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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ngonge, how you have to great length to prove yourself? !! Anyway, that could be an unfortunate word choice, but you are right, he could have said "this matter". It doesn't prove he is saying this is a researched fact though?
  2. 4. Why Ethiopia Needs Instability in Somalia – the Misunderstood Aspect Although Somali intellectuals identify Ethiopia as the main spoiler of peace and stability in Somalia, they fail to correctly explain the why side of the story. They cite past Ethio‐Somali wars, old hostilities and territorial disputes as the reason why Ethiopia doesn’t want to see a stable Somalia. They are right, but they forget another dimension which guides the policy of Meles Zenawi’s Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) towards Somalia. TPLF’s policy evolved from time to time since 1991. But its current policy towards Somalia has much to do with self‐preservation and Tigrayan avarice than historical Ethio‐Somali enmity or active territorial dispute. Starting from the days of Al‐Itxaad, the TPLF shrewdly presented itself to the West as the bulwark against Islamic extremism in the Horn of Africa. The traditional belief that Ethiopia is a Christian island surrounded by Islamic countries helped the TPLF in marketing its worth to the conductors of the ‘War on Terror’. Two factors heavily impacted the policy of Ethiopia towards Somalia more than anything: the Ethio‐Eritrea war (1998‐2000) and the 2005 elections in Ethiopia. Ethio‐Eritrea war (1998‐2000): After the end of this war, the latter attempted to use Somalia as an entry point to overthrow the Meles regime. This created some genuine security concerns for the TPLF, who are led by a very paranoid and highly‐insecure group of men. The regime characteristically overreacted in dealing with this threat. They decided to rule Somalia, when all they should have done was to augment security measures along the border they share with Somalia. Ethiopian army commanders and intelligence officials, who were sharing looted money, luxury cars and other privileges with Somali warlords even before the Ethio‐Eritrean War, fed hyped fears and lies to their leadership in Addis Ababa, which compounded the problem. 2005 Ethiopian elections: Meles lost this election but stole it, in the process killing over 200 mostly student demonstrators. His sponsors, the USA and Europe, started to condemn and admonish the regime. Then, a lottery named ICU (Union of Islamic Courts) started to appear from the Eastern horizon. Ethiopia’s occupation of Somalia followed. The main point is that Meles sees Alshabab as his saviours, not as his nemesis. His regime will never allow the reconstruction of credible Somalia State, mainly not because they care about the territorial integrity of Ethiopia, not,because they fear ONLF, and not even because they hate Somalis. They know that without a ‘terrorist’ Somalia, they will become dispensable to their sponsors and they cannot rule Ethiopia. They will be pressed by Western funders to undertake democratic changes and the TPLF will not do that; for that would mean the end of their minority rule. To avoid such fate, Somalia must remain in mess. That is why they need stooges and lackeys in any Somali government. Most Somali intellectuals fail to recognize this fact and therefore think policy statements from Somalia affirming the territorial integrity of Ethiopia will calm TPLF nerves. Speaking of Ethiopian operatives in Somalia, there are rumours that Sharif ‘the razor’ Hassen is the new man of Addis Ababa. After simulating nationalism few years ago and joining the Alliance for the Re‐liberation of Somalia (ARS), for him to become an agent of Ethiopia now, makes one wonder if the‘re‐liberation’ he set out to achieve was the reliberation of the chair of the Speaker of Parliament, which he regained. Again, these are rumours, but persistent ones; not like the short‐lived ‘Muse Sudi Yalaxow is on Facebook’ fibs, which one hears from time to time and disregards with a chuckle. I think he didn't rule out other possibilities, but states that according to him the main reason is to stay on power. Evidence? What kind of evidence will please you? How do you get an evidence when you are judging somebodies intentions? One can only provide plausible explanations, not exhibits as if this is a criminal case.
  3. Ngonge, tuugyahoow tuugu uuna dhalin, Which accusations? I read it twice and didn't see any accusations, but only opinions. Of course, you can disregard the opinions there, but unless you are upset about the Somaliland bit, there are no other accusations. Or are you saying he didn't provide evidence for Ethiopia's hand in Somalia? Does that need evidence to be honest? And would you have read if 37 pages of that evidence is included in an already lengthy article!
  4. Xinny, Waad ku mahadsantahay tabida aad i tabtay, waana filayey oo anba waan ku tabi lahaa. Foodleeyda SOL baa igu buuqday oo deedna waan u soo Xajay, istaaqfurullah. Bal waa ta danbe ee ila hadasha.
  5. Ngonge, Salaams saaxib! Salaan kashka iyo laabta ka soo go'day iga guddon! Laakin, meeshan way sii waalatay. Why is what he is and whether he is a drunk an issue here? I was so proud of him that I shared the link with my collegues at the office in an e-mail with the title : AND WHY NOT SAY WHERE HE IS FROM? So far only one feedback. A pakistani guy is joking "because this is the first time a Somali saved anyone, ...you only kill; so the media doesn't want to kill the wrong impression when it is an anomaly."
  6. Hadaad mar danbe i caydana, waan iska kaa celin, sanadka danbaba waan soo xashiye!!!
  7. Jacayl - salaams, been ma sheegin laakin. Af-xabashi wixii lagu yidhi unbaan turjumay, iyo ra'yi aan ku darsaday. Emperor, akhi, Bossaso duccadeeda dad badan oo iiga baahan baa jiray, markaa I am afraid inaana si specific ah u xusin, laakin haday TO helin waayaan CC way iska heli by default!
