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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Dabshid, odaygu waa xaafada. Xaafada kaliya ma aha, waa sii-xaafada. Jilibka ma aha. Waa kuraanta.
  2. By Adan Makina August 01,, 2010 Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Somalia’s Transitional Federal President has become a habitual traveler. Every now and then he is on the move traversing thousands of miles by air across continents. Whenever he prepares to depart the presidential palace, armed opposition groups lob artillery fire at his entourage and the AMISOM troops guarding him. And whenever his plane touches down the runway at Mogadishu airport, insurgents greet him with barrage of artillery fire. Somalia’s presidency may be described as the most dangerous executive position in the world. Villa Somalia-Somalia’s Presidential Palace-has become the most unpredictable place for any president to reside. The security of the president is so much at stake such that that even the most finely hand-picked tribal warriors most closely related to the president may not provide guaranteed security due to bickering over resources and nonpayment of wages. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, Sheikh Sharif’s predecessor, set base in 2004 at a warehouse in Baidoa after finding Villa Somalia a risky place to operate from. In Baidoa, President Yusuf was provided with a strong security detail manned by heavily-armed Ethiopian occupation forces. Mockingly, even the forces of the Lion of Judah could not provide President Yusuf the security he looked forward to. On one occasion suicide bombers infiltrated a ceremony presided over by the President leaving behind a bloodbath. On the other hand, Professor Ali Gedi Mohamed, Yusuf’s hand-picked Prime Minister once escaped a similar suicide bombing in Mogadishu though one of his relatives perished in the premeditated blast hatched by Somalia’s foreign fighters. Both President Yusuf and Prime Minister Gedi left the political spectrum disgraced and dejected. Sheikh Sharif’s administration lacks rigid Foreign and National Security Policy operations for sustaining compromise and stability. Majority of the opposition leaders have been in the same camp with Sheikh Sharif before partying ways. By picking moderation to fundamentalism, Sheikh Sharif suffered the brunt of the opposition for deviating from the initial extreme Islamic concept of Jihad they previously advocated together during their joint struggle against the dreaded Somali warlords and the Ethiopian occupation forces. Thus, to the opposition, Sheikh Sharif is an obstacle to national stability and a proxy figure who is serving un-Islamic foreign forces opposed to the establishment of a collective Islamic state for Somalia and the Horn of Africa. Determined to frighten the increased AMISOM force destined for Somalia, al-Shabab, the strongest jihadist faction in Somalia recently forged alliance with Hizb-al-islam- a smaller group with a long history of armed resistance. Both groups have been calling residents to join the broader jihad being implemented in the country while at the same time conscripting young Somalis into their fold in the regions they control. In Yemen al-Qaida is sending material and moral support to both groups for the sake of keeping its global insurrection alive. On the other hand, the disappearance of 1,000 Somali police officers trained in Ethiopia and funded by the German government could be an added advantage for the two factions should this new force be received with open hands. The major cause of defection in the army and police is due to nonpayment of salaries and arrears. Often, government soldiers defect with their weapons and significant intelligence tidbits that boost opposition acumen and fighting power. The current Somali government lacks accountability and no wonder embezzlement is rife and that corruption has grown roots everywhere. Somalia is on the top of the list of the most corrupt states in the world. While Somali leaders travel around the world with empty begging bowls in hand, the disappearance of donor funds earmarked for the welfare of the suffering mass exacerbates the withholding of intended philanthropic gestures by foreign entities. The prime responsibility of any head of state is to safeguard the security of the state. Unfortunately, for Somalia, the picture is different as both the president, prime minister, and the speaker of parliament have little time sitting in their offices-not because they are overburdened by national policy issues-but because they spend most of their time leaping from one foreign airport to the other. For any nation determined to prosper politically, socially, and economically, it is of paramount importance that a strong security force be in place. The rule of law must be held in high esteem so that businesses may operate without encumbrances. Of late, the nation’s 550 members of parliament have not resolved a single conceivable legislative draft nor have they unanimously passed any bill as majority are either illiterate or semiliterate, harbor divergent political views or are divided along clan lines. The persistent division visible within the TFG gives the insurgents more clout and unanimity in their endeavors to eliminate any existing government hierarchy and establishment. As long as the leaders of the TFG continue treading blatantly their peripatetic lifestyles and globetrotting attitudes, remorseless pounding of government positions by the opposition will continue unabated. -- The writer is a regular contributor to www.WardheerNews.com. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree in Organizational Leadership. He is currently pursuing a graduate degree in International Relations. He can be reached at E-mail: adan.makina@gmail.com
