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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. War ileen soomaalida mataqaanaan? Talo la isku ogyhay ma aha. Marka meesha dad dareereen unbaa ninka meesha Somalia u jooga iska raacay isagoo eeganaya EU iyo Maraykanka oo is leh arma inta meesha ku hadha waa argagixiso la yidhaa oo la qabqabtaa. I am sure inaan laga tashan. Somalidu waa very disorganised oo kanshe ay waxaa ku sii odorosaan maleh. Waxaa laga yaaba ninka baxay inuu talafoon cid u dirayey uu lahaa maraacaa mise waan ku noqdaa oo uu soo noqday markiiba. :D Alla intaad soomali taqaanaan yara!
  2. A very veryu good move, and will do a lot in bringing North and South closer. I know some secessionists deeq kama ahee waxay ka tahay wiirsi. But, still, I have no doubt most people in Somaliland are good-hearted about this help. The only drawback is Hadrawi coming to Moqdishu as representative of a clan entity. I am sure his heart is good, and he wants to promote somalinimo with this gesture, but still couldn't get over a nagging feeling of why did he chose to come with this delegation.
  3. Alpha Blondy;728837 wrote: sol is an invaluable source of information. i wish the management were a little more lenient on some issues. primary among these is freedom of speech. i also think that membership shouldnt be so strict. nonetheless congratulation on 10 years. i've only been here for 1 year of those glorious years but cheers. "You will know them by their Videos!" Psalm, chapter 6. You have many lives. You were here well before a year but not as Alpha. Of course, your thread on why videos are not allowed or something like that is a useful clue. In addition, to confidential info I received on you. :D I learned a lot from this site. Amazing mix of people. Membership shouldn't be strict but quality control vital.
  4. ^ waa sheeko aan micno lahayn carafaat. Sima Passerby, Ine iko saw aymaar alaalkum. Saw aychoqon gin biyaalahu! I didn't say people shouldn't study. I said people shouldn't be oppressed, which is what your Tigre handlers are doing, ante ya Agazi achafari. BTW, I am sure you have heard of this poem from your cousins in the North (Gonder). Alnagarkishum weey, ba atir tantaltiye Tigre wushima injii, baal ayhonim biye! :D We cannot expect anything but a lie from such crop of men with legendary infidelity to their own wives.
  5. Awdalites are very sensible people. By far the most progressive, educated and purposeful group among Somalis. They have no flag but the blue one. The italian one with Quranic verses is imposed on them. But they don't rush to decisions.They are waiting for the right moment and the right moment is when Mogadishu settles and gets a proper government. Even Jacaylbaro knows that.
  6. ileen laagta Hargeisa dhexmartaa biggest tributory to Nile aheyd! Waan hilmaansanaa.
  7. These days all shieks are dangerous. Those who are not talking about politics, often preach mysogny and cultural intolerance. Sheikh Umal is as crazy as sheikh Siiro. It is only Siiro doesn't hide his political views, while Umal privately tells, what Siiro says in public, to their clanmen.
  8. Faafan, Realistically, it is Shinile, most of Jigjiga and some parts of Liban Zone who could join the struggle. Also along the border, areas next to Shilaabo could possibly join. No hope for Harshin and Geladi. Yesterday, I had lunch with three ONLF political/military guys and one of them was from Shinile. Although this was a social occassion, inevitably talk of where things are back home surfaced. The Shinile man was talking about what the enemy is doing to the people and how it will fall, all the time saying 'Oga.denia' when talking about the region. I felt very bad. It would have been much more comfortable for everybody if he could have talked about Somaligalbeed, which would have been much easier. I know he would have felt comfortable. So, the process of broadening the struggle would have been expedited if we get rid of this clan name. Afterall, are there any verses from God proclaiming that unless O is mentioned we are not free! Let us campaign for the removal of that name, and focus on the enemy, instead of spending our time convincing apprehensive somali brothers.
  9. War fiican! Awdal State, SSC, Makhiir State. Ha isku yaaacdo sidii tusbax furtay. Salal State baan fadhinaa. That will cut the whole secession story decisively.
