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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Tuujiye, Saaxiib, warkii waad dhameeysay. Somali cid walba way yeelanaysaa, Qofkii diida iyo kii ku farxa micno weyn ma samaynayaan. War waan kuu xiisay Tuujiska. Brazil is weak now adays and calling a fat Ronaldinho is not going to solve anything. Aqoontaada football weynu ognahay oo waa waxaad ku tidhi John Mickael Obi ayaa best holding midfield ah. kkkkkkkkkk. Anyway, baryahan aroos baan ahaa, xitaa hambalyo Universal Tv ahna waad igala bakhayshay. Ma saa ayaan saaxiib ku aheyn?
  2. Raamsade way ugu baxdaa sheekooyinka isqab qabsiga diinta. Like the spent-skin of a giant amazonian anaconda, the old Raamasade gave way to the new Garnaqsi. Happy second birth! Waxan ha inagu daalina. Qofkasta wuxuu rabo ha noqdo, laakin muran bilaa macni ah maxaa laga faa'iidi. And what I don't like people like Raamsade, a.k.a Garnaqsi is they have a mission of vilifying one faith just because they don't subscribe to it. They are intolerant lot who curiously preach tolerance.
  3. Ayoub, Mid madow ah oo aan last year maalinkii ciiddal fidriga gaadhiga ka taabtay anoo dib u baxaya oo xaafadaha adeeg u wada, ayaa igu yidhiTraffic police ayaan u yeedhayaa. Waxaan ku idhi maya, maya marti ayaaa xaafada ii joogta and it is our holiday, so if you want take this number, go to any garage and then after you get quotations for the damage, call me. Also get this photocopy of my ID. Address'kii gurigana waan u qoray. In fairness, it was a very minor scratch. Markaasuu yidhi "no." I want the traffic to come. To which I replied, "This is a small thing, take this XX dollars (wax yar bay aheyd) - and i knew he knows the whole thing wouldn't cost that much- and if there is anything to be added let me know. Aniga Somali badan baa ii soo socotay, haweenaydiina waa sidee dee adeegii oo dhan baan lama qan tahaye bay laheyd. And then the guy said, " no, you indian guys change stories. I don't want you to come back the next day and say it was him who hit me." It was funny, more so because it should have been clear to the guy I am not Indian. Although I am fairer than many Indians, I don't have the exact looks. Markaa waan u sheegay oo waxaan ku idhi, I am not Indian. The moral of the story: I didn't find the analogy with Mahatama that obnoxious. But I am disgusted when you tell me I look the President of Azania. No offence, and people have different tastes, but I think I have long said in this forum black is not for me. And odaygaas isaga ah tolnimo wax dheer ma wadaagno. And I think you do agree, even there, he is hardly the face you would put out as a sample of my folks; With whom I share nothing in terms of height and quwad on account of a short mother from Somaliland, abti. Hadaan lafa yar aheyna, the blame doesn't go far from you. Islaan "reer-midnimo-diid" ah ayaa ila hadhay ee odaygu wuu dadaalay.
  4. ^ Death to the blasphemous! Takbiir! Alahu Akbar!Takbiiiiiiiiiir!
  5. Ngonge, anigu kuu ma hanjabi, ku yar oo biyo-duulis ah iga dhigna kuma odhan. Waxaan kaa codsaday in aad odayga Gandhi ah ee aad igu soo suuraysay wax ka badashid, adigoo tixgelinaya hawlo private ah oo ii socda golahan dhexdiisa. Gabdho badan ayaa PM ii soo diray oo aad ii canbaareeyey oo yidhi waayeella jaqafsada inaad ka mid tahay ma anaan ogeyn. Hadaba fadlan ka bixi raaligelin sawirkaas, oo cilad farsamo ayuu ahaa dheh. At least sawirkii aan kuu soo diray meesha geli haddii kale mid 1967 anigoo sida duur joogta geed ka soo laalaada aan isa sawiray oo afro aa ahey baan qaybin oo ceeb baa dhici.
  6. Waxaa kale oo aan ilaaway ninka Blessed aflagaadeeyey waanu kala dhimanaye ha la socdo. Waliba waxaan ku dhigo wuu arki doonaa ama Baarqab qooqay ha noqdo ama karin heeryeeysane. I will invoke my advisory role to the SOL adminstartor and will recommended his immediate expulsion and arrest if possible. Blessed ma qof la maagaa?
