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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Dear Complicated, There are two Kombolcha's Ethiopia, both tiny villages. One is near Harar, the other on the way to Wollo (Dessie town). Both are predominatenly populated by Oromos (muslims). Long time since I saw them, they must have grown to the size of burco city by now, I would imagine. Weather conditions the one next to Harar pleasant (mild), The one near Dessie the same but occassinally gets hot. Beautiful scenary for both, unless overpopulation haven't changed the green fields. Distance - the one in Harar - about 500 Km from Addis Ababa to the East; the one in Wollo - about 400 or there about from Addis Ababa to the North East. Adminstratively the one in Wollo falls under Amhara region (but there is a region called Oromia zone to which it belongs); the one near Harar is in Oromia.
  2. No Sharmarke, you can't serve a mouth that is here and moving as Somalis say. I am saying that any adminstration whether ran by x, y, or z is better than Alshabab controlling the south. In truth, I don't care much about the Azania thing. Have said that couple of times, and my disdain for the originator of the whole project is in the public domain. But, we cannot pretend that even Gandhi's divisive project is worse than Alshabab. Men who would have embraced such initiative if it was coming from their cousins (and I am not making assumptions here, we have the precedent in 2006 when Yey attacked Mogadishu) are now rolling onto the sand, shedding crocordile tears and saliva over a foreign aggression. For pointing out that, for denuding such despicable duplicity and double standard, my ancestory is invoked and attacked. And all the talk of Iley and Jess is diversionary. It is to escape hard scrutiny. Some people are just possessed by the demon of getting portfolios and power, at any price. Some people can't stand and count if their tolka doesn't distribute titles and nominations. The prisoners just want a place to rest. A basic need.
  3. sharma-arke451;754380 wrote: What a double standard. Foreign invasion has no classes and category. Amisom, ethiopia and kenya, all take the same ruling. naar meel qaboow malahan. And by the way, even the maamul goboledyada dhisan, especially, pland iyo sland, dee foreign invasion kama marno. Aah! you are a blessed brother. May you directly drink sizzling danbar from udder of Gobbad. Son of the soil, tell them, taunt them. You have a powerful weapon with you, you have the sword called truth.
  4. At the start of this thread, we said the Shiekh will evolve but we don't know what words he will use to do the turn. We now know the word. With his propensity for duplicity, the Sheikh is unlikely to hold his ground in the face of the mounting pressures. And he will turn for the sake of "the Masaaliixda ummadda". Associated Press is reporting that allies are disturbed by Shariff's call they should halt advance against Alshabab. It is a test of his leadership and he has a unique opportunity to make me accept my own falliblity in character reading. We shall see. Read more.... http://www.npr.org/2011/10/25/141692346/allies-disturbed-by-somalias-call-to-halt-advance Goldcoast, You can also see the source of the info about sharif tellinh AMISOM to halt advance. It is not yet widely circulated but it is not a secret among the diplomatic and international community.
  5. Gandhi should be accountable to the TFG, it is a workable framework, minus the Sharifs and the motion-happy MPs. I am afraid there are no better short-cuts. Men like the PM must be empowered and should feign acceptance of UN and Mahiga's domination for a while and gradually come out of the disgraceful shell later. For that to happen, Alshabab must become history.
  6. Dear Yunis, Fairness and objectivity are not only when you see the wrongs done to others, it is also when you can stand and reject injustices against self.
  7. Che, I didn't exclude myself from the Somalis. The traits I heaped on them are on my shoulders too. Also, you haven't yet shed light on any practical ways of solving the Somali problem. Moral appeals and laments cannot be dished out as actionable policy recommendations. And nationalistic calls made without any appreciation of the current patriotic paralysis and death of somali national consciousness, while effective in titilating the uninitiated and the youth, cannot bear results. Look Xinn's mischief in semantis. Amisom is deployment, Kenya is invasion. Amisom is mandate, kenya is only a paper to work collectively with Somalia in fighting terror. You can see hairs split, split, spllit until the microscope couldn't see any more.
  8. Can you produce a single sentence where I have said I am for the invasion after the EEZ issue was revealed to us? I evolved only once. I supported the invasion, we got a word of what was included in the RoadMap and then based on the new information, I changed my stance. Right now, I am against the invasion. Wadcuu shuadaaikum inkutum saadiqiin, saaxiib. Where is your proof. The Azania aliens issue is a parody and I hope you got it. But I am utterly disappointed by the insincerity of the Sharif and those who cheered for foreign occupation before. Exposing them is not endorsing external invasion. But if the Prime Minsiter comes out and supports this, I will see it the same way I see the Amisom matter. In that case, we will have to either reject foriegn troops in wholesome or accept them wholesome. There will be no retail acceptance.
