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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Mr. Somalia, for once, give credit to the powder-milk boys.
  2. loooooooooooooo@afi.*****. War ileen kan Suldaanka la yidhaa micno badan ma leh. Ma cakaaranews buu dhufays ka galay, markuu buurihii cid ka waayey? cakuye desperation! War waxan iska dhaafoo, buurihii wali waa lagu jiraa oo qaar baa ku hadhsan baan maqlaye sii hareereeya.
  3. I found this very funny. On a related development, we can now confirm the number of casualties among ONLF is much, much,much lower than previously feared. I am still reluctant to give numbers although I have some, because I want to be absolutely sure what I write about this story is 100% correct from start to finish. The last thing I want is to surround deserted mountains!! Dukey knows what i mean! War beentaada hore runtaada dambe yey dishaa yaa la yidhiye, ha la is ilaaliyo marka arimahan laga hadlayo.
  4. Surrounding Mountain Ranges to find a Non-Existent ONLA Units Wednesday, 15 September 2010 03:18 ****** Online Editorial Since yesterday, different members of the Self Styled Somali Fiefdom in North Western Somalia (SSSFNWS) have been very forthcoming with news of the surrounding of ****** National Liberation Army (ONLA) units in the Golis mountain ranges bordering Somalia, Djibouti, and the ******. These individuals while wanting to appear prepared and doing Woyane bidding in the name of ‘national security,’ came across as a confused lot who could not even get their facts straight. First they were unsure of the number of ONLA units that may have landed in their shores. All over sudden, they came up with widely fluctuating numbers from 100, 200, 300, and over 500 by last count while claiming that they are yet to encounter a single ONLA soldier of the supposed large numbers that have ‘landed in their shores.’ When these raving lunatics realized that their wildly concocted stories of the existence of large ONLA units in the border region raised more questions than any answers it may have provided, they have then changed their tune into displaying, among other things, rusted Klanishkovs and sacks of rocket propelled grenades. They have claimed that these were items left behind by the yet-to-be found ONLA units. If we assume that their stories are correct, then any sane individual would ask these questions: Why would an army that did not encounter any resistance leave behind some of its weaponry? Why would such an army leave behind evidence that would point to their origin as claimed by the SSSFNWS’s talking heads? We, the ****** Editorial Board (OEB), know that there is neither a single shred of evidence of ONLA units deployed outside of ****** nor ONLA units surrounded in the Golis Mountains as is claimed by members of the SSSFNW. We also know that this story shines the light more on the incompetency of both SSSFNWS’s and the Woyane regime’s militia and intelligence gathering units. How could both of them only come to know about the existence of the deployment of large ONLA units after the fact? Aside from SSSFNWS's propaganda, the only thing that this story does is to demonstrate to all the tactical and logistical brilliance of the ONLF in flawlessly executing such a herculean military mission at a time when the Woyane regime was telling anyone who would listen that this organization was now ‘defunct’ as a result of having signed ‘a peace treaty’ with the Woyane regime in Addis Ababa.
  5. NG, I know they used trucks. The details didn't matter for me. It may give some comfort to SL to say they hid. I have no problem with that. Let us not change the real topic. Were they surrounded at any point? NO! Did SL learn about the arrival and safe passage before they were home and dry? Yes. About the fighting, it may give you some clue to click at Cakaaranews today. http://www.cakaaranews.com/ The lead story is Cabdiraxmaan Gurey and Lembo watching a footie tournament, after all the shriek yesterday.
