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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Budhcad-badeed Boy, Using 'I' makes droll-type writings more personal and strong. It is true no fiction is written based on imaginations alone and parts of what is said here and there will relate to one's experience -whether he lived it or he saw people living it, but it is also important you realise the above story is not my biography. Sure, it depicts the atmosphere in the school I studied in. Ngonge, That Xinnfanin does not qualify to critique this short story is not news. It is an established fact, and hence his abuse here, which is informed by eccelesiastical considerations is unlikely to take me from the field play, tears in eyes, nostrils drooling and sniffing, hearts sobbing. He has tried to put a magesterial censure to my pen from the day I had 3 posts to my name, and it didn't work. Not because his advices are not sound and brotherly, but because he mistakes moral condescending for legitimate literary appraisal. In any case, he is a brother who cares about me, and my good name. So, while his critiques have the effect of an aborted fart in terms of constraining my pen, I will heed his advices to moderate the language used.
  2. Speaking of Marvin Gaye, how about this: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x11kvs_marvin-gaye-sexual-healing_music Hees eesh calaa ah bay aheyd markii rag nool la ahaa. :D RIP Marvin, rageedii!
  3. :D Awoowe, admit I have improved on many areas in terms of vivid descriptions of things. Hedde garow'de.
  4. It is right that I address Faroole and Rayaale in SOL, while others are fighting on another front. They complement each other, the two actions don't contradict.
  5. Kuma fahmin Ayoub'oow. Could be I am having a slow day, or it could be because I just finished watching 'Alvin and the chipmanks' with the kids and the mind has not yet re-programmed itself for metaphors of grown-up men.
  6. Hedde feedbackii qaatay and I found it very useful. Laakin dee Ilaahay ha inagu anfaco means I should take it to heart and do a better job next time. It was good observation that you made, but I am a quick learner. You will see next time.
  7. Where do I fit in this story, Ya Ayoub? I don't work for Ethiopia.
  8. I am disappointed. When I saw the name Ismahaan, waxaan is idhi fur meesha she may be saying I am her fun man, because of Dhaanto. We know she loves Dhaanto. On a serious note, I didn't say who I admire because I didn't undertand what this is about. is it who you find funniest? Or who you like?The two are different. For instance, tuuga Tuujiye ah is funny along with my favourite Ducaysane. But that doesn't mean Tuujiye when he I know he started football in the Vialli era. Ducaysane'na isgoo aroos ah ayaa inoogu danbeysay. Even Oba Hiloowlow is funny in his own right, along with Xaaji Candhuuf. If it is who do you like, then it is a wide topic. Like in what sense? Cyber-personality? nice ideas? etc etc. Taas there is a long list of people I admire, but I don't think this thread is about that.
  9. Nuune, 'Culumada kala qabtaayda jooji' oo Sayid raali galin deg deg ah u ***. It is not secret Ngonge is my best friend in SOL, but on this one issue he is a novice. Sayid haduu waxoogaa sii noolaado aniguuba khatar igalin doonaa dhinanca gabayga :D
  10. Ilaahay ha nagu anfaco. Many thanks.
  11. Nugul, It is a fiction. Of course feedback is welcome.
  12. NG, Sawirka hagaaji. I can assure you I looked better than that sanweyn guy and also I never used glasses.
  13. Actually, I nwas about to say that before Sayid came back. Sayid didn't claim the lines were his at any stage and therefore I, the judge, have looked into the charges of theft against him and declare that they are null and void. We also know Sayid can do better than NG on his own right!
  14. Malika, Indeed. You didn't see the strange walk I alluded to in the story? Syphillis was there, but so was Tertracyclline sold without prescriptions. Anyway, Fitsum was from rich family and had so many, many girls around her. She was the group leader. But Malika could be right; there could be problems at home! Or I may just have picked on her, in an era where what she was doing was more of the norm, at least in that school. There are many Nitsu's we can discuss but she was different, as she was transparent and never seemed to worry about negative publicity. By the way, later on she become a big point of clash among boys; how many lost teeth angrily punching one another because one is teased that 'he doesn't spare anything feminine, human or animal, even Nitsu.' It become a matter of honour for everyone to fight those who rate them so lowly. But, beside the fights, Nitsu never lacked secret visitors. She was very attractive and charming by the way. But later on, some of her colour faded and too many creases started to develop all over her overutilised thighs and backs. Some used to joke "Ye Oromo iji now yegadhalaat" (which means rough Oromo/farmer/ hands killed the girl".
  15. Where there is no talent on both sides, we will decide the winner based on effort. And hence, Ngonge is the winner by a wide margin. He tried. Ng, halkaa ka sii wad. Hadda waan tagayaa oo "Alvin and the Chipmanks" baa soo galay oon ciyaalka la soo daawane, markuu dhamaadaan kugu soo noqon.
