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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. They cannot own land, they cannot own state, they cannot administer, they cannot dream ambition. They have a home; they have to be content with it. It is refugee camps, it is IDP settlements. These are the nobody’s of Somalia, owners of nothing, children of nobody - the Azanian aliens; Galeano’s Los Nadies. They do not have names but numbers; they do not have faces but arms to work for the owners. “Running like rabbits, dying through life, screwed every which way.” Rest is in their footloose feet, in trekking eternally. Real nationalists fight Siyad Barre with the might of Mengistu, attack Mogadishu riding Abyssinian tanks. Freedom-fighters storm Hargeisa under the cover of Ethiopian artillery. Elsewhere it is patriotism. Elsewhere it is liberation. The Azanians can only commit treason, not strategic partnership, not opportunistic nationalism. Alshabab can only be defeated by Somalis, not by Azanians aliens. We are in the season of semantics, and the high-noon of it. Sovereignty is for the peripheries, not for the center. States are for landowners, not for tenants. Land is identity. It is history. Whether it is rightfully yours or wrongly acquired, it seeps into your blood and psyche. It becomes part of you. If you know the value of land. If you know the value of Puntland. The value of the Jubbas. Azanians should look for it elsewhere, not where the weeping bones of their ancestors lie. The Azanians must consult the land owners, must assuage petulant pirate discomfort before embarking on grave sins of searching for resting place. The Alshabab menace can wait, it can. With Alshabab, the sun rises from the East and sets in the West, with clear skies. Not so for the aliens. The sun will rise from the North and stay there, thunders and avalanches will engulf the land of the rivers. It is Armageddon; it is the end of nationhood. We still haven’t shaken-off from the round revilement reaped from the missteps of the Azanian fingerless (Faroole), reaped by geographical association, more accurately tribal affinity. We still will be cursed. For seeing inconsistencies, for detecting anomalies. There are no more Chinese walls between tribalism and nationalism, the art of terminology and words bridged that gap. It is this blend of hybridized nationalism that Fukuyama should have called the “end of history”. History hasn’t ended, it can’t end. But we certainly ended its "caravan" episode with the Azania enigma.
  2. The Azania clan is not known for selling out national interests. There is no Yey in our midst.
  3. But surely Somalis have shown they are not capable of solving their own problems. Foriegn intervention is not good, but then that means a whole rethink of the TFG. And I believe Hiil-qaran is the closet that comes to mind of a genuine somali initiative. Why not support this?
  4. Somaliland is your concubine. Slap her. Why protest? Abdi Iley will suffice.
  5. I agree with Duufaan. The best way is to fund the Somali army. Kenyan invasion is not good, but so is the Amisom one. It becomes unacceptable when one accepts the lazy Amisom army and throws tantrums about the Kenyans. The same animal has the sired the two armies.
  6. Sayid, simple google and go to the Daily Nation. You will see tha article by Macharia Ghaito. He is a writer I like and I usually read his articles. I don't know where Hiiraan is getting this from? I will send my article to the Daily Nation, not this shallow one but something robust with facts and figures.
  7. I thought he is talking to you. He is talking about the legitimacy of the TFG. I saw you saying that Azania is made in a Kenya hotel and there it is bad. What about the TFG, the Sheikh Sharif leads? Was it formed in Mahdaay or Bossaso? I mean I am finding you not only evolving but also elusive like a wet soap. By the way, I am merely pointing out your inconsistencies about the issues you raise on foreign intervention, regional states, etc etc. I have commented on the 'let us give Azania a chance' thread and you can see what I believe there. People of SOL, Xinn follows an intricate logic: 1. Foreign occupation is bad, but Amisom is ok. 2. Azania is bad because it is made in Nairobi, but the TFG is fine because it is made in Djibouti by IGAD. 3. Foreigners can't beat Alshabab, but Amisom can do. 4. clan states are worse than Alshabab, but Faroole's puntland is good For now I point out this ones, but the story is long. GoldCoast's points are valid, but they are a different argument.
