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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Adeer Ngonge, Arintan ONLF iyo Somaliland way isku keen dishay oo inaan ku kala dhimano ayaan ka yaabiye ma iska daynaa. Rag saaxiibo ah oo isjecel baan nahee, reero yayna ina kala dilin. Sidaad u quman tahay unbay Oodweyne iyo Ayoub PM kuu soo diri oo adigoo geeso leh unbaad i soo gali. Adigu Carab baabad tahaye maad waxan qudhunka ah inuu walaaqanayo iskaga dhex baxdid? Maxaa kuu diiday sida Axmed Naaji inaad 'Somaliyey isku tanaasula, wabilaahi tawfiiqada' ku ekaatid?
  2. In Somalia, there is no group that plays the safe holding position that Somalis play in Kenya. So they fight themselves to the death and trash their country. In fact a lot of the brutality and madness in Africa is partly down to this lack of an “outsider” tribe, which is also a minority. In Rwanda, in many ways, there was the same lack of a harmless ethnic group that would be entrusted to take temporary custody of state business as the tempers cool off among the big boys. The attraction of groups like Somalis (like the mixed race populations in West Africa) is that deep down, there is a misguided but comforting feeling among the big communities that if push comes to shove, they can always be chased away and sent “back where they came from”. In Africa, therefore, the country that does not have a local version of Kenyan Somalis should be very afraid. In Somaliland, the local version of the Kenyan Somali's were Rayaale's Awdal community. Now, that the big boys are on top, the habro are going to fight it out, after the next term of Faysal passes peacefully.
  3. What is not in dispute is that Siyaad's vision for Somalia was the right one. He wanted a secular, strong and unfied nation. But his ways of attaining that are questionable. He thought he was indispensible and that was his biggest undoing. Abdirisaq Xaji Xussen and Adan Cadde madax fiican oo Somaliyeed ayey ahaayeen. Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke waxba kama sheegi karo oo xog badan kama hayo, laakin judging by the persona of his son Omer Buur nin fiican inuu ahaa ayeey iila muuqataa. Laakin Yey iyo rer-jaqaaq slay him on a broad day light.
  4. Ngonge, There is nothing wrong with my definition of objectivity. I say what I think is fair on all issues. That doesn't mean all I say is right. But there is no systematic bias to it, except when I am deliberately playful. On the other hand, I can't take someone as objective if he analyses everything in relation to the welfare of Somaliland.
  5. Jacaylbaro, Taas maxaad u diidi soo diga maalin walba ku eedaama 'nabad wax ku raadsada'? Duplicity! Haa, waa la ogolaan karaa arimahaa aan sheegay as a temporary measure (ama iyadoo xaaladaha la qiimaynayo). Waana qabaa in ONLF ay qaadan karto provided the right mechanisms are in place to ensure its implementation,i;e, international involvement in securing such deal. Much the South Sudan way. That doesn't contradict the main objective. It is merely a step towards it. Ma isfahanay? Mise nin ujeedo le ayaad tahay oo kolba dhan ayaad igaga iman. By the way, Lafayare waxaan iloobay inaan waydiiyo miyaad bugtaa mise Lander baad tahay?
  6. No, Ngonge. Somali way yihiin just like this curious character Farayare. Taas kama saaari karo. Laakin waa somali qaldan ayaan qabaa. Edit- Mise lafayaruu ahaa wuxu.
  7. JB,, those conditions are the minimum one who pretends to be signing peace deal should aspire for. Or should be an intermediate goal. It doesn't mean the big dream of Somaliweyn would be sacrificed. Just for future reference too.
