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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Maxay iga qaadin karaan? Gabdhahoodii aan sal salaami jirayna waa horey igu direen oo wixii PM ka qabta Abtigiis waa dayro yidhaahdeen. Ibtisam'na waa ba tii i cayday ee la ogaa. A wet man doesn't fear rain!
  2. You don't need to be on the sidelines. There will be no bare-knuckled duel of the type the Kandahar Pashtun's are wont to. Even the expert promotion of Don King will not bring about a mouth-watering 12 rounder here. The rats go to their holes in one breath the moment the cat walks in. They run for dear life. Armed with truth and grander idea, peddlers of trivial clan models can't face me.
  3. Not following others is a trait only admired in sheep. On the subject issue, I intend to go my way. Appeasement hasn't stopped Hitler from attacking Western Europe and is often a counter-productive strategy. Silence will only make them emboldened to pursue the whinning affliction with undistrurbed continuity. Truth ought to be inflammatory. Or at least becomes such even when the intention is different. There will be no converts because we toned down our rethoric.
  4. The utterances of secession are the ears of a hippo. Ironically, it is the easy part of the inimitable medieval clannish graffiti of this unique Somali clan. The ears of a hippo give the splendid facade of two birds dancing over water to gullible tourists and nature admirers. Behind the façade lies a monstrous animal that unleashes its fury once the tourists came closer. The dreadful encounter sees the light after the dangling birds give way to the colossal head of the dangerous herbivorous mammal. Beneath the secession shrill lies a monstrous agenda of subjugating other clans, usurping disproportionate political representation. This should be achieved through threats and secession declaration. And when the matter of the prerogatives and privileges of those who do not subscribe to the unilateral declaration of independence is invoked, marauding clan militias in false military Kaki are dispatched to silence the unionist clans. This is the case in SSC, where a fiercely nationalist Somali clan is under attack. This will be the case in Awdal, where a historically unionist Somali clan shall be raided to force the secession agenda down their un-obliging throats. The Somaliland populace is a hospitable and hardworking clan with no malice towards the rest of their brothers. However, they are hostage to tribal chauvinist elite whose favorite pastime tales are of Hutu-Tutsi annihilation stories. And without a fight back, that is what they plan to do to those they see as detrimental to their harebrained secession fantasy.
  5. :D if he is embarassed, he never showed. The Somali jews are groomed to cover for each other.
  6. ^ :D That is a huge endorsement from the man I love to hate. Thanks the horseman. Now I brace for the loquacious but empty vessel Oodweyne to reappear with his victorian waffles.
  7. ^ DOWN with fa.qa.sh aplogists! Prosecute them! War criminals! Takbiir children of the Mujaahidiin!
  8. The ugly and incorrect narrative that Somalilanders were massacred by everyone in Somalia and therefore everyone owes them an apology has been marketed relentlessly that it now enjoys immunity from critical and objective interrogation. What is worse is that it has become the sole eloquent argument for secession after all the laughable colonial boundary references are debunked and sent to where they belong: the cesspit. No one has ever recognized a country called Somaliland, and such recognition only exists in the minds of delusional self-seeking clan henchmen whose political appetite is much bigger than what a united Somalia can offer. The charade from the North is endless and there is no need to dry ink over the unending nonsensical and nowadays theatrical recognition prophecies. Just last week a white man is said to have urged Ethiopia to recognize Somaliland and one would think God’s emissaries have spoken judging by the euphoric reaction it created in the enclave’s capital. But it is every step cowardly to not challenge the genocide storyline. The SNM was a political entity with members from a clan in the North. It fought against a government dominated by a different clan. Both sides used clan slogans to mobilize their supporters and mayhem ensued. No one takes the higher moral ground for simply suffering the higher casualties in such clan warfare. That doesn’t mean what happened to the people in the North is justifiable. Nor does it expiate the crimes of the fallen regime. The question is not even about whether the secessionists’ definition of genocide is correct or not. The question is why their mistreatment is unique in a civil war context where almost every other clan, including the presumed culprits, has suffered similar treatment. Would the answer for such dark history be hanging old Mig jets in public places and reminding every child about who killed who, or is it truth and reconciliation? Should Puntlanders also display the tanks used to smash their women moons before the landers felt the heat? Should the anarchists in the South build statues of a farmer firmly crushed by the boots of a military dictator to relive the alleged horrors a nomadic clan inflicted on them? Should the clans of the dictator print postal stamps showing mutilated breasts of their women after the fall of the regime? And as if their endless whining and victim-playing is not enough, everyone who passed on their doorstep two decades ago is a potential war criminal. Why they treat such a grave matter of national demise and civil war with playground simplicity and flippancy defies logic and mathematics combined. The good news is that they often take this matter up with the gusto of an infant bird in first flight, often making the tired point that if one bombs a city it amounts to genocide, and therefore their jingo crumples into the ground with the first interrogation. Did the SNM bullet hit only men in military uniforms? Are men high in khat so precise to single out the army from the civillians when they raid small towns and refugee camps? Or is the SNM clan incapable of committing war crimes by virtue of their comically fabled Hashimite lineage?