  8. Whatever you are, you are not an evolving man, Xaaji. You are the opposite, a stationary man.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;753904 wrote: Abtigis believes the Kenyans are not as evil as the Ethiopians to make a long story short he does not mind if they install Azania in Kismayo. Nor does he care how the Kenyans Entered Somalia if its legal or illegitimate. Xaaji, In all sincerity, I believe people are debating weighty matters here. I believe it may be a bit too high a level for you to partake. :D
  10. I will not play that game again, Xinn. Let us play the ball. Sidii nin waynoo maradii, meel xun kaga booday oo mid waalane warkii,meel walbaba u tuuray oo magac xumo iyo ka biqi, maamus inuu waayo meeraystayeey, maxaa mawjadan i galiyey Author: afaraydaya aniga copy right keeda leh ee la soco.
  11. So, you want the Kenyan's to have an indefinite manadate to exorcise the ills of its aggression? or you are simply worried the militas who replace them will fight each other? Is that not true to the TFG army in Mogadishu too? Are they not fighting each other right now in many occassions? Are they not attacking food distribution centers? What makes you believe they will not break down into factions when Amisom withdraws? Or do you forsee a Somalia with Amsiom as its national defence force for ever? What shallow logic are are you coming up GC? Quite uncharacterstic of you! Anyway, the issue was never about this. It was about Shabab cannot be defeated by foreigners, Xinn's argument.
  12. Ngonge is wrong. You are not dead Xinn, nor are you sick. You merely evolved like your Shiekh. And acquired a different state of nationalism, one that is too complex and hard for simpletons like me to fathom.
  13. There was no argument Xinn all along. You were playing tha man,not the ball, and I refused to play this wrong game. But in the meantime what we started to cajole time and have a grin led us to a discovery of mammoth importance. It showed us Xinn's restless caravan has a defined destination, one that doesn't need long trek. We followed your reasoning and as it spin, spin, and spin at different levels like a finely-knit Iranian carpet some fool tore apart, the last thread came up with a name: It is called Kismayo. On the issue, are we now going to also go qualifying which foreigner is good and which one is bad? You said Alshabab can only be defeated by somalis. Amisom are not Somalis, unless you are saying all with black head (sheeps included) are Somalis. Why would you think they will defeat Alshabab then? And if they can't defeat Alshabab, why should they sleep next to your Sharif? Some consistency please, even from the grave! Or are you saying there is another dimension to this and the Alshabab in Mogdishu can be defeated by foreign troops but those in the Jubbas can't?
  14. NGONGE;753870 wrote: Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead, Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. He was our North, our South, our East and West, Our working week and our Sunday rest, Our noon, Our midnight, Our talk, Our song; We thought that his nationalism would last for ever: We were wrong. The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood. For nothing now can ever come to any good. (With apologies to A H Auden). Samir iyo Imaan, A&T. Xiin real nationalist ayuu ahaan jiray. Amiin!geeridu waa xaq. waa la wada dhiman. Xinn galbay, ku kale mooye. Allow nin ma ahaa? Ayoub is afadiisa, AT, Goldcoast iyo faarax brawn waxay halkan tacsiyo uga dirayaan eheladii iyo qaraabadii u ka tagay Xinnfanin gaar ahaan xasskii uu katay kalsumo Goohe, qaraabadiisa General Duke, Mr. Somalia, LST, Ducaysane iyo asxaabtiisii.
  15. xiinfaniin;753868 wrote: Still, I will have oppose it on the grounds that Alshabaab cannot be defeated by foreign troops. Ya. They can only be defeated by Sharif's local boys the Amisom. Not by foreigners. Waxaa kalood nagala socon karta barta internet'ka ee www.caravan-wadadhalasho.com
  16. Bishaaro. Bishaaro. Bishaaro. Bil Khayr dhaha dadweeynoow. Waa CARAVAN Travel and Tolnimo Agency oo idin leh soo dhawaada. In Caravan, our religion is Islam, our state is Puntland, our destination is Kismayo. There is no God but Allah, and Mohamed is his messenger. There is no state but Puntland and Faroole is its leader. Others can only have a separatist enclave, a buffer-zone. We provide translation and notarial services. We certify some states, we reject others and we qualify some others. And the big-foots, as footloose people, can only own a buffer zone or live under established states. They cannot own their fifedom in Somalia. Those who believe in this noble doctrine, please join us. Call our chairman Xinnfanin at his Gollis number 252-456-766-12 or write to him at Xinnfanin@pirate-pride.co.PL.