  8. Lafayare, adna ma dadka bukaad ku jirtaa? Good to know. Uztaad, Hadii heshiis la gaadhi waa in Minimum acceptable issues ay noqdaan: 1- In ciidamada gobolka jooga role'koodu noqdo xadka ooy ilaaliyaan kana dhex baxaan maamulka 2- In talada dadka gobolka maamulaya shacabku yeesho si ay responsive u noqdaan 3- In dadkii ku waxyeeloobay dhibaatayntii militariga Ethiopia sanduuq lagu taageero loo sameeyo 4- In Federal quman gobolku noqdo oo u madax banaan arimihiisa daakhiliga In exchange waxaa la ogolaan karaa in Magaca Itobiya iyo calankeeda la qaato. [ilaa inta wax iska badalayaan xaalada somalida.] Laakin, tan UWSLF ay sameeyeen waxay sii fogaynaysaa Tigre'ga oo hadda aaminsan in mar hadii kuwani adkaysan waayeen, ONLF'na inay isa soo dhiibi doonto. I am happy to announce that will never happen. Wowqifka shacabka iyo hogaanka ONLF waa in ama hadafkii loo dagaalamayey la helo, ama dagaalku iska socdo. Afterall, wax 19 ayaa badan yidhaa oo samiri waaya Somali unbaa lahayaaa. Dagaalada gobanimo doonku ilaa 100 sano ayuu socon karaa, oo generation'ba ka kale u sii dhiibi karaa. The birth rate of dadka gobolka is about 3.8% while that of national average in Ethiopia (especially Amhara and Tigre) is just over 1%. After a decade, dadka gobolku wuxuu gaadhi doonaa ilaa 10-12 million. Halganku waa inuu socdaa, si jiilka danbe ee tabar tan ka roon lehi ay xoriyad ugu noolaadaan. Lafayare oo miidhan oo sheeko-baralay la yidhaa 'peace' buugagta 101 ka aqristay ayaa somali ka buuxa.
  9. Originally posted by UZTAAD: These rebels got very little concession from Ethiopian regime according what I have read so far they agree that their prisoners will be released and amnesty for their members In turn the group will disarm and terminate their insurgency. In my view they cheaply surrendered to their enemy with out getting any tangible thing. The mention self-determination up to secession is just negotiation tool . Same thing I have been saying all along. Plus, asking for amnesty means the cause they were fighting for was wrong. It was not a struggle, it was banditary. Anyway, what Jacaylbaro is saying a different line of argument. It may be right or wrong, but the thing is siday wax u jiraan waa in loo sheego. I am objecting when surrender is packaged as a peace deal.
  10. Marka goroyo loo heesaad, garanuug u heestaa! Waxaa laga hadlayaa UWSLF deal'ka ay heshay here muxuu yahay? Adiguna, inta la diyaargaroobi ha la isdhiibo ayaad ku talinaysaa. Taasi ma xuma, laakin the UWSLF should argue that way. Not xuquuq ayaan si silmi ah ku helaynaa oo heshiskan ayaa hordhac u ah.
  11. Ethiopian gov’t, UWSLF sign peace deal Addis Ababa, July 30 (WIC) – The Ethiopian government on Thursday signed a peace deal with the United Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF). The peace accord was signed at Ghion Hotel in the presence of representatives of the Ethiopian government, UWSLF, African Union, and the United Nations, among others. According to the peace deal, the government of Ethiopia agreed to grant amnesty to all leaders and prisoners of UWSLF. The Ethiopian government also agreed to rehabilitate and integrate Front’s soldiers in to the community. The UWSLF on its part agreed to stop its state of insurgency and make a definitive shift from its former position and abide by the constitution. Federal Affairs Minister Dr. Shiferaw Teklemariam, on the occasion said the peace agreement signed now by the government of Ethiopia and UWSLF is a reaffirmation of the peace terms agreed at first meeting held in Djibouti and subsequent successful negations and meetings that were held since the declaration of ceasefire in March, 2010. He said the peace deal gives substantial guarantees to nations, nationalities and people of Ethiopia including full rights of self determination up to secession. He further said the agreement will help to bring an accelerated development for the country in general and to the people of Somali state in particular. UWSLF Leader Sheik Ibrahim Hussein said he will work for the peace and security of the regions along with the government of Ethiopia . He said, “We have opted peace in order to ensure human rights and participate in the ongoing development efforts, instead of insurgency activities which hinder development and violate human right of children, women and elderly”. “We from now onwards will participate to contribute our own part to accelerate the on going development activities and respect human rights guaranteed by the constitution of Ethiopia ”, he added. National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister with the rank of Minister, Abay Tsehaye, said the government of Ethiopia is ready to work closely and reach agreement with all parties willing to operate peacefully and abide by the constitution. He finally called on other anti-peace elements to follow the United Western Somali Liberation Front’s footsteps ____________________________________ The reference to self-determination upto secession is not anything new offered. It is written in black and white in the Ethiopian Constitution (Article 39). So what concessions did the UWSLF get in this 'deal'? Can Nassir and sychopants at SOL explain to me?
