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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Bashir, haye. waan yeeli. lool@ the video man. That is an insult not an agrument. How can it win? Also, what is wrong if I don't have anyone else except in SOL? Clearly, you don't get attention just because you want it. And who doesn't want it? I don't know if Uchi is a man or a women or something in between, but I know his anger is not related to this topic. Faarax, dee waad i dhabar jabisay ninyahoow. I was waiting in haween ifeenfeentaan, laakin rag qaar qoraalo kale oo aan kan aheyn daba socdaan unbaan afka isla galay. Meel xun bay maraysaa, laakin it will subside.
  2. why don't you just ignore what I write here? I mean I don't understand why you are upset. If I write crap here, if I spam the forum, you have the right to ignore it. why are you bitter? And stop the insults. You know it is not for lack of some that I am not throwing back. Or with nothing meaningful to contribute, is this your way of getting attention too? Stop insults for the last time. And if you don't, I think I have the right to hit back. I have uncharacteristically been patient here.
  3. Uche, You can't ask for the rule to be enforced while also breaking it at the same time. You have the right to call what I say in this forum 'a filth', but you have no right to call me a fool. Not that I am not a fool, that is what the admin rules say. Also, even fools have opinions, why don't you you mak your points including highlighting the foolishness of the posts of the fools. And if you are so serious about the rule, why don't you protest in a procedural way? You know there are ways of doing that. And if the admin doesn't agree with your assessment of my posts, isn't it wise to live with it or to quit the forum, because there is no point in being a member of the forum of fools and protectors of fools. Just a suggestion so that you don't die of bile.
  4. Alpha, In my case, I came to an offic where the cultur of sycophancy has developed thick roots. You se people giggling and laughing falsely for weird ideas and decisions. I started pushing back early on, but now I knew I should fall in line or just leave the place. I can't leave before March next year. So, I decided to shut up and do as directed. There is a talk of change in December. If it doesn't happen, next year I will be writing to you from Kazakhistan or Peru. Afarta dacal ee aduunkaan u arsaaq doonan doonaa insha allah.
  5. It is never hard to convince me; as Che noted, I am fickle. But I need more accounts from more people. Actually, I had a second thought about this whole rant. It isn't necessarily bad to have a disorganised and incompetent manager. If you are not performing they can't tell. And you can put on a show and make them feel you are busy without actually showing anything by way deliverables. The BAD thing is they also do not know when you are working and producing results. And precisely because of this fact, you get demotivated. Anyway, I see a blessing in disguise in this debacle. Maybe, it is time to play the man behind the throne, as the weak one's depend too much of your advice. Maybe, it isn't so bad afterall.
  6. Hadda waad ogtahay Suldaan Maxamed Cabdiqadir in garba duub looga hayey Siilaanyo baryahan. Shirkii Somalia'na wuu soo dhowyahay ee la soco.
  7. War waxaa iska daaye maanta waxay maraysaa, "Habar.yoonistii lagu tuntiyo, ciida.gale toos dheh!" :D
  8. For some reasons, whenever I listen to one line in the exchanges between Xassan Diiriye and Hibo Nuura, Somaliland's quest for a mirage qaranimo rings in the head. "Ani dhadiyo ceeryaan Ha i odhan ka dhaansoo Dhalanteedku waa Mid aan iga dhaadhacaynee" :D
  9. Suldaan, You are just a liberal muslim. Don't fear anything. Nothing is wrong with you. Just live the way you want to live.
  10. If we admit men and women are different and therefore have different comparative advantages in different roles, why couldn't it follow that perhaps, women's comparative advantage doesn't lie in management. Must I quote a research report done after interviewing few hundreds by a famous US-based research organisations to sell this? I know we are brainwashed to accpet branded researchs more than our own daily experiences and that of our peers. Or should we tell our different experiences with men and women managers to each other so that we can learn from one another. That I believed women are not good managers when I started this thread doesn't mean I should leave it with that belief when the thread is ended. Also, Val, having been always supervised by women, perhaps you need to see the men management as well to do a genuine comparison. I believe men and women differ in what they put emphasis on and what they prioritize. It is the common thing we see at our homes. Perhaps women's priorities are better than that of men. But I noticed that professional women I dealt with seem a bit too defensive, touchy, fixated with small details that doesn't really contribute to the big issues (in terms of what you want to achive) and tend to micro-managae people. These are what I want to check if others have experienced too.
