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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Why is the name of the author given as A.M Silaanyo. It is Matt Bryden. It shows. Silaanyo can barely put togather two coherent sentences in his native somali, let alone in the queen's language!
  2. Yes, we are supporting Kenyan invasion because of our clan. So what, Tigre man and Goldcoast who foolishly thinks that is the case! I, for one, have changed my position upon reading kenyas mischief on the sea front. But in any case, two many things have changed between 2006 and 2011. Who knew Islamic courts would turn into Alshabab? There is also another difference. Back then Somalia was not occupied by anyone, now Ugandans control the state house. I may even be ready if the ethiopians hit the Alshabab in Hiiraan now. The fact is Ethiopia wants the war in Somalia to go on and on. And we still believe Kenya is a lesser enemy to us compared to Ethiopia. All this facts shape our opinions. For the simpletons who have to define everything in clan loyalty terms, let them read what they want. "Ninkasta halkii kuula mudan ee ay muhato laabtaadu Ee aanad madadaaladeed ugala maarmaynin Iska soo mar waa kuu bannaan marinkad doontaaye "
  3. STOIC;752357 wrote: .I will bet my left leg on that Kenya has the capacity to fight.... On the basis of which evidence or precedence? Gut feeling?
  4. NGONGE;752266 wrote: p.s. A&T is a typical nationalist. Fickle zealot, put differently. Whatever! But only fools mistake intransigence with principled persistence. It is something our nomadic culture encourages. If a Nobel award was to be given for stubbornness, Che would have been an acclaimed laureate not an angry nomad exchanging salvos with a Xaji from Baligubadle, itself from the fringes of Somaliland. I can understand if hurt pride and anger dictates our reaction to the Kenyan deception (with the blessing of Mahiga’s UN) on the sea front, but I fail to see how genuine nationalistic feeling about infringement on sovereignty can be relevant when the issue is about foreign troops entering Somalia. As we speak, Puntland and Somaliland are under the command of Addis Ababa, some areas of central Somalia are occupied by Ethiopian army, Liyu police in Somali region can enter and kill civillians at will in Buuhoodle. What is new about Kenya entering Somalia? The TFG itself is an instantiation of loss of sovereignty. If at all, I believe we can stomach short-term shame for a better day if the incursion contributes to the weakening of Alshabab in the south. This is not to reverse my rejection of this incursion, it is merely to state the reality in an honest manner. My position for now is determined by pride and therefore I say no to Kenyan attack; but let us not fool ourselves there is sovereignty to keep in Somalia today. The right analogy is the seasoned bedhopper woman who moans hard and feigns pain to convince an amateur lover of her virginity!
  5. Alderman;752294 wrote: From 1965 to 1979, Rhodesia (its original name) was one of the most wealthiest nations in the world and was the bread basket of Africa. True! but for who? for a small white minority. Do you know how many blacks were rich in that day's Rhodesia? And do you know the litracy rate for the blacks is currently at about 95% and this has been achieved after independence? That argument you made is fale and the whites who peddled it, with the might of BBC and anglo-saxon media, know it.
  6. I have expressed outrage at the audacity of Kenyans with regard to the marital issues. That doesn't mean I have accepted there is any link between that chicanery and the current incursion into Somalia. I fail to see any plausible connections. Nonetheless, nin sigtay ma noola, and it is better to oppose them wholesale without if and but for their bad intention on the sea front is good enough to startle any genuine somali nationalist.
  7. Indeed Dr. Xinn! Our stances are based on our information. We can't base our political stance on hearsays and conspiracy theories. Ironically, kenya might actually be jeopardising its sea interests with this incursion. For I always believe the end of Alshabab will be beneficial for Somalia. It is not like Kenya can enter somalia and annex land or sea without the consent of the phoney authorities in Somalia. If this happens, it will happen because of somalis legendary lack of patriotism, not because of mischief or aggression. Afterall, it is only Somalis who can sell embassy buildings. If Kenya or anyone else comes up with enough funds (even 15,000 usd for each member of the current TFG MPs), the 'motion for breakfast' MPs will table a motion and vote in favour of the Kenyan proposal. But so far, we have to commend these men for making an exception to their greed and for refusing to surrender somali territory. News just in is Faarax-Brawn has actually been consulted about his aggression and is only faking opposition to it. Afterall, he is more of Kenyan than Somali. Close friends tell me he is advising key Kenyan army generals.