  10. Ngonge, You are a sharp fella,but sharpness doesn't cover for shallowness in Somali clan historigraphy. Of course, I excuse that. it is not your fault. It is not like I am chiding you for getting Arab history wrong. :D On the subject, the sad irony is that while ONLF’s mistake (name, lack of clear vision, strategy) could be a problem, fixing these problems doesn’t guarantee an automatic turn in how the other Somalis perceive it. There is no “I” in the label SNM, but everybody knew it was an “I”- movement. Likewise, ONLF may at best get symbolic rather than substantive gains from correcting its mistakes at present time. We have the precedent of the famous “Sii-galbeed” in 1977. No wonder those mistakes, as grave as they are, may not be fatal by themselves. But they will cost ONLF politically, as ONLF supporters are actually spending 80% of their time defending or rationalizing its name to other Somalis rather than focus on building consensus on the real issue which is colonial occupation and the need and benefits of fighting it. Therefore, I can confidently say the current disarray along clan lines has very little to do with ONLF policies, because there is no evidence that things will change if ONLF changes all that its detractors are asking for. The disunity is a natural outcome of the colonizers divide and rule polices, low political consciousness among all including ONLF, and the legacy of the clan polarization in Somalia. But instead of complain that the other Somalis are not going to do this or that and therefore cling to a divisive name, they should have adopted the inclusive Somaligalbeed name. That, at least, would have allowed those of us who are not keen in standing on a podium with a clan insignia, to throw themselves at the front and publicly mobilize other Somalis, all time chanting “we Somalis”. Many ONLF supporters actually believe the name Oga.denia is a historical name and think they are not thinking of a specific clan when talking about this homeland. The sad truth is no one else –except the O clan, identifies with this name and therefore it should be discarded or the geography it represents must be redefined so that the concern of other clans about an impending clan hegemony is mitigated. But, nothing justifies the back-stabbing and the glee some sections of the Somali people express when news of ONLF setbacks is announced. Nothing in Somalinimo, in humanity can justify tolerating human suffering. Starting a thread where you bash every Somali group in the name of your crazy unity makes you an equal opportunities abuser but never would it be viewed as objective in the eyes of any sensible, normal and logical person (Somalis, on the whole, are usually excused from the last three adjectives). Objectivity and Somali has never shared a room togather. He who expects it from a Somali should get upset when it doesn't come. Not me! Burahadheer, I am not trivializing SNM struggle. On its own, it was a David Vs Goliath duel. But it is not in the same league as the one ONLF is currently facing. We need to be honest about some facts. Setting up training camps in Aware and Jigjiga, with a reliable supply of arms and ammunitions from Harar's 3rd revoloutionary command is different to crossing the seas, sneaking thrugh mountains and losing men on the way. Having your commanders strategize in RAS Hotel in Dire Dawa is not the same as having your supporters arrested in Hargaisa, and all over Somalia. Without base, without friendly neighbours, the ONLF has managed to survive. I know SNM was mulling a surrender before things took a dramatic turn with the quick deterioration of Siyad's military, largely as a part and parcel of state instiutions that were in perpetual collapse from 1978 onwards.
  11. Xaaji, Abti, I know I inherited my daftness from you, but you still should have got the school boy's analogy. :D The issue is why would the Ethiopians even dare to say that! Isn't that a measure of their contempt for the adminstration? Afterall, they even used to check Rayaale's luggage at Bole Airport like any other passenger.
  12. A rogue test of a girl's worth, in school days, was to smack her hunging buttocks and see how she reacts. If it is a grin, one proceeds to the breasts without asking for permission or worrying about a backlash. For a President of a so-called independent and democratic country to be asked by a host diplomat to fire this or that minister is the last stage of previously endured several back slapping. Look at the disrespect, the humiliation. In this case, not of doing it, but the contempt of being asked.
  13. ONLF and SL government are not in good terms, mainly because the regime in Hargeisa wants this hostility to gratify Addis Ababa. The issues of contention could have been solved long time ago if SL leaders have power to make own decisions. Sadly the Tigre Ambassador in Haregysa is more powerful than Siilanyo, so there is no point in pursuing any negotiations with SL. Xaaji, waa talo quman, laakin SL waxay u bahantahay dad ka xoreeya Tigreega. I heard Gaboose wuxuu isu casilay markay wiilashii xafiiska wasaarada daakhliga ka cashaqynayey ay more accountable to the Tigre man in Haregisa than to him. What is happening in Hargeisa is shame.