  11. Prometheus;748422 wrote: Abtigiis, sxb, over the years, I, too, had to endure my share of shrewish professors and singularly unimpressive female managers and bureaucrats. I oddly, and probably wrongly, remember more wicked and witless women than I do men. But as I used to constantly remind (and console) myself, "the plural of anecdote is not evidence." Male bitc**es exist as well. Also, I think it's prudent to say that in certain circumstances one should deal with women in a different manner. Owing to differences in psychology, one is required to painstakingly fine-tune one's responses. The old proponents of behaviorism, who erroneously asserted that men and women are "only different from the neck down", got it fantastically wrong; females differ from males from the neck up as well. The innatists' insistence-- that nature be given its proper place alongside nurture-- has been vindicated . Now, I understand some may be wary and weary of saying this because lesser minds will start sniffing whiffs of sexism as soon as so banal a fact is declared: there are innate gender-differences not only in anatomy but in behavior. Here, one is obliged to belabor the obvious. Behaviorally, mothers aren't like fathers, sisters aren't like brothers, and boys aren't like girls. Not all stereotypes are unfounded and fatuous. While social conditioning is an important variable, it is scarcely everything. To wish away biology is a fool's errand. (To insufferable feminists: Difference need not mean deficience.) Of course, Abtigiis could have articulated all this without employing provocative and colorful language. But that would be boringly disinterested. It seems that he has decided that a tinge of controversy serves him better in soliciting advice. I think this invites only screeches and screams, and disapproving scowls from us hoary liberals. Blessed, The most knowledgeable person in SOL has spoken and it is as if he was in my stomach as the somali parlance goes. What he said is pure cilmi and we need to learn from it. I could perhaps have posed the same question without dramatising and deoderising it with some hot sensual stuff, but the fundamental issue remains that women differ from men from the "neck up as well" as Prometheus said. Perhaps it took me some time to realise this. In my firm belief of the equality of men and women, I have allowed myself to think they do all functions in the same way, including running an office. Until my recent experience, I would never have believed there is such contrast in style of leadership and management. Now, I realize it is not fair to generalize about women being always bad managers, on the basis of this sole experience. I am sure there are good ones, but I believe they are the exception rather than the majority. I need another experience to change this perception. Also, my predicament might not actually be as serious as I portrayed here in reality. I don't forsee big problems working with these women, but it needs lots of patience and care, something I am abunduntly endowed with contrary to what you may think. Cid i dhibtay ma jirto, it is only Faarax-Brawn, my cousin, who in his fondness of pleasing SOL women chose to drag me in the mud. Again,we all know my cousin's social and political conciousness is superior only to that of Rudy-Diiriye. Otherwise, he would never have assumed people are who they are in the internet forums. What is the point of being on forums if you are going to be yourself? Is it not the thrill of anonimity, the freedom of saying what you wouldn't necessarily say in the open, that is the most appealing part of our engagement in this forums? Of course, not if you are here for hunting like Faarax. In that case, you need a mask. As to the young fillies chanting 'sexist' and other jargons they imbibed by default but whose definition I doubt they really grasped, tooth for a tooth: ultra-Feminist! I forgive them, besides too young, they take their education from Gender forums and TV dramas.
  12. Oba, you made a mistake. Heesta "way duushay" waa erayadii Xaaji Xanjo, iskudabridkii Ngonge, laxanka waxaa saaray Jacaylbaro, iyo gabdhaha xaga danba ka jiidinayana waa heblaayo iyo hebla.
