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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. There is no need to seek arbitration on this matter from dead men, from cadavers under the soil. The living men and women of SSC are Somali unionists, have been that for all the time we knew them. The SNM project was a clan project all along too. If the logic of treaties and legalities is to inform our understanding of the Somaliland Vs SSC situation, it has to also apply to the Somaliland Vs Somalia debate. Somaliland is part and parcel of Somalia, by law. Its secession is not endorsed by all of its people, let alone by the rest of Somalia. In fact, we will only know whether what is clearly a clan-fanatic leaders pet project is shared by the wider populace from the same clan. The 'landers' -I mean the real ones themselves did not get the opportunity and the option to choose what they want. I believe the secession agenda will not go far if unionists from that clan are allowed to present their case. At least there will be a division among the clan. There is no question Awdal, Salal and SSC will vote for union. Which will leave a small but vocieferous group of clan-worshippers like JB and XX to endlessly lament processes, wrong referendums etc etc. Fortunately, they will die angry and bitter like most exteremists in history have died.
  2. Indeed, Uchi's timeous reinforcement from as far as Nigeria and Ogoni-delta is a welcome, heart-warming development. Nonetheless, the Naija-brother should not read much into the insults of this overfed young boy from the antihills of Mudug and Bari. Did you see Mr. Somalia's picture on facebook, where he still belongs? All along I thought the reason for his voluminous torso was due to clinical obesity or some other malady; I now realise the bulge is to do with cuqdad for Caanoboodhe-drinkers like me. The bulge is insult and anger, nothing else. Which takes us to the story of ALbion and it war time Prime Minster winston churchil, which I read on Harare herald. One day during the Second World War, Winston Churchill staggers into a room, dead drunk as usual. Of course, you know Churchill had a drink problem, the way George Bush had the same. I trust you read Bush’s memoir “Decision Points”. Seeing that the Prime Minister of Britain was drunk, dead drunk, one lady plucked courage and confronted him. Without wasting time, she barked a sharp rebuking order, one that reversed power relations. Temporarily at least. "Mister Prime Minister, you are drunk. Get out of the room!" The drunk British Prime Minister, doddered forward, towards the cheeky woman who had dared him. Once satisfied that he had gained suitable distance for a maximum uptake of his piece of mind, the Prime Minister, letting out thick fumes of the substance, pauses for a dramatic while, hardly steady and upright. Then the bombshell: "My good lady, I am druuuuuunk, and I don’t deny that. "But tomorroooow morning, tomorrow mooooorning, I shall wake up sober, possibly with a small, nagging headache which will vanish together with early morning dew. But as for you, darlin’, you are ugly, uuuuugly. Let’s see how you will look tomorrow." The point had been made with this firm rebuke: that far harder to contain are age-settled disabilities of mind and body, as opposed to petty oddities of men or evanescent penury that forces one not to diversify his diet (my Caanaboodhe)! :D Let us see if Mr. Somalia can walk straight, not burdened by obstinate misko. :D
  3. But what makes it inconsistent and absurd? It is natural to think that way.
  4. :D loooooooooooooooooooool@Zafir's Nitsu comparison. Sayid is Nitsu and worse. Even Rudgy should compete with him now in Somali Poetry. :D
  5. Can JB take the pain of tellin us one insconsistency? This is rubbish and a waste of ink is not a critique of the article. Indeed, the author's title sums up the issue. If Reer-binu-hashim want a state of their own, Reer-Sado-Ali can also want to have their own state. I don't see anything wrong there.
  6. I must thank Blessing for forgiving me. It is very important for me. With the looming prospect of me carrying the blood of children on my hand, I winced, prayerfully hoping the good Lord he worships would grant this Mr. Somalia fellow wisdom and guidance out of the belly of the great beast -Xinnfanin- whose menacing grin he mistook for a gay smile. If only he knew he is a tool of another tool! Prometheus thinks I should leave Xinnfanin alone; I should not disturb him from the glorious, munching rest he is having. He wonders why I should deliver a truth which must be deferred to allow for a ride, a gentle wafting into Elysian fields, that zone of eternal bliss, post-purgatory! The truth that this Xinnfanin is a script, a tool of intimidation the playwrights -LST and Promethues- use to effect desired outcomes; A 'dues de Machina'.