  6. Ngonge, I said it yesterday. They were not in those mountains where Somaliland claimed they are surrounded. I am telling you the facts. Somaliland learned about the whole issue from Ethiopians on 13 September. On 13 September the men were much closer to Biyoqaboobe, near Danbal. In fact, the Ethiopians got a word of this whole thing, possibly from their intelligence in Asmara or a mole in Issays's military. From ten days ago, the Ethiopian military were crossing into Awdal and parts of Salal to follow on the story. But whether it is by design or pure luck, they didn't manage to be where the ONLF marines landed, and only learned about the arrival of the contingent once they reached the Ethiopian border. They got the tip-off from what is known as "Finance Police", (waa policka la dagaalanka contro-banka) oo arinta ogaaday. The Ethiopians sent army to the border areas, but mainly concentrated in closing all likely entry points into the hinterland. The ONLF contingent splited itself into 3 groups and marched to different areas to decrease the chances of detection. Two of the groups safely reached their destination. One group met the Ethiopian forces between Biyoqaboobe and Danbal (50 Kms North West of Jigjiga). A very fierce battle took place with casualities on both sides. It is possible there is big casualties on ONLF side too [ we are checking on the accurate figures]. But those who survived managed to break and go forward further to the interior. Ayoub, I know they used trucks. I don't know if they hid in the containers you talk about. But if they did that, I applaud them. The objective is to arrive safely, and the end justifies the means. You are clutching on straws since yesterday. Kolba sheeko meesha ha la iman. Away raggaad ku hareereesneyd ilaa shaly. Generaalada guryasamo iyo Jigjiga-yar ku mirqaamaya miyaa wax hareereeyn?
  7. More than 123 have died in the past and more will die. Geeridu waa xaq, halgana waa lagu jiraa. Ninkii dhintayna ninkiisuu kamaqan yahay oo tabaya. But Alxamdu Lilaah, the 123 "killed" will remain martyers in the websites and media. We are no missing them on the ground. War ileen tan oo kale. Show hadaan idhaa we killed 2300 Ethiopian forces, sheeko unbay iska noqon. Ilay knows what is going on. Wait for a while, a day or two, until you hear a different story from him.
  8. All yesterday, as I read the comments on the "Surrounded ONLF marines", and later the claim of Abdi Iley and the mindboggling figure of 123 casualties, I was sure someone in SOL will ask, "where is Shabeeleey?" (which Abdi Iley is saying the fighting took place). No one did. I am amazed by this. Even Duke didn't ask for all his sometimes clever inquisitive nature. Could all of Solers be so daft, or is it that the speed with which the story moved, confused them and forced them not to ask what seems the first question to ask in such cases? Or is it that they all didn't want to be that pedantic? I don't know, but I am disappointed. Shabeeleey is 25 Kms to the South West of Jigjiga. In the absence of a map, let me give you this rough description of where it lies. It lies between Galalshe/ Fiq and Jigjiga. If you are in Shabeeley, you are on the western side of the Karamardha mountains but you can go to Dhagaxbuur or Fiq zone very easily through Qaaxo area. So, let us settle issues one by one. 1- The fighting didnot take place in the Somaliland/Ethiopia border. 2- The claim by Somaliland that they surrounded ONLF fighters in Marimar mountains was false all along. You remember that I told you that they may have surrounded baboons and Squirrells but not human beings in that area yesterday. I didn't want to say it, but I knew the contigent has arrived safely at Biyoqabobe, to the north of the Ayshaca/Diri dhabe road. They spent the night around there, and dispersed in three groups to three different directions. 3- It is one of the group that headed South and reached Shabeeleey that fought its way with Ethiopian/Liyu police forces. In fact, if the whole purpose of the contigent was to fight, they couldn't have asked for a better field to enagage the enemy. Shabeeley is dense, full of small hills and trenches and very close to both Dhagaxbuur Zone, and Fiq zone. 5- But the truth is Abdi Iley is confused. Where the fighting happened is between Biyoqaboobe and Danbal and not Shabeeleey. This place is close to Jigjiga, approximately around 50-60 Kms to the direction of Dire Dawa. How it becomes the SL border is mindboggling, to say the least. 4- As far as Somaliland officials are concerned, it was a theatre last night watching the recriminations. Faysal Ali Waraabe was saying "beenta inaga daaya, waxba kuma hareeraysnine". Cali Gurey was implicating Gaboose for giving hand to the rebels. It was pleasing to watch the confusion. So, let the matter rest. There was no encirclement, no chasing, and no fighting in which the SL authorities were involved. There was no fighting in an area close to the border. This will bring the issue to whether what Abdi Iley is saying is true or not. It is a fair debate. Because I am one-sided and you will take my news with a pinch of salt (and rightly so), I will not pretend I have proof for you. For you will still doubt it. But what I can tell you is that there is good feeling among ONLF supporters about how things went. The number of corpses and wounded Ethiopian/Liyu-police soldiers that are crowding out hospitals in Jigjiga is a good indicator. But I will only come here to say what I know and not what I like, and until I confirm the casualities on both sides, I will not declare anything. I have already said the feeling is good and one of jubilation though.
