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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ina-Iley waanu soo wada koray. He was notorious for beating his mom in the middle of the market shouting obscenities. Gurey, I was his boss and know him well. He is the vocabulary moron, basically you can tell by looking at him from distance. He speaks Amharic and was promoted because he used to translate for torturers in the prison at night when they are interrogating somali girls. There are lots of morons and fools around. Ina-lab-go'le, the head of security in the region, a cousin of Iley and former pick-pocket is one person who can compete with Iley's record. Prison head Abdi Bade, who used to forcefully rape female prisnors is another. But I personally think Meles finally realized using these personalities is not winning him anything and wants to try more acceptable faces. Sadly, the army in the region will not allow any upright person to work there and I am sure the political longevity of people who try to serve the regime while getting closer to their communities will be short. This news is not yet official, but it will be soon. Just got a call a while ago. For some reason, I just believe it will be Suldan Wali or the guy who is chewing here in Easligh Dr. Ahmed Sheikh. Ahmed Sheikh is a veternarian from Afdheer region, naive but good hearted. I can't see him ruling the region for more than few months if he takes power. Met him here and he updates me regularly about how he will be going back and taking power but I doubt. I think it will be Suldan Wali, whom I attended the same school in Harar. Suldan looks like the guy the Tigre's would want. Fluent Amharic speaker, unlike Ahmed Sheikh, more Ethiopian than Ethiopian, alcholic, but then surprisngly a pleasant character if you talk to.
  2. I would caution those who are hitting the dhaanto floor in Jigjiga and Addis tonight with the foreboding words of Christopher Okigbo: “Now that the triumphant march has entered the last street corner, remember o dancers, the thunder amongst the clouds”. This is a mere disturbance of the pattern of imposing outright fools, social rejects and hooligans. They are discarding used condemns, but hey they are already shopping for some more in the shops that sell libido material. Abdirahman Gurey, a 29 year old moron who was the Trade Minister of Ethiopia is now fired by Meles, who stated what was obvious to everybody as a reason for the firing. The PM says the tongue-tied boy couldn’t perform his job and is therefore dismissed. Dead man walking Iley, currently under intense ‘evaluation’ in Addis Ababa wrote in his website that the regional Government requested for Gurey to be sent back to the region who ‘needs’ his expertise. He was trying to pre-empt what was coming, but Meles was unequivocal in his dismissal. Omer Haji, the finance bureau head, and the Auditor General are also called to Addis, apparently to brief the Federal government of the excesses of Iley. There is a reason to breathe a sign of relief. The region will be put under another stooge and the oppression will continue, but by every measure it will be hard to imagine another leadership capable of the thuggery and hooliganism of Iley will follow. I hear the Tigre’s want to try another face, and want to blame Iley for all that went wrong in the last couple of years. I think Meles simply got ashamed of himself, for anyone doesn’t need to sit in front of Iley and Gurey for more than five minutes to see how misfit and moron they are. There are two other Ministers in the Federal set-up, Abdifatah and Ahmed Shide. I can disagree with their politics, but they are highly qualified and capable personalities. You can bear them, not complete i.d.i.o.t.s –Gurey and Iley. If you meet these guys you will simply find it hard to remove your hand from your mouth in shock and astonishment. Ok, the worst the Tigres can do now is to put Suldan Wali on the throne. But he is a Ph. D holder in Agriculture, although personality-wise, you can think of any boozer you know who sleeps where the sun sets. But then, as the Amhara's often quip: ye tamare yigdhalegn (Let a learned man kill me!)
  3. Walaahi NG, when I opened this thread and seconds before I read your comment, I was thinking about saying the same thing and leaving Xinn for you. I was in that resigned mood. Waryaa ileen Ninkan Xinn waa nin wareersan. His arguments , like his caravans, have no staring and destination points. You endlessly keep on evolving from one issue into another argument without conclusively resting the previous issues. No wonder he is a fan of the evolving sheikh. He is a fan of loaded arguments too, where he thrives by playing seek and hide. Hadda wuxuu isku qasayaa Sovergnity, amisom-TFG, Azania Kenya, Ethiopia Hiiraan, Alshabab and Jubba people. Millions of issues ayuu rabaa inuu kaga dhaxbaxo "I oppose kenyan aggression". We noted that and will put refulgent medals of honour on your fat chest. But what salvation plan do you have for people under the sword of Alshabab? No, NG, I leave it for you.
