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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. In the interview, do you notice them trying to force the captives to confess they were assisted by some people? I know why they are doing that. And it doesn't bode well for Somalilanders. Nimankaas ayaa nala shaqeeyey dhaha ayaa la leeyahay. The fact that the captives could give no useful information is an indication of the sophestication and precautions taken by ONLF. Good work.
  2. I explained on the thread about casualties.
  3. Maya adigu ma xiiqsanide wad sheekada. I am only saying that you may not fully understand what is going on. On a separate issue, I am wondering why Iley's guys allowed the interview with the wounded man, Xassan Boosaaso when he is basically coroborating our version. Of the three captives, one was hit by a bullet at the start and could not move, while the two others were caught as they looked for water for the contingent.
  4. With the success of the ONLF marines latest incursion through what is now famously names as the Silaanyo-Gaboose trail, senior ONLF strategists are wondering whether it is more effective and less ardous to send their next contingents through Igal international Airport. The strategists are seriously considering this plan and would like to make a simulation of a plan next week and will undertake a risk-analysis. One potential risk is the loss of civillian lifes and minor displacements in the intial attack on Hargeisa, where it is believed 500-1000 elite commandoes can secure and control for 24 hours, time more than enough to fly most of the contingents that have completed their trainings. One other problem is also the outcry that will come from the TFG who will see this as an occupation of their northern territories. Anyway, it may be premature to plan for such operation in view of other plans which will not affect civillains but it certainly can be taken as a contingency plan if benefits are seen to outweigh drawbacks.
  5. Originally posted by N.O.R.F: If you're asking SL to allow ONLF operations to take place on her land then you know thats impossible. The goings of last few days renders any request for concessions irrelevant. Why do you ask for permission when you can go through a door? Especially when SL can surround buuraha Gacan-libaax next time around many days after the ONLF arrive at Dhanan.
  6. Ayoub adiga sheekadan "marimaar surrounding" maradaa kaaga dhacday. Sidaad nin weyn oo miisaaman u aheyd unbaa markii lagu yidhi waa la idinka dhex dusay aad xayraamiintii Burco ee shaadhka raqabada qaloocin jirey noqotay. NG, adigu carab baa tahaye hawlahan maad iska daysid. Oodweyne text garee oo meeshi waxbaa ka socda dheh.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: Your Navy was out training Nato sailors while those pesky ONLF fighters were landing in Zaylac, right? loooooooooooooooooooooooool. Nato kulahaa. Yes, Nato. But the acronym surely must be for a different thing. N for night, T for tobacco iyo daba-musbaar. Inta kale buuxiya.
  8. Ngonge, the information I brough from Iley side is public news in Jigjiga. But I even get more confidential ones than the simple one which is what is boasting around Hotel Raxma and Majlisyadiisa. You, of course can take it or can doubt it. It changes little as far as what we discuss here is concerned. Which information you think is a lie? The casualities? The news about SL security being ordered to report to Iley? etc etc. Ayoub, read the Garawsho thread fadlan. Kolba meel ha noo jidin dee. Mole iyo moles is part of the game. But in this case, I think I have even told you that the mole was in Asmara (yesterday). It is good he was a not well placed mole, otherwise all of the men could have been finsihed at the coast. There is no fool-proof way of stopping that. The mole was not somali in this case by the way, according to the suspicions in our circles. But it is always good to put in place some procedures to limit the damage that can come from moles. This has been done in this operation.
  9. We will. No doubt. In 30 years time, I can see in my mind reading in the musueum of the Heroes something like: In 2010, in what was named as the Silaanyo-Gaboose trail by legendary Puntland historian Gen Duke, ONLF commandos led by commandate Sanweyne stormed through saylac into the O-hinterland. The trail led to what later came to be known as the " phanton marimar surrounding"...
  10. For three days now, the dabate is taking a new direction every now and then. The SOL SL guys are headless, moving from one story to another. And I believe a key trait that have been the main strength of their fore-fathers is absent from the new SL generation. Garawsho ama ka garaabid marka laga garhelo ayaan ku naqaanay the gusy from the North. Indha'adeyg iyo ismaqiiqnimo is a new development. You look at Qudhac, Ayoub, Suldaanka, JB, and you realise these guys are SL only by birth and name, but they have lost an essential part of their identity. It is good to know. Norf isagu wuu duuduuban yahay ilaa September 13, oo adeerkay yaa la ceebaynaa unbaa ka soo hadhay. Maybe the bitterness is not even about the success of ONLF. Maybe it is because of the reaction of Awdalities on this issue. They welcomed the ONLF contingent, fed them and showed them their way. And they did that for Somalinimo, something the core-SL guys are allergic to.