  17. False comparisons and illegal analogy sums up my reaction to the horseman and the Ghanian. How can you talk about the era of warlordism without talking about the changes in the circumstance and context and without Xinn's favoured Mahiga roadmap? Wasn't Xinn who was saying the UN is this time serious about bringing Somalia back? If so, why talk of warlordism which died long time ago? Why draw a parrallel between Gandhi and warlords? Why not compare Gandhi to Farole? What makes Faroole better than Alshabab and Gandhi worse than Godane? What makes one clans adminstration righteous and the other vicious? I don't support PL, SL and Azania. You suport PL, you oppose Azania and Galmudug. What is that? And why are the foreigners become problem when they are in other lands, and not in Puntland where they have offices (security) in clear contravention of Somalia's soverignity? Dear Xinn, this conversation is not without value. For many years, we followed your caravan, we get confused on its direction and destination. With the Azania factor, we finally solved the obstinate equation, the enigma and the mystery. Your caravan's starting point could be anywhere, but its final destination is KISMAAYO. And we will be able to predict its direction in the future whenever we see it without much difiiculty.
  18. There is a limit to everything. A red line. Opposing a clan militia that is fighting Alshabab is clannish in today's Somalia. Anyone who is fighting Alshabab must be supported and anyone who hides behind nationalist garb for clan conisderations must know he is nude. I don't have to oppose Azania for the sake of running away from nasty labels. If Uzunia comes to being and fights Alshabab, I will support it. If Barre Hiirale attacks Alshabab, I will support it. I believe Alshabab are the biggest enemy to Somalia today. Full stop. Having said that, I still don't think Azania is the best construct to fight Alshabab with. I belive so much of this useless accusations could have been avoided if Gandhi and his people would have gone to Mogadishu and take orders from the TFG. PS if Kenya does not drop the Azania plan, Mogadishu warlords will back sooner rather than later. Fully agree. It is my worry too. Perhaps we should lobby Yusuf Xaaji and the backers of this plan to stop it. It will give excuse to others to bring back the old system. By the way, in those days when Alshabab were on their ascendence, Xinn could be forgiven for prefering them to Bare Hiiraale. There were different considerations then. We didn't know how deadly they are. But now,now, give me Hiiraale a million times.
  19. GoldCoast, Your analysis is correct. I don't think the authorities will allow such thing. But it may start spontaneously and we have lots of historical precedences where this has been the case.
  20. Azania is a divisive project in a region with diverse clans. It won't heal old wounds, it will reiginite them. The issue of Kismayo as a city of rer-hebel or rer-hebel will come up again. It shouldn't come to being. But I am amazed by the people who prefer Alshabab to Azania. Is our clanishness that deep? That deadly? If Gandi sets up his tent in Kismayo, would he be bombing children in schoold? Yes, he is a crazy man with crazy ambitions. But he is not a medievial fanatic who will answer to no one. Let us tell the truth. The other day I met another Tolka guy who was upset with Gandhi because according to him Gandhi has given all posts to other clans.
  21. Irrational pride. That is why I am tongue-tied to clearly state my position. And the anger of seeing the malice in kenya's policy towards Soalia. Otherwise, I would have supported an Israeli invasion if it is to finsish off Alshabab. For me, there is no enemy bigger than Alshabab.
