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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Sheh, Thanks. Now we are making a progress. I hope SayidSomal now understands my qaylo is not out of nothing. Why am I being labelled "an unknown quantity" and "negative balance". Yaa unknown ah? Ma LST baan aniga i aqoon. Haduu run sheegao muu xiin waydiiyo inaan ahay nin rer-hebel ah, oo deggan halkaa oo ay is xigaan Abdilatif. Siduu ku odhan karaa "waa unknown quantity". Su'aasha labaad ee aana dadka la qabin waa why everybody is "balance.png", aniguna aan ku noqday "negative". I think LST is doing all this under pressure from feminists. I am marked for extermination and it is clear I am not in good books with the admin people and the moderators. Ilaa Sheh ayaa arinkan wax ka og. From the day I joined this site, I have been named. As a brand of a communications company, as a vulger-story-teller (something that made me not post the interesting story of an ex-prostitute who repented to God where I live:bootylicious says she will still go to pubs and clubs but with not indulge in anymore arbitrary carnal romps). Later, I was named as a paranoid as sheh is saying for I was asking relevant questions. Now the naming has taken a different route. It is in the form of unsolicited cagdheer name, it is in the form of coloured symbols and unsen descrptions of 'unknown quantity. This is unacceptable, but I can assure LST that if he wants war I can give him one. I give an ultimatum of 12 hours only for him to fix the colour or give an explanation. If he doesn't take action, I will react to it. It is an artof war to know where you can hit your enemy and were you can reach and cannot. I may have no power to attack him, he is protected by strings of self-made rules; but I will lash out against the girls in his site indiscriminately. Life will be nbearable for them, until such time those given moderators roles run away from their posts and others fear to post anything. It is the girls who gave me this bad name and they need to lobby LST to stop his actions. If they don't, as sort targets, they will pay for it.
  2. Bob, X ma Nuuna? Hagaag mahadoow! Inaad i garab istaagi waan ogaa. Ma waxaasa laga aamusi karaa. Ummadoo dhan waa grey, anigana RED buu madaxa iga saaray.
  3. Nuune Hangaraarac, LST miyaad iga qaban mise waan iska kaa qabtaa
  4. Nuune Hangaraarac, LST miyaad iga qaban mise ...
  5. Ma dulmi ha ka doodin baad leedahay yaa Qardho boy? Maxaa dadka la iiga soocayaa aniga?
  6. LST, adeeroow waa maxay dagaalka hoose ee igu socdaa. Everyone else has a grey mark under the title 'Senior nomad'. I am alerted by concerned SOLers that I am the only person with 'red'. Maxaa la ii calaamadeeyey sidii nin toogasho ku xukuman? Can you please explain. Mise waa 'danger' ee iska ilaaliyaad u jeedaa? Anyway, you owe me an explanation. Waxaan moodayey in arimihii Faroole la xidhiidhay ee aan isku khilaafnay dhamaadeen. And I have strong suspicions General Duke has got something to do with the marking of me.
  7. Somalinia, you have a point, waan kaa gudoomay walaal. Gheele'na waan kaa qaban kolkuu kugu xadgudbo. We have switched roles: shidaaradaydii baan ku wareejiyay isaga, anigu odaytinimadiisii baan la wareegay.
  8. I may have got at least one girl who says I am her fun man, if the poster phrased the question differently with a disclaimer: : 'Saying A&T is my fun Soler is not necessarily admiring his stories'. There is a in-built bias in this research. The law of averages dictate that I should have at least one women admirer. I don't care for men, as you know. Markaa on that premise, I vote that Aaliyah admires me. :D
  9. Somalina, Mali waxba kaama hayo wax PM ah, nin samir badana maadan igu ogeyn, markaa Gheele ayaan la heshiyey oo raali galiyaye la soco. Ha isku kay halayn waan ka baxay dhufayskiiye. 'Thank you' Private ah kol hadaad la bakhiishay, maxaan Gheele isku waynaa? Laakin kulama dagaalamyo.
