue. Arintaa culumadu aad ayey ugu kala qaybsan tahay, and it has nothing to do with the existence of Xadith's. It is all about interpretations. I remember reading two different shiekhs oo si kala duwan uga hadlaya isla arintaa oo labaduba soo xiganaya the same xadiith.
  3. Alliance ilen doorasho kuma jiree meeshayda dhexe maan iska haysto? Anigu waxaan aaminsanahay in meel dhexe jiri karto oo aan labadoodaba midna aheyn. Oo ah in Ilaahayna aan aamini karo, diintana interpretation waafaqsan wacyiga jira ee aadamaha lagu salayn karo. Maaddeey will get mad about this one and will accuse me of calling for the alteration of the religion. But in practice , all I am asking is broadening what is already done to other areas. Maanta arimo badan oo horey aan u jirin ayaa maalin walba muslimiinta qabsada, waxaan loo refer gareeyaa culumo fatwa ka soo saarta ama qeexda. Waa lagu qasban yahay in cilmiyada iyo xaaladaha soo kordha diinta lagu dabaqo. Family planning hadda waa lagu qasban yahay, xitaa iyadoo ayna jirin arimihii diinta lagu sheegay ee banaynayey sida xaalad caafimaad iyo wax la mid ah. Haddaad tidhaa 12 ayaan dhalayaa simply lama karayo in si haboon masuuliyadoodii loo guto. It looks trivial, laakin if such issues need some solution from culumaa, others like beheadings and cutting limps must have.
  4. Rhazes'ka armaan isaga dhownahayba Maaddeey? Maaddeey waa xagjir. Kan Rhazes'ka ah isagu inuu wuxuu rabo aamino ma diidani, ee laakiin wixiisa inuu dadka sanka ka marmariyo unbaan nacaa. Laakin sida Maaddeey isku kaa qarxin maayo ama kurka kaa jari maayo. Intaad is-caydaan unbaydun kala tagi worst. markaa, it is not easy to pick your priority target here.
  5. Waraa Nuune, Dhago adkida adeer, waa ku sidee. The source doesn't need to be in Jigjiga or Addis to know about Da'ud's movements. Actually, tonight the source is not in Jigjiga. Waa nin ka war haya wax walba. If you need more, he is a senior official. Oodweyne, Why can't you see that the social standing of the stooges in jigjiga among their communities is like that of your kins men who you called 'chancers in muqdisho'? Somaliland is now beyond the reach of the TFG, but it doesn't mean these 'chancers' would have played the same role Iley and co are performing in Jigjiga if the TFG'e tantrums were to reach your enclave. So, there is no difference between these two as far as their intention is concerned. Again, with a bit of sober mind and fairness, you would have extended Ismail's analogy to Da'ud, Iley and their coterie who make up numbers and have no real power.
  6. Si alaale si aan yeelo garan mayno. Inkaarbaa nagu dhacday. Ma Rhazes iyo gaal-lagaleenka ayaan iska celinaa mise Maaddeey iyo Alshabab ayaan la muranaa? War maad u meel daydid ishaysiga dhexdeena?
  7. Maaddeey, Dr. Ibraahim Xassan Cadoow maalinkay dileen ayaan Alshabab diin ku kala leexanay. Adeer naga jooji Alshababtan aad diin nooga dhigaysid. Argagixiso foqal argagixiso. Rhazes, carabiga ma aqaan laakiin 'law kuntu taclam maa iqauul...' iyo wax lamid ah waan arkaa. Waxaa tidhiba lagu yidhi ee halkaa inoogu daaa. But i can understand why it has to end in carabi. It is to give the impression of a person highly knowledgeable about Islam and supposedly that proves your doubts are not merely the result of imbibing texts from mission-colleagues. It is an alibi, I understand. Waxba kama qaba inaan halkaa ku daysano lest you will lose your intellectual muse by debating with kids and dogma-believers. P.S. no harangue adeer. I am only trying to remind you sometimes what you think of yourself is not necessarily what you are.