  16. Cagtii joogsan waydaa marbay ceeb la kulantaaye Ninkii caalka loowaayey iyo caabis naga waabsha Cimaamadii waxaa ka dhigay Nuune carrab dheere
  17. Ceebtaada Alla ha asture kan tirtir fadlan kolkaaa. Remove this thread soonest. Hedde Moderator dhan baanad tahaye iska dul qaado.
  18. Any feedback on why it is deleted? I think there was nothing graphic in it? Do people understand it takes me some time to put up those things? Fadlan ila soo socodsii sababta si aan uga taxadaro doorka danbe. Ngonge, Do you think there was anything that warrants its removal? Calaacal ma fiicna, laakin balaaya iga daba dhacyasa sidii website'ka dib-u-habyn loogu sameeyayba?
  19. JB, anaa u jawaabaya Sayid Somal: Marka laaqiskii iga bi’iyo, laacdankii gole e Laandeyr haddii aadan qabin, kama layiigteene Anigoo ladaadyeysan bay, ladh igu oogeene Lidda ma laha sooryadu haddaan, meel ka liiliyiye Luqmadda iyo dhuuniga waxbaa, iigu laabudane Lis xaraar leh buu ii dhadhami, labanka caanuhuye Loolkiyo lammaa laysku xidhay, laabatada qoyska Haddaan laamandoodsado hurdada, waana ladihayne Lahanka iyo cadhadaan qabaan, laba legdeeyaaye Leecaanta Soomaalibaa, luri calooshayda Luufluuftadaasaan u dhiman, laafa-lugudkeeda Maandhow lugtii iga jabtaan, luudiyaa weliye Maandhow raggii Laxaj jiree, loodhadhaa yimide Loxoskii horay ii ekayd, liin ka gubiddiiye Maandhow lix seben buu fadhiyey, Laaso iyo Cayne : D
  20. My All-time greatest is Percy Sledge's "When a Man loves a Woman"
  21. looooooooooooooooool@Malika's question. :D All we can say at this stage is that enjoyment is a luxury in the world of teenage boys and one would be laying if he claims he knows what her mood was in such encounters. In hit-and-run gurrilla ambush's , the assailants can never assess the damage they caused with precision, but that doesn't mean there are no dead bodies who died, faces surly and writhing. War Ngonge, she was a daughter of an Army General; I am sure she survived well into the 90s. I saw her married I think. But the main issue is that she was lliving in a Pre-AIDS world. She was previledged and had many imported good books no one has. Story was that one of he boys invited her lunch in the student lounge and outside the school for almost one month before he asked her to go out with him. Nitsu, they said caught the boy by the collars: "All this time, all these days, all the invitations and all the talk was for you to ask for this -pointing at herself. I am disappointed with you. I thought you wanted something important like my Physics. You should have asked for what uou wanted the first day. I hate procrastinators." They say she offered to compensate him for the costs of tea and dinners he spent.
  22. :D :D @ teenager's refuge. You should have sent me before I wrote the thing. Waan ku dari lahaa! It is better than 'the river of schoolboys'! Nitsu was much more than that in truth. Macalimiinta, maamulka iskuulka, Shaqaalaha she never discriminated against, with that tiny but tireless body of hers! Tolow xagay joogtaa hadda?
  23. Principled, trustworthy and straightforward are not words those who know me would use to describe me. But I know I was principled on one occasion, trustworthy on two occasions, and straightforward on three occasions in my life. I was principled when I confronted my Ethiopian English teacher in Grade nine. For one full day, he gave me stick on my tender butt for saying ‘Mouse is not the opposite of Cat”, something he was teaching the class. I said Cat and Mouse are enemies, but not opposites. Pain of the battered buttocks finally made me concede the point, but in the final exam, the same issue came up and I stuck to my point, but lost two marks for it. Nitsu was a noisy girl, but a nice one. She personified compassion. No encounter with male schoolmates of mine, even as we grew old and grey-haired, ended without nostalgically recalling the role Nitsu played in cultivating within us selflessness and the internalization of pity as the driving factor behind our actions, intentions and decisions when dealing with needy human beings. Few realize that sexual permissiveness is a carnal correlative to an altruistic position. It is a vivid metaphor for humanitarian give-ness. It is a way of overthrowing our values by challenging the mores around a foundational reproductive assignment. Tell me: is it very difficult for a girl who disagrees to relieve a man dying with the pain of passion, in an era HIV and Aids were not a risk, to also disagree to give water to thirsty voyagers in a desert? And all the names she got, some that permanently disfigured her-like the ‘river of the schoolboys’, she took with surprising doggedness. She gave pleasure to all of us when serious dates refused to oblige and the desired ones failed to show up. No complaint, no criticism of why she was overlooked first. She gave what we wanted with only one quaint request: Don’t tell to Solomon, or Murad, or Assefa or the Harari Ihsan who was the most handsome boy with the prettiest girlfriend –Mawardi. And I respected her words, kept for myself till today the 22nd of December 2010. In truth, it was Murad who told me to go to her, telling me there is no way I will fail. He told me she told him Ihsan sees her in secret, and when she asked him why he of all boys –with Mawardi by his side, would come to her, Ihsan complained that Mawardi won’t give him anything before they finish school and formally marry. He said the pimples and warts on his face are exhibits of unfinished