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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Arinta SNM iyo Sayidka yaan lala wadwadin nimanka. Waa sidii oday saddex alifle police ah Somalia ka ahaa oo nin General ahaa (markii la soo qaxay) ay isku laayeeen jigjiga. wuxuu ku yidhi "war aniguna waxba kornayl ma ahayn adigu General'e, dadka yaynaan qaldin". :D In la isla daadago ayuu rabay, laakin isagu meel kore oo uuna la hayn ayuu ka soo daadagi.
  2. The Secessionist Camp: How long the futile campaign for secession will continue in “Somaliland”? By Mohamed F. Yabarag Jan. 02, 2011 http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles_11/Jan/Yabarag/02_The_secessionist_camp.html
  3. I am allergic to consipracy theories, to the extent I consider myself naive. Hollywood is doing business and produce what sells. But I also don't agree with Prometheus on this one; he is using false analogies. The matter at hand is about religion and politics not pure science and there is room for foul play.
  4. Gaby ku soo jawaaab dee BOB :D I got Kabsumo wrong. I concede that. You got Nilmar wrong, you are talking about Neymar. Nilmar is the Villareal boy who is not a kid.
  5. No , I am not saying. Your english is good enough to know what I said. I am saying don't arrest old-lady who sought refuge in your abode of shame and servility, purely because they had nowhere else to go. Arrest armed ONLF members when they cross your territory, if you can live with the consequences.
  6. A bird humming aimlessly can't judge one's wisdom with the speed of light. Nonetheless, the 'maturity' and 'moral heights' you bring to SOL is noted and is an early 2011 present. That you already know which clan I am holding the fort for tells me you are not as clan-free as you want us to believe with hoodwinking moralising above. Not all ideals and visions in Somali poltics are formed for clanish ends. If you don't want to hang around, we know it is because you are not a loser like some of us, whose world is as vast as the size of computer screens . We envy that, and we mind when we are reminded of our worthlessness. :eek::eek: The grey-hairs in my chest did not grow while sipping smoothies, but while learning how to tell the blind among a pack of flies. I have also seen countless charlatans and outright hypocrates masquerading as peace-makers and wisdom personified, which thought me not to nod my head in agreement for all sweet sermons I hear. That doesn't mean yours fall within this catagory, but you agree there is a possiblity. A possibility which can become a certainity for me, if I make use of your science of judmentalism and guilty by conjecture philosophy. The same way you assumed I am against secession because of clanishness, I can assume your homilies are coming from this or that reason -whichever pleases me. To conclude, your message is good; but it is nothing new. We have posted threads after threads on the same subject of 'let us end heated exchanges based on regional affiliations'. But we also learned that it is nearly impossible to have any meanigful discussion on somali politics without occassionally falling into clan quagmire. It is simple. If I express my opinion about Somaliland and it doesn't please any of the pro-SNM camp here, I am a die-hard clanist and a relic of the Fa.qa.sh that bombed Hargeisa. It doesn't matter if I have never set foot in Somalia, or if I have weeped and cried with the Somalis in the North when they were killed.
  7. Abtigiis


    You are not an atheist, you are an agnostic.
  8. Laies have legs to catch, Somalis say. The 45% Ayoub mistakenly is referring to is the estimate when I was asked for the size of the 'O' clan in Somaligalbeed, not the percentage that support the ONLF among the clan. So, let us end this falsehood first. The rest of the issues raised, I shall come back soon. Hadda gar baan ku socdaa wadaad Pakistani tabliiqi ah oo loo haysto molesting a Malawian boy named Anyway Chipfamba. Ilaa caawa haday naga dhamaato hawshu waan ka jawaabi Ayoub's shallow arguments there. And I will requite Xaaji's gum-showing with even bigger qosol gariir of mine.
  9. Abtigiis


    Yaa tahay cayda jooji. The girl needs help not insults. When were the last time you had dinner with Sheekh Cali Dheere of Alshabab? I am not endorsing what the girl is saying, but it doesn't help to censor ideas. Intolerance doesn't help Islam; it undermines it. It is clear her prayers are mere gymnastics, but Allah knows better. If it was some years ago, I would have joined you in condemnation, but having seen what Alshabab continues to do in the name of God, I have learned the dangers of certainity and religious zealotry.
  10. With sermons and homilies like yours, we will never get to the jist of Somalia's issues and maladies too. What you see here is a clash of ideals, a clash of visions. No one can say one is superior to the other, but it is neither childish nor an oddity. And with the hastness in your judgements, I will not be surprised if your caps end before you celebrate your silver jubilee with 50 posts in SOL. :D This is a joke. Compliments of the new season, quacking bird!
  11. ^ A valid point and one which we have ageed to long time ago. No one begruges SNM of its secessionist dream, but we object to the idea of denying unionists in SSC and Awdal the right to reject a desire for clan hegemony masqueruading as 'independent statehood'.