  7. NGONGE;741056 wrote: As for A&T, since I'm one of very few people who saw what he looks like, you'll all just have to trust me on the Ghandi resemblence. :D Horta in fairness i can't say you are that far off the mark in that picture. Of course, sawirkii waagii aan kuu soo diray xili aan macaluul ku jiray bay aheyd laakiin hadda waan cayilay. :D Seriously, last time I told my wife suxuur ma cunayo because calool xun baan yeelanayaa, she loudly laughed and reminded me of the rat that escaped Ethiopian borders after it heard that the government has declared that all elephants should be killed. Dad baa hilib iskajari baad maqashay, markaa waxaan ka yaabi inaad waadhow tidhaa Gym baan gali oo deedna wuu waashay la yidhaa oo lagu xidhxidho... :D Anyway, I somehow believe Ngonge's picture are good clues, of course with some drama effect on them. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! I forgot the SayidSomal DJ Campbell resemblance. Sayid ma prisonbreak face buu leeyahay?
  8. warwareegayeey xaafadaha waan ka baqayaaye!!! Ciddi xogta Valenteena haysa fadlan ha u gudbiyaan xafiiska laanqeeyrta cas ama A_Khadar Yusuf Ilmi oo ku magac dheer A_Khadar Dayday. Biddaarta odoyaasha inta lagu meeraysanayo maa ciddi dan laga leeyahay toos loo wajaho.
  9. ^Barwaaqooy, did you hear about the prodigy by the name Hussien Yussuf from the heartlands of Hawd.?When Ethiopian adminstrators barred him from entering into a hall where important meeting of elders was about to take place, he asked why? He was told he is a young man (tinish sew in Amharic); the meeting is for big men ( tiliq sew). He composed these famous lines: " Tiliq sew unbaad leedihiin, (Amxaarooy) sidaad noogu timideene Tinish sew xagee lagaga tegi, soow wax tari maayo!" Now, a rendition of that would amount to something like: Newbies xagee lagaga tegi, Soow Nomad noqon maayaan? But the real issue is should I have gone on holiday both by mouth and spirit when the mendacious fish-eater maligns my name? Or as Khayrto would have said in her vernacular, " maa isku aamuusaaye, ariireey?" :D Even my favourite songs have changed from "todobaatan jeer baan, soo toosay xalayoo" to "ma hunduraaw, ma hirgalaaw, adi le hortay roogte"...
  10. Dear Abdikhadar, I am not the devil said to be released in the month of Ramadan. It is because the month gave me some time to tell my stories due to reduction in work load. Your suggestion and that of Ngonge is well noted and is accepted. However, I think I need to react to the baseless allegations Xinnfanin has been peddling in this forum in my absence. Ordinarily, Xinnfanin's allegations would not have warranted a serious response. But it has only dawned on me now that a good number of the new crop of SOLers are not privy to my political philosophy and stance on Somalia. Consequently, young patriots such as Oba Hiloowlow and many others might take the wrong understanding about my person. As they say in Ethiopia "ye miyaadig lij aytlaah" (May a growing child not hate you), it is wise to avoid this curse. I therefore strongly deny any association with the so-called state of Azania. Let it be know that I oppose this state for the sole reason that it contradicts my vision for Somalia. I can only accept it as a temporary entity that will dissolve once the militant anti-humanity juveniles by the name Alshabab are uprooted. Let it be clear to the fish-eater, who pillories my nationalism from the ant-hills of Bossaso, that it is not me whose two wives are both from within 90 kms of Bari. Xinnfanin is better advised not to throw stones. As can be gleaned from the story posted above, I have proven my nationalism with my love life and do not have to be associated with any illusory clan entities that are imagined by delusional pseudo-intellectuals. Signed. Right Honourable Abtigiis Son of Tolka
  11. Part III What else does Abdi Omer know, other than throw big waffles in big meetings to sound intellectually profound? Last time in the middle of a workshop about datasets, a purely technical one for information managers, he stopped browsing the internet –which he was busy doing all day inside the conference room, and said, “Have we considered the gender aspect in the determination of the P-codes?” I can see the presenter and the junior information experts bamboozled. The other time in a discussion about contingency planning for a drought scenario, he threw something like “and we should seriously look at the conflict implications of this natural hazard and put in place adequate mitigation mechanisms.” Isn’t he talking about peace-building and community sensitization? Workshops and researchs? All to eat money! And now he is busy spoiling the mind of Khayrto, whom he came to know through me. In his infinite fondness for big words, he tells her she is the only concubine in the 21st century. You can only be either a wife or a concubine, he tells her. "The choice is yours". And by the way, one time she almost believed his lie about her being emotionally abused by me. And yet he knows how much I love her. Isn’t this the apogee of all lies and hypocrisy? For the name, he says he is fifty years old, but his deeds are like that of a teenage boy who has seen his light water only twice through masturbation. Again, anger leads me off my issues. The mullah is million times more enlightened than this friend by name, enemy by deed old man. I heard his wisdom by my own ears. “Muslim sister! how long do you keep depriving your man in the name of Ramadan? Who told you, you will break your fast if you touch your man, …cuddle, caress even. Who said this can only happen after the Maghreb prayers and not during the day?” "Let me educate you. Did you hear of the dry orgasm?” I will come back to the unforgettable lesson of this man of immeasurable knowledge. The maid is also adding complications. Always smiling with a broom in her hand, washing kids she did not carry in her belly, begging them patiently, kindly, when they refuse to eat. And even keeping their pictures in her cheap phone. ,,,, See you after the Eid, gentle reader.