passion, always constrained to lipsing kisses and warm embraces. Only once did Nitsu protest. And it is hard to dispel that sight from my mind. At break, she walked into the cafeteria where students were drinking tea; the angry Nitsu, all clothes in one hand, the other one broadcasting hot and menacing curses, herself stark nude to show our stunned faces her naked anger in erect fullness, undisguised by any sartorial pretensions. She delivered a hot message no one cannot duck: You can talk about me, but I am confident, I am clean, fearless, and immune to insults and ridicule. She was clean; her name in the vernacular. Insults, she does not deserve for merely undressing and bending to gratify the passion of outsiders she doesn’t know, but she cannot turn down becuse she embraced self-demeaning to advance human pleasure. They –the school community made her an enemy, an opposite of all the other girls in their fondness of opposites. They made her the Satan in Paradise Lost, themselves the God he challenged. As a fallen archangel, John Milton’s Satan comes through as a shrewd, calculating character of unparalleled brilliance. As humans who share in his foibles, we tend to gravitate towards him, indeed to identify with him. God, on the other hand, emerges as a flat voice of holy edicts, seemingly hostile to fallen man’s enterprise. He can’t fit in the narrative, or else he ceases to be God. So he is no match for the restless and striking Satan. We identified with Nitsu, not with the Godly girls, who saved a non-deplete-able resource for a man they are yet to meet, a man they don’t know, a man they can’t know; and failed to respond to the immediate needs of a classmate in passion crisis. I never told what she told me to anyone because telling it would have meant giving clues about the source of my bizzare walk in the week that followed my meeting with her. They would have said it is Syphills which was rampant in the campus. The other time I was trustworthy is not that thrilling. It was when I rented a room for two hours, only to find that someone else actually rented the room for the whole night. It was mid afternoon, and I saw his wallets and some money on the cupboard, but I took nothing. The girl actually wanted to take a nice shampoo the obviously rich owner of the room left on the shower, but I discouraged her because I knew the reception guys would search us – students, before we leave. They had problems with students who come for short stay in their rooms. The Hotel owners complained that although they were making money from these hourly rens, they were having problems with the guests who rented the rooms because things were stolen from them regularly. The three times I was straightforward were when I told my mother-in-law, my wedding day, that the way she was dressed, I could have mistaken her for my wife and could have run into problem. The other time was in the interview I had for a job, when I told the interviewer who kept on asking me if I correctly understood his questions that I understood them better than he did. The third was when I told a friend of mine from Asia that he is abusing his wife. God is not the opposite of Satan, Mouse is not the opposite of Cat, and Nitsu is not the opposite of ethical grils. She is only different. And that difference appeals her to some of us, the senisible ones; makes her an enemy of the selfish ones who hide behind false morality to hide their shame and inconsiderate nature!
  24. Waryaa LST Mahadsanid duqa for explaining. Laakin dee unknown quantity'gaan ka xanaaqay. Still, I don't want to whine but I don't like this 'fascinating Nomad' tag. I would have really preferred 'A&T is a laandheere nomad'. :D Fascinating can go any way; blame odaygii qoray 'the Tyranny of words". Malika thanks for taking my sides, I know I can always count on you as the fairest of all SOL ladies. Sheh Mahadsanid for the information.
  25. Qandalaawi, waan isfahanay ee laakin hoos u hadal, la iskuma dhawaaqee! :D Somaalina, All girls know I am harmless and not dangerous. Nor do I abuse anyone. I have once said bad things to KK and I regret it todate, besides I sent to her countless apolgies. In al the other instances I had a tussle with them, it is because they overreacted to what was a benign chit-chatting with them, or misundestood some posts I posted. But this is not to be defensive. I fully take responsibility for all that happened and they happened because I made a clear lapse of judgment about how people perceive different apporachs and semantics. The good thing is there is no malice or bad feeling I harbour towards any girl in SOL. I also forgive Ibtisam, who I believe wronged me, although I provoked her. Markaa gabdaha wax xumaan ah nama dhexyaalaan haba yaraate, aniguba gabdhaan leeyahay oo gabadh ma xumayn karo in any way. Kaftankaygii Rer-miyiga ahaa ee la fahmi waayeyna waan iska haysan, for it was the source of all this trouble.I am just a bit more cautious now, but I will engage with them as usual. All I contacted know our discussions have been cordial and platonic. On voting for me as your fun man, I take my cummad off and bow in revrence, but instead of warwareeg you could have said Abtigiis baan ka helaa. it won't kill you, plus it may help me. I could copy and paste the link of our discussion here and market myself to new girls on SOL oo aan isaga dhigo nin haweenkii meel uu ka galo la'. Markaa you denied me that advantage. Ileen adigu waad i taqaan oo kuma qaldi karee.