  3. Oodweyne also agrees that I am trying to promote myself by singing somalinimo. What he is inadvertently acknowleding is that the cause I am trying to get liked for is a likeable one. To the extent he agrees to that, his critique on my insincerity doesn't do much harm. Ngonge, for you there is only one reality. The reality of clan divisions and what is going on today. Afterall, you are the same man who says clan is everything. You are not clanist, I never thought about you in that line. But your understanding of clan issue is so superficial that you will swallow hook, line and sinker Muse Bixi's political bravado as the ultimatim of his beel; without realising that I will find sworn enemies of Muse in the same beel if I go there with a bulging pocket. It is interst, not clan that drives things in Somalia today. And you do not seem to understand that if Moqdisho offers passports, the majority of SL youth will put their interst before their clan aspirations. It may take a month or a year but the idea of Somalinimo is easy to sell for a somali. The moment Sh. Adan Siiro sings it in Hargeisa, it falls on the ears of many. So, don't take the 'waa la kala dhintay' bit too much. I don't know what questions you want me to answer. Ask me specific questions, but I cannot give you solutions to the somali ailment here. It ought to be a discussion where everyone gives his bit. I am not claiming I have a solution too. I am only stating my position that glorifying clan identity at the expense of what we share is a grave mistake.
  4. Hussien Abdiqadir Qassim waa adeerkeey and very very close one too. I am happy to know he did his best for Somalia and Somalinimo. Thanks for this memo, Dabshid. I will forward it to some of the jifada who would like to see it. I did not know about this, but I have the same thinking as he had. For me, the struggle in Somaligalbeed ought to be the starting point of the birth of Somaliweyn, a vision I strongly believe in; however obsolete it seems, however brainwashed men like Ayoub redicule it.
  5. Faisal is relaying on altrustic change of heart from Ethiopian authorities to bring more rights to the Somali's. It is a naive point. Rights are won, never dished out as charity. A surrender will not cause a change of heart. A peace deal where both sides have breathed a sigh could make changes, not one in which one side came to the table exhausted and begging.
  6. For every Jacaylbaro who think they are not clanists but fearless somaliland nationalists, the equal is ONLF supporter who thinks he is not clanist but a freedom-fighter who wants a country called Oga.denia. Labels do not mask intrinstic affliations that are rooted in clan tree.
  7. LST hit the right balance. Changing the name of ONLF will only be useful in symoblic terms. It doesn't bring in substantive changes. The echo of Sii-Galbeed in 1977 (with Somali-galbeed) shows that labels do not stop divisions. If ONLF changes its name today, but retain its leadership, it is the O's again trying to fool the Somali. That will be the new line. So, why not change the name and also change the leadership but bringing more people from other clans, some of you may argue. There are two problems with that. One, knowing Somali's, the new ones who joined from other clans will be disowned as individuals who joined ONLF for their own ego and interst by their communities. Second, there is no enough number of good calibre men from other clans who are yet ready to do that and join the struggle. The legacy of clan divisions in Somalia is the root cause. So, the only way forward (which ONLF leadership reiterated on many occassions) is what LST is proposing here. Let all those who feel they are being colonized organise themselves in whatever name/label they see fit. Let us agree on the overall strategy and vision of the struggle and have as a reassuring gurantee that no one can impose himself on others once freedom comes. I cannot imagine how ONLF can impose its name on either Xarshin or Galadi even if they want to do so. I disagree with the assertions made by Ayoub, Oodweyne and others from the clan that wants proliferation of clans to be the norm. I disagree that ONLF promotes clan as a policy. But I agree that in practice we are heading that way. Those who come for ONLF gatherings are from one clan. Those who wave its flag are from one clan. Riyaale Xaamud from Ayshaca is not Oga.den but is member of the ONLF executive committee. But that doesn't mean the Is.sa community is with him. ONLF should stop the pretense it has the support of everybody, merely because they can produce few individuals from others clans as an alibi. We know Rayaale was the leader of Somaliland. He is not from the recognition-seeking clan. But we also know his community, Xiddigo of SOL included, are staunch Somaliweyn supporters. I travel and meet people everywhere. I am yet to see a man or a women from Awdal or SSC introducing