  9. Libaax-Sankataabte;754196 wrote: The PM never supported this invasion. Quoting silly newspapers doesn't mean much boys. Shariif, if what I am hearing is true and he doesn't change his mind, is taking a good stand against this aggression and the PM is on his side. Unilateral invasion should not be supported. The Kikuyo boys were not called in for help by the TFG. They just invaded on their own. This is the PM statement on the original agreement: "We agreed with our brothers Kenyan government in undertaking coordinated security and military operations spearheaded by TFG soldiers trained by Kenyan government. We welcome the support of the International Community in defeating Al-Shabaab and wish to emphasize the need to do this while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia " No spin. Take it at face value. Well, look at this charade of parading generic diplomatic statements as proof of one's political position. In light of the most recent remarks by His Excellency Dr. Abdiwel, some people are going to eat their words back. I said if Sharif doesn't evolve, I will aplogize and will be magnanimous in defeat. We don't expect that from the spinner (Xiin) and the owner (LST), it is not in their DNA. In their wood of the world, a man can not get it wrong, a man can not accept his errors. It is the only place in the world where the acclaimed dictum "to err is human" is not relevant. It is the land of the "waa la guu yaqaan" and therefore they shouldn't commit sins that can make their forefathers turn in their graves. They shold remain innovative with new ideas, new spins and evolve if possible. P.S. I don't get my news from Garowe online, I said I saw the PM making remarks to a senior UN official and it was catagorical. He was not in agreement with the President's statement.
  10. Whatever happens, we will not emulate Puntland, where SSC got disillusioned, Ras Casayr is forming, Galkacyo is burning and Garowe is the scene of clan vendatta killings. Well, people live where God put them. Some in the Arctic, others in volcano lands of Almaty. People live in Puntland, but there is no governance in Puntland. Let us not fake it. See it in garowe Airport, the one block disgrace. See it in the anarchy and poverty. See it in the kids still bleeding from fresh circumcision, sent on diplomatic mission simply because the fingerless sired them. And there is no poetry, there is no art, there is no fiction too. There is a mountain of ego, appetite for treason, and fixation with playing dirt skirt to foreign elements - an exclsuive occupation of the fish-eaters which is now coming under severe threat because the lions have learnt how to write and jump on the wagon of external invaders. In somali, they call it "the begger who bemoans the arrival of the other begger". The recent talk is the Prime Minister has finally came out and said "we will use even Lucifer to fight the terrorists." I have never disagreed with him before, I won't now. I have immense respect for learned people, and I will support him if he reverses his decision tomorrow. He is my leader, and I trust his judgement. It is now becoming very clear that it is the owner (LST) and the spinner (Xinn) who are evolving with their hero, the parvenu of Mahadaay, a corrupt cleric without sense, without direction. His Excellency Abdiweli has done nothing to make me not trust him. He can come out and denounce the Azania project tomorrow and can count on my full support on SOL and beyond.
  11. Heestan yaa yaqaan - Markaasan Haweeyaay Midhihii - Xinn Laxankii - Faroole Luuqdii Macaanayd ee - General Duke! Goor maa kuugu danbaysay! Anigoo Pirate ahoo, hoyigaygii joogoo Meela la iga hayn baan, hurdo seexan waayaa Markaasan Azaniyaan, nafta kuu hibeeyaa Kol dhaw bay haligmaysaa, ugu hanbalyeeyaa oo aan waliba Gaandiyoow, Kenya iyo foreign Kaa haybiyaa oo, heeso kaaga tiriyaa
  12. You keep on bellowing about individuals, speaking of whom we can line up a long list of pirates in the roll of shame. For a community that mistake bucolic audacity to urabane witticism, Ethiopian biceps as its own muscle, it is easy not to notice the ground moving from below their feet. It is the crow in Aesop's tales which allegedly famished waiting for figs on a fig tree to ripen. You will wait long to walk on the backs of reticent Somalis with false patriotism. The Khmer Roughe of Somalia will be haunted by the skulls and cadavar's in the sewages of Mogadishu. It is sardonic 3,000 strong Puntland contigent that rode into Mogadishu with Ethiopians, cargos of elders that descended on Mogadishu from Puntland as if the people who live there have a life expectancy of 20 and have no elders, were working for to bring back the Somali nation, but those who want to go to their home areas are invaders and dividers. Rank pirate logic! At a personal level, the shame of Ambassadorial treason doesn't bother the fatuos General. Guilt bothers those with conscience! Not those who think with their stomach.
