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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Yes, Oodweyne sings, but here on SOL and in Etonian. Stay tune for her latest release shorty.
  2. She sided with justice and fought with what God gave her against Human oppression and suffering. She realised those who are raped and mutilated in Somaligalbeed are human beings who deserve better, no matter which clan they are or irrespective of what ideal they are fighting for. Men like Oodweyne, on the otherhand, saw it fit to poke fun at victims and practice verbal gymnastics at raped mothers and hanged youngesters. It is a world apart.
  3. Actually, Tuujiye you raised a good point. There is no way Nuune can be a Sports Moderator on merit. If he is removed, waa in la ilaaliyaa isu-dheeli tirka beelaha, markaa cidda balaysa way iska cadahay. Zack, Ferguson iyo Abdilatif'ba waan la tashaday. Nuune wax kalsooni ah kamahaysto beesha. Bob'na ma badali karo oo lama hubo inuu Kismayo ka soo jeedo. Qaar baa leh waa Zulu.
  4. Sidan wax loo magacaabayo ma yeelayno. Ma waafaqsana 4.5 rule. LST waa inaadan si dictaatoorinima ah iska magacaabin ee aad la tashatid Strategic Advisory Group'ka aan ka midka ahay. Anyway, warmoog waagii hore tuma ayey aheyd? Haday Haneefah tahay unbaan vote siinayaa.
  5. dying is indispensible when your oppressor is not ready to talk to you about your rights. I know what you are implying. But it is when Ethiopia feels the heat that peace can be made. I am sufficiently aware of the internal political situation in Ethiopia to believe armed struggle can get a result. It is more about getting more organised on our part than the strength of a minority regime who is detested by everybody. If 3 million Tigres could do it, 5+ million Somali's can do it with ease, if we front OLF (oromo liberation Front) at the national level, and seek change through it. Not all 3 millon Tigre's fought by the way. The deputy of Mengistu HaileMariam at the height of the war was none other han Fisseha Desta, a Tigre. Dr. Halilu Araya, my impressive English instructor at Addis Ababa University, is a Tigre. Yet, he was in the national Shango (parliament) and he was shouting that the army need to crush the TPLF. He is still bitterly oppossed to Meles et al and is a prominent opposition member todate. So, divisions are natural. But if there is a determined group and a good strategy, this war is winnable. And now, more than ever - thanks to the feeble standing of the Woyanne regime.
  6. Somalilanders are about 0.05% of the Somali race. Once the rest agrees with ways of bringing back Somalinimo, the next task will be how to sell it to Somalilanders. As we stand, you are asking me to do it the other way. Oodka, if you bring up the issue of Doqon-ma-waayao,and the village men bamboozled there, you should also raise the equivalent clannish rumor of the other side. The one that usually revolves around, " rer-hebel sal-fududaa, wuxuu sugayo muu dhowro." Only a fool shepard will run after one sheep that runs astray from the rest of the herd, at the expense of leaving the 100+ more for the hyenas.
  7. So what? should I address the untreatable fixation of one-side of the gallery for eternity? Adeer, the Somalinimo-mashaqeynayso malady is a malady of one specific clan, to put it bluntly. It is an issue that needs to be addressed, but let those who believe in the vision see how it can work.
  8. Ayoub, JB, Ngonge, and myself (Oodwyne), you said? And what do all these folks share? Aren't they the product of a failed clan struggle strategy? Are they not exactly what I am warning of the ONLF youth not to become? Bal wax aan rer-aqoonsi-doon aheyn oo Somalinimo ma shaqaynayso leh meeshan SOL ah ka soo hel!!
  9. Malika, dealing with a nagging tummy. Calool yayna soo bixin ee orod ayaan is idhi, then it came to my attention, it is not the calool but also all parts that will be trimmed by my running. If I continue that way, I may vanish into thin air one day anoo ordaya. So, I have gone to the next stage which is to build the muscles on the upper body so that the end result is a bigger man than I am, and not a poster man for anti-famine campaigns.
  10. big challenge is caruurtii baa naftii ii keentay. "aabooy, waxaad qasanayso wax naga sii."
  11. Hi Malika. Ma waxaad la yaabtay 65kg? Mise my effort? Bob, Haatu warayso. Anigu magaranayo what you too are upto. Laakin tell him to send you the PM I wrote to him about you. Haatu, you are authorised to send it to Bob. NinaNC horta wa'ayo? Hatu'na wuu ii sheegaye! BTW, saacadii aan EVOX'ga qasanayey ayaa lagaadhay. Sida caruurtii yaryareed ayaa masaasad 250mg ah wax la iigu qiyaasaa. allow na astur!
