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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Dear Blessed, Since this imposter diaspora boy -Ayoub-couldn't help you on Moge's timeless song, I volunteer: Sayid's google virus baa dadkii kuwada dacay. Dhayal looma heese, dharaartii aan ku caashaqay Ee aad dhibtaadiyo, igu dhalisay hawlahan Dhulkan oo gu'gu da'ay, dhinacyadan makhaadiir Dhanka midig badii tahay, bidixduna dhir iyo doog Ciidan dhabaq guudud ka ah, ee dhiin lo'deniyo geeluba ku daadago Iyo ubaxa dhaadheer, Iyo ubaxa dhaadheer Iyo ubaxa dhaadheer, Iyo ubaxa dhaadheer Miyaad kala dhex taagneeyd? Miyaad kala dhex taagnayd? Markii aan dib kuu dayey, cadceed dhalatay waa bari Ama dhool arrornimo, dhanka bari ka soo kacay Naasaha dhaxdoodiyo, dooxii Hargeeysiyo Damashii ku dheerareeyd, oo wabi ku dhow yahay Intoon kaala meel dhigay, igu dhalisay caashaqee, markii aan ku dheehdaba Ama dayo dhankaagaba, Ama dayo dhankaagaba, Ama dayo dhankaagaba Sow hore uma dheeliyin! Sow horu uma dheeliyn! Waxaa la isku dhaafaa, dhaxyeereey nasiibkee Mala waanad dhaadine, Soomaalaad ka dhalatoo Dhay lagugu koriyayoo, dhaameel dereerka noqotayee Haday dumar dhig leeyihiin, amase dhaadi iyo qurux Waa laguu dhameeyee, ana dubaxaa jilaal Dharaaraha rafaadka ah, sida dhibica loo filo, ayaad iigu dheertoo Waan kaa dhursugayaa, Waaban kaa dhursugayaa! Google-free :D
  2. Nimanka 300 iska celin waayey baanu diyaarado iyo navy u samaynsan miyeyna isqilaafayn, Cowke muqumadoow? Warya delete this thread now. It is outdated, useless, and meanigless for lack of stronger words to describe it. Cowke, kaneeco miyaa ku cuntay adigoo yar waa maxay saskan ku hayaa 24/7?
  3. Alxamdu-liaah! Waan caafimaad qabnaa, waxaan cyber-budhcad ka aheyn.
  4. loooooooooooooooooooool@google search failure by Sayid! :D
  5. Kamaavi, hadda arintu sheeko way dhaaftay. Waa arin qadiyadeed, qorigaaga soo qaado oo intaad soo nabaadino-xidhato, thread'ka "Xinnfanin' iska xaadiri. Dagaalka toos ha u galin, laakin dhabar-jabin ciidan ah hadaad aragtoo oo hub 'Caano-boodhe' la yidhaa wata, ku biloow. Waa amar! :D
  6. Dear Xinnfanin, Indeed, is there any quarrel over the established fact that when it comes to creativity and genuine epistemological discourse, you are the colour black on the rainbow? Is there a dispute that you gained a fame you did not need to validate, the way the proverbial cavern that once housed a big snake acquires lasting awesome terribleness? For what? For simply mercilessly bullying newbies, who come to SOL as their prized find, with rehearsed powerful poetic lines of the Sayid and Ismacil Mire et al ? For sticking to a peace caravan that has lost its way when it begun its journey and expecting it to yield peace? There is a Somali adage which says ‘dadkaaga dhinac ka raac’ , a fad in Revoultion days. It is an adage which expiates foolishness and cowardice, comfortably locating all these within the human urge for self-preservation. As a proverb, it could only have come from a deficient and miscalculating culture with a deep and ingrained misunderstanding of the true drivers of human transformation. You are a relic of this culture, and embody and dramatize diffidence and disguise as the better part of wisdom, even explaining to comic levels the virtues in not challenging, explaining, discussing or simply narrating human occurrences. You may fairly say I am the opposite of you, and belong to a minority group of mindless eccentrics and odd beings with no moral strictures. It is a charge long administered against me, part rightly, part wrongly, and for which I will not put my lean head between my boney legs and sob. But this thread is about you, and not me. It is about revealing the made-up creature whose sole key and path to the ‘Hall of Fame’ of SOL is to criticize, bully or pamper, in an effort to keep his real nature wonderfully unobtrusive beneath a false patina of ascribed social and scholarly virtue. On more than many occasions, I used