  12. Your foriegn forays never go beyond Casho-sharaf as if recognisng and obliging what the stomachs of your hungry emisseries desire means recognising their Statehood banter. You are a disgrace to the name Somali; a laughing stock of everybody. Like a loquacious fool who misreads the sneering laughter of teasing peers as the product of his mirthful tales, your 'diplomats' keep on going for one casho-sharaf after another, bagging redicule and scorn wherever they land; in the process rubbing off the infamy on us, the unfortunate siblings who have the misfortune of having one family name with you. As if the servile history of yesterday is not enough, you earn newer bad names and get into deeper holes of disgrace with every sun that rises from the East.
  13. War ileen tan oo kale iyo Blessed? Intaan la soo luudayey bay iga sii hor qadintay. Anyway, "Qaar kaa horeeyo, nalgu caaayaa na dhaafee Halkii nalagu maagay, ka habaabi mayside Kuwa hadhayna , PM danbaan loo noqon doonine Kii noo hagaage, noqo haween khayr leh na bara"
  14. Tuujiyihii tiftifnaa Taariikhdiisa balooni Vialli ay ku taxnayd Turufatoore sidii Torino aan ka dheela Torontaan camiraa Inasktuuna ku taamin Waxaan Taa waxba dhaamin Tournament aaban qabtaa Iyo sheeko tacbaan ah Tii Xamar ku tilmaaman Toos inaan uga qaato Taladiisu tahay Allow ya tixdan gaadhsha?
  15. Kuraydeeni Kaambooni Kismayo iyo Kabsuma Kubbaday ku barteen Kanada la tagee Iyagoon koorasba qaadan Komentator noqdee Kalou baa ku wacnaa Mayee Katuka ka maqnaa Kateena system weeye Kaartaday Chelsea wadaa Koob hadayse rabaan Kadis ay ka dhigaan Iyo kounter-attack Waa inay ku kacaan Sheekadiiba ku koobay Yaan ka neefsan la'ne Yaan kaloon ku dacwoonaa?
  16. War ma General Smith baa la odhan jiray? Wuu ii dhuuntay tuuga uuna tuugu dhalin? :D
  17. Juxa can't be serious! Why does one has to broadcast who he is going with as if it is a must-tell election manifesto? Back on our days when the rendezvous was 'pass by the front of the shop where I listen to the BBC', a ubiquitous code of communciation was to tell the girl to follow you from distance until you reach a secluded dark alley where you embrace warmly to honour a passion made prisoner to idiotic social decorum. :D The ladies were eagle-eyed, and never needed magnifying glasses to tell which white shirt they should follow. Of course, there was incidents where a girl followed the wrong white shirt and ended up embarrassed. But that happens even today with wrong e-mails. But more importantly don't Juxa realise the risks with a relationship that is known by all. What if the girl sleeps elsewhere and unwanted pregnancy follows? Yaa lagu shaambadeyn the bas.ta.rd that comes out crying?
  18. Nugul, I hope you understand there is no malice in my offer. The crude jokes are my bucolic way of enchanting women. It works for some, it offends modern ones.
  19. Waa aduun taladii Kolba toobyo la raaciyo Tu'aan looga ba joogin Waxaan toosh ku hayaa Wa kubbadan Tadhaqdee Tuujiye alifee Uu Tixdeeda Tirshee Bob Tilmaam ku daree Tageeraan u aha ma Tiicoow Cabdi-xaaq Jubba Tiirkeedii adkaa Ee Sida haadka Tamaasha Hawadeenaa saraysa Tardelli iska daaye Toos haduu ugu laado Totti'gii dalka Roma Tu walba iskacaabin Taxliilkeed ku dhamaado Waxaan Taa ka wadaa Tol unbayna lahayne Tuugtan SOL nagu gaaday Toos baa loo qabanlaayo Tusbax loo furi lahaa Bal inay yar tashiilaan Tashuushkay tabiyaan Takhasus ooyna lahayn Kubbaddan ay turqayaan Een tabteediina lahaynin :D - Cabdi-Xaq was a long-time goalkeeper of Jubbad Hoose.
  20. Abtigiis


    Waxaan kaloon idhi Ilaahay hadaad wax way diisato oo aad codsi u dirsatid, it is not like the Pizza delivery where what you asked for comes within the time you wanted and with your chosen specifications. Hadaad Pizza waydiisatid, haduu doonoo Burger buu kuu soo diri. Isagaa og wixii dan kuu ah. Wrong order ma odhan kartid.
