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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. The art of dating is like a warfare. You need to correctly analyze the situation and adapt the right tactics. If it is a conventional one, for long term implications, you fight the war conventionally. Sending gifts, asking about the girl's family members, passing regards to her friends at every point of communication. "reerkii ka waran, walaalkaa ma qalin jabiyey, igu salaan Malyun etc etc" are some of the ammunition. Future, wisdom, children are the core tools of this warfare. If, on the otherhand, it is unconventional dating, one for short-term gains, you employ gurrilla tactics, you hit and run. You talk rubbish, you act rubbish. You sing 'we got tonight babe, who needs tomorrow, why don't you stay' Kenny Roger material. You embrace vapid meterlialism and talk of the nice restraunt and bar that is opening up next week at the outskirts of the town. You parade gadgets. Your motto has to be 'I don't care avbout anything. I love you'. And you don't care. And the ultimate prize, the one you want to conquer is the body below the belt. You don't make yourself busy on talking to the upper part, only if you are using the equipments on the chest to advance your goals below. So, brother Hussien, the war starts at the day you meet. You assess the material before you. Is it conventional, it is chemical? If is chemical, you wear masks, up and down. And you prepare yourself for a short-lived fight. That always ends in bitterness. So, if your outcry here is a result of picking the wrong tactics, go back and do some evaluation. In life, we meet this situations, and we learn from them. But you should be happy you found out about the girl before she come into your house only to start an insurgency later on. To cope with the current heart-break, do either of this: evolve like Sheikh Sharif and embrace another one. Or go back to her, plead if you have to, pay if you must, lure her to your bed and play to the fullest of your potential. And then discard her along with the condem you are removing. That is the old world tactics of taming the tasteless girls. That is of course if you are young enough to get upset by them and to seek revenge. If not, just move on and go for the right material. Even when shopping, it so happens you sometimes get worthless things you thought were good. It happens. BTW, welcome and have a thick skin for the naysayers who will attack you. You are a man wronged by women, and you can attack them.
  2. xiinfaniin;753564 wrote: In your last post however, you seem to be motivated by a conviction that anything that harms Alshabaab is good for Somalia. And you don't agree with this? People of SOL, you hear it now and here. It is coming from the horse's mouth. Xinnfanin believes Alshabab is better than Azania. btw, I don't hate Sheikh Sharif as a person. I hate his politics and leadership style. He is the same man who claimed that he didn't want the fight with Ethiopia and that he merely followed the youth who wanted it. This, after posing for pictures with military outfit and a gun. The man can only follow, he cannot lead. He should title his authobiography, "Confessions of a follower".
  3. I said I don't support, and I don't support. But I also have explained I don't see it as a matter of life or death for now. And I am objecting to the Kenyan invasion only because of pride. If this tells you that means I am pro-Azania (when I have said I am not, and there is no one I care about or fear in saying what I believe in), I am also perplexed by the basis of your conclusions. By your logic, clan is everything (as Ngonge says) and your opposition to the Kenyan invasion is coming from fear of Azania and hegemony of a rival clan, and not from principle or nationalism. Weird logic. Intaa inaad dhaantaan ku moodayey Dr. I support ONLF and I don't hide it, why should I hide if I want Azania. Dambi ha iga galin, oo waxaana jeclayn waad jeceshahay ha dhihin. I don't have to invoke Freudian projection and say qofku wuxuu yahay buu ku moodaa, oo sidaadaad nin laba af-leyn kala imooday ma inaan ku idhaa. I am not angered by the accussation that I am tribalist (that is pretty much nothing in somali forums, it is a given) but I am more upset with you implying I am hiding my position. I just don't like Sharif's useless posturing. if he doesn't like Kenyas aggression, what is he doing about it? is he condemning? Is he asking for them to leave Somalia? Clearly saying I don't agree is not enough for a president on such grave matters.