  8. Lool, war yaa iga sii faaidaystay intaan soo cibaadaysanayey? Three things stand out from this news: 1. Somaliland's president news comes after local news of advisors nominated by Ethiopian PM (not something that is common when serious delegations visit Ethiopia) 2. The 'President' of SL was received by Ethiopian FM, when Meles was in town!!! 3. The news-reader stated the visitor was the President of the SOMALILAND ADMINSTRATION. So, unless the fact that the news was read in Amhraric adds importance, there is nothing new. But, we know the Hargeisa guys are fond of Amharic!!
  9. War nimanku waa qoloma? Yaan la isu gabane, Somali ha iswada raacinina. Mudug connection weeye ayaa isoo gaadhay.
  10. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: But there is a different part of Somalia where things are much better....It's called Somaliland This is the key message in this article accoriding to my reading, and it is a good one.
  11. maxaa waalay yarka? Laakin I can't say I didn't see it coming. Hanaankeedii wuu lahaa!
  12. So, Sheikh Dalxiis in effect wants to smuggle the PM to power? Why does he dislike secret voting?
  13. by the way, my Kenyan collegue corrected me this morning. She says it is NATAKA KAMAMOTO.
  14. Allamagan, Farmaajo politically waan taageersanahay oo Itoobiya ayuu ka soo horjeedaa. Laakin hius Thesis is rubbish. Somali, M.A requirement'geeda waan la socdaa. That Thesis would not have been accepted at School of Oriental and African Studies. I tell you.
  15. The latest is that a Japenese UNHCR official is rejected in kenya recently because his name is NATAKA KAMAMURA. Nataka... I want Kama......Alaab Mura...... kulul
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkkaYmEyGHs
  17. it’s an embarrassment to the author and the university... Correct Ayoub! waan yaabay anigu. Oo waxaa oo kale hadii Masters lagu qaato in some US universtities, maad waa hore ii soo sheegtid, 16 baan qaadan lahaa with my SOL cantarbaqash alone.
  18. lool, thi9snone is even funnier. How to date Intellectual Somali ladies...
  19. I am more surprised with the ease this assortment of historical records and insertion of personal opinions here and there passed as a Thesis, or a book for that matter. What is the central argument in the book and how is it related to any of the theories he must have learned in course work section. War ileen tan oo kale. No wonder PH.D holders are in their millions in Somalia. Ma wax meel uu ka socdo iyo meel uu u socdo jirin unbaa la iska qori and then some University will recognise it as a Thesis?!!
  20. I hope I am wrong, but I am not liking what I see in this man. If Sheikh Sharif picks you as competent guy, you must know something must be wrong with you.
  21. War xalay baa lala baxay inaabtigay baan ku idhi. Fork the false gudoomiye. Ninkaas waa rer-xamar, uma dhalan somaligalbeed'ba. Dacaayad ma aha ee waa xaqiiq.
  22. my sisiter-in-law is one of the released. But my Inaabti (male) was picked up mid-night last night. Tobon sano bilaa maxkamad! Jacayl, soo diga yidhaa dadkan lama dhibo. Kolka la sii daayaad sheegtaaye, marka laqabtana sidaa ula soco.
  23. Ma ninka 10,000 USD ku mirqaamayaa wax hareerayn karaa? Wa taa Somaliland hadaba dadoow! Mirqaan nacay,hadii uu Jaamac Miig ku kicin waayey
  24. October 12th, 2010 Hargeysa (Somaliland)- Gaadhigii Xoghayaha Guud ee Xisbiga UDUB Mr. Jaamac Yaasiin Faarax, ayaa nin shacab ah ula wareegay dayn qaad xad-dhaaf ah oo uu ka macmiishay muddadii xisbigiisu talada dalka gacanta ku hayey. Gaadhiga Xoghayaha Guud ee UDUB oo noociisu yahay Landcrusser, lambarkiisuna yahay SL. 30188, ayaa sida ilo xogogaal ah Jamhuuriya u xaqiijiyeen waxa mulkiyaddiisa si rasmi ah ula wareegay oo haatan gacanta ku haya nin shacab ah oo ka ganacsada qaadka oo sida ilahaasi caddeeyeen ku yeeshay dayn dhan $10 kun oo doollarka Maraykanka oo uu muddo dheer kaga macmiishay qaad uu si joogto ah u bixin jiray xilliyadii uu socday ololihii doorashada Madaxtooyada ee xisbigiisa lagaga adkaaday. fadeexaddan ayaa noqonaysa tii labaad ee soo foodsaarta Xoghayaha Guud ee xisbiga UDUB Mr. Jaamac Yaasiin Faarax tan iyo intii ka dambaysay doorashadii madaxtooyada ee dalka ka qabsoontay 26kii bishii June ee la soo dhaafay, sidoo kalena waxa maxkamadda kaga socota dacwad labaad oo la xidhiidha dayn xad-dhaaf ah oo uu galay bilihii ugu dambeeyey ee xisbigiisu ganacta ku hayey hoggaaminta dalka Somaliland. Daynta kale ee xoghayaha UDUB lagu leeyahay oo sida uu qirtay gaadhaysa $35,727 doollar, ayaa markii xisbiga UDUB bixin waayey, waxa xoghayaha UDUB Md. Jaamac Yaasiin Faarax dabayaaqadii bishii Augost 2010 looga yeedhay maxkamadda, basle sida uu ku sheegay waraysi uu xilligaas siiyey wargeyska madaxa bannaan Ogaal, ma uu tagin maxkamadda, kadib markii dacwaddiisa ku tilmaamay mid siyaasadaysan. http://www.somaliland.org/2010/10/12/gaadhigii-xoghayaha-guud-ee-xisbiga-udub-oo-dayn-qaad-loola-war eegay/