head, hand, limb and all to duck your unsteadying volley, which came too, too close for comfort, again literally. I receded into a hidden corner of the SOL women section, hoping for some deflecting parapet; instead getting abusive discloures and open insults. The case of Ibtisam's mauling attack on me is one living example. You pushed me to this margins. That did not quite help. And it has now become clear that a wife of a serial wife-beater, who hopes the abuse will end one day because God will change her man, will find herself without teeth and eyes when that day arrives. It is self-defense, mate. And I hope this will have no bearing on our exchanges of the conviviality of the yore! :D
  7. You are right blessed and with fair suggestions like yours, waxba la isla waayi maayo. I don't really have to spend time on fiction for now, for there are more pressing issues on the political front and beyond SOL. But when I decide to tell human story for a wider audience and provided that I go through the right literature courses as I want to do, rest assured lewdness and juvenile jokes will not be part to it. There are much more powerful themes out there. But Xinn will always remain a critic whether kind or harsh. What he can't be is an orginator of new ideas, new thinking, new parameters. Not because he doesn't have the intellect or temperament to do so, but because Mr. 'Peace Caravan' is a conformist, a prisnor of social and cultural mores, and a religious zealot. These factors constrain his ability to come up with anything worth critique. These factors make him write anodyne things in this forum. This is not to claim I brought anything new with the lustful stories I peddle as good stories too, but the essential ingredients to break from societal manacles is within me, I think. Ayoub's sponsored rage is part of a campaign against me by what I call 'the binary of the bullshits'; an unlikley and unholy marraige of tiny fiefdoms who feel threatned by my Somaliweyn aspirations. :D
  8. Tolba malihi anigu! Look at my name. Why do you think the 'Tolka' part is dropped? :D Seriously, Xinn cannot be thinking every story I tell is my story! Unless he also believes that I am 'unprincipled, untrustworthy, and not straightforward', which is the opening line of my story. As to you, I would have been concerned if this was two years ago when you were the genuine Ayoub. You lost your muse from the day you were possessed by demonic secession and landernimo spirits. :D
  9. Those of you who wrote to me in protest over this thread, I thank you all. Let us be fair to brother Xinn as you said. It seems the consensus is the said brother actually knows what he says and is indeed a wise man, but that he has one major foible. He suffers from chronic ciriticism allergy and not from the infallibility syndrome I always assumed was his major achilles-heel. :D As said before, criticism is easier than the art. The trashing posts I get, the wishy-washy, moralizing tone of Mr. Xinnfanin's "condemnation" of 'immoral' stories, will take little away from the entertainment those given to life of bountiful cheer -me, Ngonge, and Ducaysane et al are having. But it seems there is no dispute that Xinn's appendix -Mr. Somalia, is an irredeemable out and out knave who delusionaly believes he is the originator of Shakespere's words !
  10. Pyjama, thanks. I don't know about the value of dialogue in story-telling, you don't know about SOL readers. Gheele T is already telling me the story is too long. The fact is I know what you said, and have shown that in thi very forum, but when you want to tell a story with two to three issues and incidents in one page, you will have to do away with too much dialogue and actions. Especially when the objective is for mere entertainment. I will not waste time on such shallow topics if I want to do a good short story. There are plenty of issues, such as the daily killings of my people in Somaligalbeed. I do this silly stories for fun.