  4. I have said my stance. initially I supported, when the evidence of the sea sheninigans came up, I changed my mind. My problem here is Sharif's opportunism and flipflopping. I also don't think the issue of sovernignity is a big issue in the current context of Somalia. Therefore, AlShabab's demise is much more important than this breach of sovernigty to the extent it achieves that goal. Anyway, this is more about Sharif the person than the matter of the Kenyan aggression. Arintan Azania ee la igu shanbadayna waxaan u didi garanba maayo. Ok, I am Azania, and a strong supporter of Gandi. De si dad waa weyn in loo wada hadlo la diide, way na kaa.
  5. I am saying he stands nowhere. That is my issue here, not supporting Azania or what not. Also unlike our tol in Puntland who are more urbane and sophesticated, our advantage doesn't like in camaflouging our beliefs. As such, don't doubt my revulsion of Azania, please. I can take others making that connection. I don't expect that from you. Waana kuu dhaaranayaa ee maqal: Xiinoow Azania ma rabo, waana la hubaaye Waa taan budhcad-badeed noqdaa, oon badaha jiidhaayee Waa taan caruurtaan dhalo, caleemo saaraaye Waa taan safir iyo ka dhigo, saraakiil waa weeyne Waa taan saliid aan dhoweyn, saxeex ku jiidaayee Waa taan anoo haye raba, maya idhaahdaayee
  6. It is clear that the Horseman is not one given to arrive at any given point too. We have the stories of the caravans that take-off at different times but never seem to arrive at any destination. That much is excusable. Revelling on dilatory conjectures about Turkish ambitions in Somalia is not an answer to my question and critique of Sheikh Sharif's migratory political principles and moral monstority. Xinn is most annoying when he reverts into fadhi-ku-dirir mode of 'don't put sticks into my mouth, there is something you don't know that is coming', when the speaker of those words had no idea of what he is talking about. Dear Xinn, are you telling us Erdogan was the last man who saw the Sharif, in which case, his latest rejection of Kenyan aggression is the rejection of Turkey? Put differently, are you confirming that the words we hear from the reddish lips of Sharif are coming from the white mouth of Erdogan? It fits his profile I gave above and it is plausible.
  7. No Xaaji, the Sharif knew Kenyans were in already and didn't register any displeasure over the matter. In fact, members of his government defended the move. All the evidence is that he was in agreement with the aggression. As I said, the man evolves on an hourly basis and we can only tell whose ideas he is reflecting if we get news of who was with him yesterday.
  8. In the corridors of Somali politics, real or arm-chair, his foes and friends know our President –Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, for his fast-paced evolution, in action and ideationally. And because he is one swept by the latest ideas he will have chanced by in a conversation, or by the advices of those who sit next to him before he walks to the podium, it is fair to assume that someone who got a telephone from Addis Ababa or who opposes Azania must have been the last person who saw him when he woke up for morning prayers today. Three days ago, the man who stood by his side as he agreed to the Kenyan incursion, saying that the two countries have agreed to cooperate in the fight against Alshabab due to the ‘unique danger’ the militants pose to the national security of the two nations, was Yusuf Haji, Kenya's defense Minister. In both occasion, he wore the garb of a national leader whose calls matter, with impudence. That he will evolve again is for sure, what we don’t yet know is what words he will use to make the idiosyncratic turns. Four years ago, some spiritually suffused Imams were running away from the same martyrdom they pushed impressionable young men into, in the jungles of lower Jubba. Pursued by Ethiopian army on the ground and US bombers from the sky, they were dying of exhaustion and thrust. They sent the youngest of them, who was also physically the fittest, to go and get dear water for them. The man sent was Sheikh Sharif. They dispatched him with saving dua and yellow jerrycans. They heard him on the BBC few weeks later, not bemoaning his inability to honour his commitment, not regretting his absconding, but drawing up plans and deals with the same enemy the men who trusted him to lead them in war were running from. It wasn’t betrayal, according to the pragmatic religion of the man. It was merely part of a long career, personified by callous progression of principles and loyalties. The Quran teacher from Mahaday, whose theological docility also enabled him to work as a judge in the land of the gangs (under Mohamed Dheere), stood before the Somali people as a Presidential candidate few years after he transformed from Madrsa-politics to mainstream politics. A politics that he thought cannot be survived if the no-hand-shake with women dogmas of the madrasa era is repeated. Soon the hands that waved his