herself as a 'Somalilander'. So, I don't have to be expert in somali geneology to know the clan of someone who tells me he/she is from Somaliland. The same is true about ONLF. I personally see a difference between ONLF and the Ogade.nia labels. For some, Ogad.denia is the logical follow-up from ONLF. Once you call yourself X liberation front, you are liberating X. But for me, I want ONLF to put a divide between the two. They should say: "Yes, as an organisation, we are ONLF and we think we have this or that vision for the region. This is the process, the strategy. But, the name Ogad.denia is the result. We may want it as an organisation, but we have other stakeholders who have to agree to it. Therefore, the logical follow up will be for Ogad.denia to exist, others must agree to it. For ONLF to exist, others' agreement is not mandatory. It is a group or a clan initiative. A clan that feels it is oppressed, it is colonized." ONLF, therefore, should not talk about Oga.denia (especially when the map it is printed on includes Ferfer, Shinile, Galadi and Mustaxil etc). ONLF should only focus on the process, the strategy, hoping others will soon be onboard. And the destiny of the region will have to be agreed upon collectively by all stakeholders once the victory comes. This is not something I am inventing. This is the official position of ONLF which its leaders state on the media all the time. I only see a disconnect between the stated positions of ONLF and the practice on the ground. ONLF should tell its followers there is no dream conutry called Ogad.denia. There is an organisation called ONLF, which is the pioneer of the liberation struggle of the Somaligalbeed people. ONLF should explain the current set up is a temporary one. This last one is my position more than that of ONLF. To go back to the title, I see the ONLF as a glow-fly, not as a full moon. It is not the real deal, it is a make-shift structure to fight injustice and oppression for me. For Anyone who sees it as something more than that, he/she is living in dream-land. For every Jacaylbaro who think they are not clanists but fearless somaliland nationalists, the equal is ONLF supporter who thinks he is not clanist but a freedom-fighter who wants a country called Oga.denia. Labels do not mask intrinstic affliations that are rooted in clan tree.
  8. A very good idea from chief. Arintaas aad ayaan u taageersanahay, waaana midda aakhirka ayna ka fursan doonin. The ONLF leadership is ready for that, but the problem is the weakness of OLF. They are not organised.
  9. Andre in Santos who partners with Neymar is also good. I think Brazil's flair will be back, but they should not forget the pragmatism Dunga brought in. They should be solid at the back, but should have better ball passers than Gilberto Silva and Melo as holding midfielders. Also, the role of Kaka was missing and once a fit player is put in that place or an improved Kaka, the team is ready to roar.
  10. He, Maicon and some are rested. In fact, they are saying he asked to be skipped this time. I am sure he will remain Brazil goalie as long as his form is like it was last year. Mistakes do not define goalkeepers. Everybody makes. It is a measure of Brazil public confidence in him that when the losing team arrived back home, he was the one man who the crowd his name in praise. That is why he wept and later said, "I am grateful to the fans for the trust and love they showed me, but it makes my guilt even bigger".
  11. No, dear oodweyne. All I am saying is that ONLF's struggle must be about Somalinimo. And to the extent the stated objective is self-determination (which is in its charter) to a geographically-defined population, it is incorrect to say it set out to free a particular clan. The difference between the ONLF and the SNM struggle is also that one's end objective have been realised and is not a matter up for conjecture, while the other's is yet to be seen. But I agree if what I am decrying here is not corrected, the results could be identical. SNM's struggle was genuine, as it was fought on behalf of genuine grieviences and opporession. But it was also true that it transformed along the way, from a justifiable resistance to oppression to a rallying call for clan chauvinism and revenge. It resulted in the production of a dangerously narrow-minded generation whose horizon doesn't transcend beyond 'struggle' ethos. Who fail to see that you cannot be conflict enterprenuers forever, gleefully waiting the final breath to go out of the atrophied boby of the brothers in the South. And yes, we realise seeking the nobler Somalinimo ideal doesn't sit with the wolves who are devouring on it. We know you would love to see the proliferation of clan-entities, so that you could find a morally acceptable justification for the pervert habit of isolating yourself from your roots. As to you as Oodweyne, one piece of advice is to stop peddling the Somaliland recognition issue as an outstanding issue. I don't know any forum where this has been stated, except what zealots write on websites. You cannot take yourself as politically outstanding for branding a non-existent issue as an outstanding. Somalinimo is broader and morally a better ideal to defend than clanish segregation. So, if I am calling for that, you must loud it. Or you must hide in shame and stop putting lipstick on an ugly vision of a clan.