  22. Hussien, a fellow SOLer sent me a PM and said something that made me wonder if you are only an "Cawaandi of the upper body". He told me a story where this girl who went overseas, started cheating because she heard things that she never got from her husband back home happen there. Apparently, she picked the wrong guy. After several months, the women heart-broken, by the man's forward-looking disposition decided to break her silence. 'Kaalay adigu, ma xagga sare unbaad cawaandi ku tahay?" she confronted him. :D Maybe, you have not been found a complete cawaandi. This reminds me of my own experience with a cheat. Long,long time ago, a young girl said she loves me and naturally as a man who doesn't like to disappoint any woman, I agreed. It went well. We were children, I can say. But soon, the parents sent me to school in a far land, and after six months I came back. After washing off the dust of the road, I quickly asked my firend that we should go and see Malyuun. "Which malyun?" he asked. I described her. "Haa! dee taas Malyuun lama yidhaaye." He answered. "What? why?" "No, all the people in town know her as "GORBACHEV". He said. "Why?" I askd in disbelief. "They say she has brought openness to the bed romping." he said. "furfuraansho aan horey u jiin ayey ku soo kordhisay magaalada, and men are grateful." I was genuinely broken. Has my sweat-heart, the one I sent tens of letters in the last few months, all along been the river of the town. Aha, I finally saw it. It is Prostryka. It is Glasnost! So, I advise you. Let it go. And look for the real things. You can tell by looking, unless you are so daft that you are like the one's who read a text message "hi sweetie. long time" from a man and take the nonesense that it is from the girl's cousin who lives in far away place.
  23. "If the head of the snake is here in Eastligh, why go to Somalia?” asks Macharia Gaitho, a popular columnist on the Daily Nation, the leading Kenyan newspaper. “To kill a snake, goes the popular truism, you cut off its head. You don't go for the tail”. He was reacting to remarks made by Kenya’s internal security assistant Minister Joshua Orwa Ojodeh who said Alshabab is like a snake with the head in Kenya and the tail in Somalia. The remarks were irresponsible, the silence from ethnic Somali members of Parliament (MPs) in Kenya bewildering. In response to the article, Kenyan readers were equally combative about what to do to the source of the evil. “Exactly my sentiments. Let's start right here in Eastleigh, South B,wherever a large concentration of Somali live.Let's face it, though not all Somali's are Al Shabaab, all Al Shabaab are Somali's.” One retorted. You don’t need capital letters from me to see what is mutating. You can see the tentative walks of xenophobia. The TVs, Radios, and all other media outlets are portraying the war on Alshabab as a war on Somalis, by failing to give adequate background on who the group is and the pain they are inflicting on the Somali people inside Somalia. The elites may know what they are saying and the nuances to their statements. The masses won’t split hairs when they hear Minister Ojodeh’s vitriol. If the recent grenade attacks continue, and the security forces fail to prevent it, the masses know where to march to get vengeance: it is Eastligh, it is South B. It is Jamia mosque. Who will blame them? Somalis must protest, lobby their representatives in the government and above all start putting contingency plans in place should it get to a point where criminals and confused masses try to have a go at their properties and homes. I for one will buy a gun and with the seven kids and the two cousins in the house, I am sure I will claim numerous negroid skulls before they do a Gaddafi on me. :D I won’t make it easy for the them, I promise a pitched battle. I will die on my fadhi-carbeed, not running. I am already planning to send the women and daughters away. The other bizarre thing in Nairobi these days is the elaborate patriotic chest-beating the media is doing about this invasion. The media is fawning and you can’t miss the relish in feeling superior to Somalis for once. Sheikh Sharif’s duplicitous denunciations are not taken seriously by the Kenyan media. No one is discussing bringing the soldiers back. P.s. I will send a sanitized and objective version of this article with a different title to the Daily Nation. I will share when it is published.
  24. I oppose Kenyan invasion. God knows it. I know it. My wife knows it. So, I don't care what others say.
  25. If there ever was a referee in this game called SOL banter, Xinnfanin would have been named Wayne Rooney - a gifted but ignoble striker who could pull down the pants of other players if he ever senses defeat. With his hero and role model perpetually turning in real life and in my post, he decided to turn me around as well and as Ngonge noticed he succeeded in diverting attention away from the real spectacle of a false politician. Any moderator of this debate would have given him an automatic redcard and a ban of six months. But Alas! LST won't do that. He is his pal. We are hopeful Zack will soon get the skills and develop a SOL owned by the Tolka and we will see whether Xinn has an easy ride there. :D