uncle’s wife Faadumo squeezed the bleached fingers of Hilary Clinton. And it told all that the man has finally arrived. Elected President, he soon started compensating for lost luxury time in young-hood by evolving to the skies. All the time hoping his fawned anti-enemies-of-Somalia tirade had secured him all-time insurance against legitimate retort founded on his personal culpability for the thousands of Somali youth needlessly sacrificed for a futile cause in Iidaale and Mogadishu. For him, the matter of agreeing to a Kenyan aggression at the end of last week and disagreeing with it at the start of this week is no more than a normal routine in a leadership philosophy based on convenience and who sits next. For the rest of Somalis and the world, it is a confusing contradiction that gives a moral boost to the terrorists, and cements the long-held view that Somalis are a joke. A key question would be, has he consulted the rest of the government? Has he put the matter before the relevant institutions, if not the latest statement which is in sync with the constitution as it is merely a reaffirmation of Somalia’s sovereignty but the one he read before Yusuf Haji and Moses Wetangula? How does he work? And doesn’t he realize that there is a limit to this evolution of principles? Mind you, his name has even evolved as his political career changed. He is no longer Sheikh Sharif, he is Sharif Ahmed! President Sharif Ahmed! If he hasn’t objected to the Kenyan incursion at the right time, what is the point of undermining the gains made so far on the ground at this late hour when Alshabab is in disarray? Is the motivation cheap populism or is it a manifestation of the Sheikh’s yet another footloose political principle? it looks the latter. Which means, we may not have heard his last words on the Kenyan Invasion. If this doesn't make him a complete write-off for leadership at any level, Xinnfanin will have to tell us what will!
  9. Qandalaawi, In truth, the timing is right for a modern rendition of Cal-Dhuux's "Doqonkii long-foot' ahaa Doollo laga qaadye". The Aware I knew 15 years ago is so different to the one today where the people Xaji Xundjuf says has dual citizenship are elected from for Parliament. Things have changed, but is that not to be expected? In Fiq zone, the 'long-foot' has taken (about 200 kms) from oromos in the last decade or so. Waa iska caadi hadii la is riixo and I believe there is more than enough land for everybody. Laakin as I said earlier Xaaji Xanjo believes in la boobo dhul dad kale maadaama long-foot preoccupied ku yihiin Tigre. It is an argument we face from the grassroots as we try to explain why it is important to pay little attention to small land grappig by fellow somalis and why the focus has to be on the big prize of crushing black colonialism. Markaa hawsha iska wada laakin dee yar tartiibiya.
  10. useless populist and pretender this uninitiated Sheikh is! Which dowlad is he talking about? The one that is cowering behind Amisom in Mogdishu?
  11. I didn't say I have problem with images only. Anyway, Ngongoow Qaddaafi ma jecli, waana la hubaaye Waa taan habar-Lover noqdaa, oon nabada diidaayee Waa taan nac iyo uf ku idhaa, Faysalkii noble'ka ahaayee Waa taan newspaper'da ku qoraa, naxli aan jirine Hedde waan kuu dhaartaye i aamin.
  12. The rebels of Benghazi were real, but they wouldn't have meant anything beyond bedouins running for dear life without NATO. The ONLF attacked Obolle, heavy fighting took place and many people died. You earlier asked me if I am against the killing of Gaddafi or the manner of the killing. I am against the manner of the killing. And nothing you said so far changes my mind about my feelings about this savage killing.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;753353 wrote: Iley wants to use the liyo militia to get support from his tribesmen that he support them over the ethnic somalilanders in the regions that's why many from the bigfoot community the last year or so support the dds authority in jigjiga True! We are happy Iley is doing that billing for the Tigre's. As ONLF, waa la kala miirmay, oo anyone who was supporting the liberation front on the basis of shallow tribal sentiment has gone to Jigjiga as diaspora peace-makers etc etc. Dadkii qudhunka ahaa ee qabyaaladu gogooysay sheekadan rer-hebel baan dhulka ka eryayaa ayey la dhaceen. But the other tribes also must think about bigger issues that unite people. Markuu Iley qabiilkooda laayana, shacab baa lalaayey, markuu reeriisa laayana horumar baa la gaadhay oo shiftadii waaa la soo afjaray sheeko ma aha! It is what kilil5 used to peddle when Iley was arresting O youth and elders. Once, he came back for Rasso and dismantled their aspiration of having a separate district(which i fully support by the way), you now go and see that website and its shrieks. Abtigis mar mar run bu sheega marmarka anay caadifadu qaadin. You are right. I lie sometimes, like when I argue "Somaliland is a one-clan projects" :D Wararkaas weeye kuwa beenta kula ah xaaji.