  8. Indeed, the single national issue that unites Somalis across factions is the disposition of the country’s territorial waters. The depth of sentiment that it awakens indicates that Somali nationalism is more than a residual phenomenon. A divided and fragmented body, the T.F.P. showed the power of nationalism in its unanimous vote on October 8. The T.F.G.’s cabinet had no choice but to follow suit. I can't remember when was the last time I remember hearing anything positive about Somalis. But this summary is heart-calming. As to my earlier position on kenyan intrusion, saacadaa laga bilaabo, the bantu/nilotic soldiers with the thick and expansive noses must leave Somalia. "Gafuurada xun ha iskula durkeen, waa d.i.r foolxumo'e". I never liked Mahiga, and i am vindicated. Xinn baan se war danbe laga dhagaysaneyn. Somaliyeey Toosoo!
  9. What Zimbabwe has done since 2000 is remarkable and is for sure going to be replicated by many African nations. Political independence without economic empowerment of the indigeous is nothing. Those who falsfiy the records and talk of Mugabe ruining Zim agriculture need no more confessions than the British academicans themeleves. Ian Scoons, "Zimabwe land reform: myths and realities" is not written by George Charamba, Mugabe's intelligent, firey and controversial spokesman, but by a reputed scholar from University of Sussex. Sata would want to do some of Mugabe's reforms in the mining industry in Zambia and Malema (Tokyo Sexwale is the real man here) is gearing for something similar in South Africa. The era where black africans were mere workers in their own soil for rapacious multinational companies when they could have been employers is about to end. Education changes everything and Africans are getting educated. Defending Mugabe Indigenisation policy, Charamba said " let the point be made here and now: those racists whom our prime minister (Morgan Tsvangaria) wants to call "investors" are actually saying we cannot partner those blood african bobjans in exploiting their resources! Their real place is in trees, on the margins of the global economy, drawing water and hewing wood. Bloody calibans! That is it. We dignify that by denouncing our own empowerment policies as "warped"? We dignify such naked racism? have we become so inured and conditioned to servitude that we cannot visualize anything else better? So conditioned that we dare tell ourselves we liberated ourselves so we become chattels of white investors?...The PM got a donation of second-hand shoes from the mayor of Chicago in his visit there. What is wrong with us craving second-hand shoes from compassionate America, while shitting on platinum, gold, diamonds, copper, tin, nickel, iron,. bauxite, uranium, vanadium, palladium, and many other-diums? Is this not the age of natural resourcess, the century for natural resource-endowed nations?"
  10. loooooooool@Malika. It is because I am more talkative than others and talk about my mishaps. Otherwise, I am sure most people see events worthy of talk. Ngonge, I didn't want to look smearing the tolka traffic, but I actually have many encounters with them. In 2001, driving a car borrowed from friend, xidid to be accurate, I passed a traffic light in front of the national bank. A traffic police yelled from nearby muqaaxi and we stopped. He opened the door (not the front seat), and said to the three friends who were with me, "iga durka, waan soo galayaaye." The guys said they are already squeezed, which they were. I spoke to him and said 'leave us alone, or issue charge papers and we go and pay at the next station". His response was so funny and I haven't forgotten for a decade now. He looked at my friends, literally asking them to intervene and mediate. "Waar ninkani miyuu waalan yahay. Waar ninka la hadla dee. Muxuu boolis station ku falayaa." He looked at me, begging, and said " waar meesha dee waad ku caajisi. maantoo dhan baad layn ku jiraysaa. Aniga shaah iska kay sii oo dantaada qabso." For the sake of the laugh that I was supressing, I continued tormenting him. "ma yeelayo, ee adeer ama na sii daa marti baan meesha ku nahay oo waa qaldanaye, ama sharciga na hor gee". He begged in disbelief and finally we have him 7000 SL shiling and left him. It was funny.