  9. Of all the Somali clans I interacted with, I find MY OWN clan the least clannish. Some say that is a curse, but I think it is a virtue. Maybe, it is because the one's I have seen from my clan happen to be pre-occupied with the hostility with Ethiopia. I don't believe they are biologically better than the rest. However, when it comes to Kismayo, they are equally if not more clannish. Zack, don't compare us with Ngonge and Xiinfanin. For the former, it is like a religious duty. That particular clan is the Jewish of the Somalis. They can't live without clan identity. For the latter, it is politico-economic survival. Puntland elites simply believe they cannot survive without taking a big share in governments. If that is not granted, they prefer the bus to crash. I have observed this over the years. And rooting for one's own clan is a disgrace not raganimo. Gabbal, you are right. Xinn is not a pragmatist. He simulates pragmatism. He is what Faroole is. I am disappoined with him. A man of such calibre should not have allowed himself to be enveloped by the misfit Ilmo-adeers around. Have you observed how Xinn was perfuming the ugly political behind of the ultra clannish Faroole last week? I mean when Abdiwali's Somalia become more acceptable than a Shariif or Farmaajo Somalia?
  10. Whatelse can I do to impress you. everything else failed. :D When I was young and in school, markay gabdhuhu i diidaan, i was among those who snatch their books oo jeexjeexa, marka danbana dariiqa u istaaga ee yidhaa "wax been ah ayaad iga sheegtay". :D
  11. I knew Azania is for my clan simply by looking at the happy face of the uncles I meet. They all seem to worship Gandhi and when I raise concerns, I am the uninitiated. Whoever rules Kismayo is not my conern. Just get rid of the barbarians and establish a city where all can go out and work. Whether the asthethically challenged professor gets a perch in my name is not a matter of concern to me. Abolish all these clan entities Somaliland, Puntland, and the multitude others which only serve the interests of few men looking for posts and perchs. It is utopian, it is wishful thinking. But I have always said I rather embrace unachieveable beautiful dream than a stinking clan cause under the pretext of pragmatism. That is Xinnfanin and Faroole's philosophy. Not mine. And I oppose Ethiopia because I oppose clonialism,occupation and injustice. Not because I have a problem with the Ethiopians as a people.
  12. Barwaaqooy, Dhagar aadan gelin Oz yuun ku dhaxalsiine Dhexda yaanu maro kuugu xidhin dhiig tif leeyahye Dhulka mid aan samaantiisa wadin yaan lagaa dhigine Diraa diraa ha noqon adiga oo dhowr gu soo jiraye Adiguna dhabaha weecsinta ah dhaanka ha u raarine Ahmed Ismaaciil Diriye :D Qore: Abtigiis M. Tolka Satambar sagaal, Labo kun iyo kow iyo toban
  13. Oz, Hadaad iga xanaaqdo walaahi inaan dacwad kugu furi. You are one of the few friends i have here. Fadlan Ngonge arintan ka odayee. I can't lose Oz.
  14. Is Oz a wadaad horta? Why is he/she seeing things I and the rest don't see? Oz, saaxiib ayeynu nahay markaa tooyashada mooye arintan kale ee hoos ku qoran adiga kugu ma socoto. There is no single explicit thing in this story. Only the trigger-happy mullahs can think of sex when they see the emaciated breasts of displaced mothers on Aljazeera, struggling to find milk from empty udder to their dying children. Heartleass and hedonistic as they always are, the wadaads or the religious establishment hide their animalistic tendencies behind illogical censure of inconsequential things. These breed of bearded freaks are the cancer of our society. Only a month ago, I was listening to this FM radio with one of the sadist Sheikhs proclaiming, "war naagaha garaaca. walaahi, naag loo naxariistay inayna naag noqonayn." Ya, I know, you will all come back and say, kala saar diinta iyo dadka diinta wada qaarkood. blah, blah.