  12. Ngonge's footie knowledge vindicated once more. The worth of Lucas is recognised. He is in!
  13. Mano is a man who meets expectations. He has done everything that was feasibly possible at Corinthians. What he did in three years would be the equivalent of Newcastle winning the FA Cup this year, and then competing for the Premiership next year. When you think about it in those terms, what Mano did at Corinthians was incredible. Mano has gone on record to state that he would like to play a 4-2-3-1. . Goalkeepers: Victor (Gremio), Renan (Avai), Jefferson (Botafogo) Defenders: Daniel Alves (Barcelona), Rafael (Manchester United), Andre Santos (Fenerbahce), Marcelo (Real Madrid), David Luiz (Benfica), Henrique (Racing), Rever (Atletico-MG), Thiago Silva (Milan) Midfielders: Sandro (Internacional), Ramires (Benfica), Lucas (Liverpool), Jucilei (Corinthians), Ganso (Santos), Ederson (Lyon), Hernanes (Sao Paulo), Carlos Eduardo (Hoffenheim) Forwards: Robinho (Santos), Diego Tardelli (Atletico-MG), Alexandre Pato (Milan), Andre (Santos), Neymar (Santos) What he said: "DUNGA'S TEAM WAS TACTICALLY DISCIPLINED AND THAT WAS POSITIVE". That's what I want for Brazil, to be well-organized tactically. Because with the talented players that we have, we will always have the capacity to win". I am relieved. I was afraid they will throw out the winning strategy of Dunga because of that 45 minutes madness with the Dutch. Dunga was poor in player selection (this doesn't mean Ronaldinho by the way), but the tactics were right. This is an experimental squad but it is safe to assume they will also be the olympic team and most might be there for WC 2014 if they are good enough. Expect some veterans to be called back in the coming games (Maicon, Julio Ceasre etc) soon. Now we see if Tuujiye will say the new coach is also baised against Ronaldinho.
  14. Anigu sida soomalida odhan maayo wax kasta one'ka ayaan baxay, laakin JB'yoow, walaahi macal anigaa is idhi ninyahow maxaa kuu diidan inaad London 2012 olympic in 5000 meters ka aad isu diyaarisid. Quite, quite impressive. Koley Mzansi ayaa garane I run 30 minutes non-stop at 15 speed. Kuwii waxbaanu dadka tababari lahaa, first days told me go and do cardio (run 20 minutes) and then do with the machines. After a week, ayey yidhaahdeen, you have no fitness problem, focus on weight iyo waxaas. Way i dileen. Waa goor aan baaba'ay oo aan ka yaabi in 'microscope' uun la igu arki karo hadda. Ceebtu waxay ka taagan tahay habro hilib la dhacdhacaya ayaan isku meel ku ordaynaa, i see them looking at me and wondering ninkan maxaa meesha keenay; kana hospital buu u baahnaaye, gym uma baahnayn. Anyway, so far the funniest was markii bir ay gabadhi qaaday la ii dhiibay ee aan qaadi kari waayey. intaan yaxyaxay ayaan idhi 'first show me the technic. I am sure I have the strength, but I need to get the technic right." kkkkkk
  15. Tii Valanteenah aheyd malahayaa horta? Bangkok baan August 28 imanayaaye, fadlan i soo dhowee, koley waxaad odhan doontaa waan ka tagaye.
  16. Chief, waxaad ku darataa list of achievemnets'ga: - Arrested and handed-over Somalis to Ethiopia. Something Silaanyo will do better if Farah Mo'allin's inside assurances are to be taken as something real. At least Farah would have achieved something if he got that deal, as he claims off the record.