  9. Ma halkaas iyo mala-awaaal buu kula galay Ayoub'oow? Karta-Ayoub'ta waan maqli jiray laakin inay ismaansuukhin kol kol gasho ma ogeyn.
  10. Jawaanada cadcad ee hoose, ka furan hilib baa ku jiraba. Laba lugood oo hilib lo' ah ayaa ii muuqda ee hub anigu ma arko.
  11. We would have preferred the Mandheera jail to be honest. And the tone of the discussion would have been different to what we have now if we were faced with that choice. Ilaahay mahadii, we don't have to choose between those two choices now. But I am firmly ensconed on my chair and Sofa at home to see the evidence of the prisnoers to be caught from the encirclement. As I said, they can find squirrels and baboons, but they will not find human beings, let alone ONLF in those mountains now. Two days ago, it might have been a different story. You are not trusting me, and I don't blame you. I am one-sided. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't check with your guys back home about the veracity of some of my asssertions. I told you that the Somaliland authorities knew nothing of all these things before yesterday, when they were alerted by the arrival of dozens of Ethiopian military trucks inside Somaliland. Soo hubso!
  12. Oo JB ma fahim miyaa waxaan u jeeday? Cadhadaa dhaafisayee nin sidaa u daman ma ahaan jirin. I repeat we have no connections to Eritrea, but those who landed near saylac managed to sneek through. Xaggey ka yimaadeen markaa?
  13. Did I tell you Abdi Iley told your miliatry guys that from now on they should respect the chain of command when passing information and they must report to him in Jigjiga and not to Addis Ababa? Soo hubso, this happened a week ago. Inaad meesha Dawlad ku haysaan baad moodaysaa. And do you think even Abdi Iley, as Dabaqoodhi as he is, will allow the massacre of his clan-men if the credit is going to Somaliland? I doubt it.
  14. Which army? Adeer, I tell you your guys heard it from Ethiopians. You will learn this later, but will you admit it? By allowing such groups to operate in the country ? ? You didn't allow it. And by the way, let us assume all Somaliland "navy" (as funny as that sounds, are spread across Xeebaha. What is their capacity to stop a group of over 300 men who are heavily armed? What they can do perhaps is alert the Ethiopians, so likely routes are manned.
  15. Wararka aanu helayno waxay intaas ku darayaan howlgalka CWXO qaybta Ciiltire in ay ku dileen ciidan badan oo Itoobiyaan ah. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka 2aad ee ONLF Abdiqaadir Hassan Biixi Hirmooye (Caddaani) oo aan wax ka waydiinay arimahaas ayaa ku timaamay wararkaasi kuwo aan waxba ka jirin wuxuuna sheegay Mudane Cadaani in ay ONLF ka howlgalayso gudaha O'gaeenya "mana jiraan wax ciidan ah oo ONLF dibada uga yimid waxayna ciidamada ONLF ka dagaalamayaan dhamaan dhulka O'gadeenya" sidaas waxaa yidhi Mudane Caddani. By the way, this is the official line. even in my other post, I didn't say they came from Eritrea. We have no ties to Eritrea. We train on the high skies and land on the seas in the middle of the night. Lool@ Caddani. Rageedii.