  11. GoldCoast;752075 wrote: The shortsightedness of some of the better observers on here is stunning. Surely you are not attempting to make the argument that Kenya is pursuing its national interest here. This incursion has all the fingerprints of American direction here. ....BTW its just a coincidence the Kenyan defense minister is the kinsmen of the Azanian Professor lol, right? I am stunned this is coming from some of those I thought are wise. Let us not put too many issues into one sentence. If you are saying, this invasion is sanctioned by the CIA, then I would ask what is wrong with that? Have we not all been weeping a week or so ago for the students massacred by Alshabab in Mogadishu? Someone needs to end this carnage, and infringement on already non-existent soverignity is a small price to pay. What sovernignty are somalis here, che included, feigning when Museveni's commander is the one who delivers 'you must leave urgently' message to their Prime Minister (Farmajo)? Let us no pretend there is a sovergnity to keep in Somalia today. We all know the situation and if people are genuine about national pride and territorial integrity, they should welcome anything that crushes Alshabab. CIA encroachment, Kenyana invasion,Amisiom occupation are all the necessary evil in the current context of Somalia. Reclamation of national sovergnity and independence is what will follow the end of Alshabab, it is not what precedes it. The second thing is if this is the work of the US, then where does the Azania think come in? Didn't we read the US opposes this project in one of the Wikileaks reports? And also, is Azania really worse than Alshababa? No Azania should be allowed to come out of this, but if it does, i believe it is going to be better than Alshabab. It might be a necessary evil too, but I pray to God it doesn't. Having said so, I have been reading Kenyan newspapers and watched the local TVs and I must say, at times, I felt like impulsively wishing Alshabab rout them. The ABC of xenophobia is starting here and when you have the Daily Nation saying "Kenya is attacked by people it feeds, it clothes and it treats", you feel like throwing expletives. One other writer was saying the Somalis fear Ethiopia because it knocks doen them at the slighest provocation. Wax qashin ah oo cudqad raagtay oo inferiority complex ka dhalatay oo Somali ay u qabaan ayey malmaluuqaan. But, waxa halkaa ina dhigay waa Alshabab, inaan iska qabano mooyaane, cidna iskama celin karo. We cannot partake in global politics when we have a militant terrorist group in our backyard. First things fist people! Jacphar, adiga kismaayaa rer-hebel qaaan bay kuu joogtaa wali. :D War reerkii dooni ha qaatee qaranimada dalka iyo amaanu inuu soo noqdo taageer. Afterall, Mahiga's bottom-up approach miyuuna aheyn kaan Xinnfanin isku diidaneneeyn. I believe maamul-goboleedyada qabaailada loo samaynayaa inay qaldantay, and it is this principle that guides my opposition to the dark professor of Azania.
  12. update on the matter... http://www.newzimbabwe.com/NEWS-6287-Female+‘rapists’+part+of+syndicate+police/NEWS.aspx And a funny comment from one woman defending the girls: "In my lifetime i am yet to see a man who can fill half a condom with semen. unless it was all mixed together. " 124 men raped in 11 days. It is a serious national crisis. http://www.newzimbabwe.com/news-6066-124%20raped%20in%2011%20days%20police/news.aspx
  13. :D waxaan laguu dirsan maxaad ugalysaa NG? Anyway, I don't protest the presence of AMISOM. I don't like them, but I believe they are useful monstors for now. But I don't like their bombardment of civillians. I accept the charge, I haven't been vocal enough against Amisom.