  8. Waraa Maaddeey, Stop twisting people's words for your malicious use. Alshabab diintay wadaan banaankaan ka ahey doesn't mean muslim ma ihi. Aniga laftigayga Alshabab diintay wataan shaqo kuma lihi. Sheikh Shariif ayaan isku diinnahay.
  9. Fadiilatu-shiek Karl al-polanyi, go no further than Napolean. His use of foul language is showing. Cicero ma aha. Wuxuu rabaa meeshan SOL ah in uu ilaah baa jira iyo majiro uun laga doodo. maybe that is her forte, laakin dee appetite ayaanaan u haynin and we are right to express our concerns.
  10. Alshabab ayaa afar afar u qaba masaakintan. They will not send them to battle but use for propaganda.
  11. The Zack, my source just said he is sleeping. ma hubtaa warkaa mise waan toosiyaa oo waan waraystaa?
  12. Now we have no option but to suspect Jacyalbaro binary theories. Or is it a case of birds of same feathers...
  13. Dear Oodweyne, 40 members of your 'recognition-seeking' kinsmen are now in Muqdisho as part of the TFG. And the head of Prisons in Somalia was from the same clan as the SNM at the height of the movement's struggle. Don't make an issue of a universal disposition of human beings. It would have been an anomaly if the whole community were on one side. By the way, the likes of Iley, while useless stooges who arrest and kill their own, are perfect remedy for the anti-O clanists who would have used such power to inflict much more sinister clan-cleansing against this besigied community. It is not a lose-lose situation, afterall. Nuune, la hadal whoever is feeding you this updates and tell him to go to leave you alone. Ninkaasi ma xidhna saaxiib. We can give you a minute by minute update and what he utters each minute if you so wish!
  14. Maaddeey, shabaabyahow, markaan dadka bilaa diinta ah ishayno yara sug ha isxiijine. Islaamka gacanta dadka lagooyo la soo booda ma raacsani. ma diidani xukunka alle, laakin waxaan wax ka qabaa sida loo interpret gareeyo iyo context'ga agu fuliyo. Intaasi maku deeqdaa. Waa Napolean - adeer waan ku caayi karaa laakin I chose not to do so. Meel aan kugu caayeyna mahaysid. Laakin waxaan kuu sheegay inaad luuqadii Napoleon leedahay. Taasi waa fact ee cay ma aha. Caqligaa badan eed isuqirtayna waa runtaaye adeer meel kale la aad. 114 dhameeyey ninkii yiidhi waxaa dilay kii ugu jawaabay 'yaa kaa aqrisan'.
  15. Originally posted by Rhazes: Why do SOLers always assume I'm an old Nomad? Ibtisam said I was Cicero. Karl Polyani said I was Max. Abtiga says I'm Raamsade. Someone else sent me a message, speculating whether I was xiinfaniin's alter-ego. I'm not Johnny either. I guess I'm everything to everyone. :mad: You see how he knows his comrades-in-faithlessness? Except Xinn which he added to confuse. Curiously the name Napoealn is omitted. How many times did I tell you my favourite channell is crime and investigation?
  16. Raamsade waan u gafay, oo waaba nin fikirkiisa si edeb leh u sheegta. Laakin Rhazes a.k.a NAPOLEAN waa aflagaado socota. Isagoo bilaa-diin ah ayuu hadana rabaa inuu dad handado.
  17. The overwhelming opinion of Brazillian football fans. Tuujiye, for your information. I know you don't understand when footie analysis is a bit sophesticated though. We should retain the solid base built by Dunga for the near future and slowly rejuvenate the squad for 2014. Personally, I'm going to miss the solidity that Dunga added to the Selecao. Remember, this team accomplished some things that no previous generation had done (like winning a competitive game in Uruguay) or very few generations had done (winning away in Argentina). One thing I respect Dunga for is that he showed us how to deal with Argentina. Like I have said before, rather than revamping the system, let's improve upon Dunga's work by having a solid bench and doing a better job in the selection process. Agree. We need to retain Dunga's achievements and improve in the areas where his team was weak. I think Brazil did play some beautiful games against Ivory Coast and Chile.