  16. The drama staged by pot-bellied and Qat-munching Somaliland "Generals" after 700 ONLF commandos arrive home would have been funny were it no so rediculous. The fact is they have been alerted by Ethiopians who learned about the arrival of the ONLF contingent before the so-called Somaliland army, ever alternating between Xarraaro, Mirqaan and Dubaab cycle, even heard of it. The ONLF contingent have arrived late Friday night, September 10 and proceeded to their destination. It was a well-planned, well-drilled operation where the bulk of work has been done by the local ******* community, following the deployment of ONLF civillian operatives to the areas before six months ago. This contigent with more than 3 years of training is by far an elite group, who have also been trained on anti-aircraft missiles. In any case, I doubt the whole of the ragtag Somaliland military, whose is made up of untrained and reconstructed Gaas-dhagoolayaal, would have done much about this particular group if they were alerted even before the month of Ramadaan started. I now expect much more noisy drama about illusory mountains surrounded. I was wondering why the SL authorities put themselves in such a position in the first place. They will have to proivide an alibi and evidence of the encirclement now.And if they produce anything more than mountain baboons and wild donkeys that frequent the inhospitable Marimari mountains, I will be the first to congratulate them. But they can produce two prisoners (livestock traders picked up from Borame or even Hargiesa) and can try to appease their better-knowing Ethiopians. There, they have the expertise; they can raid an old hut and take out sleeping women in the middle of the night. The operation has a political signifiance and implications much bigger than its military value for ONLF. I hope they will realise it and make use of it. This operation will not have succeeded without men like Rayaale Xamud from Shinile Zone. ONLF should know that if they expand and open up to other clans, there are many benefits to be had. [ September 14, 2010, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  17. http://www.cakaaranews.com/ Lool! my dad forced to speak against me in this video. That was so like him, evading condemnations but talking about his expectations of me. I know what you mean, dad. But thanks God it allows me to see him after so many years. Sons denoucing mothers too. Brothers vowing to isolate or kill their brothers. That is what is peddled as a community taking peace! [ September 15, 2010, 01:34 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  18. Mr. Somalia, but it was your uncle who fired the first bullets against him.
  19. Yes you did. What is your fixation with ONLF and the Admiral. We know you hate them. period. You know I hate Meles and his bunch of Agame tribalists. The same way you hated Legesse Asfaw when he bombed your Hawzeen, the same way we hate the Tigres who rape our women. And while my insults above are too strong, your provocations need to be responded to.
  20. You want people to waste time on this crap? Qileetaam. Hidhinaa la Meles Zenawi agobdid. Tilaam Tigre!!
  21. Rasuulkii, s.c.w, ayaa laga hayaa ilaahow labada Cumar mid noo soo islaami. Ilaahow labada R (Rhazes iyo Raamsade) mid noo islaami, niman sahlan ma ahe.