  12. Part II This man of God doesn’t mince his words. What he says is a revelation. “And listen to me, my Muslim sister; listen twice and thrice. When the heaven’s bliss finally calls, you will languish in the innards of Jahanama.” He wept vicariously. “Didn’t I tell you: drop the baby you are bathing, stop cooking the food you are cooking for guests you respect, fast-track your time in the washroom, … and run fast, fast towards the caller, if your husband calls you for carnal duty”. “For what you mistake for a man’s voice, is indeed, the voice of the creator. Far behind the irate face of your man, is the fury of Allah.” Sheikh Abdulhalim, the young mullah, stopped briefly to wipe the saliva that was now forming white clouds on the corners of his mouth. He sighed. Maybe that is what went into the heart of Khayrto the night Uburo was conceived. The only night I and Khayrto made love. Maybe she misunderstood ‘your man’ to mean your man, not your husband. In fairness, the sheikh was vague about that. Wait. There was something else. Dahraan, her friend/hair-dresser and Ruqiya, the half-crazy roommate of Khayrto, were with her, when I made an unusual decision, which was to agree to accompany Khayrto and see where she lives. For six months, we would meet, talk, dine, sit in a car and listen to music. She says she doesn’t like music. Somehow she sings with every song I play, without missing much of the lyrics. That evening, as I walked into the one-room home of Khayrto, which she shares with Ruqiya, Dahraan was with us. After we sat for a while, the two ladies said they are leaving us alone, ostensibly to go and see a sick person. I reacted angrily. I sensed what they were thinking about. They want to leave me and khayrto in the same room when we are not married? I didn’t hide what I felt. “I am sorry, but I can’t stay. I have to go. Also I don’t think it is a good idea for the two of us alone to be left here. It is not allowed. The Shariah is clear on that.” I said. The girls looked devastated and embarrassed. “We didn’t mean anything bad. We honestly wanted to go and see a friend next door who is sick, while you talk your issues here.” “Still, I and she can’t talk here. It is not in our culture and religion.” I was firm. That is how Khayrto and me went into the car and agreed to talk there. And then it happened in the car. In hindsight, I know it was the correct decision not to agree to be in her room. The whole idea of sitting in a room with a woman you are not married to makes whatever that happens later premeditated. It compounds the crime of adultery. “O!ya Allah, how did this happen? Why did we go beyond the usual soft touches?” The religious Khayrto wept. She asked if God will ever forgive us. “Why not? What option does he have?” I retorted, not to ease her, but with firm belief. “No one planned this. It is spontaneous. Also do you think, in a world where Alshabab kills a man for smoking a cigarette; in a world where those who deliver a tonne of grain to hungry Somalis ask for hundred thousand dollars to do the delivery, and yet call themselves ‘humanitarians’; do you think God will remember the small matter of a sudden outburst of corporeal passion between two of his slaves? No, God is not for small things. He is merciful, he is big.” Khayrto felt calm. But vowed this moment will never happen again. She stayed true to her word. I don’t bother her as well. But, the big foible Khayrto has is her endless penchant for clarity. I feel bothered. “When are we going to be wife and husband? Why don’t you define our relationship? What is the timeline?” She asks, almost always. It is not her problem. It is the affliction of a society that is bent on defining love in matrimonial terms that contributes to her confusion. I tell her forcefully when it gets too much. “Why are you worried about timelines? Why are you preoccupied with titles and definitions? Is there a doubt I love you? Is there a doubt you love me?” In reality, it is not because I endorse the anti-Islamic way of cohabitation between a man and a woman that I am resisting the marriage. It is because it is not feasible for a single father of five other children to sleep outside his house with another woman, leaving alone the children he is the sole parent for. And also because if only Khayrto agrees to re-adjust her mindset, this is already a marriage which is thriving. Yes, she lives alone, and I never sleep in her house. Yes, her family is not aware she has a baby girl, because the baby is with me, and yes, we meet every day. The only thing is we agreed not to do Zinna again. That abstention is what is making this marriage a unique one; one which will never fade away into a boring union. For long time of my life, I understood responsibility alone and never knew love. And responsibility was never enough to keep my families together. Now I know love. I also know responsibility and love cannot possibility live together. There ought to be an element of recklessness and adventure about this thing. But something else is complicating the whole matter. .....Part 3 to continue