  13. Dear Xinny, You have two fundamental problems here: 1) You look at the current struggle in Somaligalbeed from an academic and analytical perspective. That is different than the one who sees is from survival point of view -the victim. So, for you, it is so easy to prescribe anything you want. All that we ask for is not you to fight for our cause, but to at least understand it and support it morally the same way you support the legitimate case of Palestine. It is a similar situation. 2) Your view of Ethiopia, like most Somalis from Somalia who I see everyday, is exaggerated. We don't necessarily see Ethiopia the way you see it. We know its vulnerabilities and its weaknesses. We know there is no such thing as Ethiopia, but a collection of feuding nations and nationalities. We know surrender doesn't necessarily gurantee better treatment for our people. We know we wouldn't have got what somalis got today in that region without a fight. And we read the often-forgotten first part of Edward Bulwer-Lytton's "the pen is mightier than the sword" maxim. In case you forgot, he put this before those words: "BENEATH THE RULE OF MEN ENTIRELY GREAT". We know we are not dealing with great men in Ethiopia, we are dealing with petty criminals and tribalist regime. On the issue here, the solution is simple. Let the UN not dictate solutions and ways of doing business to the Somalis. Let them respond to the endless requests of genuine support from the authorities. I trust the judgment of Somalis than that of Mahiga. The soultion is give money and political support to the credible wing of the TFG, the cabinet and let them make the next moves. Simple. Somalidu waa dawlad aqoon. Dawlad micno leh oo dhaqaale wadata cid kasta way hoos boodi doontaa.
  14. xiinfaniin;748602 wrote: ^^ :D However, as the voice of reason in these boards, we sometimes disagree with Prof. Abtigiis's rebellious tone. The most learned person in this forum, Prometheus, doesn't agree with your self-evaluation. Why should I? If you are a voice of reason, then Jacaylabro is the voice of unity and moderation, I am the narrator of decorous stories and Faarax-Brawn is the best political analyst in this forum.
  15. Che, Actually I have been consistent on one thing: the need for some sort of central authority and whoever I thought is closer to achieving that is who I supported. That said, I have never been a fan of neither Xinn's endless phantom caravans nor of Sheikh Hotel. As a matter of fact, I believe the sharif and his ilk are not capable of pulling Somalia out of the quaqmire it is in. I have more trust in people like the current PM and those with the same pedigree as his. I am disappointed with Xinn's optimism about what Mahiga and the UN will do for Somalia, as if these personalities and entities have the interest of Somalia at heart. For Mahiga, this is about career and contract, no more, no less. For the UN, Somalia is a basket case where a whole humanitarian industry is thriving on. Yet, they may have to go with the wind and it is clear that Somalia seems to have turned the corner anyway. I am ashamed of Xinn's credulous acceptance of Mahiga's recollection of past UN failures in Somalia. We all know they have always built their approach towards state buliding in Somalia on flimsy and not tested theories and models, not on a well-thoughtout ideas. Even the current approach of encouraging fiefdoms will have disasterous consequences. If Un is serious about building credible state institutions, the starting point is to consult somali intellectuals and get advice, not experiment new untested ideas on the poor people of Somalia as if they are rats in a laboratory. That is how I see it. As to stopping stalking Xinn, who have the energy to shout after millions of caravas,without departure and destination points, that are dreamed of everyday?! Xinn is a dreamer and he has every right to dream, even at noon of an african sun.