  10. Gheele T, Horta inaan furfuranto ma xuma and I am happy in aan sidan u doodno oo aad odaytinimadii ka tanaasusho. Waa guul. I have nothing runtii, laakin gabadha waad ku yar foogaatay, midda kale gabdhahaa ila colooway oo inaan iska dhiso meesha kama maqna. Somalina - thanks for thanking me. Labada shay ee Gheele kugu yidhi horta habaar ma aha ee waa waxa gabdhuhu ku duceeystan: xadxantayn iyo enjoy'garyen love. kkkkkkkkk. Laakin context'ga ayaaaney ku haboonayn, markaa wakaa aan kaa qabtay ninkiiye, dee public thanks uun masugaynee, PM'ka miyaan furaa? kkk. Waxba miyaadaan soo dirin? Ninka dhan ee Gheele ah muxuu ku dhintay?
  11. Miyir nacay haduu Gheele Gabadh u miisaayo War meesha ceeb baa ka dhacday. War maxaa gabadha la isugu tagay? Midda kale, Gheele's points about 'mid wax xanxanteeya' is not appropriate and is unbecoming of him. It is the last weapon men use against Girls when they fail to convinve or confuse them, and shows how Gheele was out of control. This is not coming from Oba or any other light weight, this is coming from what we thought until now was the personification of cool-headedness -Gheele, and is a major concern. Gheele can only redeem himself in my eyes and earn the respect I have for him, if he apologises to Somalina. She is right in this fight and I am on her side. How times have changed!! This coming from Abtigiis, many would say. But it is good to change.
  12. Admin;681197 wrote: Abtigiis, your two accounts are now merged. Moh is deleted after all content was transfered to Abtigiis. Idin kala garan maynee Guulaysta! Admin ama LST mid aad tihiinba!
  13. Said it many times and mainly when I talked about BOB's (Mugabe) fist of duty in one of my earliest posts. But who would listen to poor Abtigiis. This world is shaped, named and disfigured by Albion and its researchs. Now that the BBC is talking about it, it is time to reflect on Mugabe's legacy with different mindset. Many will also be surprised when the truths is finally out about the 'political' violence and human rights 'violations' in Zimbabwe. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-11764004
  14. How is this a news now. Is it not the same as "Abtigiis loves Cara"? Maxaa cusub? Xassan was Alshabab in word and deed.
  15. Ismahaan, Meles thinks Somalia is the South 2 million, Puntland 2 million Somaliland 2 million; all of it 6 million. Sidaas ayuu u jeedaa.
  16. The percentages worry me least. It will end happily like an Indian movie. It is until the gallant SSC SOL team led by Aaliyah come and vote and Puntlanders join to neutralise Norf's team. I expect even the nefarious Duke to vote in my favour. Those who vote against me are in effect voting for the end of the Somaliweyn dream. Kamaavi, kii xumaayee Zack ahaa miyuuna codeyn wali?
  17. Good news. Hadaad wax saxday LST, but I really cannot believe this was a mix up in the first place. How could you write my details so correctly, give me a name that defines me in a way, and yet say you didn't know it was me? Anyway, cafis baad tahay. Waayo hadaana ku cafiyin maxaan kaa qaadi karaa? The added benefit of this return to myself is that I managed to vote twice, but still the landers are influencing the votes. I can't believe people think I was joking all a long; it is like th proverbial boy who cried wolf miyaa? Mar hadaan magacygii, midigtayda ku hayoo Marwadii aan doonabaa, waa in PM ku tuuraa Sidoo loo qoslaa with this new format? :d miyey soconaysaa? LST, fadlan Cagdheer cancel laakin posts numberkii meeshaa ku jiray kan iigu soo wareeji. Yaa war u haya waa wax la isku siin meesha yaa u hadal badan? Just in case.
  18. LST, Thanks for the e-mail, but I still can't log in as Abtigiis. Wax kasta waan sameeyey. Fadlan adigu kala badal oo Moh Cagdheer meesha ka saar. It is getting comical now. Midda kale, please disqualify Somalilanders from voting in this Poll. 5ta ilaa hadda wuu iska ciyaari yidhi waa iyaga. Nimankaa la isuma kaayo maqlo.
  19. LST, fadlan la soco poll'ka waan isu codeeyee. Although the way the questions are framed is not bias-free. Light-hearted is the key word. This will make people go to past behaviours and think it must be another joke of mine. Also, you carefully put the word evil in the second choice, so that people who would have thought it is wrong don't vote for it, because they don't think it is evil.
