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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Cowke, It doesn't matter what Mohamed Adow's motives are. You need to focus on his report and highlight its flaw if you think it has one. But again, ileen cowkaad aheeyd. Libaahe, SSC, Somaliand etc etc are really labels. The truth is it is clan X against clan Y. Markaa lama kala xoog badna.
  2. Mayd-noolihii Xinnfaniin iyo Maaddeey, kol aan doonto, Ama aan Karl Marshal ka dhigo, macallin weeyaane, Walee Rhazes ama murtad kaloow, maanta kuma daayo
  3. Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi: Seriously, I respect you since you are open about views on religion. I have never seen posing as a mufti. However, I found it hypocritical when an atheist such Rhazes starts posting AF CARabi poems, declassifying hadiths and telling Muslims that the doors of itjihad are open on everything, including the subject of prophethood, . One can't do itjihad or reinterpret a religion which they have rejected long ago and spend most of their time mocking. In other words, you can't be a cyber mufti and commited atheist. Munafiqnamada naga daya, for we are not ******. Exactly. Karl afkaaga Nido lagu qabay. I have no problem with JohnnyB oo kale. I have a problem with liers and cheats.
  4. Qoraalkiisa waxaa ka buuxa wax la yidhaa 'terminological orotundity for intellectual profundity'. It really doesn't attest to higher qualification. It is easy to bamboozle with flowery phrases uplifted from victorian vocabulary these days; and to be honest he is more of a wordsmith who mistakes words for ideas. I am yet to see anything that can be considered scholarly ideas from his utterances so far. All he said here, when he is not busy boasting his credentials, is that there is no Pure Islam and that personal interpreatation of the religion is the way forward. This is not a scientific truth. It is an opinion. Others will sure have their opinions and one can see others here certainly dispute his opinion. Now we know his opinion on this matter, we can go and ask what his mission is. His objective is to create a psychosis of doubt and paralysis among the faithful, a psychosis of unrelieved doom and hopelessness, of ever burgeoning, ever enveloping crisis until the faithful begin to regret their belief, believe their religion and contentment is not justified. Until, they take it as a horrible mistake, indeed a curse, whose repair and lasting cure is a speedy rush to spiritual anarchy. That is his mission, not necessarily how the SOL faithful will react to his one-line anti-religion jingo. This is not different than what others having been trying to do here from time to time. What changed is that Rhazes is seeking to be with the hounds while running with the hares at the same time. He is claiming he is a muslim, while he is anything but. Midda kale, Juxa, adigu colaada aad ii qabyto ka sakoow, marka ay gaalada iyo muslimku ishayaan isku dhinac inaynu nahay yaan moodayey. The challenge is outstanding. Ha inoo sheego qualification'kiisa iyo meesha uu ka soo baxay, ileen isagaa faankiisa loo joogi waayaye. We have no compunction in telling ours to him. Markaa ayaa la ogaan qofka loox-jiidka ku bartay iyo ka properly schooled'ka ah.
  5. Rhazes, Ilaa hadda waxbaan aqaan iyo dood cilmiyeeysan meeshan kama jirto, iyo hebel baa sidaa ah aniguna sidaa ayaan ahay ayaad dhaafi la'dahay. Adeer, in the age of google, nina uma baahna in meeshan loo sharaxo this theory or that theory. They are a mere click away. But in case you think I will not match you in academic debates (admittedly evolution theories are not my interst areas nor where I know a lot about), you may pick the subjects for which I am qualified (which you could enquire through PM) and I can put something there. These references to epistimology, aesthtics, or metaphysics are designed to prove your unrivalled status as accomplished academician, but may I remind you I got "A+" in Introductory Philosophy in 1992?? Mise qofkii hobby kaaga ka duwan leh, must have serious academic deficit if he doesn't bring it to SOL. Opposite values/attitudes are complementary. If you feel superior, it must be there is an inferiority complex embedded in your psyche. Eversince this discussion began, the amount of times you have reminded us of your exploits is innumerable. Good for you. But please don't divert the issue here. I am only objecting to your dishonesty ( in claiming to be a Muslim). I a also oppossed to your insensitive mocking of Isam and the faithful here. And as much as it may annoy you, it is my right and duty to do so. If that means I am a cabby-driver, or a hiphop artist, so be it. You talk of diatribes when all you have been doing in this thread is exactly to spew out one after another. I am doubting your sanity. Bal jaamacadaad ka baxday iyo waxaad bartay meeshan ku soo qor and let us contrast to where we went. Maybe that could provide a proxy indicator of your level of intellect. And I am challenging you to do so!! Waabsi foqol waabsi.