  11. I am not denying. I am saying all that you said is FALSE. The first one is tricky. You call pro-government militia paid by Ethiopia my cousins just because you can't think the fight is between ideals? That is your problem. We can't fix by discussing antropology and geneology. You may need to read more about psychology and megalomania. Qabiil baad ku qalqashay and for you all is to be explained by it. That is why you blindly follow the wrong path of Somalididnimo.
  12. I like the map. The fighting took place near Biyo-kulule, and then at Arabi. How this is the SL border is what I am asking the SL SOL mafia to explain in map.
  13. In somali, will this be " daahfurka dhabaha halaq-mareenka ee Siilanyo-Gaboose
  14. Qudhac, adigu caruur baad tahay. Kolba meel ha u boodin. Let us talk about the 123 now. Any more updates from Cakaara? Away Suldaankii?
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ This whole O thing is as confusing as hell. So Iley is with the Xabasha but at the same time he 'loves' his people and is nice to them when he captures them? And, you get information from both sides? Partially true. I am not saying it sounds convincing. I don't know if he 'loves' his people, but I know he hates 'Ii.door's" as he likes to say. Iyaga xinkood ayuu u dayn baan qabaa. As to getting information on both sides, yes it is true as well. I get information from Jigjiga. That is the beauty of the somali clan system. And you know it. I don't know why you pretend I am getting information from both Israel's and Palestinians. Abdi Iley's next-of kin is Mohamed Ismael, by all accounts the decision-maker in ONLF, although second-in-command. markaa war lagala kala maqna
  16. It has been a long painful days but finally and thanks to Allah the news is a good one. The ONLF contingent that has arrived have lost 11 men and 3 (not four) were captured. On 14 September, one of the 3 groups was engaged by Ethiopian forces around Dambal. That is when the 3 boys (1 of them wounded) were captured and ONLF lost 6 men. On 15 September ( yesterday afternoon) the two other gorups who managed to pass safely and the Gor-Gor unit of ONLF launched a rescue mission for the remaining group which was finding it difficult to pass. A huge fighting erupted at Arabi close to Dambal and ONLF lost 5 more men, but freed the trapped group who are now safe and sound. For futher update, please tune in to the VoA and BBC later today, to hear from Rayaale Xaamud, a senior ONLF official who is from Shinile zone. Waa mahad alle, maanta waa ayaan! Guul iyo Gobanimo.
  17. Originally posted by Siciid1986: One of the captured ****** says "policeka markaan isu dhiibnay baan nidhi kuwan afkii ******KA ku hadli maayaane". Dameerka xun marka la interview gareeyo waa la dilaa isna ****** iyo waxaan loo dirsan buu ka sheekayni Miskiin. You think the guy is giving interview without being given advice on what to say. Iley is shrewd. Two things in his head. One, ninkani waa reerka oo in la dilo ma rabo. Not when he is a cpative. If that puts Iley in good face, so be it. But I know Iley enough. Two, the emphasis on the "I.doo.r" word is strategic. Iley wants to get the sympathy of O' clan by branding himslef as anti "I". I can't say it is entirely foolish, given that it has given him some dividends at Jigjiga level. That prisnoer might just escape death by doing what he was told to do and uttering the "I" word, repeatedly. The other one said something along that line too.
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: Even Siilanyu’s cries for money from the business community is valid knowing what we know now. The secessionists are in a very bad shape. The Ethiopians will use this to fill the gaps and that’s why the Governor General of the Somali State is now running the show and from now on the Hargaysa Junta will have to call him at any emergency so he could send his forces. From now on it will be the case of when two Elephants ONLF & Abdi Ileys fight the grass [secessionist] will get trodden on. Exactly. War ileen Dukey waa xog-ogaal. I thought inuu Puntland uun ku indho'la'yahay.
  19. Qudhac, then maybe it should tell you something else has happened. 120 or even 50 is too painful, to be bothered by Hareereysi issues, I agree.