  17. It is official, and even the advent of Ramadan won't stop it. A&T is on Evox advanced nutrition; the Mega Grow muscle-bulider. And when the course is completed will travel for a real showdown with the famed Mzansi next door. No more hiding from him, for fear he will brake my hands with the first handshake. If he can become what they say he is (bob says anyway) from the mere 37 Kgs he was when he crossed the limpopo river, think of what can become of me, already a robust 65 kg man? It is also true after a week, the trainers are advising me to run less, and focus more on weight-lifting. My running has been sensational. I am now convinced I can run with the likes of Mo Farah, if I can not beat Kenenisa or Geleta Burka from Arsi. So much impressive that people quickly came and said 'I must be from Ethiopia' with the sure-footedness of knowing gods. This thing of 'are you from Ethiopia?' has been a big headache for me. I am annoyed at times the same way a Pakistani would feel when taken for an Indian. But I know better. I ask them back and say, 'I could also be from Somalia. Which of them do you think I am from?'. Different people give different answers. But the one I never forget is the Zimbabwean man who said, "I can tell the differnce. A somali is usually carelessly dressed and slightly slimmer." That day, in a big workshop, you don't expect me to be on Fitishaari; and therefore, it was clear to the man 'I am from Ethiopia.'. I now cope well with this question. For anything formal, I am from where my passport says I am from. For informal discussions, I either give a short explanation of what kind of Ethiopian I am (ethnic Somali ethiopian), or lately I have started saying I am half-half when I meet coloureds. But the part I like most is that I use the two identities for different purposes and occassions. When I rent a taxi and I want to be stingy, I say from Ethiopia. When I am doing charity work or a good deed, I say I am from Somalia. When I behave well, I am from somalia; when I am naughty, I am from Ethiopia. When I hit on a women and ditch her a week later, I am from Ethiopia. When I look after a patient I met on a plane, I am from Somalia. The objective is to help rebuild the tattered reputation of Somali's. But people usuallt take me seriously when I say I am Ethiopian. They have things to say. When I say, I am from Somali, they have one question: how is the war now? Back to the topic: Mzansi beware. Laakin runta ii sheegoo alaabtaas iyada ah ma wax weyn ayey tartaa lacagtii iga dhamaysee, mise gacamahayga jalaqsan baan iska haystaa oo isma qasaariyo.
  18. It is hard to explain to a born-again Somalilander, whose history of Somalia and Somalinimo starts from the days children in Hargeisa started throwing stones at Faqa.sh soldiers. But I will oblige your question and address it briefly. A Somali nationalist is someone who sees himself as a somali first, and as a Somali second. It is not someone who thinks what is happening in Muqdisho is a world away from what is happening in Garowe, in Hargeisa, or Garissa. It is someone for whom the boundaries melt when it comes to the pains a Somali is under-going is concerned. It is someone who could emphatise with the SNM when their community were under oppression, but say no to their expansionist and hegemonic moves in SSC when they try to use victim-mentality to victimize others. For now, this thread is about changing what I see as a dangerous trend among ONLF-ites. It is a call for change of direction. Chief Caqil, I can prove to you that rebranding the ONLF will not change much in terms of support from other clans in the region. I have discussed this at length in the past. I am familiar to what is happening on the ground. But it will serve other purposes, such as undressing the falsehoods of those who fear struggle and use ONLF shortcomings as a cover for their cowardice. But that is another discussion which I may elaborate on at one point.
  19. The happenings of these days are increasingly making me both perplexed and pessimistic. The signing ceremonies of fake and ugly peace deals, declarations of 'ground-breaking' ONLF divisions, the emergence of sponsored 'pacifists' among the community is not what worries me. All these are ephemeral daily discomforts that come and pass in a struggle. What worries me is how a label purported to have been brought into play for the sake of allaying the fears of the powerful world, and for its practicality vis-a-vis other options is now turning into a cult belief. If the struggle of ONLF is about setting up an independent home land for the clan it represents, it is a lost cause. If it is to give the Somaligalbeed people the final say about their destiny, it is on the right track, and mistakes such as fixation with a divisive label could be forgiven, as it can not take away from the enormous sacrifices made so far. Lately, pro-ONLF websites, political gatherings by ONLF supporters, and even social events such as marriages by members of the community are turning into ugly scenes of clan chauvinism. My heart feels a sharp pain and my eyes are filled with tears of anguish, when young men and women from the ONLF clan show me wallpapers in their phones, labels on T-shirts and souveniers which clearly display pride in such a filty entity as a clan. "Oga.denia shall be free", "Oga.denia the land of milk and honey", "Ogad.enia the beautiful people" and other innuendoes are not only false but show a sickness more than a pride. And the websites of my Tolka are splashing photo's of old men (bitter with what the clans next door got -Puntland and Somaliland) hitting the Dhaanto floor with vengence. As if what Somaliland purports to be a sacred thing is anything more than opportunistic clan agenda. As if what Puntland is going through is not a medievial rebirth and a classic example of what some writer called 'The return of the clans'. The ONLF struggle must aim to achieve independece for the people of Somaligalbeed. If the leadership is true to the noble cause of 'self-determination', they should not only seek the opinions of one section of the the community to be liberated. It is not secret most other non-Oga.den clans do not subscribe to the label of the struggle. It is not a secret that the founders of the Somaligalbeed struggle fought for Somalinimo and to be part of their bretherns in the East. If ONLF has other things in mind other than that, it is doomed for failure. And by all standards, it would be a dramatic profile shrinkage if an organisation launched on seeking the rights of the people of Somaligalbeed settles to fighting for the rights of its clan. The ONLF struggle might achieve any of its objectives or might not. But what should not come out of its otherwise courageous struggle is a brain-washed generation who do not shy away from open tribalism, because they genuinely believe they are patriots. If ONLF can get rid of its brand, it is a big gain. If it can't, for whatever reason, it must ensure the youth are told who they are (Somali), and who they are not ( rer-hebel). That is if they the leaders, themselves, are genuine somali nationalists. Otherwise, the ONLF struggle will only produce a result that is similar to the SNM one. It will produce a somali-hating, clan-worshipping new generation. ONLF is a glow-fly, never a full moon. A glow-fly, however bright, however shining must not should not mistake itself for a full moon. ONLF should make its followers see the full moon, which is Somalinimo. This clan hyteria among the young must be challenged and stopped. We know the old is infected, but the children should be saved. And this wile of hiding behind freedom-fighters mantra, while promoting clan disharmony and division must be challenged.