  6. Abtigiis


    Adigu gaal fiican baad tahay oo Somalidiisa jecel.
  7. Originally posted by Rhazes: Every nincompoop thinks any reasonable person is a reincarnation of Johnny B, Raamsade, Naden, Cicero, Cara, alisom, as if religious people could not be equally reasonable. Who said you are reasonable? We said you are atheist and those you listed were. Gabdhaha meesha ka saar ciddi ma soo hadal qaadine. Malaha in aqoontaada laga wareeray baad u qabtaaba? So, for you Maaddeey iyo inta theory of evolution aan aaminsanayn aqoon maleh? And Naden ayaad professorad nooga dhigaysaa for pasting tired Dawkins logic here?
  8. Haatanna mid baa soo mudh yidhi, Rer-Maxamed-diide,
  9. Ngonge laftigiisaa Zindiiq kale ah siduu meeshan wax u wado. Horta isaga laftigiisa yaa huba wuxuu yahay dad kale unbaan saaran nahaye?
  10. Waraa Gheele, Muslim hadaad tahay naftaada u baq oo muslim kale meel hakaga dhicin. Anigu Alshabab ayaan diidan ahay, Maaddeey'na hadalo aan ku jikaro way jiraan. Laakin, boqol jeer ayaan kuu caddeeyey mawqifkyka ku aadan diinta iyo shareecada. Markaa inaad ila masaysid ninkan boodhka isku qarinaya ee Ngonge'na uu u jiibinayo ee atheist'ga ah ma haboona. Karl, you are right. But I really can't understand why Ngonge often cheers to those who take a dig at religions and islam in particular? Ma isaga fikirkiisa ayey afkooda ku sheegaan oo sidaas ayuu ku raaxeeystaa? Ngonge, markaad rabtidna dadku wuxuu soo wato ayaad sii sheegtaa, markaad rabtidna qof ujeedadiisu cad tahay ayaad u xil qarisaa. Waad qaldan tahay. For the record, anigu gacanta dambiilayasha yaan la goyn ma odhan, mabda' ahaan. Laakin waxaan qabaa inuuna jirin the enabling environment in Somalia right now in arintaas la fuliyo, muhiimna ma aha. Waxaa kale oon qabaa in aakhirka culumadda Isam'ku ay keeni doonaan qiil lagu joojinayo in gacanta iyo lugta istalaw loo gooyo qof danbi galay oo laga yaabo inuu bari ka towbad keeno (once amputated, he has no way of redeeming himself and helping the society). Taasi waa anigu sidaan jeclaan lahaa, laakin waxaan anigu jecel ahay diin iima aha, markaa intay imanayso waxaan ku qasbanahay inaan ku qanco qodobadda diintu dhigayso siday hadda u yaalaan. Markaa, waxaan wixii muslim ah ka codsanyaa inayna qiil u sameyn ninkan muslim-nimo aan jirin sheeganya si ay ugu sahlanaato inuu ujeddoyinkiisa fuliyo.
  11. Nuune, sources'kii ayaad karaamada ka qaaday adeer. Ninkaasi ma xidhna ayaanu ku nidhi, lamana xidhayo. Xil kale ayaa loo dhiibayaa.
  12. Waryaa Ngonge, Waxbaa si iga ah last two days'e ii soo ducee ninyahoow. Maaddeey ducadiisa ha iska haysto. Ilaahayoow shahiid kaa dhig yuu ducco iiga dhigiye. Waa inoo Isniinta saaxiibayaal Juxa'na sidaas ayaanu isku daynay, markay haday reerkayagii ka saartay Soomalinimadii.
  13. loooooool@IImeey. Mar hadaad maanta anigoo nin Somali-Abbo ah aad tidhi Oromo ayaad tahay kala dhimanay juxa'aay.
  14. Ngonge, even the man himself could not have come with that much defense of his utterances. Waad u qiil samaynaysaa and for once I have to say you are not convincing here. Ninkaasi wuxuu yahay isaga iyo ilaahiisa ayaa og, laakin siduu u hadlayey nin muslim ah ma aha. Hadaad adigu leedhaya gabadhu waa 'pioneer'na waxba ma dhaantid. Laakin before we say you are so and so, tell us why you think she is pioneer. Hadhow sidaa uma jeddin iyo I didn't say that ha ku meeraysan. Waxa aad so quote gareeysay eed leedhay wuu ka jawaabay su'aasha waa rubbish. It has not problem as a statement, laakin it doesn't prove our doubts about him wrong. Su'aashana in la is waydiiyo waxay naga caawinaysaa in qofku meeshu ka socdo la fahmo. You cannot argue about why religion needs to be reformed with an atheist who doesn't belive in religion at all. Yacni waa wareer uun sidaa hadii la yeelo. Ngonge, is cadee adeer oo waxaad aaminsanthay sheeg. Anigu Maaddeey'na waa la iga shidaa, muslim'na waan ahay, Ilaahay jiritaankiisa iyo rasuulkiisana waan adeecsanahay. Sida muslimka 1 billionka ah u nool yihiin uun aan u noolaano unbaan leeyhay. Ninkani laakin afaaro kale ayuu ku jiraa'ye indhaha ha isqaban.