  12. Clan is a motivating factor within the somali context, saaxiib. Something you always fail to understand is that it is hard to motivate the O against Ethiopia on the basis of a clan. The question will be 'ma anaga kaliyaa nala guumaystaa, maxaa na waalay?'. A question even Cabdi Iley poses to o elders everytime he meets them. Somalidu iyadaa isu naasa cad oo hadaad tidhaa nin somalilander ah ayaa nin Og ah dilay, Abdi Iley and Mohamed Omer Osman will take the same position. Don't apply that faulty logic of clan the motivator where it doesn't fit. The only way the fighters in the bush are motivated is by telling them 'axmaaro aan somali aheyn ayaa ina guumaysata. Inagu Somali baan isku dad nahay.' The foot soldiers don't go as far as what is in it for me, adeer. They are sold an ideal, an empty belief. You put too much faith in the intellectual class and how to win over them. This group will not also buy the clan line, especially against a non-Somali entity. You have failed to see the difference of the two situations everytime I saw you talk about this issue. You see, the issue of Kismayo is more unifying than the fight in 'Oga.denia' for most O clan members because the enemy in the Kismayo case is Somali cousins (oo in la iska celiyo u baahan). You don't see big difference and division over that issue. The Ethiopia issue is different. Clan cannot unify. It has failed to unify the Og itself. It is some other cherished ideal that can unite. And I am trying Somalinimo. And I know how things work on the ground more than a latter-day somali analyst who have spent most of his time sipping Vanilla milkshake on Arab streets. I know how Axmaro Vs Somali brand wins you supporters, with the experience of Ma'ieso and Afdam. Marka, stop throwing textbook ideas as template solutions to diverse issues. I could do the Rhazes on you and go about your motivations by listing innmerable formal and informal fallacies in your argument, the same way you are doing. But I am not a fan of Rhazes and when I tried his trick against an Ethiopian friend last week, the argument could not go one step further because it was hard to move without stumbling into one or more of the infinite fallacies list. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies
  13. Adeer, JB maxaad waxa reerkiina ku dhacay uga dhigtaa wax aan ummadda soomaliyeed ee kale ku dhicin. Puntlanders were murdered by Siyaad Barre, Siyaad Bare clan itself was murdered by USC later, and Cabdullahi Yususf razed Mogdisho to the ground. Cid leh somalinimo waanu ka baxnay miyaad haysaa?
  14. Ngonge, You missed the insinuations of Adhi-carbeed even when I went as far as telling you what it eats. Perhaps, if you know the methaphor 'bacaha ayuu cunna', it will dawn on you. But we know you are not daft, so it is only a joke. To the issue, What is complicated about rebanding in a better way what the ONLF cadres are telling the foot soldiers. If you don't know, ask. The foot soldiers are told they are fighting for Somalinimo and for muslinimo. But the mention of Og is diluting the effectiveness of the message. So, the clarity you are esposuing will be done but to the opposite. What is also complicated to project Somaligalbeed's predicament as ephemeral as the crisis in Somalia and to give the impression that it will get over once all Somal's support it. Why wouldn't rebranding as victimized Somali's not going to earn the sympathy of other somali's? Qiiro Somalinimo in la abuuro wax ka dhib yar majirto. For it is something every member of a household will feel it. Inter-marriages have made it easier. Markaa sheekada ah qabiil la weyneeyo unbaa lagu dagaal gali karaa comes from your only experience of struggles in somali context, where the Hashimites have succeded in mobilising Tolka through Tolaa'ayey. It is not the only way to do things. I am saying let us try other ways. You have already given us the alibi of ICU. Why not take from them and march on muslinimo iyo Soomalinimo?
  15. I don't support the name ONLF, Zack. I support the actions of ONLF. My first choice would be for them to change the name, but I know they will not do it. So, I have accepted the second best choice, which is let them have the name but promote Somalinimo as a vision. The starting point is to accept the fact that the name is a clan name. So, the argument will move from dhulkaa loo yaqaan shittick, to 'yes, anagoo rer-hebel ah ayaan itobiya diidan nahaye, walaalayaal taas maxaad ka qabtan?' - a challenge to the other somali's. Norf, I don't remember when and under what context you proposed that but if it came in the view of bringing somalinimo, it is welcome. If it came in the form of Ethiopia la heshiiya, it is wrong. Itoobiya lama heshiinayno ilaa cadceedu west ka soo baxayso.
  16. I didn't say he run and won against Auoita in Rome Ibti. He won without Aouita. But he come second to Ouaita in another competition.