  4. This demo is confused and wrong. Even if you think the Kenyan invasion may help in eradicating Alshabab and don't mind it deep down, why go to the world and publicly support the attack on your own country? I mean, that will make you the laughing stock of the world. It is also disgusting to see the banners they are holding up: "Kenya friend" ku lahaa. Useless indeed.
  5. Xinnfanin, It may give you particular pleasure to know that Azania indeed will not benefit from the Kenyan invasion afterall, but who cares! We told you the most important thing is the demise of Alshabab. For some of us, the story starts there and ends there. What follows is of very little significiance for me. Whether Ahmed Madoobe runs it, whether Amison runs it, whether Gandhi runs it, whether Sharif runs it. Period. But I wonder how you think it is workable to stifle the wishes of the Azania clan to partake in running the governance of the Jubbas? What kind of Somalia are you looking for when you want Puntland to take its share as a Federal state and you don't wish other clans to run their adminstrative issues? I oppose this foolish 'I know for you' attitude. Let the people in the Jubbas decide what they want to do in their region. They know if Kenya or Alshabab is best for them.
  6. What desperation does to a man! Xinnfanin is like a man who tore the back of his pants in a flea market and nervously looking around to see who noticed the embarrassing cut. Alas! he has turned belligerent. Gone are the clamness and sobriety that used to define him. He is coping with the nakedness of purpose and principles through sheer raving and ranting. You can go and see the change in him recently in the other posts too. He is exposed, and he is in line with Sheikh sharif. It is not about sovergnity, it is about Azania. We think the demise of Alshabab comes first, to be followed who rules the Jubbas. Because he is opposed to Azania, he fights it through kenya. In his weird transposition of fates, he also thinks Abtigiis is Gandhi and fights Gandhi through Abtigiis. All the reasonings, all the declarations we make doesn't make sense for him. He is getting romantic about principles, something he used to attack us for. Sadly, only fools can get hoodwinked with nationalistic homilies in the face of the overwhelming support by the concerned people for the campaign to eradicate Alshabab. Today, in Galgaduud and Hiiraan, Ethiopian troops are manning check points, but Xinn is looking southward? Why? Alshabab will be destroyed and then the Azania debate will start after that. Ngonge is also wrong. We are not supporting the demise of Alshabab because it will give us Azania. I am supporting anything that relieves somalia of Alshabab, even lucifer as the PM said. That does not mean we will support Azania. Ok, Xinn opposes Kenyan incursion. What other workable soultion does he have? Amisom? His argument was that Kenya will take somali land. Now it has emerged Kenya will handover to his beloved Amisom, what more pretexts could he come up? Midda kale Shalay wuxuu lahaa dawladii baa diidan, maantana markay caddaatay inayna diidaneyn sheeko kale ayuu la yimid. He is not making any sense at all, apart from creeping iconoclasm that is becoming his hallmark. You cannot dish out laments and meanigless opposition as solutions. Xinn, come clean!You are hiding behind a short and drying grass. Not only is your back visible, your entire behind is in the open.
  7. Islaan da' ah oo foolxun oo lacag badan haysata ayaad guursanayaa. The type they call naarajiin macaa weel in Hargeisa.
  8. Because it is established beyond any reasonable doubt that Xinnafnin's alter ego is Sheikh Sharif, and in light of the emerging news that the Sheikh has indeed evolved from his position on the Kenyan invasion, it is logical to assume that Xinnfanin has also subsequently changed his stance on the matter. This means that his reasons for the rejection of the attack was similar to that of the Sheikh. In the unlikely event this isn't the case, it means Xinn has finally accepted that Sheikh Sharif is a write-off for political leadership. There is no third way, or room for yet another naked spin. The key lesson from this episode is that we have to take all the maudlin pronouncements of Sheikh Sharif from now onwards not with a pinch of salt but with a shovel of dung. And that applies to the nationalistic homilies of his alter ego Xinnfanin.