  7. Abtigiis


    This video is very useful for many people and is timely. The gentleman doesn't add much in terms of the key issues, but knowing that the struggle Nugul is having is something people face at one or other time of their life is important for Nugul.
  8. Where a little teaser bull is marking a territory, there is lots of squirting, raising of dust and dropping of strong dung, all of it obfuscatory: Caanabodhe, character assassination, mafrashland is a diversion tactic by the handlers of this unkempt excitable urchin. We know and expected that! What we didn’t expect is the simulated rage of ‘count me out’ from the ampilifier. An obdurate hymn may have been broken in SOL this day, and hey, caring mother-in-laws may start breaking skirts in leaping joy: Mr. Somalia is angry he is called names and his character is assassinated! :D SOLer’s must obligingly collide chins for catchy headlines here! But the bottom line is I can’t say I haven’t budgeted for this. Where you are dealing with Xinnfanin, you cannot sleep in peace, locking your door from within. Rather, like a bad man who strays into nuptial chambers of a married woman, you sleep and wink with this one unblinking eye firmly on the exit. He can fight dirty and catch you off-guard without lifting a finger! I can only suspect the heartless Xinn is working behind the screen and throwing this human pebble to test the depth of the waters. But if it is the decision of the juvenile vagrant to get angry, then it is a small victory to celebrate. In a phase of leaping tongues, keeping the mouth of a freelance heckler shut is no mean achievement. Mr. Somalia is the proverbial condemned fratricidal son who pleaded orphan status in his own mitigation. He is seeking refuge in decorum; decorum he killed in this forum repeatedly. Let him tell us how many names he had in SOL before! Malika, No, Sister. Xinn is not resting; he is busy sending teenage sucide bombers. Even this fake elder Hunguri with fake Gogol is part of the gang I face everytime I release air on SOL. The Gogol serves to give Xinn an outlet to escape! Admin - Why is Mr.Somalia's taunt removed. It wasn't that bad. He only called me few names. I dont mind if it is kept here.
  9. Tuugii balaayooba 'e, guryaha agab ka boobaaba Bidixdaa markii lagu qabtee, banaan la soo taago Bar uu tilmaamuu helaa, oo uu eersi beegsada'e Ma beenaalihii Qardhaadbaa, ninkaa burushka ii qaatay? Afartaa bartii aan rabiyo, bari ma aad siiyey Bayj'gaabka Sayidkii ahaa, beerka maku gooyey?
  10. :D Because it is hard to imagine an amplifier would speak where there is no speaker behind it, your talk above is a proof that Xinn indeed is alive and has not died of the wounds inflicted upon him. It is a proof that like the last days of Saddam Hussien, he is hiding in narrow underground holes, testing the literary temperature of SOL by engaging in a war of attrition with me, and sending delinquent juveniles from Tikrit to blow themselves up, instead of leading the fight himself. I can forvige you for misunderstanding what this thread is all about on account of your IQ. This thread is about Xinnfanin's continuous failure to divorce characters in stories from the story-teller; it is not about whether the story-teller is a good story-teller or the story is a good story. Of course dimwits are not supposed to know this, but Xinn should have known.
  11. loooooooooooooooool@Ayoub's man on Universal TV! We saw the same thing Ayoub. :D Ayoub is a clever thief who knows when to betray his friends-in-theft and jump the boat! In my rush to address the faithless man who is one of the sponsors of Xinnfanin, I forgot to address the charcoal-burner from Makhiir with penchant for rustic recommendations to urban entanglements. :D Hunguri should stay out of this debate because it is neither about marine resources nor about forestry and deforestation, something he is better qualified to talk about than me. Nor are we dealing with issues that concern widowed women and aspiring suxul-baruur Carmal whose salvation legend says lies in the coastal waters of Makhiir. The pirate kid is a simple amplifier of a bigger pirate, and I see he is still chriping with the monotonous 'powder-milk' jingo but he is unlikely to get me distracted from the big prize, which is the man behind the microphone. Xinnfanin is in his last convulsion before an inevitable interment and his death will silence nuisances like Mr. Somalia! Which leaves us with the problem called Promethues and his insolvent 'logic is God' project.