  15. General Tuke waa qoloma? But the issue is Mohamed Kaahin and the rest of SNM heroes in Hargeysa dadkay Puntland ku laayeen during the SSDF insurrection eey Galkacyo command centers'ka fadhiyeen, danbiyadaas maxkamadee qaadaysa??? Somalilanders are whiners. It is always playing victim, as if they haven't inflcited pain on others. Borama yaa bililiqaystay? Nimankan rer-aqoonsi-doon ah fudeyd iyo hubsimo la'aan ba dilootay. Caawa hadii lagu yidhi Abtigiis baa xansuuqii ka qayb qaatay, oo waagaas xaguu joogay ma odhanayaan? Iyagoo barooran unbaad arki. Haday baroortaana, isma aamusiiyaan!! Unless gabdho meelahaa lala is istaago is considered torture ama genocide, wax kale oo aan ku sameeyey iyadooyna jirin baa laga yaabaa inay yidhaahdaan ha naloo maxkamadeeyo. Jacayl, aniga waxba kolba PM ha iigu soo hanjabin, labadeena Hargeysa adigaa halis u ah ina laga masaafuriyo. Ma nin hooyadii Rer Guuleed Suldaan tahay baad Hargeysa wax kaga qaadi adigoo reerihii taashka wada qaatay ah? :D
  16. Garnaqsi, I was pulling LST's leg. Agree the US election will have more bearing on Somalia than Somali elections, particularly if the nutcases you alluded to come to power.
  17. Kol hadaan ka gabyay Go'aygiina ka qaatay Iglan baa gubanaysa Maxaa iiga gidiish ah? Libaax, Sakiin 2012 armay more bearing inagu leedahay? Intiina meelaaha joogta mooye, i mean. :D
  18. Galkacyadaa gubanaysa ee Xiinfaninkii u gurman lahaa Faroole gondaha haysto Ayaan eerso idhaa? Mark kalena, waa kii lahaa Peace caravan waan kugu arkaa goor iyo ayaane, It turned the corner'na waan kaa maqlaa adoo gowsyo cadayne Politic afuufoow maxaa aaho kugu aasan? :D
  19. Juxa, gabaygii ma ku soo gaadhay? Maxaa looga soo jawaabi waayey? walbaharkii i hayey maalmihii London ololaysay ilaahay unbaa og. Een islahaa tii juxa aheyd meheradeedii iyadoo dhex fadhida armaa la bililiqaystaa? ku xun oo xaasid ah oo saaxib isaga kay dhiga fariin aan soo faray ma ku soo gaadhsiiyey. Malika'na gabadhii aheydna xageey ka dhacday. Intaana baafin BBC da warkeeda ha na soo gaadhsiiso.
  20. Where were you? I was watching TV with one of my ex-wives (tolow tumay aheyd). No joke. I didn't see the first one hit the tower. As I was watching the tower burn, she said " diyaarad kale oo aan u maleyn inay daminayso, ayaa ku soo socota. And then bang!" The rest, I agree with BAASHI.
  21. War criminals must be prosecuted. Tuke may or maynot be a criminal, we can't know without a proper trial. JB,XX and the rest of 'rer-aqoonsi-doon' could condemn him as much as they want, but he is innocent until found guilty. Ask Juxa, she carries lots of law books. On a related issue, while passing by fagaaraha Khayriyada ee diyaaradii dadka duqaysay saaran tahay, one guy who was with me commented " war meeshani ma meesha Somalilanders ku caruuraha kaga oohiyaan ee dakanooyin hore lagu xusuusiyaa?". I said "you got it!" Our SL driver was not amused.
  22. This report is false. I just came back from Hargeisa, literally didn't take bath since I arrived. The Minister who uttered that rhethoric is apologetic. He is going to make another declaration soon and you will all hear it. Or he may not, but there will be no action taken against 'illegal' migrants. He was told this is against international law and against the spirit of voluntary repatraiation. what happened is a new Minister is appointed and as usual he has to create a spectacle to be noticed. The issue of rights of IDPs and refugees is a weighty matter. Not something a Boiled Banana 'republic' like Somaliland can easily disregard. There is going to be a regional meeting on this in Ethiopia in a week's time
  23. Som@ali, afkaaga Sprite lagu qabay! waa sidaad u sheegtay. Is yeel yeel. Now, can people move to the felicitations for the man in dark sunglasses.?
  24. Ogeysis intaan aan ogeyn, gaar ahaan Newbies'ka Aniga iyo Cara la isuma kaayo maqlo. Waa la ogaa meeshaanu ku coloownay. Angela Vicario says love and hate are reciprocal feelings. :D There are also suspicisions the script is owned by the owner of the site. Markaa, I don't want to get in trouble.
  25. known family? so basically you subscribe to old school of social hierarchy? Do you know nowadays known family usually means wealthy family? ma lacag doon baad tahay mise naag doon? So, hablaha lala baashaalo waa kuwa poor ka ah miyaa? Have you ever heard sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA)? I am the focal point for Prevention of SEA in my office and I have noted a case here. In fact, my philoshophy is the otherway round. I feel I should baashaal with those who have decided to do it on their own volution. Not prey on the weak and vulnerable.