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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. LST, There is no concessions from Meles apart from release of some prisnors (some of whom were not even UWSLF members). This is not a new agreement. It is the formalisation of the UWSLF surrender which happened some months ago. Wuxuu soo kordhinayaa ma jiro except propaganda like the one this thread is already serving up.
  2. extradition is no more a problem. He will be released in Jigjiga. Arintaasi way dhamaatay. Coping mechanisms are put in place by the Beesha.
  3. Suldaankii Beesha A.b.s.a.m.e oo Hotel ku yaala Gaalgacayo lagala baxay Tuesday, 20 July 2010 13:57 ****** Online Wararka naga soo gadhaya Magaalada Gaalkacayo ayaa sheegaya in Suldaankii Beesha ****** ee Puntland lagala baxay Hotel uu degenaa. Sida warku sheegayo Suldaan Jaamac Xasan oo ka soo kicitimey Magaalada Boosaaso ayaa waxaa hotelka uu degenaa ku soo booqdey madaxa Puntland ee Gaalkacayo. Inkasta oo aysan cadeyn ujeedada uu Gudoomiyhu u soo booqdey Suldaanka iyo waxa laga wada hadley, hadana daqiiqado markii uu sii maqnaa ayaa waxaa Suldaanka u yimid Ciidamo Daraawiish a oo ka amar qaata Gudoomoiyha Gobolka Gaalkacayo, kuwaas oo Suldaanka kala baxay Hotel-kii uu degenaa. Suldaan Jaamac waana ganacsade aad looga yaqaano Gobalada Bari, wuxuuna mudo badan ki noola Bari oo uu hanti badan ku leeyahay. Suldaanka ayaa waxaa caan ku ahaa ka shaqeynta iyo Isfahanka dadka wlaalaha ah ee ka soo Jeeda ******iya iyo Gobolada Puntland. Ilaa hada lama oga meel lagu hayo Suldaanka, dad badan ayaana ka walaacsan in falkan ay ka dambeyso xukumada Itoobiya, kuwaas oo ka cabsi qaba in Suldaanka loo gacan geliyo Taliska Addis Ababa. Dhinaca kale, waxaa la sheegayaa in Suldaanka Xaaskiisa oo xanuunsaneysa ay ku sugantahay Gaalkacayo, sababta uu Suldaaku Gaalgacayo u soo booqdeyna ay ka mid ahayd isgaa oo xaaskiisa keeney Dhakhtar halkaas ku yaala.
  4. Heestan ayaan Faroole uga dalbaday barnaamijka imaqashii-imadadaali: Maahee, maahee, maahe ka daa Maahee, maahee, maahe ka daa Sidaad mooday Federalku, maahe ka daa Meeshayda yaan la iigu iman, maaha Meel kale ka macaasho, maaha Amuuraha dibadaan maamuli, maahaa Muqdisho shaqo iguma leh, maaha Dirin!Dirin!diririn!drin! dirin!
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: Nacam Juxa ayaa heestay! "Hadaan keeska heli lahaa, commision ban ka dargaya..hadaan keeska heli lahaa, commission ban ka dargaya..markaan keeska arko ba, dareenkaygi wuxu moodaya....[fill in the gaps]" ...inaan durdurkii caribean'ka inaan dhex dabaalanaayo
  6. Originally posted by Juxa: jacayl sooma dhuuntee waa sida dharaarte wuu igu dhacayo, dhegeey jalac ba ma lahee!
  7. Jacaylabro wuxuu si xun u fahmay luuqada siyaasiyiinta. Waraa meeshan dad caadi ah ayaa isku waraysta.
  8. JacyalBaro, Don't confuse O division with ONLF division. None of the serving ONLF CC or Executive Committe members disgreed with the chairman. None of the military commanders on the ground defected or refused to take orders. If there is a division inside, i will be the first one to admit by saying it is natural. But it hasn't happened.
  9. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Agreement with ONLF Will Speed Development - Ethiopian Official The agreement reached by the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) and the United Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF) to accept and operate under the national constitution would help speed up the on-going development in Somali State, says Abay Tsehaye, according ENA. Abay Tsehaye, Security and Intelligence Advisor to the Prime Minister, said the decision made by the ONLF and UWSLF to renounce forceful means and pursue legal and peaceful path would help speed up development in the region. He attributed this development to a strong pressure made on them by peace loving people of the region. Abay indicated that an agreement has been reached in Germany in June this year alone on three major issues. According to Abay, the larger faction of the ONLF has agreed to pursue peaceful path, while a small fragment still remains armed. Source: ENA This is different to what you posted about release of ONLF members and ONLF spilts. Waa la sii daayey way la socdaan miyaa?
  10. War Xasan macallin cali ma aha, waa XABSA macallin cali (sister of former regional president Khadar Macalin Cali, and wife of my good friend Abdullahi). Midda kale, Bishaaro wacdi waa gabadhi Hargeisa laga soo qabtay some months back. Ina iley has vowed to release all ONLF members oy soo dhiibaan Puntland and Somaliland and he is milking the accolades in Jigjiga. Dad buu ku yidhi, "reerkayaga aniga unbaa xidhxidhi kara ee low-kuus iyo re-aqoonsi-doon uma ogoli inay bahd dilaan." Some O' folks are buying that cheap populist rethoric. He can not do that unless the Tigre's have a strategy behind it. We have been there to know how thing work. The intention is to create division between the somali people along clan lines and Iley is doing that very nicely. But, I don't know how the title goes with the story. JB, you wish!