  9. First, I never said you lied. I said where do you get that news? Now, what you posted doesn't support your assertion the Kenyan government is considering a rethink of its invasion. I leave if for Soler's. In fact, it shows the Kenyan government is only keen to sell its invasion to the sharif whom they are saying is 'sending mixed signals' about the fight against Alshabab. It is a clasic case of the proverbial theif who accused of theft, in his defense tendered an alibi by arguing that on the night the robbery is alleged to have taken pplace, he was with his witch-mother at some grave-yard. Giving away an even bigger crime. What you posted actually undermines your claim. What i said false is the assertion that the Azania is created purely because of Kenya, and the west. you deliberately do not want to see which kenya is in question when it comes to this matter? You don't want to name Yusuf Haji, Farah Mo'allin and the possible convergence between what they want and what Gandhi wants. Your honour is intact, dear Xinn. But we owe this to the SOL community, we have to take you to task when you perform below par.
  10. :D that thread you talk about is a parody. Others could read it as my feeling, not you. You are too advanced for that. I was speaking as a pirate. With a pirate persona and attitude against Azanians. Ngonge will be upset with me for taking you bait and explaining myself too much. But for the record, I am not cheering Azania, I will cheer an Alshabab demise. If that is not clear, then so is your I have no problem with Alshabab beaten, but let it done by Amisom and not Kenya. As if the Ugandan's have taller and finer noses and softer hairs than the Kenyan's? If I tell you the truth, I consider your objection to Kenya to be based on principle and nationalism (despite my hits against you). I will be dishonest if I say I see you as opposed to this project from clan perspective. But the way you are selling your position is really precarious. I may be committing the same error on the other side, but I am a bit compromised because i see a unique opportunity to finish-off Alshabab in this current moves. Minus Alshabab, I will take my war to Gandhi and the fools who follow his project. You will see.
  11. xiinfaniin;754754 wrote: ^^I agree there are indeed convergence of interests but it is between Kenya, and the West. Somali interests diverge greatly from this Kenyan incursion. This is false and you know it. The West didn't suport the Azania thing, if we believe Wikileaks. And the clan declarations this week show the concerned clan thing it is in their interest. Who are you to say those who spoke don't represent their clans view? The daily nation is an independent newspaper. Even its Editorial is an opinion. It is not state policy. All news are not true, and therefore short of quotes from the right government authorities, it won't have more relevance than opinion pieces. And as I have been reading both Daily Nation and the Standard thoroughly all this week, it is curious I was not left with that impression you had. I thought the press, the government and everybody here seem to be too belligerent. In fact, I am getting irritated with their utterances. I haven't heard any government Minister, even the opposition (there is no formal oppoistion) but the parties that play this role, condemning the government. It may change soon, but this is that state for now.
  12. I asked for evidence, you continue with allegations. Never mind. The fact is your objection of Azania on the basis it is foreign backed and acceptance of the TFG (which is created in foreign lands and sustained by foreign hand) is clear contradiction. I don't know how you don't see this! Again, your acceptanc of a clan entity (puntland ) because it is created at home and rejection of Azania because it was created abroad also shows inherent confusion as far as principle is concerned. Will you accept Azania when Gandhi repackages it in Kismayo shortly? Where do you stand on clan entities? Do you have two positions on this too? Why not either reject them wholesome or accept them without ifs and buts? Third, where do you stand on soverignity and presence of foreign troops in Somalia? Without hiding behind legalistic trivialities and paper work, is it acceptable or not? Who are acceptable? And if some are, why not others? What is your guiding principle on this? Clearly it can't be the willingness of the TFG, for some sections of the TFG seem to accept the Kenyan invasion? Including possibly Sharif, who is not calling for their withdrawal as LST notice earlier? I can't believe what I am getting from you. Too many inconsistenices? Too many anomalies? Too many flaws? why? to what end? All I have been doing with the Azania thing is deconstruct the false nationalism that is being used to reject it. That is not cheer-leading. That is not flip-flopping. From the day we read Dr. Weinstein's article, I said no to Kenyan invasion and maintained that stance. But clearly I cannot go on holiday both by mouth and intellect when all kinds of knee-jerk and fatuos reasonings are paraded here to obfuscate the real motives of some people.