  15. Waraa Maadeey, u sheeg gabadhan in rer-Caruusi (Somali Abboo) ay yihiin Soomali.
  16. Haa, hadaan fahmay Somali ma tihida, markii hore waan wareeray before I saw the Oromo bit. Maya anigu Peace iyo waanwaan ayaan rabaa. Haday cidi bixi oo heeshis la waayana gabadh buu meesha ka eryey la odhan maaye anigaa bixi. Si baadse waayahan ii sanif santhaye' alla ha sahlo. Shalay baad la hayd waxbaad cabirtay anigoo daraasad BBC qortay uun ka hadlayey. In la igu kaa diray waan ogahay ee waxaana wali hubin uun inuu Ngonge yahay iyo Nuune yahay qofka isku keen diray. Laakin af-soomaliga ama bartay ama u dhashaye, inaan kuu dhigi karo way ila tahay. Bal intan hoose ku qoran soo macnee adigoo cidna PM u dirin. Moorada salkeediyo xalaan sugay malluugtiiye Sufurtaa madow ee dayaxa saaran baan garanne Dhiig buu sidaa waqalkan aad sagalka mooddaaye
  17. Rer-waqooyigyu waa bunch of hypocrites. Maalin dhowydna Xoosh ayaa na caayey ayey la haayeen, maalin walbana gabadhan Saado Cali ah ayey wax kasta oon afka la soo marin karin ku yidhaahdaan. All because she happens to have a different political opinion. War islaanta ka xishooda.
  18. Juxa's explanation is wrong. (wuu madax guguban yhay ayey igu tidhi maalin hore oo waan ka aar gudanayaa). Daad markuu i qaadaan ka durkaa here means 'I am always late to do the right thing'. As Juxa rightly said earlier waa nin shalaytoonayaa, markaa this line is consistent with the rest of the song.
  19. Indeed. His selection had some problems and this is not about Ronaldinho and Adriano. It is about why Kaka would have to play when it is now clear he was not fit. It is about why he left out Diego, Carlos Eduardo and even Ganso. Markaa odaygu qalad yar wuu sameeyee like any other coach. Even Del Bosque made those, but they only come to the light when you lose. If you see how Brazil played against Holland and compare it how Spain did, you will notice Dunga's team was very strong. They dismantled Holland in the first half and as Ngonge said earlier it was hard to see how Holland will come back into the game, before they got that lucky break. I still think Dunga had a good game plan. But I concede Brazil was boring for most of the time. And this has to do with him overdoing the defensive part. He should have selected two holding midfielders who also can pass the ball. I have always been against Gilberto Silva. And I thinbk Elano's absence hurted that day. But that is history. They lost and the attacking system must come back. But I wonder if they will win the World Cup with all-attack mind-set like Argentina. Go to Argentinian blogs and you will see all the talk is we should learn how to defend. I thibk Dunga's tactical nouse will be missed by Brazil. Afterall, he didn't win the world cup, but his record is amazing.
  20. Ngonge, waad qaldantahay oo waad isyeel yeelaysaa. Ninkan ilaahay ma aaminsana oo way iska cadahay. Hadaad leedahay muuna si toos ah u odhana, hada ayaan waydiinaynaa'e dhagayso. Rhazes, "Ilaahay inuu jiro iyo ma aaminsan tahay?" Ama kama jawaabi doono ama wuu ka warwareegi. NG, adiga iyo anigu isku xer ayaan aheyn laakin ninkan ku hoos gabanaya su'aalaheena oo kale balse wax kale aaminsan yuuna kuu dhuumanin. Rhazes, Intaan kuu jiro waxay ku xidhan tahay inaad tawxiidka aaminsantahay iyo jiritaanka Ilaahay. Hadaad aaminsan tahay arintaas, waan isku dhow nahay oo makala fogin. Oo Alshabab iyo Maaddeey iyo mintidiintaba waan iskacelinaynaa. Hadii aadan Ilaahay aaminsaneyn isku xanaaq ma nihine xanaaqa inoo kala leexi. Adiguna waxaad ka xanaaqsan thay dadkan Ilaah iyo diin ayaa jira leh; aniguna kuwa Diintii inta dadka lagu dhibayo uun ka soo qaatay ee ku mashquulay. Markaa, waan wada cadhaysanahay laakin isku cadho ma nihin.