  12. What made a man whose religion is ‘logic’, whose God is ‘reason’, whose prophet is ‘rationality’ to forsake the faith of his first-cousins –the Greeks - with the fallacious ‘if you can’t enchant, you must enrage’ false dilemma, boggles the mind! Only the story of ‘Dues ex machina’ can explain the uncharacteristic knee-jerk reaction of Prometheus to the distress call of a creature of his creation -Xinn. The Greeks found themselves in a bit of invidiousness once upon a time. Their playwrights knew how to create complications that would drive given pieces of drama. Often, they would get carried away in the process. They would create such entanglements or complications as would require the hero to be sacrificed one way or the other. And of course once that happened, then the play would end a total dramaturgical failure. Heroes must live right up to the end of the play, and with them the good they embody which is triumph over evil. Realizing they had created too many great a complication, a conflict only resolved through the death of their hero, the Greeks invented the notion of dues ex machina, ‘a god from a machine’. Through the device, a miraculous being would descend from the roof of a theatre to whisk away a hero from mortal danger. That way the plot would be resolved, with the hero and the message saved from sure death. God-like, this being would spring from a wonder machine to rescue the hero but also the playwright who will have written himself into a corner. The issue of causality was suspended. Prometheus whose grand-grand uncle is Zeus, whose thought hero is Socrates not Yamyam, Plato not Abdullahi Timacadde, is one of the playwrights who invented an immortal but a false hero in Xinn, the other being Libax-sanka-taabte! I hope the reader will figure out the rest! “Ala!al!ala!ahhhhh, Charles Bronson, ala Charles-soow! Don’t die please!” would always groan one of my many girlfriends, each time I take her to a movie. Half-tinged with envy, half-moved by embarrassment at the behavior of this lovely thing by my side, a thing too beautifully naïve to sift fact from fiction, I would bury my sharp elbow into her rib cage, urging her to behave where there are others! “naa dee naga aamus, Yustur! Waa ku side!” She would always remonstrate with me. In between the commercial breaks, she would swear that Bronson would be killed by the ‘evil ones’. “No darling! Charles of yours can’t die, won’t die, if this film is to last three hours”, I often cut in, chewing my popcorn with evident fury, to dissipate my anger. Xinnfanin can’t die if this social forum of SOL is to exist, and the ‘dues ex machinas’ must give the duel few more hours and days to contiue until the anti-climax comes naturally. But the real mystery is what made God and devil join hands and dance in dalliance for a common moral cause! How would Xinn live with the painful knowledge that he got a helping hand from a man who rebelled on God, when he is a representative of God’s religion on earth, and certainly in SOL after Sh.Nur? He is in an untenable dilemma: can he thank the devil without displeasing his God? :D
  13. Haye Blessed walaal. Mar kale raali ahoow hadaan wax bi'yey. Waan calaacalay uune ma caytamin. Hadaadan adigu iga baqayn anigaa kaa baqaya. And I have no intention of upseting you. Fadlan iska kay cafi for everything, waan edeb daranahay. It doesn't matter if I really don't know waxaad qonsatay in the post above, I offer sincere apologies sister. Ayoub - It is not secret you are one of Xinnfanin's many image-minders in SOL. That is how the man survived despite being found wanting on many occassions and fronts.
  14. K'NAN kuwan muxuu u arki waayey waa su'aale? :D Sowkuu ka baaba'ay, beerkiiyo halbawlaha Ubaxaad ku beertee, aad igu bilkaydee! Waah!Waah! May you drink directly from the udder of Hoobaan, our favourite camel! RIP Ismaciil.
  15. Kamaavi, cadowga midnimada Soomaaliyeed ha u jiibin awoow. JB wuxuu K'NAN ka daba socdaa 'Waving Flag'. Sidaa ula soco.
  16. Ma anarchistbaa? Moor.yaan-enclosure?! Dee markaa ha bililiqaysto, dukaanadii xamarba bixin waayee! :D Atavistic bililiqo-jeceyl baa la gashay halkaa.