  16. Aroosna ma ahe, waa tacsiye.
  17. Ninkii dhuumanaaye dhabarku muuqdoow! :D Jacaylbaro wrote this.
  18. Prometheus;748360 wrote: His latest howler about the inherent inadequacies of women as it pertains to matters of leadership is, one hopes, an unfortunate byproduct of his resentment of, and frustration with, an inept and domineering manager who merely happens to be a woman. Infact, not only my frustruation but that of an entire office if you want the truth.The one's who cry hard are women. And it is not about one women but actually two or three that I complain from. And as Juxa said it could be me, and I could well have done some self-intospection were it not for the fact that I am in truth begging many men colleagues not to resign on a daily basis. So, at least it isn't Abtigiis alone crying. Having said that no sensible person would believe there aren't men like the women I am talking about. I have some like that in my career. The difference I noted and I have to be honest is that it is much easier to agree or disagree with men (for me) than with men. For some reason, I find women to be more micro-managers than men in the small unrepresentative sample I have, and more panicky than men in the face of overwhelming assignments. It is easy to dismiss my rants either by making conjectures about my performance, or by thinking the personality we display in this forum is what we do in real life. I really want the experiences of others so that I can adjust my mindset about my expectations from women managers. So far the closet thing as a helpful answer came from MALIKA who said "one needs to approach woman differently". It is a very sensible advice.
  19. Juxa, all that conjecture is unnecessary. meeshi waan jooga daaqad gasoo galay ama albaabe, laakin kuwan haweenka ah inay maamul xun yihiin ma su'aal baa ka taagan. Nuune, war kor u bax xaaji meesha dhib nama dhaxyaal aniyo Juxa'e. Ninkani waa damiin oo isagaa shaqo qaban la' haday tidhi ma waxbay dhintay? :D
  20. At least just got a long apology by phone, and the funny thing is not a direct one. Why do they have to ask me about my kids, my welfare, and my mood when all they need is to say "sorry M. what we asked you was bull.shit.": :D Anyway, Ngonge, horta you got wrong there. I believe it is the absence of swagger on my part that is exasperating the problem. serious. I have to change my work-like mood and ask them how they slept last night and if they can go for dinner with me. Meelahaas baan ka daadinayaa baryhan. It is something you wouldn't associate with me, but my friends actually said that I am too distracted in the office because I am not paying attention to the mothers around. NG, the problem is the youngest is a lactating Italian. Ma waayeelkaan ku bilaabaa dee? On the positive side, the biggest beneficairy of this is my wife, whom I aksing for a dinner outing right away. Runtii, everytime they upset me at office, I reflect on the poor one who doesn't do anything like that at home and think she deserves reward by way of a relaxing outing. Waan baxaye, waa inoo hadhow. Islaantaa i iloowsiin hadaba uurkutaalada'e Hadii aana ilhaan eegahayn waan asqaysnahaye :D
  21. I just finished typing a text message with angry rants to one of this useless breed. Ngonge, picture this: you are tasked as a unit to produce a document of 100 pages or about there. You divide the task up among you. You (as a man) already take a big part of the document and leave small things to this inferior women, not because you are workaholic but because you have learned it will get to circus at the end anyway and you want to avoid some of that. You give your sections five days before deadline date. Two days to the deadline, all the other sections are still in yellow written (to be inserted later). By who? for who? you sense something is coming your way. Then, the "leader" calls for a meeting and instead of asking why it was not done, issues orders saying can so and so (you guessed right ...me!) quickly get in touch with all concerned and finalise the document. you ask why? and you hear nonesense like Angelina is heavy and was seeing a doctor this week, so she couldn't do her part. Mary has pack pain. And when you say but whynot Liijana? You hear, "didn't you hear her husband got a new job in another country and she has gone to help him settle". How can you plan in such environment? Also, imagine a post is advertised in the office.You are told to screen candidates and when you submit the shortlist of candidates you thought have good documents, you are told "o! my bad! I didn't tell you I met this competent girl in heblayo's party!? " competent in what you would wonder? cutting cakes? or singing? War waa wasaq wax naago la shaqeeya. And one pulls the other she met on cake-cutting, maternal visit and the whole office is filled with them. Imagine 50 staff will only 10 men (half of them drivers). What kind of a meeting you would expect? One with all action points such as " I didn't like the way she looked at me", " why doesn't she change this brownish scarf she wear for all days"? Gudaafad weeye wuxu. But the one who accepts to be tormented by this people is worse. Waa inaan meelo kale u arsaaq doonto. You are told do this and that by this day, and when you thought that is the end and the rest of how you organise yourself is upto you, the kitchen stuff comes up. Where is the garlic? O! onion is missing? Mindidii yaa qaaday? no one asks you for the soup, you get tired answering whether you saw the broom and if you know if the toilets are cleaned. What confusion! No wonder my problem with women is not at home only. I want a women-free world. Or a meeting with them only in hotels and restraunts, where they are so good and lovely. Malika - Ugaaso, salaan sare. Waan ku baafinayey baryahane bagaad soo noqotay. I don't need to know how they think. They need to know how I think. I am the man. The worst is leaving their office and writing "I want an office where the manager is a man" in you CV.
