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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  2. BTW Hailemariam Desalegn is already saying we need to follow the chinese model. The same 'revolutionary democracy' nonesense. The woyannes don't like Liberal democracy mainly because of its insistence on individual rights and freedom.
  3. another comment with more substance: ........I hardly recognize Hailemariam Desalegn as a politician. Let alone as Secretary of State It's just another child's play by Woyane. I would highly appreciate if Nazret Could reveal the real operating people behind this puppets......
  4. one funny comment on an ethiopian website; .....it takes them 12 minute to appoint all the puppet at once, no argument, no comment or anything that nature, just they raise their hand on the air to ratify zenawi appointies. It was funny we were laughing so hard in the cafe we were watching the whole process. We thought it was the extension of Gemena drama.kkkkkkkkkkkkkk.......
  5. http://nazret.com/blog/index.php?title=ethiopia_s_new_cabinet_said_to_lack_fres&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
  6. The big Somali Minister is from Degahbpur clan wise. From Gunagado actually, but he has never lived there. Young Abdirahman Gurey is in his late 20s. The other one is from Qabribayah, Abdifatah. Two more SOmali deputy ministers to come. Ahmed Shide and Daud Mohamed Ali we think. To put things in perspective, the sub-sub clan of Admiral Osman got the following portfolios. Minister of Trade at Federal level President of the Superme Court of Somali Region Minister of HIV/AIDS prevention Bureau in Jigjiga In addition, many many other senior posts. It shows how much the ONLF issue is bothering Meles. I will call his latest moves as politically smart. But the caliber of the Minsiters he names is really shocking. Somalidii nabada qaadatay maxay meesha ku haysaa? It is the first time the warring clan got a regional President, a Federal Minister and the poweful Superme Court President post. It tells you something. Isn't it? But these charades will not hoodwink anyone. The struggle for our rights will continue with more determination. The current window-dressing will only be the talk of the town for few days. If Meles wants to get peace, he needs to prepare himself for a serious disussions and tangible political concessions. Xinnfanin and few other doubters who all along wanted the flimsiest of reasons to jump to the TPLF ship now talk about meanigless development indicators. It is good if we get some things on that front, but it means nothing as far as the larger issue of OUR RIGHTS are concerned. We say no to Peace that comes with Indignity, as much as we would have loved to live in PEACE. Passerby, indhet naw OROMO 5, Debub (SOuth) with a populatio of 14 million 5 ya miyaa ganyaw? Is it to do with the diversity in SOuth. Sounds fair if that is the case. But, the real question is who does these proletariats really represent. Now, are you telling me the new darling of Meles Birhan Haile will get elected from Amhara region? Ara baaki!!?baaki? I know Turth and Tigres are rarely mentioned in one line, but please try to tell us some falsehoods that are at least plausible. VIVA ONLF! VIVA the STRUGGLE!
  7. It is now seven years since I acquired the proof to my hard work, what I like to call the ‘Success Curve’ but others - mostly young brainwashed and westernized kids, loathe so much. They have so many pejorative terms for it, pot-belly, infertile protuberance, abdominal-epilogue to name but few. But my mother is still adamant hard work has nothing to do with my achievements so far. One proof of that, for her, is my latest failure to get a job I applied for. I didn’t tell her about it and she thinks if I have done that, her prayers would have sufficed; for it was the month of Ramadan. She wouldn’t have bothered Sharif-Mahdi, the local Sufi to intervene. The last time I applied for a job I really needed as a matter of death or life, Mom paid Sharif-Mahdi five dollars daily for three full months for his role in my promotion. Well, we will soon see how much effect the Sufi’s meditation has on my career progress. I am seeking a high profile job and this time I really don’t mind how I get it. I don’t mind who gives the job to me – my mom’s prayers, the Sufi or my CV. I am that desperate. All along I prided myself on my work ethics and qualifications. And, a lot of luck! Now, I am not so sure anymore. It is the case that in almost all the instances when I did not inform my mom of my intentions, I failed interviews. It can’t be a coincidence. So, I