  11. I commend my dear friend Xinnfanin for the flexibility he has shown here. Uncharacteristic for sure, but not untimely. He has now deservedly earned the title of a 'the wise man of SOL', which he was, but was embellished at times by his intransigence on certain issues. I agree with what he said here. That Sharif is a preacher not a leader. But I think change of leadership right now is not a priority. Granted, Omer Abdirashid and other more organised people could run the governmnet better. But I think for the coming few months, the priority must be to launch an all-out war on Shabab (hopefully the IGAD defense team will come up with a good plan which doesn't involve Ethiopians). We will need the clan cover of Sharif for now. At least until Shabab is eradicated from Banaadir and Shabeelooyinka. Once this happens, he should be discarded and serious leaders must take the job of leading the nation out of the abyss. I am sure Xinn's change of mind is coming from his genuine desire to see the rebirth of the statehood of Somalia. His patriotic credentials are glittering. But cynics might also take this transformation with a pinch of a salt. It has coincided with a period when Sharif is not popular among Puntlanders, because he is involved in power struggle with the Prime Minister. I am not among the cynics this time, though. I don't question Xinnfanin's good heart on this matter.
  12. Arintan oo kale Somalida dhexdeeda way ka dhacdaa. Gabadh nin guursatay ooy qabiil kayagaa ka ninka guursaday ka fiican loogu diidi waa buux. This happend in my home village. Nin gabadh guursaday oo la tagay ayaa laga daba tagay, iyadoo lagu gabyayo: Geenyada bureeqa ah, markuu baqalku fuulaayey Way baadiyoote, sharcigu uma baneeyeene! Waa tii oo kale.
  13. finger print ka muu tagin, ninkan way taqaaney. I doubt inuu mar uun mustafeeyey. Dhowr jeer koley way aragtay. Siday uga samri la'dahay ayaa laga gartaa. Markaa ama magaca ayey haysay ama muuqalka. After the conviction, iyadaa u dacwoon oo soo deyn doonta. Soo deysan doonta, rather.
  14. Agree with GD. Juxa, isagu danbi ma leh. Iaygu maxay isugu dhiibtay. Ma nin baa meel diyaar ah deyn?
  15. Markaan idhaa Ayoub ayaa rer-waqooyiga meeshan ku jira u maskax roon ayaa la ila yaabi. Bal Qudhac iyo waxay sameynayaan fiiriya. Laakin Ayoub himself lost his muse baryahan sidii Kulmiye kursiga ugu guulaystayba calan cas ayuu noqday.
  16. I don't think she is serious about being decived. I think waxay ka xanaaqday ninkan carabka ah ee intuu ku dhuftay, ka dhuuntay.
  17. first premise is false second premise is false too
  18. Yes, I can tell you. 1 glass of powder milk is to be mixed with the skin of Tuna, laba xabo oo maar ah, in yar oo foox ah, hadaad awoodid jeex harag (export quality ah). I can assure you you will bid farewell to indho-cas-cas iyo misko waa weyn! And to piracy, to boot.
  19. Not long ago, we used to hear: 20 xubnood oo ka mid ah Budhcad qalalaaso iyo arbushaad ka waday goboladda waqooyi ayey gacanta ku soo dhigeen ciidamada xooga dalka soomaliyeed maalintii arbacada ee bishu ay ahay 12 June 1987. It has a familiar look.
  20. Waryaa Mr. Somalia, ha igu been abuuran. Gormaan Puntland is innocent idhi? Zack, Soyaan waa la sii daayey shalay, kii kale ee Puntland soo dhiibtay ee Dhiirane isagana maal mahan ayaa la sugayaa in la sii daayo. Puntland iyo Somaliland iyaga unbaa ku karaama seegi ee wax xaggan ka furdaamiya la waayi maayo.
  21. ^ Landish, what you wrote here is false. I don't need to go into details to prove you are telling a lie. SOL'ers know it. You can rant on me, but don't lie.
  22. Arintani waa arin caafimaadka iyo saxada bulshada quseeysa. Fadlan ha la delete gareeyo.
  23. Originally posted by nuune: AT&T , waraa fur PMskaaga, waaba full, yaa kaa buuxiyeyna Nuune, danbiga iska daa, Duliye. Xabad Ngonge ii soo diray oo ah Maaddeey yaa isku keen diraya mooye wax kale kuma jiraan. Iyo Mzansi oo aan ka raali galinayey waagu gabadha ahaa oon kol shukaansaday!
  24. below the suunka maaska ah weeye tani Jb! Please delete.
  25. GW waa Gadh-weyne dee! JB, mise gudoomiyii hore ee gobolka waqooyi galbeed ayaad jeedaa?