  14. Eduardo Galeano’s Book “We Say No” is a tale of a leftist Latino, heart-broken by the epochal setbacks of radical nationalism in Latin America, trying to cope with the demise of his verities through vain denials and by assaulting an apparently indestructible Imperialism with mere words. It is a book that reminds me of my own agonizing nostalgia for a political construct that never left the womb of its mother in the first place. But if romanticism describes what I feel of my own quest for an elusive high-minded ideal every time I take pen to chase a fugitive Somaliweyn, eternal pride and self-belief defines what I feel when I reflect on the courageous struggle of ONLF against seemingly impregnable Ethiopian colonialism. This is not a tale of SNM outfits fighting a weak and demoralized army of a dictator in its last legs, perforated by internal divisions and corruption as rancorous clan militias close in from all corners – North, Center and South. The bylines are that of a tiny and poorly equipped nomadic guerillas steadfastly fighting against one of the best trained and mightiest armies in Africa. The contrast can’t be finer, the comparisons incongruous. For nearly two decades, men armed with determination and unyielding devotion for freedom fought Ethiopia’s army valley to valley, mountain to mountain, village to village and managed not only to survive, but to score significant military triumphs which solidified their political weight and standing in the international arena. Resilience and courage are the hallmarks of the ONLF. It is a history of stolid, defiant struggle against colonial domination - black colonial domination without morals, without diminution. Yet, ahistorical political bloggers and denialists strive to zoom on the tail and not the head of the struggle, by deflecting attention from the centrality of colonial conquest and continuing suppression ever since to ONLF deficiencies and Somali disarray. These hypocrites who wish to justify the inaction of some sections of the Somaligalbeed people at the expense of ONLF bashing are the same ones who deride the concept of Somalinimo when the discussion goes beyond the border towards Somalia proper. They know what has led to the erosion of that vision, they know the current situation of each community, they know Shinille will not rise unless Djibouti rises and they know Harshin will remain treasuer-hunter of ONLF sympathizers as long as Silaanyo has a direct phoneline to Addis Ababa. Yet, they hide behind ONLF’s non-inclusivity to rationalize their indifference as if they are forbidden by a court of law from fighting aggression by their own. That is if they feel there is an aggression against them, which is not always the case. When they are pushed hard, the real motives come out as they argue the 21st century is not for armed rebellion and that it is in the interest of the Somaligalbeed people to accept the generosity of Abyssinian rulers. You don’t get straight answers; instead what you see is the Boetheus factor at work, where failed politics turns to philosophy for consolation. Suddenly, globalization appears on the agenda, multiculturalism becomes the fad as if a man whose sister is raped in his face and a wife whose husband is lynched on broad daylight prioritize trendy ideas over justice and deliverance. If ONLF is fighting for a clan, that by itself, doesn’t invalidate the legitimacy of its struggle, the morality of its cause. That is why talk of ONLF being a clan entity, while true, can't wrong the rightness of the struggle. But, this is not to absolve ONLF of blame. In fact the front is blighted with poor leadership, foggy vision, narrow-minded political programme, and disgusting label. Without a change of policy and strategy, redefinition of its goal and broadening its support base, it will suffer stagnation, internal atrophy and eventual death. Not all just struggles succeed. Not all resilient people win. The immediate solution lies in it changing its name, reaching out to like-minded Somaligalbeed people (not by admitting them into a club ONLF owns but on the basis of equality) and by broadening the geographical scope of the armed struggle. For this, it needs leadership whose focus is on the bigger picture, on the enemy, and not on maintaining clan hegemony and franchise over the struggle. The current breed of leaders are not equipped to provide this leadership, which is why a renewal is a must. The ONLF also must reach out to other Ethiopian armed groups such as the OLF and Ginbot 7, and must be flexible enough to accept any political settlement which yields substantive rights to the people of Somaligalbeed. This settlement should not be with TPLF, who cannot be trusted. The concept of a phased approach to self-determination must be adopted when compromise becomes the only game. The warped narrations about the ONLF are not unique to it. Falsehoods go uncorrected — not for decades, or even centuries but forever, in the histories of the underdog everywhere; which is why the ONLF history is still to be captured and written in its original recipe. One such falsehood was the recent ‘peace deals’ by entrepreneurial sheikhs. For a miserable people fighting an Ethiopia made big by the borrowed might of the West, even such ‘peace’ means war. I will end this note by quoting from Galeano. He said “creativity is an age-old response to human anguish and the certainty of death". The ONLF’s way of struggle is a creative response to a certain extermination that will ensue, if colonialism is not confronted. Hail the heroes!
  15. Waryaa Ducaysane, yaad nin yar isaga dhigaysaa? Miyeynaan is ogeyn? Waagii Tropic of cancer and Capricorn la calaamadeynayey raggi xariiqa nuurada marinayey baad ka mid aheyd!
