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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ferguson, PM'ka fur dee wuu buuxaaye.
  2. All the following are people I know: Ma-qureecan Wadno-qabad Maraq-bilaash Shan-balaayo Tareeyso Cabdullahi-Disti Kab baa i qabatay
  3. Juxa, soo kaan cayilay? miyaadan maqlin! Hadda gym baa ban galayaaye.
  4. Last night, I saw Tuujiye oo hor boodaya Nkrumah iyo Daleys on JUly 1 celebrations. Waraa ninku gaabanaa?
  5. Maaddeey will be proud of nafti-hure Cali Gheedi!
  6. To save space, why don't the binary of Xaji-chief write a single post? Do you think we don't know you are one and the same. Your level of understanding issues is the same, so please stop the duplicity.
  7. No, it is my reading of the preferences of some of the leadership. And even those are using arguments which will not be valid if the option to choose is granted. Like, they say if we talk of Somalia, we will be seen as part of Somali irredenta movements in the past. That will not be the case if an internationally brokered refrendum is offered. If and when that happens, A&T and all like-minded pro-Somaliweyn citizens will roam the dusty roads of Somaligalbeed with Timacadde and Yamyam's blood-warming somalinimo poems and will mobilize the masses. I count on the good hearts of the people of somaligalbeed, whose history and identity is all about Somalinimo and Somalia. Cheif, I am not obliged to indulge your nonesensical questions and false statements. If you are talking about secession from Ethiopia, I can answer. But, I can't answer your conjectures.
  8. I cry against them, and did even here chief Xaaji. Read it again. And just say what you want as one individual with one post, and stop this art of multiplication, of commenting once with a signature of flag and another time without it. Adigoo hal qof ah uun ila hadal, kolba dhan ha igaga iman with exposed duplicity!
  9. Ngonge, no self-doubt, no guilt on my part. Diinta ayey aakhiro iyo aduunba dantaydu ku jirtaa. Now, that is not an endorsement of Maaddeey's limp-chopping pals.
  10. Originally posted by Chief_Aaqil: Abti, I thaught you supported this flag? And that ONLF was fighting for indepedence, even in their constitution they sey they want to become an independant country. nothing about blue flags in the ONLF archives. look at that flag and tell me what is in the middle? But i dispute your claim about the ONLF's objective. Officially, the ONLF is fighting for self-determination (which can have any of three outcomes), although we know what the preference of the leadership is. I don't agree with that preferance and I know the reality on the gorund is that the Somaligalbeed people would vote to be with their brothers in Somalia, than stand alone. The issue is that the people of Somaligalbeed and the ONLF clan specifically are the heart of Somaliweyn. They should be the one's that bring the dream back and they will. They have a big say in both Ethiopia and Kenya. I have always said I support the struggle against Ethiopia, but not the ONLF's dream of a separate homeland. My kids don't know about ONLF, but about the blue flag. Meeshan waxa jooga ee rer-waqooyi ah Ayoub ayaa ugu macquulsan, isaguna baryahan calan-casta Muuse Biixi (Muse-Dalab) xitaa wuu ka daran yahay! All obejctive thinking iyo somalinimo wuxuu ku iloobay afar gabadhood oo rer-burco ah oo 'calanyahoow ha dhicin meelahaa ka qaada'. If I ever find myself dancing to 'Ogad.enyia' music at this age, waan is dooxi lahaa. Nin weyn oo sida jacaylbaro reerkayaga dawladiisa ayaan raacay odhanaya ilaahay ha soo hanuuniyo. Angiu at least xabashi ayaan ishaynaa'e, rer-Puntland iyo rer-konfur baa cadaw ii ah ma lihi.
  11. Xaji, Adigaan taariikhda akhriyine, civil war meel kasta wuu ka dhacaa. Somalia way soo laaban doontaa, much stronger. Laakin run hadii laga hadlo, 97% of Somali's like the blue flag. Hal reer unbaa diidan. That is a fact. I know it is not an easy one to take for some. Showqi, Alshabab waa runtaa waa dad liita. Laakiin xitaa kuwaa ayaa madax u ah?
  12. All of the following provinces support the blue flag. Bay, Bakol, Gedo Jubada Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe Shabeelada hoose, Shabeelada dhexe Sool, Sanaag, Cayn, Awdal Bari, Mudug, Nugaal, Galguduud Hiiraan, Banaadir, etc etc Yaa diidan? Waqooyi galbeed, 1/2 Togdheer Qabiil ahaan Somalidu waxay u qaybsantaa 4.5. the block, the block and the block and the 0.5 fully see the Blue flag as their flag. The majority of the constituents of the block agree with the blue flag. There is only one clan in this block who has an issue. And even among this clan, there are signs a sizeable number will be fine to be under the blue flag. Markaa wadanka dhan ma jilib cadhooday ayaa loo jarjaraa? [ July 19, 2010, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. Although what the poster wrote is true, the title is wrong. The month is the month of bliss. What few hypocrites do cannot define it.
  14. Originally posted by Chief_Aaqil: I have been clearly from the beginning that I am from Somaliland. I may not belong to the major tribes there, but I was born and bred in Somaliland. The clan is the key adeer on this issue. If your ancestory doesn't extend to the Hashimite kingdom of Jordan, you are forged somalilander.
  15. War qolka iga fur, xabad PM ah ayaa kuu soo tuuri lahaaye.
  16. waan sii seexanayaa. laakin Maaddeey ayaa yidhi qardaas ayaan online kuugu dhigiyi ha iga seexan. PM aan kuwada jiraa, markaan dhameeyo waan iska seexan. It is actualy 10:20, so not too late.
  17. Malika, salaams walaal. I am not surprised by the dancers. I am surprised that some were watching that as a fun. Kuwa daawanayey, ayaan la yaabay. I always knew gabdaha soomalidu markay diinta ka tagaan inay ka xun yihiin cid walba.
  18. back home dee waxay odhan lahaayeen gabadha badhida ay lulayso hala gooyo. that is pretty savage. Haday karbaashaan waa OK wasaqada! Laakin, ta yari tu luli og weeye, inkaar alla ha ku ridee!
  19. Ma xil aan qabto ayaa cadho intaa la'eg keeni karta? You get disappointed, but you don't start badmouthing everyone. Taasi waa ceeb, waana mid muujinaysa inaanu u qalmin hogaan ummadeed.
  20. War naka fur qolka BOB?
  21. Adeer Bob, rag waa weyn oo tol ah ayeynu nahaye, arintan aynu meel uun ku ogaano, ileen inaynu isu-ilbalacleynaa ma haboonee?
  22. bal idinku Bob'kan eega anigii victim'ka ahaa ee gaalo oo dhani isugu kay tagtay leh weerarka jooji. Meeshu iga haysto waan isfahmaynaa. Isku gabadh ayaan SOl ka jecelnahay.
  23. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ You mean this rubbish was written by a presidential candidate? War even Cawke would be ashamed of such nonsense. Naga daa dee. why do you pretend surprise? Cowke could actually be the next president of Puntland. The caliber of the leadership there is certainly not that higher than that of Cowke! I agree with you Ngonge. Anger diminishes people and this so-called professor wuu isku xaaray meeshan.
  24. Libaahe, Midnimada Somaliland'na muqadas ma aha mar ta Somalia hadaanayn aheyn. Consistency please. Tan kale, ciidankii Siyaad Barre hal qabiil uun ma aheyn, yet you fought it as if it was a clan. Askari lagu dhax badhxo ciidanka 'rer-aqoonsi doon' kama dhigayo ciidan qaran.