  11. Xinnfanin: A certifiable Literary Quack Somethings never change as Xinn said in reference to a mild story I posted this week. Indeed, the irony is lost on the man who turns every nook and cranny to give the impression of a masterful critique of literature and specifically poetry. He failed to provide a single actionable suggestion beyond a blanket censure ala Alshabab style for over three years and hence indeed somethings never change. People are generally opinionated, but none as opinionated as the this man from the land of the 'hard-eyed' in Somali parlance. There is a veneer of righteousness to the enormous self-centredness he exhibits when analysing all things from politics to exchange of pleasantries, reinforced by the apparent acquiescence of hoodwinked newbies who are primary victims of his wanton bullying. Like a judge, he robes himself with synthetic wadaadnimo and Odaynimo, in the process robbing all others of their shine. And the robes give Xinnfanin an air of caalim, which is what probably makes him believe he is a votary of the god/goddess of knowledge and wisdom. His tongue moves with a swooping swagger, his tiny neck and frames obeying measured movements of his lips that ruffle gently the greying moustache, marking its proud motion. Always in tow, or running beside, will be an un-robed ruffian - Mr. Somalia types, clearly grateful and fixed to the helm of this dark "Puntalnd oracle" — literally by step, symbolically by talk and false smile. But we are living with him for three years now and have yet to see a word we can celebrate and be grateful for learning from him. His knowledge doesn't go beyond cheeky poetry lines uplifted from Daraaawish literature and moralising denunciations of certain social behaviours. SOL community have waited patiently for more than half of an election cycle in a democratic country to see positive contributions from this man. They now learn with sadness that the man is just a literary quack who is thrust upon the good-hearted men and women of SOL for reasons or sins only posterity shall tell. :D In case the admin delete the thread I created elsewhere!
  12. Somethings never change as Xinn said in reference to a mild story I posted this week. Indeed, the irony is lost on the man who turns every nook and cranny to give the impression of a masterful critique of literature and specifically poetry. He failed to provide a single actionable suggestion beyond a blanket censure ala Alshabab style for over three years and hence indeed somethings never change. People are generally opinionated, but none as opinionated as the this man from the land of the 'hard-eyed' in Somali parlance. There is a veneer of righteousness to the enormous self-centredness he exhibits when analysing all things from politics to exchange of pleasantries, reinforced by the apparent acquiescence of hoodwinked newbies who are primary victims of his wanton bullying. Like a judge, he robes himself with synthetic wadaadnimo and Odaynimo, in the process robbing all others of their shine. And the robes give Xinnfanin an air of caalim, which is what probably makes him believe he is a votary of the god/goddess of knowledge and wisdom. His tongue moves with a swooping swagger, his tiny neck and frames obeying measured movements of his lips that ruffle gently the greying moustache, marking its proud motion. Always in tow, or running beside, will be an un-robed ruffian - Mr. Somalia types, clearly grateful and fixed to the helm of this dark "Puntalnd oracle" — literally by step, symbolically by talk and false smile. But we are living with him for three years now and have yet to see a word we can celebrate and be grateful for learning from him. His knowledge doesn't go beyond cheeky poetry lines uplifted from Daraaawish literature and moralising denunciations of certain social behaviours. SOL community have waited patiently for more than half of an election cycle in a democratic country to see positive contributions from this man. They now learn with sadness that the man is just a literary quack who is thrust upon the good-hearted men and women of SOL for reasons or sins only posterity shall tell. :D
  13. Very, very cheap line. You know saying 'I' doesn't mean the author is talking about himself. But I don't have to defend that everytime a pirate shoots. Anyway, your problem is even here you are talking about rightness or wrongness of the act that is committed; you don't give anything that helps an aspiring writer such as the suggestions made by Nugul. After following Xinn's comments on similar issues for three years now, It can safely be said that he is a certifiable literary quack who hides under false moralising to cover up his shortcomings. :D
  14. Sida kii sunbaacada qudhmuun siriray ee daacay Dabadeed sarkhaan baan ahaa iigu sabab sheegtay Ninkii gabaygu surinkuu lahaa sin uga leexshaaba Waa sanaf sabbaaxadi dhashoo Ina-saliid weeye Courtesy: Doollo.com
  15. I saw it. I aske the admin to move this thread to the one you opened. I think your grieviance are legitimate, but let see what people say.
  16. So, you are opposing the thread I opened where I said you are tied so far. Are you saying you won against Sayidsomal? Is this an appeal against my judgement. I think on technicalities you won, because he committed theft. But on the real thing, you need to post your winning poem here for us to judge.