  13. If I did not go to listen to the erotic young mullah who has become something of a celebrity in my part of the town lately, I would never have met Khayrto. On that given Friday, the sheikh was finishing his sermon when I arrived. “To appreciate Allah’s magical powers, just look at your penis.” The sheikh said. Everybody seemed thunderstruck, including myself. “What a blasphemy!” we all introverted. “Look at your manhood” the young sheikh’s voice was raised even more. “Look how Allah makes it weak when he wants to release us of bodily waste and how he makes it hard when he wants us to breed”. The sheikh’s voice was bursting at the seams now. “Look at your tits, my Muslim sisters. Allah makes it a source of food and nutrition for children, and a source of pleasure, with electrifying warmth, for men.” The shiekh’s eyes were full of tears. His hands were trembling. I admired his ingenuity. At least, he didn’t repeat the boring reference to mountains and the sky when proof of the Almighty’s might is discussed in the mosques. That is all I heard, but people told me the young sheikh has many equally marvelous expressions of getting a fusion between sensual and spiritual topics. Khayrto left the mosque before me, as she would later tell me. I went to buy a playstation for my children from the electronics shop she sells. She says it belongs to her brother, but I have never seen this brother. I think she is telling the truth. That is how we met. The moment she told me she is from bay and bakool area, I knew this was a chance for me to be true to my inner patriotic feelings, to make my Somalinimo full and to honour my commitment to be a nationalist in love matters. Perhaps if the world and the whole of Somali elders could not bring Somalia together, I can. For Khayrto would be my fifth wife, of which she will be the only one at the same time. After four failed marriages, I never saw the silver linings in all those failures. Ten months from that encounter, and with a house that is now irreversibly 4.5 compatible with the coming to life of Uburo –my sixth child, I feel Somalia is me, I am Somalia. I can now do rehearsals of national reconciliation in my own house, and will share lessons with Somali politicians. Wedlock or no wedlock, it is my child. A painful product of my pleasures. That is all a digression. For the real purpose of this letter was to talk about Khayrto. Never mind she is half my age, we seem to get along very well. A minor problem is the language. For instance, I translated “intee roogtaa” to mean “why do you change what I say”, when in fact she was only affectionately asking me “where I was” over the phone. But we are working on it. The other problem is that she expresses her love for me in food terms, and that gives me the impression that in the absence of anything enchanting about me, she is trying her best to say good things about me. The food you gave me the other day was so delicious, I hear this too often; but not "o!, your balding head didnot damage your handsome face". ….Part 2 to continue.
  14. That is very, very, very mean Nuune. Believe me, you made a very big mistake. I don't know why you feel good about what you did. You were right in being silent (although you could also have taken a minute to greet them and say you want to watch the football and excuse yourself), but once they talked to you, why not just say I am from here or there. It is not like they asked you your clan? Although we know probably that is what they wanted to know. Arintaa dib ha ugu noqon Nuune!
  15. Libaax-Sankataabte;689645 wrote: War maanta waxbaa ka dhacay meesha miyaa la yiri? Ninkii waa la qabadsiiyey. lool It appears Illey has his own supporters in the US. Even Nimco Dareen went there to sing for Illey. lool Here are more pictures Kuwan calanka Somaliland xidhan ma Mowlid baa u yeedhay? Mowlid waas qunsul sort in US for Ethiopia from Harshin. Not a bad guy at all!
  16. When I said the guy is good, I meant he is a guy who is moral as well. So rule out this things. And the moral of the story is to highlight the extent Somalis go into private matters of other people! That is the issue not the side matter of what a teenage girl says about her prowess.
  17. No, no, saas ma aha. Wax sharci daro ah ma sameeyo. Xagiisaba ma aha. Waa xageeda hawshu. Xamuulka gaadhiga ayaa bagaash aynaan aqoon la saaraa!