  13. “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with b.u.l.l.sh.i.t!” Fields may have quipped, but Xinn is the believer. I have also seen all the conspiracy theory and selective media references you are inundiating us with. It is your right, but it is not the most objective way of arguing issues. Two questions? (1) which daily nation do you read? given its managing editor today wrote " Equally, President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed is asking for something he can’t have...However, if the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia wants Kenya to cease the joint military operation, you should probably consider doing so if President Ahmed and his government can deliver the following: First, there must be an end to terrorist incursions and infiltration. For that to happen, there must be no Al-Shabaab within 100 miles of the Kenyan border. That region, stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Ethiopian border, must be stabilised by a self-governing local population, not by some Al-Qaeda-brainwashed warlord in Mogadishu. Secondly, having secured that region, all refugee camps must be moved there and proper infrastructure, including security, provided for them. In the fullness of time, all must be re-integrated into Somali society. The sustained 20-year export of population to Kenya must be not just stemmed, it must be reversed for the long-term welfare of both nations. Thirdly, the port of Kismayu, a nest of terrorism since the 1990s, must be taken and put in the hands of a responsible civilian authority. Such an authority must have the capacity to end smuggling and to run the port for the benefit of the people of Somalia, not warlords and international buccaneers in Dubai and Nairobi. Fourth, the bases used by pirates must be taken by forces of law and order and the death penalty imposed and enforced for piracy. The penalty should apply not just to the men under arms, but also to the corrupt government officials as well as lawyers and companies in the region who facilitate and/or profit from piracy. Finally, the TFG, in an acceptable format, should offer instruments of guarantee of Somalia’s respect for the territorial integrity of its neighbours, particularly Kenya and Uganda " http://www.nation.co.ke/blogs/So+Al+Shabaab+is+suing+for+peace/-/446718/1262910/-/view/asBlogPost/-/uovbmj/-/index.html Which Daily Nations are you referring to? We, here, don't hear what you hear across the Atlantic? (2) Are the Azanians a tool of kenya or is it a convergence of interest between their interest and intent (right or wrong) and that of Kenya? Wouldn't it look like you are saying the Azanians are dump who doesn't have any political ambition to make such sweeping generalisation?
  14. xiinfaniin;754681 wrote: In support of yet to born clannish entity, Prof. Abtigiis is gradually transitioning to zero in terms of credibility. Where? When? Again playing the man. I merely said loud what is being said in low voice. And I am sure the pictures above of the elders declarations tell the same story. For the record, I have always opposed clan fiefdoms and Azania falls withing that catagory. But your support for Puntland is public. So, how do you accuse anyone of supporting "yet to be born clannish entity? Or is it that you have no problem when these entities came to being, you merely reject them if they seem unseemly to come to being? I can consider a victory if I come out of this debates as a clannish man, provided Somalia is freed from Alshabab. It is worse if I buttress meanigless cyber self-image and ego and Somalia lives with Alshabab. So, yes, if Alshabab are to be uprooted from the Jubbas, I can stoop lower and cheer Azania. It is a conditional cheering.
  15. ^ABSOLUTELY NOT But I can see it doing sharif a huge damage as many and mainly those who matter (the clan politicians) will use it to whip up clan sentiments.
  16. The cleric is navigating in dangerous waters and he is not equipped to deal with the waves. With Ethiopian army inside Somalia, will the sharif invoke national Sovereignty and prove his detractors (myself included) wrong? Fingers crossed! Or Ethiopia is actually not a foreign country when operating in Somalia!? ........................ Ethiopian dagay duleedka Baladweyne 27 Oct 27, 2011 - 7:13:05 AM Ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo wata gaadiid dagaal ayaa la sheegay inay maanta soo dageen deegaanka Ceelgaal ee gobolka Hiiraan, iyadoo aan la ogeyn ujeedka ay ciidamadan halkaas u dageen. Goobjoogayaal ayaa sheegay in ciidamadan ay ka yimaadeen deegaanka Kalabayr oo ay bilahan ku sugnaayeen, balse aysan sameyn wax dhaqdhaqaaqyo ciidan ah, waxaana degmada Baladweyne oo ay ka taliso Al-shabaab laga dareemayaan xiisad. Deegaanka Ceelgaal oo ciidamadan ay dageen ayaa waxay magaalada Baladweyne u jirtaa wax ka yar 10-km, iyadoo aysan mas'uuliyiinta Al-shabaab ee Gobolka Hiiraan aysan ka hadlin arintan. "Baabuur fara badan oo isugu jira kuwa dagaalka iyo kuwo xamuul ah ayay wataan ciidamada soo dagay Ceelgaal" ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah dadka deegaanka oo ka gaabsaday magaciisa. "Cabsi ayaan dareenay, waayo waxaan ka baqaynaa inay dagaalo dhacaan". Mas'uuliyiin u hadlay Ahlusuna ayaa dhawaan sheegay inay ugu baaqayaan dalalka dariska la ah Somalia inay soo galaan dalka si ay ula dagaalamaan Al-shabaab oo awood badan ku leh gobollada bartamaha Somalia. Imaanshaha ciidamada Ethiopia ee Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa wuxuu kusoo beegmayaan xili ay Kenya ciidamo fara badan soo gelisay Gobolada Koonfurta Somalia, kuwaasoo uu Madaxweynaha Somalia ku tilmaamay kuwo si sharci-daro ah kusoo galay dalka. Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif kama uusan hadlin ciidamada Ethiopia ee soo galay gudaha Somalia, waxaana horay ay ciidamadan dhowr jeer uga soo talaabeen xadka ay la wadaagaan Somalia, iyadoo aan la ogeyn sababta ay Madaxda DF uga gaabsanayaan ka hadalkooda. Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada ee Ethiopia ayaa dhawaan sheegay inay ka fiirsanayaan in dagaalka Kenya ay kula jirto Al-shabaab ay qayb ka noqdaan, laakiin wuxuu xusay in la joogo xiligii Al-shabaab la Cirib-tiri lahaa.