  17. Danduureey, He didn't copy anything. Waa very undsicernable background which is infact not the same as the Ethiopian one. I wonder if using it really added anything to his music. On the website that posted the story, way is haystaan dhexdoodii. Qaar baa leh Amhara people are jelous , leave him alone and you must be grateful someone likes your crap music! :D Waa oromo and Tigres kuwa caayaya Amharas. I can tell you if this was done by 50 cent, way ku farxi lahaayeen. I know them better than I know my own Somalis. That said, the point you raised is right. Ninkan maxaa Ethiopian'ka jecleeysiiyey. Ma gabadh buu saaxiib kala yahay? If that is the case, I can understand. Ethiopian girls waa wax jajaban oo raali galin badan; indhaha faraha kaa galin maayaan sida our own Xaliimoos! It is hard to hate them! Zack, war horta ninku waa qoloma? :D Somalilander maba ahee, waxan xaguu ka keenay?
  18. Dazndurreey, We have much more stolen by Ethiopians than 4 or 6 background music by a rapper. We have whole people and land stolen. :D But on the issue at hand, I want to tell you that had K'NAN not been a Somali, they would have been proud of his use of Tilahun's music. They would have said it proves the international appeal of Ethiopian music. Maria Makeba's adaptation of Tilahun's 'Tiz aliegn Agere' (I remembered my country) and Said Khalifa's 'Tena yistilign(I pray for your health)used to be played in Ethiopia radio and Television from dawn to dusk. Granted, it was all known the songs belonged to Ethiopia and the singers were merely adapting it. But, had they made money out of it, it is my contention, the Ethiopian's would not have mounted the fake anger they are now mounting on K'NAN. I am not a fan of K'NANA after I recently saw some trash Albums uu haween dhex fadhyo. I wanted him to take rap music to a higher pedastal as he did during the World Cup. But I know why he is attacked and I can safely understand how the mind of an Axmaar works. This latest onslaught is not coming from concern for copy rights, it is coming from anger that a Somali has overshadowed the thousands of Ethiopian singers whose appeal remain local, very local, as far as Mojjo and Sululta mountains circling Addis Ababa. We stand by the side of K'NAN and say that none of the songs he copied from Ethiopia made him popular. It is his own creation 'Waving Flag' that made him a famous singer. And to be fair, Alemayehu Eshetu sang 'Ye fikir qal' (word of love) 40 years ago, but Alemayehu is not known beyond Arada and Piassa sections of Addis Ababa. He is not even listened to by Ethiopians of other languages, and even not by all of Amharas. He appeals to a small group of Amhara's from Semen Shoa, unlike Muluken Melesse who is from the same place but with a wider audience. That is why Alemayehu later composed 'Kottu' (come) in Oromiffa to expand his shrunk horizon. Tilahun Gessesse was a good singer. He has some timeless songs, but many, many useless ones too. None of the songs K'NAN is said to have used as a background are hit songs in Ethiopia. None of them are considered great songs at home. It is not like K'NAN has taken Tilahun's great 'Selaamta', 'Watatuwa' (the young one),Minim Gize bihon (any time), Hiweentin ayanaat (we discovered life). An Oromo singer named Yahya adapted many songs from the old Ethiopian singers in 1993-4 and was the talk of the town. people praised him for bringing dead songs from their shelves and breathing life into them. So what is the fuss if K'NAN resurrected dead and buried music and put life into them? Will the original ones appeal to anyone if they are now re-produced the same way? Again,these are hypothetical matters. But the real issue is one of legality and morality. K'NAN may have erred there, and it was stu.pid of him to go to the neighbour to pilfer, especially to a hostile neighbour. But even more stu.pid is to think dead music will enliven his career. No wonder he is not going anywhere with the new releases. He should go and use Ahmed Mohamed Godh 'Shinbir's waist-moving classics. However, the discolures are made by malice and I know the produers of the Ethiopian video are disgruntled Ethiopian singers who could make break with international audience. Let their entrals churn with rage, K'NAN will grow taller and has the talent to grow. Their smear campaign has the power of the fart a dog breaks out to put out a raging furnace. Tell them 'Hid ka zi, gimaataam Amhara! bitfalig tasaqal' (hit the road, stinking Amhara. Go hang, if you want). The joke that when 'Injera' (Ethiopian staple food) was taken to a laboratory to identify its ingredients, it was found that it has 30% nationalism (because it has iron and iron is related to Soil), 20% carbohydrate, and 50% Jelously, is correct afterall. :D