  21. War Gheele, waan daalay oo waan iska seexane, gaalkiyo Maaddeeyba inaga sii qabta.
  22. Your last paragraph has some truth. But interpretation is not the only thing that is there in Islam. First, we have to agree on some core tenets. The existence of God, the acceptance of Quran as his words, and Mohammed as his prophet are the starting points. It is after this that the issue of personal interpretaion on many issues arises. Adigu laakin, it seems you are not in agreement with the very critical foundations of this faith or any other religion for that matter. If you were honest enough like you were in your past life here in SOL- that is an atheist, you would have had the luxury of refuting the very existence of God and hence the whole debate would have moved to a different direction. Now that you have decided to alter yourself for tactical reasons, it is difficult to get hold of what the essence of your argument is. Are you saying Islam is subject to many interpretations? Why is that a news. Don't we see it by the way it is fought out in Somalia and elsewhere. Or are you trying to say because there is no 'pure' Islam, and because we don't know which interpretation is the right one, we don't know whether the whole thing exists in the first place? Meel kale ayaad uga soo wareegtay sheekadii laga daalay ee hore ee ahayd diima oo dhan waxba kama jiraan. The only difference this time is you are using a more bottom up approach, oo waxaad rabtaa inaad marka hore disprove gareysid in wax 'pure' ISlam la yidhaa jiro, so that you can go to the next conculsion oo ah 'pure christianty'na' majirto, pure judaism na majiro, hence waxba majiraan in the end. A truth which is not denied but whose premises are rationalized, in the end is prone to be doubted. markaa adigu nin weyn noqo oo boodhka ha isku qarine, arintaada ka hadal. And please don't insult our intelligence further (walooow horey aad noogu sheegtay inaynaan isku garaad aheyn), and don't try to hoodwink us.
  23. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Quraanku wuxu sheegay in dadka badankiis lunsanyihiin! (Aaway Ngonge?) haday lunsanyihiinm, markay hagaagaan baynu hagaagi inaguna insha-allah. Inta hagaagsanee Ali Dheere iyo Abu-zubeyr lamid ah waxay helaan waxba yayna aniga iga siin kolkaa. Quraanka macnayntiisa soow ma aha waxa la isku haysto ee Sheikh Sharif iyo Xassan Dahir iyo Ahlu-Sunnah kala geeyey? Maxaad uga dhigaysaa in wax la isku waafaqsan yahay jiro?
  24. At last, someone understood my issues. Thanks Gheele. Isaga Maaddeey waxaa gala sheekadii hore eed tidhi "abtigiis oow meel uun raac". Typical Shabab mentality weeye, ama xagan ama xagaa kale. Miyaan meel dhexe jiri karin? Anigu duniga muslimka ee over 1 million'ka ah sida ay u nooshahay uun Soomaliduna ha u noolaato unbaa leeyahay. Xadiis iyo aayad inaga si gaar ah noogu soo dagtay oo " yaa ayuhal Soomaliyuun" leh ma jirto, markaa aan tartiibsano meesha bilyankaasi galaan unbaan aakhiro galaynaaye. Sidaasi ma diin ka baxbaa, Gheeloow? Maaddey, adeer kolba wixii adiga kula culusna ha cuslayn, kolkaad rabtidna wixii kula fudud ha fududeyn. Sidaa interpretation'ka ugu ogoshahay heesaha iyo family planning ( oo si cad diintu uga hadashay), arimahan kalena waa loo interpret gareyn karaa? Murtad la dilo ayaad ka hadlaysaa London ayaanad ku nooshahay. Orodoo Raamsade dil, ha kaa saartee. Hadhow ayaad odhan doontaa 'dawlo islaamya meeshay ka jirto ayaa laga hadlayaa'. Imisa muslim ah ayaa meel dawlo islamiya ayna ku jirin ku nool. Ma xadiis leh waa laga exempt gareeyey ayaa jira. Hadaan ganacsi ama arin kale ku geyn meel xukunka alle ka jirin ka haajir ayaala yidhiye ma kula tahay in Somali oo dhan Somalia ku soo noqon haday xitaa nabadi dhacdo? Wax aan meesha ku jirin kuma waydiinayee, waxaan ku soo qabanayaa practical examples keeni doona interpretationka maanta Family planning loo sameeyey in iyagana bari loo sameeyo. Adigaa arki doona.