  18. taa hadaan sheego walee inaana meeshan dib u soo galayan. laakin send me a PM, hoos baan kuugu waramiye. Ahmed, horta ilmaadeer baad tihiine la soco, nin reerka ayaa difaacayaaye.
  19. ka barawaaniga ah iyo Ahmed Kariye way wada degen yihiin! Barawaaniga reerkiisa inuu u taguu rabaa. Nimanka Canada warka xaqiiq bay u qaateen oo markay i waydiiyeen " War ninka gabadha guursaday ma taqaan", waxaan ku idhi aad iyo aad ayaan u aqaan. Nin ka fiican may guursateen. I am right. The guy is a nice guy and rer-magaal too. There is nothing bad I can say about him. Laakin ninkii talafoonka igula hadlayey baa iga nixiyey oo yidhi , "maxaa fiican. ma ninka farsamooyin manuuc ka ah dhaqankeena kula dhaqmay gabadha ayaad leedahay waa nin fiican". Waa been lama odhan karo oo waxay u muuqataa in sidaas wax u dhaceen. Laakin Gabadhu ma cabanayso.
  20. Dhiig baa daadan hadaan ka dhex baxo! Anaa kala haya ilaa hadaa oo reerkii Canada'na ku yidhi "warkaas la idiin sheegay lama hubee suga aan soo baadhnee".
  21. Wyre, this is not a story adeer. Waa hawl saacadan aan kula hadlayo taagan oo in aan oday kale lahayn.
  22. Why Ahmed Kariye is using condoms with the wife he married this month is worrying everyone. If you ask me, it shouldn’t have. It is between him and her. It is all the blame of the Brawan guy from Mogadisho who called the girl’s relatives in Cananda and told them the man who has married their girl is a good and well-respected young man but has been using the bad plastic in his conjugal engagements with their girl. The Brawan guy might be lying or he may be telling the truth. He, himself is married to a coloured women – a mother of five, Mrs. Dorothy Bismark. “You are there when this filth is done to our sister. You may not know this, but she is your sister too. How can he do Ni’mo with a condom when you are THERE!?” the man from Canada shouted on the phone. I told him I didn’t hear about this matter; I didn’t even know that Ina-Kariye married a girl. The truth is a week ago when I met Ahmed Kariye he said nothing about marriage, but he showed me a plastic bag in which he bought some takeaway food and he said he is taking to his ‘wife’. When I asked if he married, he laughed and said “you don’t even know?” I have no reason to believe him because this is not the first time he made this kind of joke. But I should have noticed he looked more relaxed, and relieved. He has always been good looking but you can notice his skin was softer, shinier than it was last Ramadan. Ni’mo didn’t make it easier for us, because she is telling people that she got a birth control injection when she started the journey, "in anticipation of anything that could happen on the long road". She has also told many other stories which are not to Xinnfanin’s taste and I shall not go into their details. Suffice that women here are inviting her for lunch and dinner to hear the stories from the young girl and some techniques the girl is talking about are things I haven’t heard all the time my moustache was graying. The issue is the girl’s families are asking for immediate divorce and also wants me to do the rants against Ahmed Kariye on their behalf. The girl doesn’t want this. Ahmed is giving hints that this was accidental marriage but is not saying he doesn’t want the girl. Meanwhile the Barawan guy is saying his life is in danger because Ahmed called him and vowed to kill him. According to the Barawan guy Ahmed is saying " why did you tell people". Arintu halkaasay maraysaa. Anigaa ka oday ah. Bal ka soo tala bixiya.
  23. I agree with you Juxa. iimaan la'aan weeye haday iyadoona baahi wayn hayn meel kale iska dhiibto. Waxaan ka hadlayey the original claims of 'I was raped and blah blah'.
  24. Yaa inaga maqan oo baryahan la arag gabdhihii SOL? :D Let us not judge her. She could of one our own. I mean SOL. Anyway, ukuyaalaaba loo xidhay benefit been-been ah. Laakin she is only unlucky. Ma wax aan la "rape" gareyn baa dibada caydh ku qaata? I was raped and my mother was tortured and killed hadayna foomka kuugu oolin Visa'haagu cidhiidhi buu galayaa. Markaa maybe it is time to write to western governments to relax their definitions of who is a genuine asylum-seeker and who is not when it comes to Somalia. Gaajo iyo rafaad baa rape ka xun. Dawlada la'aan meel ahna gaajo kama baxayso. Anigaba haday caruurtu iga gaajooto, my sister and wife was raped is kadaaye, I myself was raped baa iman karta. Ilaahay umada dhibta ha ka saaro.