  17. War Sayid horta soo qualify garee dee from the group stages. It doesn't matter if you think you are Argentina or France in football terms. If you can't beat Senegal or Trinidad and Tobago in the first round, you can't face Brazil in the knock-out stages. :D
  18. Since they tied at the other thread, we are giving them another chance (not more than 5 pages are allowed in this thread) to come up with what they have to beat one other. Refree: Xinnfanin Supervisor: Aniga laftigayda (for we know Xinn and what he is capable of )
  19. Codkii iyo Muusuqii SayidSomal, Ereyadii Xinnfanin Iskudubaridkii AlUstaad Hunguri Ladies and gentlemen, are you reeeeeeeeeeay for heestii Waran from 'Punt Band': Sayid*Somal;682276 wrote: Weerar ba igu soo socdoo Waran ba lay soo sitaa Waryadhahee ila wardiye :D
  20. Eesh Calaa! Mahadsanid Prometheus. Very, very educating. Sam Harris's conclusion that there there is objective moral values and hence human beings must converge on what they all regard as right or wrong, good and bad makes lots of sense and is already happening in a way. but he sullied his presentation with a bit of overdramatising some examples he used, mainly those that relate to Islam. The fact is he is right on those issues, but you could not miss the tinge of patrionising attitude. Also, he missed, I think, to mention how that convergence on moral values will occur, which is through education. My only question is is he prepared to accept women who veil themselves because they find it trendy, in an environment where the context he described as the basis under which women veil themselves 'voluntarily' is not what it is today? Meaning will he say people who deviate from some universal moral practices, like those who accpet veils, are eccentrics under such circumstances? Also, if he thinks that there has to be a universal moral values on how women should dress, what about a universal value about sexuality and hence gay and etc etc. Or is the main contention that choice and freedom should be the criterea which any universally acccepted value should be based on. If so, are freedom and choice not subjective concepts? Or can there be a universally agreed upon objective definition of freedom too? Given that human beings will always differ in intellect, economy, and in their understanding and interpretations of their environment, is it not possible that what is freedom for one might be viewed as abuse by the other?
  21. Enough with this pretentions!! :D Hunguri and I, we lose our minds when we hear alaabtan: http://music.banadir24.com/playsong/mahamed_aadan_dacar/203/2041.html
  22. Horta ma dhamaaday garoonkii Multiplex'ga ahaa ee swimming pool iyo wax walba lahaaa ee ku kacayey 180,000 USD? Afar qol aprtment ah laguma helo lacagtaa magaalooyinka, so it is remarkable Puntland built a whole modern stadium with that amount of money.
  23. JB, war dadka yaynaan waalin aniga iyo adiga alaabteenu Qaaci bay aheyde at best! Miyaynaan Geela ku wada raaci jirin with the mind-soothing songs of Maxmaed Aadan Dacar iyo: "Sida geed abaareed, inta uu gurgude helay, Ubad rayis ku gaadhiyo, gurma go'an ku hoos yaal, Adigaa galgalin iyo gal xareed leh joogo, Maba ogid gu' iyo dayr mid la gaadhi doone, Gablan talo aduunyooy, nin agtiisa gaadho, Gol daloole hoosiyo, gabal lagama waayee!" :D Rer-magaalka ha inagu darin ninyahoow. Otherwise, even Hunguri will come and claim he was a fun of The Beatles, when we know inuu Nur Girig's 'halacoow gudoon' dhuxusha ku shidi jiray, as a charcoal-burner from Makhiir.
  24. No, JB, this is too graphic. I never liked it. The subtle 'healing' one was for grown-ups. The one you posted for party boys. Midda kale, adigu dadka ha iska dhex boodine, we know what you used to listen in Guryasamo and under the briishka marka roobku da'o. Hargeisa hindi'ga ayey jeclayd. Runta sheeg were your favourite songs not "I am a Disco Dancer" iyo "Leylaa-o-Leylaa" (Amjad khan and Qurbani). :D Hallo!Hallo! Ma i maqlaysaa? Mise laynkaa Tashuush ku furan yahay?