  22. Abdul, No. It is about women management skills. Unless you are trigger-happy who gets titilated with the first mention of SEX even when it is about disagregating data on sex and age. The Gender stuff these days!
  23. After all, the conventional norm that woman should be on the bottom and men on top when in lustful entanglement is not without rhyme and reason. Some weird feminists are challenging that cardinal rule nowadays with talk of positional evenhandedness, all to come to the tested consensus that no diagonal, horizontal or perpendicular meandering offers more pleasure than this orthodox and default mode of love-making. This is the one our god-fearing parents who sired us embraced as modus operandi when in search of blessed offspring. It is clear to all that any child conceived by any different method would never be a righteous son or daughter. This week, I read a rather bizarre research whose conclusion was that empowerd women has less sex compared to ordinary women. The unmistakable theme of the research was that this is so because empowered women make choices, including when to have sex with their partners. The same researchers could also have found out that all husbands of the interviewed women actually had more or less the same amount of sex, but the selective researches didn’t bother to test this. Less sex by these so-called empowered women could simply be because their husbands graze in other fields and are too tired for their wives. It could also be because empowered women are less appealing for sex due to their preoccupation with the non-senses they do wherever they are empowered to lead or manage. The research actually helped me solidify my strong feeling that women are born bad managers and leaders. They should never be allowed to supervise or manage men. Before a man has to work under a woman, it is wise to institute cutting off his manhood with all its accessories and shaving his beard as part of his contractual obligation. In any case, the pain is the same. Actually, the research above may partially explain why women who are so nice as colleagues often turn into monsters when they become managers. At least all the ones I know, whether from Gambia, Belgium, or Belorussia are the same. They are pedantic, know only how to speak but not how to listen, and above all are panicky in the face of small task. You can miss a wonderful afternoon of premier league football for the simple reason a delegation needs one-page talking points, or because few slides are needed for a presentation to be done two months later. Initially, I thought it is my ingrained male chauvinism that was at fault. I thought I was exaggerating the weakness of this breed. But, when each and every one of the fifty plus woman who I work with, in an office that should really be called heblaayo’s women’s club, all agreed that all the four unit heads (all women) are bad and confused, I knew this is not about personalities. It is about the make-up of women in general. I now also,at least, understood why Islam bars women from taking such positions. With a never-healing wound that bleeds once every 28 days, they are clearly inferior to men. Mood swings are too frequent and they private pleasures or predicaments determine these mood swings. This inturn informs their decisions, their dealings with staff. A simple driver could all of a sudden get a warning letter simply because the woman-boss couldn’t take the sight of her man holding the waist of a much-leaner woman in a super-market the day before. It is not a joke; it is reconstruction of what happened this week. I think men are better in keeping their issues away from office. I think woman are born to be led and managed and when they end up in the wrong roles, they don’t know what to do. They become abusive, indecisive, and the leadership they provide is as straight as a donkey-cart driven by a drunkard. Ban them from office and book them in the bed, where they play a better role!
  24. Huteelka seedigii baa leh ama nin tolka ah. By the way, Mustafe, adeer magaca dadka haka ciyaarinee orod magac been been ah meesha la imo. Waa maxay magaca dadka ee aad ku bacadlaynaysaa?
  25. Markaan warkan maqlay, my first reaction walaahi was war nimanki Prometheus lahaa way u dhamaatay hadaa! They seem to have so much faith in science. I am a sceptic of religions, but never a believer in science either.