  22. Bismillaahi Noo Diran WT. Bashir Sh. Omar Goth August 25, 2009 Maansadan waxa waxa aan curiyay bishii February 18 keedii 1985. Xilligaas waxa aan si xoogle u akhriyi jirey falsafadda reer galbeedka gaar ahaan hal doorkooda ay ka midka yihiin Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean Paul Sartre iyo kuwa kale oo ahaa raggii hormuudka u ahaa aragtida loo yaqaan existentialism. In kasta oo aan dhab ahaantii aad u jeclaystay doodahooda, haddana igama ay bi'in harraadkii aan u qabay raadinta iyo ka gun gaadhidda runta iyo arrimaha xaqiiqada ah. Markaas ka dib ayaa waxa aan bilaabay in aan u jeesto akhrinta cilmi suufiyada Islaamka, gaar ahaan Al Ghazali iyo kitaabkiisa yar ee la yidhaahdo "Al Munqid Min Al Dalaal" iyo labadii kitaab ee ay iskugu jawaabeen isaga iyo Ibn Rushd oo kala ahaa, Tahaafut Al Falaasifa oo uu qoray Al Ghazali iyo Tahatful Attahafut oo uu qoray Ibn Rushd. Waxa kale oo aan iyana aad uga bogtay aragtidii suufiyada ee Ibn Carabi iyo Al Hallaj, Junayd, Abdulqadir Al Jilani, Ibn Rumi iyo culimo kale oo badan. Taana waxa iiga sii horreeyey aniga oo intaan Soomaaliya joogay si xoogle u muquurtay falsafadii shuuciyadda oo saamayn badan ku yeelatay fikirkayga intii ay weli maskaxdaydu curdinka ahayd. Aniga oo haddaba doodahaa badan la daalaa dhacaya, una ciirsan dhinaca falaasifada Islaamka, gaar ahaan cilmi suufiga, ayaan habeen habeenada ka mid ah sheekaysannay rag Soomaaliyeed oo qaarkood yihiin diktoorro shahaadado ku qaatay maaddooyinka ay barteen, hase yeeshee aan wax badan ka aqoon falsafadaha aan anigu mashquulka ku ahaa. Waxaan intayadiiba isku raacnay oo aan iskugu jiibinnay wax markii dambe caqligayga iyo dhimirkayga u cuntami waayey. Nimankaa ay dooddo na dhex martay waxa ay ka soo jeedeen qoysas waranleyaal ah, oo markaa la odhan karo xadhko adag diintu kumay hayn. Aniguse wax aan ka soo jeeday aabbo iyo hooyo ahlu diin ah oo mar kasta oo aan darjiidhis ku dhawaadaba ay i seetaynaysay xusuustii tafsiirkii aabbahay allaylka iyo galabtii culimada u akhriyi jiray iyo hooyaday oo Quraanka hablaha iyo haweenka u dhigi jirtay anigana ahayd macallimaddaydii kowaad. Dooddaas ka dib waxa aan dareemay aniga oo ka sii siibanaya dhaqankii diineed ee aan ku soo koray ee quruxda iyo degnaanshaha badnaa. Waxaan arkay in aan wixii aan akhriyey ka kasbaday uugaan iyo xasilooni darro keliya. Markaas bay ilmo igu soo joogsatay aniga oo sariirta jiifa, waxaana igu soo booday cutubka ugu horreeya maansada oo ah: Deyran, Deyran, Deyran Bismillaahi noo diran Balaayooyin duuliyo Wixii duumo cudur jira Daa'imow na baal mari... Dabadeed intaan qalin iyo warqad haabtay ayaan dhammaystiray. Markaan akhriyey ayey naxariisi i gashay oo sidii qof xanuunsanaya oo taxliil lagu akhriyey ayuu ii noqday deyr malayko oo aan si fiican u seexday. Deyran, deyran, deyran Bismillaahi noo diran Balaayooyin duuliyo Wixii duumo cudur jira Daa’imow na baal mari *** In kastoon dambiiliyo Anuu daayac weyn ahay Ka hallaabay dooddii Dacwaddii Ilaahiyo Dawgaan ku soo koray Diidi mayo abidkay *** Cilmi dunida yaalliyo Kun digtoora oon helo Ima doorin karayaan *** Daliilkii Quraankiyo Xadiis laga dillaacshiyo Run baan dabada haystaa *** Awliyada dawaaftiyo Kuwa Eebbe soo diray Dawgay mareen baan Sii daba tumaayaa *** Dhaqanka iyo diintuna Sida