  17. Libaax-Sankataabte;754537 wrote: : If Abdiweli truly changed his mind and now supports this Kenyan led incursion, he is 100% wrong. I am against this incursion and see it as a continuation of the same failed bandage solutions. My issue wasn't about your stance or the rightness or wrongness of this invasion, it was your spinning. All along I said the PM hasn't rejected this invasion for once. There is no proof that he did, so it is wrong to say he changed his mind. You read a diplomatic statement (I wonder if anything else could have been said given the issue at hand) the way you wanted. Hadaa dooni markaa isoo dhaji hadaa:D The very fact that Shariif is NOT calling for Kenyan troops to leave the country underlines my point that the TFG leaders are engaged in verbal gymnastics with the media. My point all along. There is no one who is genuinely opposed to this among the top brass. It is face-saving and cheap politicking. It is easy to see real dissent in Somalia's politics. It manifests itself in motions and fight for MPs votes.
  18. No, NG. Not by sheer numbers. By the curse of timidity, and rootedness to old culture. There are enough aliens in this site to make noise, but back in hawd and subaan areas, it is a crime and shame to be seen to be ganging on people. Cultures differ,so it is perfeclt normal if others operate differently. Even our diets are different, why not our cultures and reaction to events. It is what Mr. Somalia calls disorganisation.
  19. NGONGE;754653 wrote: ^^ What if they're playing "good cop" and "bad cop" here? In exactly the same way that you and Zack do! War naga daaya. It is a strong possibility. But again, that would only prove my point of how sophesticated they are. You can see the element of ameturism in my and Zack's game.
  20. Duke is softening his stance. I believe he is being briefied on the wider permuations. Xinnfanin may actually emerge unscathed out of this if it becomes clear Dr. Abdiweli and Faroole are not lone voices, but are representing the consensus of their constituencies. The Azanias certianly believe so and think it is a breakthrough. They think with this developments, they finally exorcised the evil of kin rivalry. This much i heard. Some are even going to the extreme of doing a "Somaliland" if the Sharif couldn't get out of what they think is "clan politicking". The clan experts are mobilising the grassroots along that theme and it surely is believeable for the common man. They are using powerful examples. Allegedly, the Sharif gave a damning interview in 2006 where he said he left Mogadishu to save the people, after fleeing Ethiopia's attack. He said those words in Kismayo, and vowed to make a stand there. The clan experts are tying the knot with some dexterity. "Mogdishu is saved, Kismayo is set ablaze". It is said that Sharif also called AMISOM and others to free Mogadishu of Alshabab, but he doesn't mind Alshabab abusing the people in Kismayo. The plot thickens from there. And you can figure out. That is why even if his call for kenya to halt the aggression was coming from genuine nationalism and duty-boundness, it won't make much sense for significant constituencies. And given the prevailing mindest in Somalia is that things are all driven by clan-centrism, Sharif will only believed by a small number of intellectuals and elites. It is a potentially dangerous development one that can regress the gains made on bridging clan animoisties. A reason why Sharif should backdown or at least should reachout to the disgruntled groups in some way to prevent the situation from getting worse. This could happen without him reversing his opposition to the Kenyan invasion. There is no gurantees he will succeed, but he should talk to the Azanians (even those with him Mogadishu) to erase this clannish victim-playing getting ground.