  21. Xaji, what your fiefdom can do is respect international refugee protocols and conventions and protect civillians who sought protection from it. What it shouldn't do is raid houses in the darkness of night, take out wailing mothers and hand them over to rapists and torturers. Or does arresting mothers and refugees all that you are capable of doing to please Meles Zenawi? When armed groups tresspass through your lands with the ease with which tourists with knowledgeable guides pass through Awash park, it is the usual phantom hareeraysi which ends with no captive to show for camera.
  22. I can't help Nugul on her problems. She is married girl, and the issues she said she have require divine intervention. I will make prayers for her. But if at one point her fear about a fretful husband who may go because of fertility issues happen, she can advise us of that, and can update her martial status on her SOL profile. That can open up a room for discussion and mitigation of the problem could be mutually discussed. But short of that, she is a marwo of someone, and we shall not bother her with uncalled for voluntary counselling.
  23. Abtigiis


    I think 5 is rude and unfair to Nugul. Judgementalism is the bane of civil dialogue. 5 thinks he gave the right answers but the girl could still feel there is a lot more to question before she is convinced one way or the other. Now, whatever her mission is we can't tell. 5 could be right or wrong, but the real issue is I am always a strong advocate of judging peope by their words not by their intentions (which we can not know about). That said, it seems to me that Nugul's real question and what she wants to know is not clear. What is clear is that she is experiencing doubt of the concept of God and divinity. What I don't understand is why her 'problems' with God - in the form of unanswered prayers- is a factor of this debate. Surely, if she is a beliver in the religion, there is no verse where God has offered warranty to fulfil all paryers that are sent to his 'desk'. It is clear he says in the Quran, he will assess the paryers case-by-case and provide solutions, but the solutions might not be exactly in the form the applicants wanted it to be. This should have accounted for the matter of infertility problem. She seems selfish to me. She is complaining about a blessing that she is missing, but how many more people are born with disabilities? What have they done to deserve it? What about the millions who can't see, can't hear, can't speak? I think Nugul needs to look things from a wider and outward-looking perpective. But on the doubts about God, I don't think anybody can help her. Believers will tell her to suppress her doubts and she will be fine, non-believers will tell her it is part of human nature to question and question endlessly. I tend to agree with the latter, but I don't see that making one's life miserable. At one point, after the inqueries, one would have to define what he wants in life and what he thinks is the right path. Nugul may be on the road. All I can say is she should be patient and not rush to find solutions to all her questions in a moment or from a forum like this. Sida kale waan u soo duceeynaynaa gabadha oo ilaahay tubta toosan ha ku hagaajiyo.
  24. Chimera, you are not old-fashioned, no. Matter of fact, you are very much young and modern too. The concept of dating needs to be elaborated a bit for you to understand why it is possible and why the family may have no clue about it. The dating is not one which involves going for dinner togather and picking up the girl from her house. Picture a conservative old-fashioned family with three nubile girls ready for action. You are in the same school with the middle one, who just completed her secondary school and is keen to start college studies. You love each other but you know it is long time before you can publicise it, or you think it is too soon and inappropriate for both of you to inform your families. The girl is 18 years old, you are a 24 year old boy. How will she introduce you to the family? Or why would you go to see her families at this stage? The usual practice rustic men, like me, know is to tell the girl not to publicise the matter because we don't want to be held responsible if in the middle of the love-matter, we decide to go elsewhere. Publicising a love affair is not only bad because it invites jelously and interference, it is also bad because it imposes an atmosphere of emotional monopoly and kills competition. My own cousin Xaashi was my role model on this front. His key operative langauage was 'afkaaga hayso', his favourite song 'maxaad sheekadni". He neverl liked girls to learn about where his heart belongs to. And that is how he managed to outscore everybody in passion-assets. This is a joke, but it is generally the case people want to keep their love-affair private. If the girl is living in a different city than where the family is (the college is located elsewhere), and she doesn't want to tell her family and friends about you, how will they hear about it? This is not to say all families will not hear about it; certainly, there are some more detective-likes, like the one you told us, but there is a possibility some others might be like the ones you described. Not only a possibility, but with a reasonable probablity of it being the case. Otherwise, how would you explain the countless number of Ismahan's, Xaali's, Cudbi's,Aragsan's,Macadaro's et al that we danced or dined with, without ever knowing if their mothers are white or black, or if they have any for that matter? Unless, you want to generalise that all our expolits were in vain because we werfelling vulnerable street kids all this time! :D All were not orphans, I can tell you that!
  25. Bob, adeer inaga daa Premier league'an your understanding of football is found wanting on many occassions. You are smart ilma-adeer of mine, but I will only wish your football analysis on bitter enemies. Go local and tell us where Jubba Hoose are in the ciyaaraha Gobolada. :D After all, your early years with warshada hilibka Kismayo are responsible for your weak analysis. That doesn't mean you are not right on Wenger. How can you change a winning team? 8 changes? But as Ngonge once said, "even a broken watch works sometimes". You recall the "Gervinho" debacle.