  19. Mr. ‘Peace-Cravan’ is a troubled man trying a nimble walk on eggs. He is limping and bleeding and the rescue team led by his chief image-minder –Ayoub- is at loss. It is not too fair to engage a man in such delicate circumstances, a man so distracted. But just a small pinch is not too much. It keeps him awake, well away from the reverie of buffeting circumstances. His latest tomfoolery on the harmless abused marriage metaphor I stated above is a sign of confusion. It is a tragedy, indeed. And when the man we all knew to be a firm dweller within the perimeters of Somali cultural ethos morphs into the persona of the imbecile Mr. Somalia, with an IQ level of between 25 and 50 and the age of between three to five year old, it is not a sight true friends of Xinn will find pretty. It is troubling when the man we knew to stand his ground on defending traditional norms takes a route that denigrates all that his culture stands for. That a man who, even when banished out of his comfort area, used to make a surprising comeback, now looked for salvation from invoking abnormal sexual allusions augurs a bleak future for his sanity. The Xinn we knew used to attract attention even when saying really nothing. Who cannot visualize how he falsely clears the throat, shifts in his seat, cranes his neck, continuously adjusting his fading jacket affectively, all to trim into a figure of princely deportment from Mudug, even when he runs out of ideas?! :D But much more worrying and immediate than Xinn’s foul carrion is the important matter of Blessed’s pre-emptive rage and the underlying triggers of it. The rage comes from a false belief that if you let A&T go on chat with you, you will end up licking your wounds because he can’t miss an opportunity to abuse women. It is a reputation given to me without any need to substantiate it. It is a painful alien skin I wear and I can't tear. The truth is no man in SOL is as tolerant and big-hearted as I am when it comes receiving the wrath of women who get upset with me –some for real reasons, others for manufactured ones. Yet, instead of winning the record for the ‘most abused SOLer of all time’ I live with the infamy of being the ‘most abusive SOLer’. But the time shall come when a proper accounting of who abused who will take place. That is a digression. What I wanted to say is that I understand Blessed’s pre-emptive strike and I duly take the blame for inviting it in the first place. I have since talked to her people as she suggested and the matter is settled. Needless to say where a suppurating wound bursts open, puss splatters, often landing on unsuspecting lips and even tongues. So those that got hurt in the process were the collateral in this must-do job of exposing those who want to gag free discussion. I am sure she will understand this. :D
  20. Mahadsanid Ayoub, geesinimadaas waan kaa sugayey, ee in maati safka hore la dagaalka la keeno shaqo aan kugu ogaa ma aha. Xinnfanin baa waxaa ku caana maala. :D Waan in maansuukhinayaaye, alla maxaa la iga gar daran yahay.
  21. Dharbaaxda waan istaahilaa; hawl aan la ii diran baan galay. Mutadawacnimo aan meela haysan waa waxa qayrkay iga reebay. :D
  22. :D aniga iyo gabadhu waanu heshiinay, no one is not going to put the other in his/her right place. Blessed waa gabadh miyir qabta, iskuma dhici karno. Laakin mahadan meel cidla ah aad ka heshay baan nacay! Nin horaa yidhi "Maxaa Libinta fa.qa.sh lahayd, Dabacayuun siiyey' :D waa hoodo!
  23. Haye Blessed! Haye. You will not be victmized for the crimes of this rascal Ayoub. Sug!sug! Did you say thank you BOTH?! That is unfair.
  24. ^anger, very much understandable! 'Project- Blessed' Ilaahay naxariistii janno haka waraabiyo. Women don't like procrastinators, especially at that tentative stage of 'send me the lyrics, and I will send it to meeshaan isku ogaeyn'. No presumptions what so over, Dear Blessed. You may be innocent and ignorant of all this, but Ayoub's anger gives away his clandenstine motives and modus-operandi. :D Ngonge, Thank you brother for conveying the message undiluted. Kuwii yaryaraa ee qaylyeyey were Afghani's; you heard inaan naga aamusa ku idhi. Usually I fear to say that because inay isku kay qarxiyaan baan ka baqaa! Actually, after I called you their father asked me 'Dakhare, what are you thinking about?'. I told him I missed to clarify an important point in a message I sent to a friend, and there is a man who would pick out and bash me before the Friday prayers are finished.