  13. ^ In Ethiopia, there is a popular saying. Passerby would know it. Lijuu qamaanyaa, Abaatuu dhaanyaa. (The son is the theif, the father the judge). Speaking of your verdict, I mean.
  14. In this bazaar of nationalistic hoodwinking, all Somalis can partake in the act and skit. Somalis wear the skin of nationalism in shifts in a given day. Some are nationalist in the morning, others at midday, and the rest in the evening. There is an exception though. Yey's progeny can't enter the hall. They can't share the play. They are too tainted, they are too compromised. It won't wash and it gives away the whole game. Those who wore the badge of Ambassadorial treason can only have mouth to censure others in the land of the audacious, the land of pirates!
  15. It is a grisly sight, brothers; and only the cursed ones can live long enough to see this sin. Look at the devil beatifying! Look the incorrigible sellouts denouncing treason! Age can make you witness odd things.
  16. :D Zack, you hear this humiliation. fast-track the studies and set us free.
  17. Zack, it is an order. get us a nuclear bomb. get us a site. The Imam of the site has clearly decided not to go to the heaven without the kins.
  18. Lol! as if Kenya and Somalia would have come up with "we have agreed that the Kenyan army will pursue Alshabab inside Somalia in clear contravention of Somalia's territorial integrity and sovereignty. We affrim our mutual consent for the somali borders to be breached." Sharif is lying and it is clear. As to Abdiweli, I don't need his press release. I saw him what he was saying to the UN humanitarian Coordinator yesterday live. And it wasn't what LST wrote here. Let us agree the two men arintii dib bay kala xumaatay. But don't say they didn't agree to it. What was Ali Geddi saying when Ethiopian troops were massing in Baidoa in 2006? "we don't have Ethiopian army in Somalia. We have trainers". Is n't the above statement more of the same? LST, marti edeb daran inaan noqono oo hadhow nala soo dhajiyo magacayaga iyo reason: profanity ma rabo. Laakin when we finally get a home and Zack puts up our SOL, si cad baynu uwada hadli.
  19. The Azanian fingerless is not claiming the region for himself and his clan. He is merely at the helm. Let's be fair. Look who is lining up to crucify the mad professor! It is telling. In the Somali political media, only one group has the loudest voice. it is the usual suspects who are barking again. Apparently, if you have to serve foreign interest it has to be Ethiopia. Or it must be you. It becomes a crime when others do. Lest some of the fingers I am pointing are pointing at me also, I don't think Kenya's aggression is good. But a fatuos cyber General, yesteryear's cheerleader of foreign aggression, cannot surely pillory Gandhi from the hole of an Ethiopian security office in Garowe.
  20. YES. Somethings are cooking and the Sharif is acting.
  21. He will prove me wrong if he sticks to his gun for long. And I will concede defeat gracefully. Anyway, I just heard the AMISOM spokesman saying Sheikh Sharif barred them from expanding into districts outside Mogadishu, mainly towards Afgoi. Some are saying the Sharif sensed the exit is near and is creating scenes. Somalis usually become patriotic at sunset. Having said that there is nothing wrong with his stance if he remains consistent. Lol I am listening to somalis commenting on the issue, some are saying the Sheikh is merely evolving into his former courts persona. This could well be a reversal evolution.
  22. Che -Guevara;754118 wrote: Abtigiis....Somalis are plenty capable.. The truth is they haven't shown anything that makes us take that statement seriously. Yet, it is a so true. Support HIIL-QARAN. It is led by intellectuals and is a grassroot movement.
  23. Passerby, is international legitimacy parachuted from the heavens upwards? They are mere words written on paper. Created by mortals. To hell with them. Xinn, adeer, incase you read this the story has evolved like the Sheikh ee la soco.
  24. Ayoub, Abtigiis;754149 wrote: History hasn’t ended, it can’t end. But we certainly ended its "caravan" episode with the Azania enigma. Dabrow, waa maxay bisada boodaysaa?
  25. I admitted nothing. But it is a eureka moment for me. I solved an engima.