  20. Libaax-Sankataabte;680513 wrote: loool. ATT, awoowe log into the old forum and send admin a message if you want your email to be changed. Include your new email in the message. That is the only way we can confirm who you are. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/ubb/ultimatebb.php LST, Bil amaaraa waa kaan e-mail'ka kugu waydiiyey ma Argentina yaaad joogtaa. Waa anigii uune fadlan i badal oo kiii hore igu celi. Old forum ma bajiree maxaad gidaar iigu dhiibi. Hadaad rabtid magaca aad iigu soo dirtay e-mailka ma sheegaa. Yacni magacaaga. You are doing this deliberately sababtoo ah you knew there can only be one cagdheer in Harare, and also you gave my work type to Moh Cagdheer. So, it could not have been a mistake.
  21. Prometheues, Maantaan nin Afghani ah oon saaxiib nahay kaaga sheekeynayey. The poor guy is going through tough times. What Prometheues would call 'through rational thinking and reasoning'. He says he wants to find out about truth. Waaanu muranaa maalin walba. Sometimes, to an extent we do not talk to one another for few days. The issue is he says he wants to discover whether God exists and whether Islam is the right religion if indeed there is any such think as right religion. His problem is he doesn't know the ABC of logic. He is afraid he will lose his faith, he told me. So, he says he wants to discover the existence of God through rationl reasoning. I told him it is impossible and his approach is wrong. If you want to indeed find out about this issue using logic and scientific research, you should be prepared to accept any conclusions you reach and should not use unscientifc approachs and reasoning at any point of the search. He complains that the islam is basically good but interpretations by Mullahs is the problem. I challenge that and told him that whatever you get by way of Mullahs is in one way or another what the religion says, as long as we are not talking about eccentric mullahs. He is selective about where Mullahs are right and wrong depending on what he likes about religion what he doesn't like. I tell him that although he has a point in that Mullah's interpretations could be wrong, what he is offering is also another interpretation of what the Quran and Xadiisis say and if he accepts what he says as the correct versions, it will not rest the argument. He will merely be one more addition to a growing list of sects within Islam. In short, the guy is doubting everything but fearful. I told him that there is a guy called Prometheus who can help him. I shall send him to you, inshallah soon. Educate him. I don't mean make him atheist, but show him the inconsistencies and the fundamental weakness of his approach. We agree to debate based on science and logic alone, by shelving our beliefs, and in the middle of the thing he jumps back to belief and says 'since the prophet could not have known about the fact that the deepest of the sea is the darkest, yet he said that in the Quran, it can only be that he heard it from God. " I told him that is fine with me, a muslim believer. But if he goes with that argument to someone else who doesn't believe in religion, he can expect "since there is no precedent where any human being was told things from the sky and since such cases are yet to be verified by science, I think a human being who came to Mecca from other areas could have told the prophet". This is one of many other possibilities. I told him that when he is debating people, he should define the parameters of discussion from the outset. He was angry and said he wants to bring other people to arbitrate us, I told him that is unnecessary. he should just write to you, prometheus or to Nur. On the issue of short stories, I don't want to boast and I have read Nuradddin's many books and stories. I believe I can better him for sure. Where I cannot reach is Chinua Achebe, a man I have immense respect for. Laakin thanks to Sol and You, soo kaad i qab jebisay eed tidhi "beyond scabrous bedside stories, Abtigiis has nothing else to offer". And I was surprised that a man who drunk logic would use such an argument to question my intellect and intelligence, oblivious to the fact that he was committing all kinds of fallacies along the way. One would expect a master of 'fallacy' list would avoid most of them. Palavar finish!
  22. Juxa, This only adds to my pain. Walaahi, I didnot come up with that name. Bal dhibta i haysata fiiri. Not only am I denied all my title, posts and presented as 'unfriendly', dadkii baa la igu diray oo nin clan epithet meesha la yimid inaan ahay loo tusay. I want to tell all Solers that I did not come up with the new name, I was given. Most likely as a retirbution for my outburts against Puntland. But I don't need war now. I need my name to be restored as soon as possible. Even my beloved Juxa thinks I am a mere tribalist now. Malika, I am happy I made your day. But you can help me even better if you can use your contacts and personal weight to convince LST to restore my name.