  18. Rhazes, ok you are not Raamsade. You are the vulger Napolean. Aflagaadadiisii waad leedahay. But on the issue, you started with the fatuos remark that becuase the girl started doubting her faith, she must be intelligent. Let us say she is, although I fail to conclude the millions of atheists and agnostics, not to mention pagans, in the world all have IQ levels that are above the rest of the people. But let us say you are right and the girl is intelligent. So what? how do you expect SOL'ers to help her? Are we going to debate the existence of God, aakhira etc and agree on and then offer her a way out of her situation? No way! She didn't even ask a question. She made a revealation. You may say the very exercise of debating is enlightening and is worth the effort. You are right. But haven't we gone in circles and circles from one thread to another on this same subject in the last couple of years? What more value does it add to go into another round? I don't like debating these issues not because I am discomforted by them but because I see the futility of going around a dead-locked issue over and over. Should we go into this cycle just to appease few atheists who drive some joy from the distress of the faithful by mocking their religion? Tan kale ee aad ciyaal iyo haween ka hadlayso, caruur badan oo adi kaa aqli badan ayaan arkay anigu and I don't know how your 'intelligence' fails to tell you that sex and age are not barriers for intellectual debates. That is if we assume we are children as you alleged. Please bring the profound intellecual debates we missed since the gentlemen you mentioned left us, for we are here to learn. But, for you to imbibe few theological matters from your mission-mates and to come here and bamboozle us as a serious thinker, merely for copying and pasting someone else's ideas, is disingenous. Waxaan intaa aheyn oo cusub meesha la imo and we are all ears! By the way, it doesn't matter if you are Raamsade or Rhazes or Napolean. Your views are the same as the one's we suspect you to be and to that extent there is little reason to be preoccupied with your code-names.
  19. Go iley! Go! I give him a life span of 1 year. Waa nin waalan. Da'ud xidhaygiisa ma maqal wali anigu. And if you ask me, I don't think so. but,yet again, I didn't think they will unseat him too.
  20. Nowhere did Rhazes spoke carabi, and even if he does, it might be a ploy to creat exactly the impression you got. Wuu soow bowsan karaa inyar oo uu isku qariyo. But this is Raamsade. Trust me.
  21. We are debating the validity of some research walaal. Cabir majiro, laakin dee anecdotal evidences in meesha la keeno sow ma aha.
  22. Mzansi, war punctuation marks'ga miyaadan ku dhigan 'Ramadaan Private English School?". ? stands for question marks. Waa ku sidee! Rhazes, liberal muslim hadaad tahay opposing Alshabab's interpreation of Islam isma diidayno. Laakin Ilaahay majiro iyo sheekooyinkaa markaad la timaadid aniga Raamsade unbaad ii tahay, hadaa dooni ahow ama ha ahaan. You are Raamsade until proven that you are not Raamsade.
  23. frankly speaking, anigu I read this because of the picture in the article (pear-shaped) more than a belief in its scientific validity. Yet, concidence or not, I can now recall some of islaamihii i soo maray and there is a pattern consistent with this discovery. The one who went closest to this description was Ruun, and I remember inay odhan jirtay waxaad ila balantay 3:00 galabnimo when the fact is I said to her 3;00 galabnimo ayaan meel gaadhayaaye, markaan ka soo noqdo ayaan kula soo hadli!
  24. waryaa Ngonge, maad ii jawaabtid? Ninkani wa ayo? anigu ilaa Raamsade oo socda aan meeshan ku arko, Rhazes raamsade unbuu ii yahay/ Ama waa Baashi oo gaaloobay? Rhazes, waryaa, war dee sariirtoo laga sheekeeyo laguma gaaloobo. Anigu intaas ayaan danbi leeyahay, adiguna ilaahay ma jiro ayaad leedahay. Markaa sideed diinta iiga dhawaan kartaa?