  16. Garnaqsi, here is Ismaaciil's timeless bileed. http://www.markacadey.net/music/playsong/ismaaciil_yare/152/1491.html ma dhamaystira heestu, one page missing. A video version (complete but with inferior sound ) is here. Soowkuu ka baaba'ay Beerkiyo halbawlaha Ubaxaad ku beertee Aad igu bilkeeydee
  17. Also, ONLF have always maintained that if Shinile and JIgjiga, and other zones want to wage war against Ethiopia, they can organize themselves and an umbrella can be formed. That is to mitigate against a case where clans who suspect one another come togather and then infighting starts. It isn't so silly? is it? There is nothing that is holding other Somalis from fighting Tigres. In fact, since 1993, while the clan that lost most men and women is the O clan, the other clans on the border with Oromia are the one's who lost massive land including Jinacsani? Did we hear a pistol fired over this? No. Can they? No. That is the truth. Markaa nin fadhiidh ah aan wada fadhino haduu ku yidhaa inaad yeeshaa waa lugooyoo. The border areas with Somalia, we know what the situation is. Harshin people feel their homeland is Hargeisa, Galadi is closer to Galkacyo than any place else. THIS IS A FACT. Markaa dadka xuquuqdooda u dagaalamaya, xitaa haday farsamo xumi hayso, yaan geed qabiil oo aan micno laheyn halgankooda lagu xagxagan.
  18. Oba, my position on ONLF is clear. I am going to post something on that. Also, just look at the message not the messenger. I support ONLF's legitimate resistance against aggression and rape of their sisters and mothers. if you look at it from the angle of who is going to dominate who post-liberation, that is a long shot. The aspects I disagree with ONLF is the name and having a seperate country. This is not what I say in this form, but is my position in the endless petitions we submit to the leadership. Also, your interpretation of ONLF's policy is wrong. If ONLF is fighting only for the clan O, that by iteslf doesn't make their struggle wrong. The clan under attack is O and therefore ONLF should defend it in the most practical way it can. I can also tell you name of change doesn't automatically bring about other Somali's joining ONLF. The issue is much more than the name. But the fault of ONLF is to allow this cheap name-calling against it to continue by sticking to a clan name. That is inexcusable. My Somaliweyn dream is for no political gain, or personal interest. I also know it is a cause that attracts lots of redicule these days, but I still want to identify myself with it rather than the other available options. We don't want to be the next aborginees or red indians by being swallowed by 100 million Ethiopia where we will lose our identity and our land. Our fight is an existential one. It pains to hear fellow Somalis focus on the inconsequential, focusing on the plumage while neglecting the dying bird. But it is a fact that today Somalis see things from clan point of view and I am not surprised. Hopefully, a better day will come. I am also sure ONLF's struggle will at the minimum secure better rights and recongnition for the oppressed people of Somaligalbeed. I also realize that not living in Somalia is an advantage, because dadku Somaliya aad bay isugu soo naceen. Waad yaabaysa waxay kala aaminsan yihiin. The solution is education, which will lead to enlightenment and people understanding the futility of clan.
  19. :D tee waa tu aanu geela wada raacaynay! Adigu ma kuwa 'lipstick' ii iibi yidhaa baad shukaansataa? Anaga kuwanagii af-madoobeey Ardooy bay ahaayeen bilaa lip stick, chapstick.
  20. Juxaa, baryamo samaadkii the songs we used to write on a blue and white chequered baqshado with a heart split into two by an arrow tanaa ka mid ah. Ah! the suspense! the week you are waiting for a response. In some cases, you can even meet the girl in the market and something in her eyes movement will give you a clear clue of what is to come. Ladies and Gentlemen, Mohamed Adan Dacar for you! "Ma ogtahay biyiyo oon Baahida kalgacalkaa Baryahan iga gooysoo Ana barashadaadi Bildhaan arag guudnimo Baala uma dhaafine Waxaad tahay bogaygiyo Beerkiyo wadnaha Nacab uga baqaayee ma xaan kaaga baaqdaa Ama kaaga baydhaa Soow la ima kaa badin Inanyahay nin bary lihii Runta lama badheedhoo Bogan waa dantiisee Ana sida ban joog cawl Ciirsilaan banaanada Kaligay ha baaqaa Waxaad tahay bogaygiyo Beerkiyo wadnaha Nacab uga baqaayee Inan yahay bildhaan iyo Dumar baaxad iyo xoog Bilic baad u sidataa Baashaada ila qabo Bi'waaye hawlaha Waa la iska baantaa http://mp3skull.com/mp3/dacar.html The most memorable letter I got from one girl which I still remember is Hadaad kaligaa ismooday Inaad kal gacayl abuurto Rag baa kaa sii sareeyoo Jacaylkaagii kaxayso Aniga ii keeni maysidee Mid kale kohoshada la doono :D way xanaaqsanayd! N- might even be a Soler by now. Who knows!