  14. aaaah! my naivety! Freud's 'psychological projection' comes to mind. It is about the cognitive process by which one "projects" one's own "undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings onto someone else". A liar thinks others are lying, a tribalist thinks whatever the other one says is because of tribe. I, for one, have at no point supported Azania or any clan enclave inside Somalia. Ngonge can, on my behalf, sift through the files in SOL and post my stance on this from the records. My support for the Kenyan invasion came from deep sense of wanting the end of Alshabab. And to the extent it is about this, I support it; even if this has to be achieved through the formation of a clan entity for that matter. It is a lesser evil. But I don't believe there is any appetite for the formation of Azania from most of the people in the Jubbas and Gedo. It is a divisive undertaking and one that should never be allowed to come to fruition. Let it die where it was concieved, which is the big head of the dark professor. It was the end product of a big exercise of professiorial folly by Gandhi. As to the double standard, in this case, I genuinely believe it expedites the realisation of strong secular government, unlike in the case of Ethiopia whose main objective is always to keep Somalia in perpetual cycle of war and anarchy. Kenyan invasion is in the interest of the somali populace who remain slaves of Alshabab. It is in my interest too. Alshabab are worse than any outsider enemy. A kind step-mother is million times better than an abusive real mother. Alshabab are the homicidal proverbial son who claimed orphan status after killing his own father. They cry for the soverignity of Somalia,the same somalia they killed and allowed Alqaeda to kill.
  15. This is not an invasion, and if it is, it is a good invasion. I opposed ethiopian aggression and if you see any inconsistency in my position, refer to Robert Cooper, Tony Blair's advisor and current chief strategist in the EU. "The challenge to post modern states is to get used to the idea of double-standards", he said, and I think Somalis need to get used to it, for it is a fact of life we cannot avoid. Anyway, simulating nationalism at this critical juncture in the fight againt evil islamists is hypocratical. The Alshabab are a cancer and the ailing people of Somalia would welcome anyone who contribures to uprooting them. I am not sure I would have minded if Ethiopians came back and did this too now. But everyone understands that there is fundamental difference between the actions of kenya and Ethiopia. One regime's political survival depends on turmoil in somalia and therefore is actively working to prolong anarchy in Somalia, while democractic Kenya hasn't yet shown any tangible destablising actions in somalia. If at all, it is a victim of cross-border piracy and kiddnappings that are threatening its security and economy. Let us be fair, Somalis. The sad thing is the bantu kenyan army is not equal to the ethiopians and I doubt if they can change the equation that much. You probably know that during the shifta days in kenya, any soldier who comes back from combat with their guns (not surrendering his gun even if he hasn't fired it) used to get a national medal of honour for heroism. :D Ma ku waasa Alshabab wax ka qaadi. Here, the kenyans euphemistically say their army is a "career army", instead of saying "coward army". Something Museveni alluded to only recently.
  16. loooool@JB nin waalan buu ahaa. War ninyahow walaahi you could make a better spokesman for the SL than those currently employed.You are industrious. Norf, he was a police man, we later saw his ID and went to the police station. Maybe he was from Burco, who knows. :D Stone-throwing is a hobby there, you know. Laakin runtii waan yaabnay and the guy at the police station says "raali ahaada, laakiin dee askartu way dawakhday oo cid firinbiga markay yeedhiyaan u joojinaysa majirto." Implying they should restort to unorthodox methods of enforcing the law.
  17. Our car passed a red traffic light after we thought the light was malfunctioning. It was at the center of Hargeisa. Because of the number of pedesterians walking on the road, our car was not speeding. Maybe 20/30 Km/hr. After one minute of passing the light, we suddenly heard a loud voice and a smashed glass. It was the glass of the rear window which was totally destroyed. In shock, we glanced back, only to see a man dressed in traffic police attire on the top and a macawis, with a tiny plastic with Khat on his side pocket, running toward our car. His fist still full, clutching yet another stone to throw at us for breaking the law. When he saw we have already stopped, he came closer and said something like "muraayadda kalena waan jabin lahaa hadeydaan istaagin". I was like where in the world does traffic smash windows of cars as a penalty. Welcome to Somaliland. Now, JB over to you for the usual spin!