  12. Haa, laakin dee suuqaas Tuug ayaa rer-miyi ku dhici jiray. Markaa ma reerka Tuugta leh, mise kuwa xoolaha soo iib geeya ayaa ku ceebaysan?
  13. I didn't talk about your point. I talked about mine. Midda kale adigu sow dawladii Riyaale maadan aheyn maxaa kaa galay Kulmiye isdoorashadiisa?
  14. Muse Bixi waan jeclahay. Dadka marka xaaladu adag tahay ummaddoda u halgama waa dad fiican. He was a good fighter and leader during SNM days. Ma aha kuwa Diaspora'ka ka yimaada markay xaaladu kala dagto.
  15. War beenta maad iska daysaan? Ma'anigaa jeclaa Gilberto Silva? Haven't I been cursing him all along? Ilaahow jabaa ayaan lahaabe. Melo wasn't bad save for the 45 minute madness. That happens.
  16. cracks waa budh. Gabdhahooda meesha ku jiraa anigay i taageersan yihiin, laakin wiilasha ayey ka cabsanayaan oo kor uma hadli karaan.
  17. ma odhan. Adigu waxaad tidhaana adigaa jawaabteeda isu haya. Laakin adigu waad hubaysantahay oo halgankan silmiga ah ee SOL sideed u wadi kartaa?
  18. Kaamasha aad shegayso imisa qof ayaa ku nool. Sow kunaanu seexan jiray ee 8'da islaamood joogeen ma aha? Hadaad Kaamam u ciil qabato, Adan Manayre iyo Ina-Guuxa iyana ku darso. About Aware, waagan anigoo yar ku noolaa, Garoodi'gu Gaashanka ma soo daafi jirin. Hadda laakin waa runtaa way degaan, laakin kuma badna. 2006 baan tagay last.
  19. I didn't contradict any of my principles. Reer hebel meesha ma dago, ma dagi karo la mid ma aha! I corrected factual erroors.
  20. I didn't say they are 0.05% on SOL forum. Here they may be 80%. Oday iyo islaan umay kala hadhin!
  21. ^I have no option when children of SNM mujaaheeds don't let the original intention of the thread to thrive!
  22. Moholin is closer to Wardheer than to Qabridhahar. Aware iyo Danot intaad ka degtan waa less than 10% oo waad ogtahay.
  23. It is not by happenstance that the exclusive list of nay-sayers to Somalinimo on this thread are from one area. But I see Ayoub made good points. The only problem with starting Somalinimo in Gaashamo is the old adage 'ood dhacameed siday ukala sareeyso ayaa loo kala qaadaa'. I start with Somalinimo-believers in Kilil5, and will end the rally at Gaashaamo. But when Gaashaamo is busy throing spanner on my road even before I started, it is a problem. Midda gale, dadkan aanu isku xiiqnay wax reer-aqoonsi-doonkii qumanaa ah ma kujiraan horta? Away Rer-Gadiid? Waa maxay Arab'kan iyo Is.xaaqan aanu isku xiiqnay? Kuwaas quman ayaan la kaftami lahaa oo ku odhan lahaa, Fakin'kaa haawanaayee, Gadiidkii dhisi lahaa, Isagii fadhataystay, Ayaan eerso idhaa?
  24. Sheh, Valanteenah ma soo heshay wali? Mida kale 'Art of Living' ma qayb ka mid ah Yoga'ga ayaa. Oday hindi ah baa 3 cisho u tagay oo lahaa uun 'deep breath in, breath out'. Ma intaa unbaa Yoga'du horta?