  21. Million thanks Garnaqsi. I like oldies and i so happens they often carry more powerful messages than the recent ones. I invite you Xassan Diiriye classic Fiidmeerta Duushaay. But if you have time also listen to Ismaciil Yare's "bilkeed". Fiintaa ciyeeysee Foodhida ku ooydiyo Foodlaha gobyahankiyo Waa fulay tukuhu oo Kuma fiicna dirashee Adigaa ka fududoo Ficilkana adkeeyoo Ka fogaanin shirarkoo Fagaaraha dhex tagayee Fiidmeerta duushaay Fariintayda qaadoo Ha furfrin adoon arag Farxadii jacaylkeen Ku calool fayoobaa Falakiga aduunkiyo Fiqi laga ducaystiyo Faaliye waxsheegiyo .... Adigaa ku filanoo Feejiga ku roonoo labadii faqaysaba Sida foore jiidhee Fiidmeerta duushaay Fariintayda qaadoo Ha furfrin adoon arag Farxadii jacaylkeen Ku calool fayoobaa http://www.heesta.com/fanaan.php?fanaan=99
  22. Axmed gacayte's Leeg leegad is a 5 star song. By far one of my favourties, of course after Muse's Togdheer. Hordhac with voice only Lalabaa waxa iishiday Ee igu laxaadsaday Waa laabta caashaqa Ilulaaya anigoo Laamka uga heesee Igu libidh jacalkii Waxaan laabta ku hayaba Lana lumay habeenadan Angibuba lurkiisii Leegleedad kaan qabo Iyo Laqanka hadhimada Hawshaan u liilmaday Ruux ladan ima ogee Wuxuu liid I moodaa Inaan lado habeenkii I lugoo jacaylkii Waxaan laba dibleeyaba Inaan ladin habeenadan Laylikiyo dharaartaba Leegleegaad kaan qabo iyo waayaha i laasimay hawshaan u lilmaday rux ladan ima ogee wuxuu liid imoodaa inaan lado habeenkii Cudbiyey, shaah!! Falaas kale! http://www.heesta.com/fanaan.php?fanaan=48
  23. Nuune, the SL flag is there but you can't see. It is in the side pocket of the Foriegn Minister.
  24. A_Khadar;746395 wrote: : A&T, the part that was outrageous is not about the inner marriage, ee waa markuu yidhi, Waa qaniimo ee halaga qaniimaysto reer LA oo dumarka halaga soo kaxaysto.. Cadayna wuxuu u cuskaday xiligii nebiga cws, ee magaalo gaalada ka furto inay ka qaniimaysan jireen oo xoolaha iyo dumarkaba ka furan jireen.. The man is very sick.. I heard someone in here, sol, never misses his every Friday sermon.. O!o! that is pretty serious. Ma gabdhaha aan arkay ee dhaadheer buu damcay inuu bililiqaysto? Haa, waan maqlay anba Jacaylbaro sheekhisa weeye. Jimcaha meel kale kuma tukado.
  25. Carafaat;746384 wrote: Sheick Aden Siron is funny, few take him serieuz (except Xaaji Xunjuf). Sheick Aden Siro own a number Hamburger fast food restaurants. One time the Sheick had a land dispute over one of his restaurants with the Hargeysa municipility. They told him its illegal to build part of his restaurant on the public road. The next friday. He held a sermon in his mosque. telling everyone that the Hargeysa Municipility is Xaaraan. :D Sheikha daaya. Waa sheikh toleed. oo kuwii nabaadino xidhka loo haysan jiray marka dadka kale geelooda lagu duulayo ayuu matalayaa in an urban setting. Maalinkaan arkay isagoo leh 'war ilaahay baan idinku dhaarshee ma ninka leh Somaliya ayeynu wax la qaybsan ayaa sunihii nabiga meelna ka shabaha' ayaan yaabay? He needs to be stopped. He is a hate-monger. By the way his proposal of sending 500 men to marry from SSC is not that outrageous. Dadka unbaa isku soo dhawaan lahaa. Why does he think the men will convert the girls? He could have found it worked the other way round. I support that proposal. Waa arin fiican. Hala wado.