diirka oogada Midabkayga dugulkeen La ii doorin karahayn Waa xidid dubaaqiyo Dabacaygu yeeshoon Sina iiga duugmayn *** Tacliintaan durduurteen Dugsiyada ka soo helay Noqon mayso dawlaab Haddaan diintu garab ool *** N.a.c.a.s baa dulbaaxshoo Sheekaduu diktoor gaal Buugagga ugu daabacay Kaga booda dayrkoo Ku deldela naftiisee Anuu duur kastoon xulo Ma darjiidho abidkay *** Diintuu lahaa iyo Dhaqankiisi dahabki Ninkii doojin waayee Digriigiisa fuulee Madaxiisa door biday Waa weel dalooshamay *** Waa sida digaaggii Kibir dacasha taagee Daaciisa ciiddiyo Inay dunidu kelidii La dumayso moodee Diiday lugaha meel qudha Darandoorri mooyee Inuu meel is daba dhigo *** Waa malab dameer sido Oon dahabka guud yaal Culayskiisa daashaday Inuu daadsho mooyee Nafci kale ka doonayn *** Waa baal dalwanayoo Dabayluhu eryaayaan Cilmiguu ku daaluu Daranyada u soo maray Hoos uguma daadegin *** Ninka soddonka deeqdiyo Daalacday Quraankee Ku dabbaqay aqoontee Sharaxiisa daba galay Cilmi dunida yaalloo Ka dahaadhan maan garan *** Hadday tahay dabaylaha Dayaxaa la fuuliyo Dusha sare wixii jira *** Badda dawanka weynliyo Buuraha dabbaaliyo Ciiddaan dul joogneen Ka dalgayno maadhkiyo Hadday tahay wax duur gala Iyo duunyo xoolaad *** Dadka uu Ilaahay Garaadka ugu deeqee Uunka daadaheeyiyo Shimbiraha dawaafiyo Xasharaadka duuliyo Hadday tahay duduma iyo Midka gala dalool geed *** Dhirta damalka weynliyo Dooggiyo xareeddiyo Hadday tahay durdurradaa Daymaha waraabshee Buuraha ka daadega *** Dadka kala wadkiisiyo Hadday nolol distoorliyo Tahay dawlad iyo xeer *** Doc kastoo la eegaba Daliilkii Quraankiyo Xaqu wuu ku soo degay *** Runta dunida taallee Daa’im noogu baaqiyo Digniinaha ilaahay Ninkii diiday yeelkii *** Weli diinta qayboo Samuhu uu ka daalacay Oo doobir khayrliyo Darajooyin weynloo Markuu samada daymada Dusha sare jalleecuu Wejigiisu soo dego Isagoon dabuub celin Cirku soo darrooroo Daruuruhu hillaacaan Ninka dood u yeeshee Daniyaaya xeeshii *** Anuu dhaqanka diintiyo Dermadaan ku soo koray Doorin maayo abdikay Ducadii qubuurtiyo Dikrigii arddaayadu Dookhayga laabtuu Doobaar ku yeeshoo Waa daabac jiidhkiyo Ku dahaadhan beerkoon Dugsadaa abiidkay Oon la iga dumin Karin. Bashir Goth Email: bsogoth@yahoo.com
  23. Originally posted by Xudeedi: Is rasaaseyn maanta dhexmartey Ilaalada Wasiir ku xigeenka Amniga iyo dabley hubeysan oo ka dhacay degmada Dhahar. www.spr.fm looooooooool at Ciidanka ladagaalanka xaalufinta. Hungri sookii igu lahaa dhuxushii lama shiddo waayahan!
  24. The biggest clown is Sheekh Umal. He issues religious fatwa's on political issues, but sadly his business interests seem to be the basis of his judgements. Ninka iyo wadaadada in immmada laga qabto weeye.
  25. Liyu means literally different. But in this context, Liyu police means special police. Zack Liyu inaa liyuunat ye la yaayaalu. Liyu maalat special sihon liyunat maalat dhagmo difference maalat naw. Gabaah? Abdilatif, haadaraaw waa af-ormoo cay ah. Askarta Oromadda ah ayaa odhan jirtay. Btw, Liyu police is not the creation of Ina-Iley. It is Meles's idea and they are funded by the Federal government. Laakin waa ciyaalkii xabagta cabi jiray badankoodu and they are deadly. Dhagaxbuur kuwa la xulay waxaa ka mid ah casaanyo iyo cumar tuur. Qosol bay naftii iga baxday kolkii la ii sheegay.