  20. Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^^ LOL You remind me of a story I heard of the big-foot people. It goes, once upon a time, a big foot traveler brought his small herd of animals to Hargeisa livestock market. He was lucky that day, the sell fetched him higher price than he budgeted for. So, after he did the shopping for the family back in the kilka-5aad, he had some spare cash. So he had an idea. He rewarded himself with two pairs of ultra-strong sandles that will last him for years. Instead of wearing his brand new ultra-strong pair of shoes, he walked back bare feet. It was not long before he left Hargeisa for the famous Wado-Bariis, that he stepped on a sharp edged piece of glass (quraarad)... blood oozed out from the cut like mentos causes Coke to fountain. The funny thing happened when passers-by stopped to help the old man.. but rather of making use of the help offered, he exclaims "Ilaahi caqligaa na siiyay ayaa mahadaa leh..., sow sidaa uma kala jarteen hadaan kabahaas gashaanlahaa??" The morale of the story, your folks are not known to pull off such an elaborate master operation. So well done for that. Now we will just take into the calculation that the bigfoot is capable of doing grand scheme operations. *jokes*. loooooooooooooool@caqliga The story is funny and fits the sterotype we know. I will surely be telling it to other people. Sheekooyinkaas waan ka helaa. Laakindee, updates'ka soo dhaji, selective ha noqone. Ina-Iley yaadan aqoon oo adigaa wareeri doonee. Laakin nin aqli badan baa tahoohoo saakaba waadiga iska seexday kolkuu isqilaafkii wararkuu kugu batay.
  21. Che, fully agree. Dee SOL uun fadhi-ku-dirirnimo lama fadhino koley baan umaleyn. Wixii tabar ah waa waajib na faran, laakin is xusuusintu ma xuma. Thanks for the immense Somalinimo and walaaltinimo you always show on this matter.
  22. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: from now on, Somaliland intelligence, military and police commanders are ordered by Somali region president, Abdi Iley, to report directly to him. Prime Minister Zenawi has endorsed this decision, on the justification that because it is the regional government that can quickly react to any incursions or other security-related matters at the border, SL authorities should waste no time by looking for contacts in Addis, but should inform those who can act fastest. You sound like the Spokesman of Abdi Ileys ....... i mean you exposed yourself here ,, I gave you an information. Check with your contacts in SL government and to try to check for yourself. Of course, there is no way you will come here and say it is true or anyone will say so on the media, but for your own knowledge bal raadi warkaa. Waa confirmed from our side.
  23. Suldaanku miyaa hurdaa saaka updates'kii Cakaranews wuu la daahee! Fadlan Suldaan compare this latest version with the first one where the 123 are killed. Key words "kooxdii ay liyu police'ka isheleen". I have told you that among the three groups, mid unbuu dagaal qabsaday. Now you hear from Iley, you may believe it. By the way, buurihii wax cusub ma laga soo helay? war meesha ha u dhaymo la'aanina? Hadaba kooxdii ay is haleeleen Cidamada Liyuu Booliska ayaa noqotay kuwa dhinta, kuwo lasoo qabtay, iyo kuwo isku dhiibay shacabka tiradooduna dhan tahay 15 iyadoo guud ahaan gaantadii ay is haleeleen Liyuu Booliska ay 20 kamida ku kala fiigeen goobihii dagaalku ka dhacay tataaqiyadii, maamuladii, iyo shacabkii deegaanadaasna ay baadi goob ugu jiraan halkay jaan iyo cidhib dhigeen firxadkoodii, ayaa hadana mar ay gudiga qiimaynta Dawladu kunoqdeen saaka goobihii ay daad-sanaayeen maydadka shiftadu kasoo heleen 4 nin oo dhawac ah lana badbaadiyay iyadoona lasiiyay adeeg caafimaad.