have told mom to use all at her disposal to make this happen. One potential challenge is the sickness of my uncle, her brother. She may have to fight on many fronts and that could potentially diminish the potency of her prayers. In any case, the need for Sharif-Mahdi’s intervention is getting ever more apparent. One thing I don’t like about Sharif-Mahdi is the infinite conditions he imposes on Mom and through her on me for his work to bear fruit. He is now saying I should wear green socks from now till the day I hear from my potential employers. He says I should avoid the internet for this duration. I don’t believe in superstitions but in order not to give the Sufi any pretexts if things don’t turn out good, I have been avoiding the internet; even the SOL I love so much! But I realize I need it more than any time to prepare for the interview if short-listed. So, it is a tricky situation. It is damn-if-you-do, damn-if-you-don’t situation. The green socks stuff is weird but doable. But the sufi is harassing the old women. He is saying she needs to sacrifice one goat every week on Fridays until such time he puts me in the position I want. Given that the process could take upto three months, that comes to somewhere between a dozen to fourteen goats in total. That would not have been so bad but he also says the sick uncle needs separate goats as the purposes of his prayers are different and he doesn’t want to cause confusion. Confusion to who? I don’t know. Anyway, I don’t mind SOL prayers too. Cid lagu jiro Allaa og. For some reasons, I have always thought Nuune got an Awliyo side. Awliyos fly and I know he is a pilot. But that is not why I think he is one. It is just a feeling. Maybe it is because of the quaint Xadro lyrics he recited on this forum sometime ago. The hurjum, harjac stuff!
  8. HaileMariam Desalegn is a Wolaita, from SOuthnern nations region. Was former president of the region and a lecturer at Arba-Minch University. Was deposed five years ago accussed of corruption by Meles himself. Xinnfanin, you are comparing that statistics with what baseline? True, some things are happening but did the friend also briefied you that there are over 11,000 inamtes in Jigjiga alone, more than 10,000 civillians killed in these years and the other human right violations going on. Any development indicators cannot be used to justify submission under tyranny. First things first. The rights issue comes before anything.
  9. loooooooooooooool! miyaad maqashay in Meles uu yidhi nin ***** ah oo ****** ah oo Admiral Osman is xigaan ha la ii keeno and that is why the kid Abdirahman Gurey is the new Minister of Trade? He is also pushing for Xalane to be the new PM of Somalia, mainly because he thinks that will deprive ONLF of Nuune's clan support. Lool! the guy is really feeling the heat. But it can be an opportunity where he may be preparing himself to make real political concessions so that the REAL ONLF can enter into a real peace deal. Fingers crossed. [ October 05, 2010, 01:27 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  10. He has impressive CV but he is applying for the worng job. There is nothing that suggests that he has the skills for political leadership. Yet, one can argue even the macalin-dugsi Sh. Sharif is there and hence why not Ali? I suggest he stays in his profession for he won't change much as long as the current set up exists in the TFG. He should concentrate on his unthinking maps and leave politics aside.
  11. SSC on the offensive. Heart warming development. With Awdal on fire on the West, are we seeing the demise of the clan Utopia called Somaliland?
  12. Lately you sleep and wake up talking about Admiral Osman. He must be giving you a nightmare. Again, we will continue the fight until every parasite Tigre is cleaned from Somalia and Somaligalbeed. Let them go back and chew the stones in Endaselasie and Dedebit. They have been lucky for two decades. It is payback time.
  13. Originally posted by The Zack: ^October ha magacaabo Maslax hadduu run sheegayo shariifku . "October waa tee? Waa tuma? Waa taayadii!" Would be the gov't's slogan.
  14. Somehow I like this guy Muse Bixi, a.k.a Muse Dalab. He is strong, intelligent,principled, and above all courageous. Waa nin rag ah.
  15. While the commander of the Eastern division is indeed General Mulugetta, who was stationed in Harar for a long time, I did not receive any confirmation of his death. This news still remains a speculation. Ilaahay run ha ka dhigo.
  16. Ngonge. Rer-Awdal burn the somaliland flag whenever they demonstrate. That should tell you that it is not helkd in high regard there.