  14. NG, I think I pre-empted some of the stories you gave here (about the tree man and Ceasar) be saying we are not living in the ages of eye-for-an-eye doctrine! Things evolve and what was acceptable at one time becomes unacceptable at another time. Anyway, the lesson I spoke of is not about that justice prevails (which i strongly disagree with). It is not about what goes up will come down. it is actually that justice will only prevail in today's world when it has the West's blessing. That what goes up can only come down with the power of NATO. That the Tamils are a living example of how justice could actually be defeated. The moral of this article is that all dictators need not be concerned by the wrath of their people, they need to be worried about the wrath of Sarkozy, Obama, Cameron and all the big names of modern day imperialism.
  15. Xaanji Xanjo, Arintani way soo noqnoqotay, dadkuna inuu isdilo ma fiicnee maad reerka odayaashooda la hadashid ood dhul-balaadhsiga iska daaya tidhaahdid? Dadku meeshuu rabo inuu dago way fiicantahay oo aan xuduud la kala yeelan laakin most people back home haven't reached that level of maturity. The Somaliland authorities or elders played right into Iley's hands when they announced on BBC "Beelo rer-Somaliland ah iyo kuwo itoobiyaan ah ayaa islaayey." Tigreega ayaa raba dadku inay islaayaan, aadna isu nacaan. Iley is killing his own clan more than any other clan and no one should feel he represents a clan. Everyday we hear heart-breaking tales of rape and killing, the latest being a girl I grew up with, Ladan Mohamed. She had a dispute with a wife of a Liyu-POLICE man, and the miscreants simply took her and raped her until she passed out. So much more painful than a small clan skirmishes is the daily humiliation our women and men face from the Tigres and their mercenaries.
  16. This is false news. The people you see are poor villagers arrested from Dacawaleey area. There was the usual clan fighting in Yocaale district around Dacawaleey, and the 'SNM' clan killed about 11 men from the long-legged ones. I have to say there is a bit of expansionist tendacy from Hargeisa-allied clans. But then after the fighting was over, Abdi Iley sent his Liyu Police militias to arrest elders and youth of the other clan, in a bid to ingratiate himself witht his clan who despise him. This is the fact. Dadkani waa dad reer-miyi ah oo tuulooyinkoodii laga soo uruuriyey.