  18. C&H, In numbers, they reported! Yes, the men did report and it was a big talking matter for some time. just look at the number of condemns they had when they were caught. It tells you that the number of victims over a period of three years is big. Big politicians were talking about it and victims were giving their stories to the newspapers. Me and our driver was coming from Gweru to Harare and the guy kept on buying chicken, wood, some other stuff on the road and it was getting dark. I urged him to stop stopping by and drive us faster so that we reach Harare before the sun sets. To which he jokingly replied," shamwari (friend in shona), you know Zimbabwe is a peaceful country and there is no risk of roberry on the road. The worst that can happen to us is to be rapped by women, which I personally don't mind". :D I also think few men actually mind if they are raped by women. What matters is whether the rapists are astethically acceptable or not! Again, as the reader commented above erection is tantamount to consent. In 2008 and 2009, the economy was really bad (hyperinflation) and it was normal for people to ask for lift from people driving by. Ngonge, two other comments I found funny are the one who goes legalistic and says that "our law doesn't prohibit raping men as it doesn't mention it, and therefore these women cannot be charged". Posessing condems, filled or empty, is not a criminal act he argues. The other one is the one who is replying to a women commenter abusing her that she doesn't know anything about men anatomy if she thinks men cannot be raped and tells her that is why her husband goes to prostitutes.
  19. Local resident Nkululeko Ndlovu said: "People should be given a chance to see these people. We want to know what they were doing with the semen."
  20. This was a big story in Harare when I was there. People wondered whether it was true or just a fiction. Now, it seems Police finally have managed to catch the culprit women. Read the story below: http://www.newzimbabwe.com/news-6266-Were+just+hookers+female+rapist+trio/news.aspx But the comments from readers is lol-inducing. Like this one who argues that men cannot be biologically raped. It seems a foolish comment from the surface but clearly he has a point. I am still of the opinion that a man cannot be raped by a woman, biologically speaking. A man gives his consent the moment he gets an erection. If he is not interested, it simply wont rise up to the occasion. So where there is an erection there is consent. So lets not waste our time and resources on these men rape cases and concentrate on solving the real cases of men who are raping minors and women. :D
  21. There is no bragging right. Only folks with the dwarfed IQ of the Xaji can take this non-event as an event. I don't even know why the PL guys are busy talking about this. Las Anod is under the control of the Hargeysa admin for years now. Where is the news if the head of that adminstration pays a visit to it? That said, the Qurbo-joog piece is breath-takingly hilarious.
  22. Attor guuyo sagaaro is a false analogy and I know it. I also kind of agree with your analysis above. You certainly have added some interesting dimensions to the matter at hand. However, I do concede that my Tolkay in Puntland are more urbane than my folks back in hawd. And as urbane as they are, they certainly do justice to the old urban adage of "reer-magaale gaboobay, rag haday is qabtaan, budhka soo rogan maaye, waluhuu ku raftaa". :D I like their non-stop admonistions. In terms of military power balance, I always subscribe to the 'mukulaal minankeeda joogtaa, miciyo libaax bay leedahay". No clan can defeat another clan by invading it. And the conflcit between Somaliland and Puntland, despite the names, is fundamentally about clan Vs clan. Laakiin, I don't think Faroole's paper parade of might is because he is preoccupied with other pressing matters.
  23. The title should have read: Siilaanyo Visits SSC Provincial Capital, Faroole Counters With a Press Statement , Xinnfanin covers the shame of his uncle with spirited red-herring and rationalisation.
  24. Xaabsade is like the afminshaar from Qabri-dahar who composed those lines I wrote above for the visiting HaileSellassie in 1960s, implying Ethiopia is the elephant and Somalia is the male digdig. :D All he needed was coins and he got it. Now, no sane Somali believes a clan can beat another clan in warfare. Somaliland cannot beat anyone and even a divided SSC is not sleeping for them. But I would have liked the tolka in Puntland to hit the secessionists hard for once so that the empty pride is punctured for ever.
  25. Diiriye is crazy. He has advertized a post on Kilil5. The post is for anyone who is ready to die for the cause of the I.S.S.A community in Dire Dawa. The qualifications requested are funny. Nin inuu u dhinto qadiyadda ciis.aha diyaar u ah, etc etc. I tell you Diiriye is crazy but funny too.