  24. Following the end of the drama around the surrounding of uninhabited mountains, the SL contigent in SOL have tried in vain to hide their embarrassment by moving the storyline: from the 'tight' encirclement to 'on the heels of those who sneaked', to Ethiopia laga maarmiwayey (as if SL have a role in the fighting). But when all this failed the leaders of SL-SOL mafia, men like Ayoub uncharacteristically morphed into playful mood and jokes. " They were hidden in Jerrycans, containers etc etc" become the tone. But this will not hide the facts and the shameful lies that was fed to those who do not have the opportunity to follow up on what really was happening in the area. Suldaanka has even become freelance Cakaaranews correspondent. It is amazing what desperation do to people. The real story ought to have been about the daring ONLF incursion, the unprecedented efficiency, the determination and committment of the freedom-fighters. It should have been a story of bravery, and the lengths to which people who are denied freedom can go to earn it. It should not be sullied by false dabte of some who want to please an ungrateful master, who doesn't return the favours by even sending them a 'thank you note' even when they deliver their presented by way of wailing women, picked up from small huts in Hargeisa. The political significiance of this development cannot be understated as well. It has come at a time when fake peace deals are signed by Ethiopia for propaganda purposes. We will see what false peace deals achieve in the coming months, the same way we have seen the UWSLF surrender. They didn't get even a cleaner's position in Iley's new Cabinet, let alone negotiate for political representation (sometihing the business-culuma sold as the main reason for the 'peace deal'). In fact, Iley doesn't answer telephone calls from Sheekh Ibrahim anymore, telling him " mar danbe hadaad arinta odayga xidhan ee Cali Shucaac igala hadashid, waxaan u qaadanaynaa inaadan heshiishkii nabada qaadan". I digress. One key result of the Hareeraysi fiasco is that from now on, Somaliland intelligence, military and police commanders are ordered by Somali region president, Abdi Iley, to report directly to him. Prime Minister Zenawi has endorsed this decision, on the justification that because it is the regional government that can quickly react to any incursions or other security-related matters at the border, SL authorities should waste no time by looking for contacts in Addis, but should inform those who can act fastest. Iley reportedly told this same message a week ago to SL delegation, but the recent crisis strengthened his point. Iley blackmailed the SL authorities that if they don't agree to his proposal, he will frame them for any insecurity that happens in the region. The SL guys have no choice. So, what we have now is the whole security establishment of a self-proclaimed "independent state" regualry reporting to a regional state within a neighbouring country. So much for goonii-isu-taag. Apparently, it is Somalida kuwea gooni la isaga taagi, not anyone else. All this shame and disgrace is accepted to realsie a much higher, nobler ideal: RECOGNITION. We all know it will take some centuries before an recognition whose key is in the hands of Iley ( an avowed clanish man on top of being a useless Daba.qoodhi)finally arrives. Good wait, Ayoub and Co! Till then, I was singing Ali-Birra (the famous Oromo singers) - Maarime, Marmari mee! epic song which makes me laugh loudly because for some reason it brings to my mind the "surrounding of Mari-Mar" story although it is about completely a different thing. And also what an adaptation of Al-Qaarica, done by an ONLF supporter who defined the recent Hareeraysi with this arabic words: Alhareeraysi, Mal hareeraysi Wamaa adraaka, Mal hareeraysatu? Yawma Yu encirle'u jabalu Mari-mar wal Golis! Al-
  25. The captives are indeed from the ONLF group that arrived. Hassan Bossaso led the group that didn't manage to pass safely. All they got is this four men. We have confirmed 6 others were killed. We will update as we get more clarity on the situation. Actually, a second day fighting started around Arabi, not far from where the original fighting took place. It may be the case that the rest of the 100+ men may be trapped in the Golis mountains. But in terms of casualties, all we heard is 6 so far. Reinforcements have moved to the area to help the guys. We hope we will hear good news soon. Abdilatif, Ninka dhaawaca waraysanya waa Bashe Cabdi Mubaarag, waa bareer-ibrahim. Nin iska caadi aha ayuu ahaan jiray, waan yaabanahay waxa heerkaa gaadhsiiyey. Shirkii rer-I.s.a.q na isakaa ka nagnag lahaa. Mar ayuu jabhada raacay early in 1994-5 oo qaybta saadka ahaan jiray, laakin wuu xamili waayey oo wuu soo laabtay withing months. Midda kale, miyaan kuu sheegay in the editor of Cakaaranews, Guled Casowe (isaguna waa jilibkeena, waa bah-i.i.door) Ina-iley uu gacantiisa ku garaacay last week oo uu dharbaaxo kala daalay. Website ayuu password'giisa keen ku yidhi ka dib markii uu shaqadii warfaafinta ka eryey, dabadeena wuu isku adkeeyey, sidaa ayaa markaa keentay in la garaaco.