  17. Passerby, we have long outgrown the idiotic fear-mongering about Amharas. "They will reverse federalism, they will impose their language on you, the do not accept the cultures of other nationalities, etc etc" are all top-drawer drivel. There are things that are simply irreversible and hey no one is going to rely on the generoisty and good-will of anyone (Amhara or no-Amhara) in the future Ethiopia anymore. Concessions will have to be won on the basis of one's organisation and might not on the basis of sympathy. And in any case, there is no federalism in Ethiopia today. It is a one-ethnic set up that abuses the name of federalism. So, forget about this fear-mongering for now. On the Ethio-Eritrea war, who said Meles wanted it to avenge for hurt feelings of the past? I said TPLF wanted that, and you know (unless you want to be ahistorical denialist) that Meles wasn't in charge of the TPLF in those days, except in name. It was Towolde (the one-eyed), Siye as you rightly said, Gebru Asrat, Aragash (who Meles later insulted inn public in Makelle calling her a 'mule' simply because she can't concieve), Alemseged and the rest of the TPLF men who were later fired from the Party and arrested. Meles did not have a single power in those days, a fact all memoires by those who were insiders confirmed. They thought Meles was putting the advice of the Americans and International community before Tigrayan pride (here I give him credit) and were even hiding some crucial war plans from him. They have gone to the exten of suspecting he could be passing secrets to Isayas. Is this not true? Just as it is easy to tell where some one is from by looking at his political views in the context of Somalia by (with a negligible margin of error), it is also easy to use a reverse logic and find out where some is from in Ethiopia by looking at his political views. I therefore know that if you not a Som-Tigre paid by our own mercenaries in Jigjiga, you would probably be a Silte, A Harari, or an Afar from the areas where Meles's daughter is named after. These are the minorities who got more than their share of the national cake and have become the allies of the TPLF. If you aren't any of this, you are a genuine Agame, with all the facial marks and mental deficiencies of an original from Armacho and Indesellasie! :D On another note, as a rogue guest of this forum, can we now say your purpose in life and task in SOL is haranging ONLF and its sympathizers only? Can we hear from the donkey's (Tigre's have donkeys only not horses) lips that indeed this is the sole item in your ToR here? On a serious note, don't take the ethnic sterotyping seriously. I don't believe in them. I hope you realize they are said in a friendly and playful tone! Loooooool@Betinachew! :D Was he aslo betinacher (the one who disperses, not andhargachew -the one who brings people togather) when he was part of your EPRDF? Or has he become "betinachew" after he wrote his book "Liberation-fighters who do not know about liberty" (in Amharic - Netsanatin yemayawqu natsa-awchi". It is a fascinating book and the guy is intelligent. The other day I saw an old Amhara colonel castigating him for forging an alliance with ONLF and every Amhara watcher of the programme agreed Andhargachew made lots of sense.
  18. I know what you are alluding to. Short of open external aggression, nothing (internally) would have removed Gaddafi from power. Hugo Chavez, as much as popular he is among the poor, has powerful adversaries in his own country and millions have fled from Cuba. In the case of Castro, the fact that the world was bi-polar during the cold war saved him from open US aggression. And when it happened, it was dealth with with the full might of the soviet. In the case of Chavez, if US and Nato decide to attack him today, we will be reading about his death or flight on this pages. So, it is not by being popular with your people that you can stay on power, necessarily. In every country, the US included, there are always enough disgruntled people who will only be happy to assist anyone who is to get rid of a leader they despise. Ngonge, enough of what you said is said about Gaddafi and his 42 years rule. I was merely trying to present few disturbing issues that occured in the last couple of days. We haven't seen Gaddafi's men kicking dead bodies when they were ransacking Misrata (I am sure they did though), and therefore we get upset about what we see not what we imagine. The moral decay in Libya is evident to all and I am sure Gaddafi's men might have done the same or have done the same to be more accurate. We condemn that too, but for now, it is the NTC who have allowed their victory to be sullied by their mistreatment of the dead. It is how you treat the vanquished that defines your victory and the NTC lost it. You cannot defend this blatant savagery by catalouging the vices of Gaddafi. We are not living in the age of an eye for an eye doctrine.
  19. Nimanyahoow Somaliland ma necbi, waa na la hubaayee Waa taan naruuro ka dhigtaa, konfor nolol la'aanteedee Waa taan naanaab noqodaa, oo aan aqoonsi naadshaayee Waa taan ninkii cad ee aan arkaba, notice u diraayee Madaxdaydu waa tay uf iyo nac, iyo nusqaanta saydhaayee :D
  20. Xaaji, ninka ma UDUB bay ilaamdeer yihiin ooy is xigaan? Is Siilaanyo saying: Tirtirsiiyahaad Cabdallow noogu timid tacab qasaaruun dheh Tartan meelna aan gaadhiniyo turuqyo daaluun dheh Tamashlaha aan meel looga dhalan tookh u socodkeeda Toddobaad waxaan gaadhiniyo tuhumo beenaad dheh Dhamaan reerkiina tadhahay ee tikidhka soo goostay Taariikh Somaliland ugu horloo maanta timi uun dheh Tii UDUB idiin soo dhistay taran hadaad moodey Tukayaal hormuud laga dhigiyo toxoble daayeer dheh Afartaa tacliintaan bartiyo tix iyo geeraar dheh Tiiqtiiqsi hadal loo yidhoo tudhis la'aaneed dheh Tol-yaraha hubkii dili jiriyo toorri iyo seef dheh Jaamacaa xoog-tolkii amaankiisa taabka ku adkeeyey Taladaa hadaad aayar uun tiisa ugu toostay Kulmiyihii lagu tuntiyo Ngonge toos dheh Mar hadday tolniimadii horiyo talawadaag diidey Nin walbaa wuxuu taransadiyo tab iyo xeeshii dheh
  21. ailamos;753139 wrote: I don't see the point of this. Every dictator from Stalin, Hilter, Mussolini, you name it, has done good things for their people, otherwise they wouldn't be in power. waa dimension iga maqnaa ood soo kordhisay. Thanks.