  21. I subscribe to Orwells “In time of universal deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” Fikqi is not quite revolutionary but has surely stated the sentiments of the majority in Puntland. You see, the issue has evolved. Call it the return of the clans, if you may, or the axis of faq.ash, but the sentiment in the streets has really morphed into one that brings back old faqa.sh Vs USC rivalries. That is what I heard last night. Having been locked in an area where I don't meet many Somalis ( a reason why I compensate for that by being on SOL full time), I didn't quite look at it from that angle. You see, the Punties are allegedly said to be well advanced in political machinations and apparently understand the longterm political dividends of supporting the Azanian aliens. For the Azanians, with atavistic dwarf ambitions, will not seek high office and share in the national political sambuuse, the Punties hope to get a long neck above all others when several 'federal states' come to share power, with the might of two federal states. If true, it is an event that cements the old belief the punties get their cunning political nous along with their milk teeth. These are men million miles ahead of the rest and one Abtigiis locking horns with their attack dogs on the cyber world is not going to change that fact. I was simply flabbergasted with the permutations of the Azania matter and the calculations of the ingenious political animals. To that extent, we can confirm LST, Xinn, and Duke are not representing the voice of their constituencies, and therefore we have to rescind the graphics of the lebels we attached on them yesterday. That won't make them nationalists, but we will have to look for another alibi. One possibility for their non-conformity could be they were not properly briefied as to the issues beyond the immediate horizon by the men who drive the politics of their tol. but it is a weak assumption.
  22. Gabbal;754423 wrote: TFG loyalists who are sensitive to criticism of these realities will admit then the extent to which their reservations about the Kenyan presence in Somalia is misplaced. In fact, a number of the individuals who seem to be adamantly opposed to Kenya's military effort against Shabaab, with misplaced notions of moral superiority no less, are themselves loyalists and supporters of entities and factions whose security is guaranteed by Ethiopia in this respect. I encourage us to be honest with ourselves and cease the translucent pseudo-nationalism witnessed with this specific development. It is unbecoming and drips from the blade of hypocrisy. What an affront! This is preposterous! It is unacceptable hogwash. How dare you, Gabbal. How dare you demand honesty and censure hypocrisy from some sections of our race? How naive of you to expect guilt-ridden contrition from creatures who can't tell what shame and conscience is even if it smacks them at their sea-robbers look-alike faces?
  23. Contrary to Xinn and LST's charitably expert analysis, it doesn't look like the Sharif had consulted those who matter. It could be a small fish or aide told him to oppose the aggression during subax prayers and the Sheikh breathed without much thought. Serious analysts think this time there may actually be a method to the Sharif's madness. They allege he is trying to create a confusion that can help in him getting a spare life beyond next August. But he may have hastened his downfall with his pronouncements, right or wrong. Mahiga is the actual president of somalia, Sharif is merely the mayor of Mogadishu. He should know that. Getting airborne nonstop should create false sense of invincibility. It is a shame, but where was he when Farmajo was shamed by an accord signed in Uganda? Wasn't he the implementer. That was a more clear case of breach of Somali soverignity and integrity. Why didn't he oppose that? Anyway, here is what the US and EU feel about his latest evolution. They wonder if he is evolving back to his old skin, which was the outer softer layer of terror. You scratch his skin a a little deeper and you find fatwas and stonning in his blood. ------------------------------------------------------------ USA iyo EU oo diiday go'aankii Shariif Mareykanka iyo Midowga Yurub ayaa sheegay inay kasoo horjeedaan go'aankii uu Madaxweynaha DF Shariif Shiikh Axmed ku diiday cidamada Kenya ee ku jira gudaha dalka Somaliya, iyagoo sheegay inay u arkaan qorshe uu ku diidan yahay in dagaal lala galo Al-shabaab. Saraakiil u hadlay EU iyo USA ayaa sheegay inay soo dhaweynayaan go'aanka ay Kenya ciidamada ugu dirtay Koonfurta Somaliya,waxana