  23. Mudane LST, I learned my lessons now. Fadlan arinta hadda hagaaji. The e-mail address you sent me as the one I gave when I joined SOL is no more valid. Waan ka guuray kaas, oo dhufays buu ahaa. Cayayaan baa qabsaday oo dad aana garaneyn baa igu wareeriyay. I opened today to see if it is still there and I found 1432 unread messages. most waa kuwan been beenta yidhaa 32 million la iiga dhintay aan qaybsano. But one girl who says her name is Shasmo Nuuri wrote obscinities I cannot describe and cannot think of coming from a somali mouth. She wrote in Somali and says she was told Somali men chew 'qat' and cannot do this and that. She is inquiring if I am different. Of course, I never saw the message when it was sent which was 2009, and didnot respond to it. Waxaan ka shaki qabaa in qoftu SOL iga soo raad raacday. But that is really a different story. What I now want is for you to restore my Al-Haji Abtigiis & Tolka name, create a password and then send me the new password through the new -mail aan saaka ku wada xidhiidhanay. After that, I will change the password. It is unfair to ask me to remember every password I once created. All of our life has become Pin codes and passwords. Which is which we really can't tell. My MasterCard is now blocked because after I didn't use for a month, I tried to draw money and apparently put too many different pin codes. Way xidheen, markaan waa sidee i dhina, we thought it is stolen bay yidhaahdeen. War xitaa Dhaktarka markaan tago Pin code iyo password baa la i waydiiyaa. Waan wareeray. I also have yahoo account, facebook account, office (xaffiska) account, SOl account, Skype account, Tolka-e-mail group account, and all need passwords. I put it once and rely on the system to remember it next time I use it. If it forgets, I create another one and call all friends to tell them of the changes. Markaa it is really unfair of you to ask me to remember my password. Fadlan arintan si deg deg ah u xali. I usually store pin codes and passwords on my cell phone, laakin how long do I keep a cell phone? A month or two? before one of the children puts in the bath saxan? That is why I buy cheap phones. Midda kale arinta title'ka "senior nomad" waa muhiim. You know nowadays how many lives are lost figjhting for titles. No one can disavow a title that comes his way with indifference, even the title of a 'mu'addin' of a mosque. The 'Senior Nomad' title is crucial. Aliens'ka iyo old guys ka soo laabtay 'ban' list een waligood qaan gaadhin sida Cowke iyo Mr. Somalia oo kale, ayaa lagu waabsadaa! Markaa fadlan arintaa dib ugu noqo oo hadii 4.5 lagu qaybiyey noo soo sheeg, si Zack, Nuune, Abdilatif, Kamavi iyo anigu aanu isaga aragno oo u soo doorano ciddi na matali lahayd. Waa qalad inaad adigu noo doorato. Midda kale waan eegay profile'ka Abtigiis and Tolka, markaa waxaad ku qortay " Al-Haji AbtigiisTolka has not made any friends yet". Arintaas waxba kama jiraan, waa dacaayad aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn. Just because I fought with few girls doesn't mean I haven't made any friends. Even Ayoub is my firend. Markaa please correct that as well. Walaalkaa Moh Cagdheer,
  24. That flag is given to you by mistake. It is the flag of the nobility - the MO-A Anbessa Ze negede Yuhuda; not for locust-eating Tigres!
  25. General Duke;680058 wrote: The site looks amazing. When a village in Northern Ethiopia was taken over by enemy troops iin medieval times, (the village was surrounded with no hope of escaping for the vanguished men), and against a backdrop of a history in which captured men are killed but captive women are spared but turned into wives for the new conquering army, a women ululated to ingratiate herself with the winners and asked her defeated men to calmly wait and see their fate, instead of mounting a last ditch sucidal battle. Whereupon one of the grief-ridden men taunted her with " anji min alabish, imsish ay mooti bish' (which literally means in Somali "haa dee, adi ma dhib baa ku haysaa, your reprouductive organ will not die"). The site looks amazing for pirate boys whose identity, title, post number are not stolen! Not for a man whose 5000+ posts are weighed and valued to be equal to 9!