  22. Cabdalla Xaaji Cali waa qoloma? Miyaa laga laandheeraysan yahay? Meeshaas qabiilkaa diin ka ah oo nin reer-xoog weyn leh intaa madaarka kuma xidhnaadeene!
  23. Has he said I repented? were is the evidence? Jama is among the rare breed of Somalis who rose above clan line, above qooysnimo and chose to sit on a higher national pedastal. He is an inspiration to many somali youth. When you and your ilk chose to suffocate in tight rer-hebel pants, he chose a big trouser with windows and ventillation. Such are the men I respect and admire. Not fools like Adan Siiro who subordinate even their belief to their tribal ancestory.
  24. The brother leader did not owe the longevity of his rule to his iron hand only. Some facts I got from a comment made by people paying tribute to him: -Free Health Care -Free Education -Housing scheme (literally there were NO homeless people in Lybia) -Guaranteed Employement (3 million foreigners from the region sought employment in Lybia) -Social Welfare -Each citizen had a share of the oil wealth -To top all up any Lybian wanting to study higher education abroad was allowed to do so paid for by the government. Add his support to Palestinians and black struggle in Soth Africa. He wasn't a good man, but he sure isn't the devil the west wants us to see. He hasn't killed more than Bush and Tony Blair killed, but no body sees them as killers. Why? because they didn't kill their own citizens, but instead Iraq's and Afghani's? Must you kill your own to be a murderer and a dictator? Tony Blair wants to dictate how an entire civilisation should live, let alone a small country and he is still a democrat for Albion and its lovers! This earth, bothers! What about the destruction of Gaza some years back? is there any killer the BBC and CNN want us to know about? Whatever your political orientation, it is good to look at the untold side of any given story. I feel sad when I see diaspora kids with limited horizon regurgutiating western propaganda.
  25. ANC Youth League Salutes Slain Gaddafi THE ANC Youth League has saluted slain Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi as an anti-imperialist martyr and wants to know who is next. "Brother Leader was ruthlessly killed by rebels armed by NATO forces, who invaded Libya because of its natural resources," the youth wing of South Africa's ruling African National Congress said on Friday. The statement came after pictures of Gaddafi covered in blood were broadcast globally on Thursday. He was reportedly shot dead near Sirte, in Libya, while hiding in a concrete pipe. The ANCYL said Gaddafi had resisted imperialist domination of the African continent and never agreed to the draining of natural resources from Africa, appreciating that they should be used to benefit the people of Africa. The fact that he was killed in combat was an "inspiration to many freedom fighters across the continent and the world," the statement said. "Like Colonel Gaddafi, as economic freedom fighters we will fight to the bitter end and [are] ready to pay the highest price for the retaining of South Africa and Africa's natural resources to the rightful owners," the league added . The league was ready to fight to protect and defend the sovereignty of "our countries", to defend political freedom and decolonisation. The statement, signed by spokesman Floyd Shivambu, said the struggle for economic freedom and liberation would never be easy, because imperialist agents would infiltrate the oppressed and exploited people and portray anti-imperialist fighters as enemies of the people. The only appropriate send-off for Gaddafi was to recommit to the struggle for total economic freedom "in our lifetime", said Shivambu. "The question we should ask is who is next? Rest in peace Brother Leader!"