ay ku dareen inay u arkaan mid lagula dagaalamayo Al-shabaab oo khatar ku ah amaanka gobolka oo dhan. "Go'aankii Shariif waa mid dhaawac u geystay taageerada aan u hayno DF, waayo waa mid lagu diidan yahay in Al-shabaab la ciribtiro" ayuu yiri sarkaal ka tirsan dowlada Mareykanka oo sheegay in xukuumada Washington ay aad uga caroortay hadalkaas. Madaxweynaha DF ayaa Isniintii sheegay inaysan ogolayn ciidamada Kenya ee iska soo galay dalka, isagoo sheegay inay sumacad daro ku tahay Somaliya, wuxuuna isla markaa sheegay in ciidamada AMISOM ay ku joogaan dalka ogolaasho dowladeed iyo mid shacab. "Tani waa arin muujinaysa in Shariif uu ka xun yahay in la weeraro kooxdii uu horay uga tirsanaa" ayaa laga soo xigtay saraakiil ka tirsan EU iyo USA oo ku sugan Nairobi, iyagoo sheegay in qorshaha Kenya ay ciidamada ku gelisay Somaliya uu yahay mid ay taageersan yihiin. Saraakiishan waxay sidoo kale sheegeen in dalalkooda ay bixinayaan dhaqaalaha Kenya ay ku faragelinayso gobolada Koonfurta Somaliya oo ay Al-shabaab awood badan ku leedahay si loogu guuleysto in laga saaro kooxdan oo caqabad ku ah amaanka Kenya. Wasaarada arimaha dibada ee Mareykanka ayaa sidoo kale sheegtay inay dib u eegis ku sameynayso taageerada ay u hayso DF iyo dhaqaalaha ay siiso dowlada si ay howlaheeda ugu wado. Afhayeenka dowlada Kenya iyo saraakiil Midowga Afrika ka tirsan ayaa iyaguna niyad xumo ka muujiyay hadalka Shariif ee ku aadan ciidamada Kenya, iyadoo Alfred Mutua uu sheegay in dowladiisa ay ka go'an tahay inay qabsato Kismaayo. Sidoo kale Afhayeenka AMISOM Maj. Paddy Ankunda ayaa sheeagy in Shariif uu amar ku siiyay in la hakiyo dagaaladii ka socday Dayniile, isagoo taas ku fasiray inuu u sheegay in dad badan oo ka cararay dagaalada Muqdisho duleedyada ku sugan yihiin.
  24. A belated Apology to the unknown Seer A humbling apology is due, to the seer who saw it well before anyone. To the light that beamed in darkness but didn’t grace anyone’s heart because the watchers were mortally blind, fated by nature to see the dusky only. For three years (for me), a decade for others, palaver walked with swagger, roped itself with nationalist garb. Climbed a tall camel, trespassed the desert and the green fields, the farmlands and the animal fields, slept under acacia trees, screaming for common sense, praying for unity. The flocks herd him, sang his lyrics with breath-taking melody. But the seer warned all. “it is all about clan, listen to me! men of sentiment”. All turned their back, throwing caution, embracing passion; in pursuit of the saccharine dates the caravan carried. On a blue-sky October, the river-beds overflowing, Azania arrived and the caravan finally has to rest. It has to take deep breath, to get respite from tumultuous journey, from the pain of dry throat that got tired spreading the message of concord, the voice of unanimity. And those who thought it will settle in far lands thanked their God in all accents. They will not cross oceans, they will not break skies, they will not brave foriegn winds. They will settle in their soil. They will farm in their banks. They will wash in their beaches. They will sleep between rivers. No more sweat will be harvested, the destination is enigmatically near, close, like the impending consent of a spinster asked for marriage but pointing to authorizing parents, whom she know are praying for a suitor, any suitor to give off her. And the guardian of the caravan finally got a colour. Not a rainbow one, a dual paint. He became the the ESHU, the spirit of Chaos and Trickery. Wearing two colours, passing betwen villages. The village of the goats will see the black side, the village of the sheep will see the white side of it. A fued will ensue over who saw the right thing. And he will walk the other direction once more, this time from a reverse angle. Those who saw white earlier will see black, those who saw black will now see white. And the quarell will escalate. “I was wrong, it is not black”, say one side; “No!, I was wrong, it is not white”. The God of trickery wore nationalism on one side, tribe on the other side. But allowed his followers to go side to side with him,never from behind or the front, or another tangent. So, each see a different side. Azania united the colours, merged the horizons. There is only one clour in my country. It can be camouflaged, it thrives in clandestine. But it is the twin of God. It is only one. It can’t have two lives. It is clan. The seer is owed something. The seer is owed repentence and recognition. For diagnosing the most plausible impetus for our simulation, for our dilatory transparency.