  17. looooooo@Geeljire af-ingrisi bartay. I take that as compliment, and you are not far from the truth, runtii. Magaalo ayaan joogayda laakin waxaan kuu sheegaya, I know that inaad adhi-carbeed tahay. (by the way, do you know what Adhi-carbeed means?). It is not the same as goats of Arab. Adhi-carbeed'ku adhiga magaalada jooga ee aan caws helin, ee garaabada iyo bacaha cuna weeye. Anyway, my intest is Economy big market and opportunites), easy upward social mobility, etc etc in a larger Somalia. But while I mention interst, it is not the only factor that shape one's vision. Belief is also another factor. By the way, read the bold lines I wrote to Zack to see where I am heading to.
  18. Maxaadan fahmin? - Ma in Dhulka aad leedahay Oga.denia badhkii dad aan magacaa ogoleyn dagan yihiin - Ma in ONLF ay hadda tahay jabhad hal reer taageeraan oo qabaa'iladda kale ayna ku hirin -Ma in dadka la dilo ama la xidho ee ay Itoobiya cadaadiso hadda ay noqdeen hal reer oo kaliya -Ma in loo baahan yahay in dadka loo cadeeyo qaabka wax loo wado oo la yidhaa 'waa run oo hadda inaga oo qabiil ah ayaa dagaalamayna. taasi waa nasiib daro. Oo walaalaheeni Somaliyeed inay inagu raacaan halganka diide, rajana kama qabno. Laakin, hadafkeenu waa inaynu dadka Somaliyeed wax la qabsano oo aynu buun'buunino Soomalinimada, meesha aynu ka buun-buuninayno Og.nimada.' - Ma in loo baahan yahay in dhalinyaradu markay isugu timaado events'ga inay ku hadaaqaan Somali baanu nahay, ee ayna o dhan Og.ayaan nahay. -Mise waxaad aaminsan tahay sheeko dhalaanta leh 'hadaynu somalinimo sheegano, inagiyo kuwa kale ee Somalia ah ayaa la isku keen qaldi.' Ma xaa ku jaban taa? By the way, I am nowadays thinking it might actually be better if we revise our strategy, and present the Somaligalbeed issue as a residual border claim between Ethiopia and Somalia. There are precedences where this has been resolved. The Cameroon and Nigeria dispute over Bakaasi is a case in point. We can sell that agenda in a package which includes long-term peace and security in the Horn. Such a change might actually offer Addis Ababa a chance to accomadate our issues with less domestic resistance. They can sell the issue as ceding border land to somalia (they have ceded Badme to Eritrea lately) without precipitating internal fragmentation by way of secession. But such arrangement will not be accomplished in the format we want. Demographic realities will have to be taken into consideration, and you can did farewell to DireDawa and the Awash dream. Food for thought.
  19. When you distinguish processes from outcomes you will know the difference.
  20. Zackoow, adgia ugaaska yaan la hadlaaye, yaana kugu dacweeyne arintan ila qaado. Yes to ONLF No to Ogade.nia. Arintaa ila promote garee. Ugaaska waan kawada soconaa.
  21. Apart from waving a flag of a jabhad where nations where competing, his achievements are not that great. I am not begruding him of anything. But the fact is Europe is not known for middle distance running, and come London olympics, he will fail to qualify from the group stages. Kenyans and Ethiopians are there! On the comparison with Bile, Bile competed against Sa'eed Owait, the legendary Moroccan, one of the greatest runners of all-time and came second. He won the Rome champions as well. Mo's achievemnets are not in the same league. Somalia can win the world cup if it is staged in Solomon Islands and the best team there is from India. Conext, people.
  22. Of all people, it is you who should question this latest sheegasho of mine. Adigu waad i garane, bal 1+1 isku dar oo inuu ninkaasi kuraanta yahay iyo in kale soo saar. I mean rer-sheekh Qasim. Mise Xussen mid la yidhaa oo wasiirka loogu magac daray ayaan kugu soo xidhaa oo meelaha ku la jooga. He reads SOL. Ku- Xussen X. Qasim Xussenoow haddad akhrinayso ninkanHunguri la yidhaa waa nin rer-Dahar ah, laakin isagu dhuxul kama shaqeeyee waa siyaasi oo baryahan nin magac chemistry leh ayaa u soo baxay oo hubaysan oo uu ku mashquulsanaa. Laakin fadlan raadi oo u sheeg waxaan isu nahay.
  23. Yo! European league like the English Premier league soo ma aha? And what is the relation of that to national team performances? I am not hyping any ordinary team. I am hyping a proven world-beater, a 5 time world champion, and by far the record holder for most things football. We are talking about Brazil, not England and Rooney. So, choose your words. Hype is synonymous with the English.