  20. The Oga.den project is getting to worry me. I am 100% with the ONLF and the struggle against Ethiopian occupation must continue to the last drop of blood, under whatever label. But I am getting worried about the effect the new 'oga.den'ia' identity which is spalshed across websites and all events is going to have on the young and the children. It will create a confusion in their mind and they may see it more sacred than the big prize, which is Somalinimo. I think we, me and those who think in my line, have a big task in the coming years in addressing this issue and helping the community understand that while the name 'ONLF' can be used to mobilise foot soldiers on the ground, a parallel sensitisation programmes must be done to the effect of ensuring that the people to be liberated are Somali's, and the O comes as one clan among the many. The last thing we want to get out of this struggle is a confused generation who will put oga'denia before Somalia. If we go that way, we are the new secessionists, just like our brothers who have now adapted Italian-looking flag as a protest against the rest of Somali's. Zack, arinta magaca qabiilka ee website'yada lagu daabacayo, dad cadiifad qabiil ku jirto oo ONLF u taageersan maadaama ay yihiin reera ayaa wada. Waa in si adag loola dagaalaa. Awal waxaan ku marmarsoon jiray magaca ONLF xaalada ayaa lagaga gudbayaa (as it the only practical way of organising the people this time around, as some argue), laakin hadda waxaad moodaa in si toos ah 'to'laayey rer-macallin cabdullahiyoow' loo leeyahay. Waa arin dhaawacaysa ujeedada aasaasiga ah ee halgankeena oo ah inaan la midoowno oo wax la qabsano walaalaheena Somaliyeed.
  21. Showqi, Sheekadani way kaa horeeysay walaal ee aan kula qabad siiyo. Complex'gu wuxuu leeyahay swimming, athletics track, football field, Ground tennis court dhowr ah, meelo laga cunteeyo, iyo supermarket'yo. markii la dhagax dhigayey ayaa meeshan lagu soo qoray. waxaana ku baxaya $180,000 oo Dollar. Nairobi Apartment 3 bed room ah xitaa ma goysyo lacagtaasi. Markaa, adiguba aqli baad leedahay, .... Xabashidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa "laam aleyn ba samaay, watataanim alaay." " I have a cow in the sky, but I never see its milk., weeye literally translated
  22. Bob, adiga Somaliweyn maxaa kugu diray? War ileen tan oo kale, ninyahow Pirate'na ma tihid, Lander'na matihid, hadana si unbaad secessionist u tahaye, ma si kale ayaad u xidideen?
  23. The Paragon, salaams saaxiib. War nabadeeyda ha haynine atam taageer ninyahow. Aniguna ilaa shalay baan damaashaadayey oon lahaa kol hadii ninmakii Hunguri ka dhashay xabad bilaabeen, hadda unbay aduunka dhinac ka raacayaan, ilka-jiirna Puntland President inuu noqdo ugu dhowdahay.
  24. war soomaliland oo intan heshay sidee laga yeeli tolow. Wuu isceebeeyey yarku. Intuu calan qabiil qaadanayey isagoo ku qaran oo Somaliyeed qaata ayaa u dhaantay. By the way, bal wakaase cadaan masaakiin ah yuuna ku meeraysane, Kenenisa Bekele iyo Kipchoge oo kale ha la ordo. xanaaq@somaliland.com