  17. A new book. Author: A&T Pages: 21 Summary: it is about the marimar hareeraysi and the dramatic events that led a broad man like Ayoub to size up to an infanats pant and turn into a clan zealot like Oodweyne. To be released: on Saturday 18th September, 2010
  18. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Give it few more weeks before A&T Comes back with Calaacal threads and his usual "Masaakiin shacab ah baa Xabashi loo dhiibay" .... Ma islaamo iyo gabdho kale ayaa dumbuluq laga qaqaban doonaa. There is no contradiction. Iskadaayaa haweenka iyo the elderly. Iyo the unaramed. Kuwa qoryahay wata waa waxaad kala qaadaan.
  19. Ayoub has lost his muse the very day the news of the phantom hareeraysi broke down. Yet, I can't say this thread is dull. He has given us some entertainment. Keep it up. Ayoub, I thought you know better. Did you expected ONLF to implicate Eritrea on the airwaves? Waa ku sidee. You don't call that denial if you have an elementary idea of politics.
  20. We never doubted their ability in dealing with petty crimes. Good work. Have they surrounded this ones as well?
  21. malika, salaams walaal. It is more of excitement runtii. I think I have overdone it and should rest now.
  22. Dear All, It has been tough days but we are finally over it. Alxamdu lilaah, with good news. It is time we take a break from the tension and stress of last few days. The boys are home and dry and after now, it is business as usual. I will like to invite you Singub's timeless wadani song: Badayda miyaa la dhurayaa Cirkayga miyaa la rarayaa Dhirtayda miyaa la jarayaa Dadkayka miyaa la dhalan rogi Ciidiisu miyey dhamaataa? Ninkii Dhoof ku yimid bay, Geeridu dhibaysaa Waxtigii dhamaayo, Wwuu dhaqaaqi doonaa We can even afford some softer ones tonight in celebration saaxiibayaal. Muuqanaa mulaaxiyo musbaax soo baxaad tahay Muraayadii qalbigaygiyoo, maan qaboojisaa tahay!
  23. Heavy fightings have started in Gode and Fiq. Details are yet to come, but one issue confirmed is that one elder named Qorane is brutally killed point-blanket by angry Tigre men, after they sustained losses at the west Gode Gidhib area. 25 liyu Police captured and 5 killed. meanwhile, Ethiopian Defense forces from the divisions in Harar and DireDawa and ONLF fighters continue to battle it out around Erer and parts of Shinil. Three helicopter gunships are participating in this latest fightings. The Liyu-Police are not involved in serious fighting. They are allowed to claim some victory to prove Meles's point that the locals are fighting ONLF. Their role has been minimal in the latest fightings according to new reports emerging from thebattlefields. One bad side is that some communities from Dahir Rayaale Kaahin's clan has handed over few wounded men (7) to Ethiopian forces after they were left in their care by ONLF fighters. The Shinile community have done a marvellous job though.
  24. Kaasna caawaan tirin doonaa. War ilaa xalay dee waan walbahaarsanaa. Today is different. I really should have listened to the second part of the interview. SL is in deep shit. Take from me.
  25. From now on, brace yourself for the expansion of the anti-peace tag to Jigjiga and Harshin zones. Qabiilada kalena waa nabad-diid ayaa meesha ka socota. I think i will forgive Baashe. Afterall, he may not have abondonded all his beliefs. Ayoub, because he expected if anyone who speaks somali fights him, it must be SL'ers. You don't expect him to be geographically aware of where he was as well. The commanders know, not him. I like when Baashe asks "wax isku dhac ah oo ciidanka Somaliland ah ma jirin, shacabkuna wuu idinla shaqeeynayey soow ma aha?" Anyway, the next version the boy gives to the Tigre intelligence will be different. He will be forced to say Silaanyo helped us. You are in bigger shit than you think Ayoub. For whatever reason the Tigre's have decided to put it on SL and Iley's guys are not fond of the entity as well. Maybe, SL could get a leverage if they threaten to support ONLF. If they let it on their pants as they are doing, they will suffer.